Exemplo n.º 1
 public MapStructure(string name)
     Class = StructureClassLoader.GetStructureClassByName(name);
     if (Class == null)
         Debug.LogFormat("Invalid structure created (name={0})", name);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public MapStructure(int typeId)
     Class = StructureClassLoader.GetStructureClassById(typeId);
     if (Class == null)
         Debug.LogFormat("Invalid structure created (typeId={0})", typeId);
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void InitStructure()
        Template = TemplateLoader.GetStructureById(Class.ID);
        if (Template == null)
            Debug.LogFormat("Invalid structure created (template not found, typeId={0})", Class.ID);
            Class = null;

        HealthMax    = Health = Template.HealthMax;
        Width        = Template.Width;
        Height       = Template.Height;
        ScanRange    = Template.ScanRange; // only default scanrange
        DoUpdateView = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void OnUpdate()
        if (Renderer == null)

        if (LogicStructure.GetVisibility() == 0)
            oldVisibility           = false;
            Renderer.enabled        = false;
            OverlayRenderer.enabled = false;
            if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                ShadowRenderer.enabled = false;
        else if (!oldVisibility && !LogicStructure.DoUpdateView)
            Renderer.enabled        = true;
            OverlayRenderer.enabled = true;
            if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                ShadowRenderer.enabled = true;
            oldVisibility = true;

        if (LogicStructure.DoUpdateView)
            Renderer.enabled        = true;
            OverlayRenderer.enabled = true;
            if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                ShadowRenderer.enabled = true;

            StructureClass      cls      = LogicStructure.Class;
            Images.AllodsSprite sprites  = LogicStructure.Class.File.File;
            Images.AllodsSprite spritesB = LogicStructure.Class.File.FileB;

            if (sprites == null)
                sprites  = LogicStructure.Class.File.File;
                spritesB = LogicStructure.Class.File.FileB;

            if (!MapView.Instance.SpritesBEnabled)
                spritesB = null;

            int newMaterialCount = (spritesB != null) ? 2 : 1;

            if (!spriteSet || Renderer.materials.Length != newMaterialCount)
                List <Material> newMats        = new List <Material>();
                List <Material> newMatsShadow  = new List <Material>();
                List <Material> newMatsOverlay = new List <Material>();
                for (int i = 0; i < newMaterialCount; i++)
                    newMats.Add(new Material(MainCamera.MainShaderPaletted));
                    newMatsOverlay.Add(new Material(MainCamera.MainShaderPaletted));
                    if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                        newMatsShadow.Add(new Material(MainCamera.MainShaderPaletted));
                Renderer.materials        = newMats.ToArray();
                OverlayRenderer.materials = newMatsOverlay.ToArray();
                if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                    ShadowRenderer.materials = newMats.ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < newMaterialCount; i++)
                    Renderer.materials[i].SetTexture("_Palette", sprites.OwnPalette);
                    Renderer.materials[i].SetFloat("_Lightness", 1f);
                    OverlayRenderer.materials[i].SetTexture("_Palette", sprites.OwnPalette);
                    OverlayRenderer.materials[i].SetFloat("_Lightness", 1f);
                    if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                        ShadowRenderer.materials[i].SetTexture("_Palette", sprites.OwnPalette);
                        ShadowRenderer.materials[i].color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
                spriteSet = true;

            int     actualFrame = cls.Frames[LogicStructure.CurrentFrame].Frame;
            Vector2 xP          = MapView.Instance.MapToScreenCoords(LogicObject.X + 0.5f, LogicObject.Y + 0.5f, LogicStructure.Width, LogicStructure.Height);
            transform.localPosition = new Vector3(xP.x - 16,
                                                  xP.y - 16 - (cls.FullHeight - cls.TileHeight) * 32,
                                                  MakeZFromY(xP.y) + 4);

            if (LogicStructure.Class.VariableSize)
                StructureMesh = UpdateMesh(sprites, spritesB, 0, Filter.mesh, 0, 0, LogicStructure.Width, LogicStructure.Height, 0, (StructureMesh == null), false);
                StructureMesh = UpdateMesh(sprites, spritesB, actualFrame, Filter.mesh, 0, cls.FullHeight - cls.TileHeight, cls.TileWidth, cls.TileHeight, 0, (StructureMesh == null), false);
                OverlayMesh   = UpdateMesh(sprites, spritesB, actualFrame, OverlayFilter.mesh, 0, 0, cls.TileWidth, cls.FullHeight - cls.TileHeight, 0, (OverlayMesh == null), false);
                if (ShadowFilter != null)
                    ShadowMesh = UpdateMesh(sprites, spritesB, actualFrame, ShadowFilter.mesh, 0, 0, cls.TileWidth, cls.FullHeight, 0.3f, (ShadowMesh == null), false);

            LogicStructure.DoUpdateView = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public static void InitClasses()
        if (ClassesLoaded)
        ClassesLoaded = true;
        Registry reg         = new Registry("graphics/structures/structures.reg");
        int      ObjectCount = reg.GetInt("Global", "Count", 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < ObjectCount; i++)
            string         on  = string.Format("Structure{0}", i);
            StructureClass cls = new StructureClass();
            cls.DescText = reg.GetString(on, "DescText", "");
            cls.ID       = reg.GetInt(on, "ID", -1);
            string file = reg.GetString(on, "File", null);
            if (file != null)
                StructureFile sfile = new StructureFile();
                sfile.FileName = "graphics/structures/" + file;
                cls.File       = sfile;
            cls.TileWidth   = reg.GetInt(on, "TileWidth", 1);
            cls.TileHeight  = reg.GetInt(on, "TileHeight", 1);
            cls.FullHeight  = reg.GetInt(on, "FullHeight", cls.TileHeight);
            cls.SelectionX1 = reg.GetInt(on, "SelectionX1", 0);
            cls.SelectionY1 = reg.GetInt(on, "SelectionY1", 0);
            cls.SelectionX2 = reg.GetInt(on, "SelectionX2", cls.TileWidth * 32);
            cls.SelectionY2 = reg.GetInt(on, "SelectionY2", cls.FullHeight * 32);
            cls.ShadowY     = reg.GetInt(on, "ShadowY", 0);
            if (cls.ShadowY < 0) // this is very bad. this means that Nival artists were trying to make this structure Flat, but didn't know about the feature.
            {                    // as such, they were setting ShadowY -20000 and the shadow was still appearing sometimes despite LOOKING AS IF it was flat.
                cls.Flat    = true;
                cls.ShadowY = 0;

            // also this fixes Bee houses
            if (cls.ShadowY > cls.FullHeight * 32)
                cls.ShadowY = 0;

            cls.AnimMask = reg.GetString(on, "AnimMask", null);
            int phases = reg.GetInt(on, "Phases", 1);
            if (phases == 1)
                cls.Frames          = new StructureClass.AnimationFrame[1];
                cls.Frames[0].Frame = 0;
                cls.Frames[0].Time  = 0;
                int[] animFrame = reg.GetArray(on, "AnimFrame", null);
                int[] animTime  = reg.GetArray(on, "AnimTime", null);
                if (animFrame == null || animTime == null ||
                    animFrame.Length != animTime.Length)
                    // some structures already have invalid definitions.
                    cls.Frames          = new StructureClass.AnimationFrame[1];
                    cls.Frames[0].Frame = 0;
                    cls.Frames[0].Time  = 0;
                    cls.Frames = new StructureClass.AnimationFrame[animFrame.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < animFrame.Length; j++)
                        cls.Frames[j].Frame = animFrame[j];
                        cls.Frames[j].Time  = animTime[j];
            cls.Picture        = "graphics/infowindow/" + reg.GetString(on, "Picture", "") + ".bmp";
            cls.IconID         = reg.GetInt(on, "IconID", StructureClass.MagicIntNull);
            cls.Indestructible = reg.GetInt(on, "Indestructible", 0) != 0;
            cls.Usable         = reg.GetInt(on, "Usable", 0) != 0;
            cls.Flat           = reg.GetInt(on, "Flat", 0) != 0;
            cls.VariableSize   = reg.GetInt(on, "VariableSize", 0) != 0;
            cls.LightRadius    = reg.GetInt(on, "LightRadius", 0);
            cls.LightPulse     = reg.GetInt(on, "LightPulse", 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void OnUpdate()
        if (Renderer == null)

        if (LogicStructure.GetVisibility() == 0)
            oldVisibility           = false;
            Renderer.enabled        = false;
            OverlayRenderer.enabled = false;
            if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                ShadowRenderer.enabled = false;
        else if (!oldVisibility && !LogicStructure.DoUpdateView)
            Renderer.enabled        = true;
            OverlayRenderer.enabled = true;
            if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                ShadowRenderer.enabled = true;
            oldVisibility = true;

        if (LogicStructure.DoUpdateView)
            Renderer.enabled        = true;
            OverlayRenderer.enabled = true;
            if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                ShadowRenderer.enabled = true;

            StructureClass      cls     = LogicStructure.Class;
            Images.AllodsSprite sprites = LogicStructure.Class.File.File;

            if (!spriteSet)
                sprites           = LogicStructure.Class.File.File;
                Renderer.material = LogicStructure.Class.File.FileMaterial;
                Renderer.material.SetTexture("_Palette", sprites.OwnPalette);
                Renderer.material.SetFloat("_Lightness", 1f);
                OverlayRenderer.material = LogicStructure.Class.File.FileMaterial;
                OverlayRenderer.material.SetTexture("_Palette", sprites.OwnPalette);
                OverlayRenderer.material.SetFloat("_Lightness", 1f);
                if (ShadowRenderer != null)
                    ShadowRenderer.material = LogicStructure.Class.File.FileMaterial;
                    ShadowRenderer.material.SetTexture("_Palette", sprites.OwnPalette);
                    ShadowRenderer.material.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
                spriteSet = true;

            int     actualFrame = cls.Frames[LogicStructure.CurrentFrame].Frame;
            Vector2 xP          = MapView.Instance.MapToScreenCoords(LogicObject.X + 0.5f, LogicObject.Y + 0.5f, LogicStructure.Width, LogicStructure.Height);
            transform.localPosition = new Vector3(xP.x - 16,
                                                  xP.y - 16 - (cls.FullHeight - cls.TileHeight) * 32,
                                                  MakeZFromY(xP.y) + 4);

            if (LogicStructure.Class.VariableSize)
                StructureMesh = UpdateMesh(sprites, 0, Filter.mesh, 0, 0, LogicStructure.Width, LogicStructure.Height, 0, (StructureMesh == null), false);
                StructureMesh = UpdateMesh(sprites, actualFrame, Filter.mesh, 0, cls.FullHeight - cls.TileHeight, cls.TileWidth, cls.TileHeight, 0, (StructureMesh == null), false);
                OverlayMesh   = UpdateMesh(sprites, actualFrame, OverlayFilter.mesh, 0, 0, cls.TileWidth, cls.FullHeight - cls.TileHeight, 0, (OverlayMesh == null), false);
                if (ShadowFilter != null)
                    ShadowMesh = UpdateMesh(sprites, actualFrame, ShadowFilter.mesh, 0, 0, cls.TileWidth, cls.FullHeight, 0.3f, (ShadowMesh == null), false);

            LogicStructure.DoUpdateView = false;
        else if (Renderer != null)
            StructureClass      cls     = LogicStructure.Class;
            Images.AllodsSprite sprites = LogicStructure.Class.File.File;
            int actualFrame             = LogicStructure.Class.Frames[LogicStructure.CurrentFrame].Frame;

            StructureMesh = UpdateMesh(sprites, actualFrame, Filter.mesh, 0, cls.FullHeight - cls.TileHeight, cls.TileWidth, cls.TileHeight, 0, (StructureMesh == null), false);
            OverlayMesh   = UpdateMesh(sprites, actualFrame, OverlayFilter.mesh, 0, 0, cls.TileWidth, cls.FullHeight - cls.TileHeight, 0, (OverlayMesh == null), false);