Exemplo n.º 1
        public IStructureMatchResultSet Match(TextSnapshotOffset snapshotOffset, IStructureMatchOptions options)
            var snapshot = snapshotOffset.GetDocumentView();

            if (snapshot == null)

            SyntaxTree syntaxTree;

            if (!snapshot.Document.TryGetSyntaxTree(out syntaxTree))

            var position = snapshot.Position;

            var result = syntaxTree.MatchBraces(position, Matchers);

            if (!result.IsValid)

            var leftRange  = snapshot.ToSnapshotRange(result.Left);
            var rightRange = snapshot.ToSnapshotRange(result.Right);
            var results    = new StructureMatchResultCollection
                new StructureMatchResult(leftRange),
                new StructureMatchResult(rightRange)

            return(new StructureMatchResultSet(results));

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to locate structural text, such as bracket pairs, at the specified offset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshotOffset">The <see cref="TextSnapshotOffset"/> to examine.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The <see cref="IStructureMatchOptions"/> to use.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="IStructureMatchResultSet"/> that contains the results that were found, if any.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// When the result set is empty, no structural delimiter was next to the specified offset.
        /// When the result set contains a single result, a structural delimiter such as a bracket was found next to the specified offset,
        /// but no matching structural delimiter was found.
        /// The result set may contain multiple entries in cases such as when a language wishes to flag <c>#if...#else...#endif</c> blocks as a structure.
        /// </remarks>
        public override IStructureMatchResultSet Match(TextSnapshotOffset snapshotOffset, IStructureMatchOptions options)
            if (snapshotOffset.IsDeleted)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("snapshotOffset");

            // Get a snapshot reader and configure it for quick initial lookup
            ITextSnapshotReader reader = snapshotOffset.Snapshot.GetReader(snapshotOffset.Offset);

            reader.Options.DefaultTokenLoadBufferLength = 250;
            reader.Options.InitialTokenLoadBufferLength = 4;

            IToken token = reader.Token;

            if (token != null)
                // If the token is not a multi-line comment but is at the start of a token, check the previous token
                if ((token.Id != SimpleTokenId.MultiLineCommentText) && (reader.IsAtTokenStart))
                    token = reader.ReadTokenReverse();

                // If the token is a multi-line comment...
                if (token.Id == SimpleTokenId.MultiLineCommentText)
                    // The Simple language programmatic lexer variant only has a single token for the entire comment so
                    //   ensure the target offset is at a delimiter (and not within the body of the comment)...
                    //   For most other languages, you'd want to scan tokens to find a matching delimiter token instead
                    bool isAtStart = (snapshotOffset.Offset <= token.StartOffset + 2);
                    bool isAtEnd   = (snapshotOffset.Offset >= token.EndOffset - 2);
                    if (isAtStart || isAtEnd)
                        // Get the token's text and ensure it ends with a proper delimiter
                        string tokenText = reader.TokenText;
                        if ((token.Length >= 4) && (tokenText.EndsWith("*/", StringComparison.Ordinal)))
                            // Found a valid match
                            StructureMatchResultCollection results = new StructureMatchResultCollection();
                            results.Add(new StructureMatchResult(new TextSnapshotRange(reader.Snapshot, token.StartOffset, token.StartOffset + 2))
                                IsSource = isAtStart,
                                NavigationSnapshotOffset = new TextSnapshotOffset(reader.Snapshot, token.StartOffset)
                            results.Add(new StructureMatchResult(new TextSnapshotRange(reader.Snapshot, token.EndOffset - 2, token.EndOffset))
                                IsSource = !isAtStart,
                                NavigationSnapshotOffset = new TextSnapshotOffset(reader.Snapshot, token.EndOffset)
                            return(new StructureMatchResultSet(results));

            // Call the base method
            return(base.Match(snapshotOffset, options));