Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the bounding box for the given trackable and updates it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="trackable"></param>
 protected override void CalculateBoundingBox(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable)
     float xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax;
     CalculateMinMaxXYZ(trackable, out xMin, out yMin, out zMin, out xMax, out yMax, out zMax);
     // Update the bounding box based on the calculated values and any offsets
     UpdateBoundingBox(trackable.xCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + xMin, trackable.yCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + yMin + offsetY/2, -trackable.zCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + zMin, trackable.xCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + xMax, trackable.yCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + yMax + offsetY/2, -trackable.zCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + zMax);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private int SPHERERESOLUTION = 20; // Number of lines to build up spheres from

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the Joint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joint">The joint</param>
        public void Draw(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint)
            Gl.glTranslatef(joint.xCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR, joint.yCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR, -joint.zCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR);
            Gl.glScalef(40f / SCALLINGFACTOR, 40f / SCALLINGFACTOR, 40f / SCALLINGFACTOR);
            Gl.glScalef(1/40f / SCALLINGFACTOR, 1/40f / SCALLINGFACTOR, 1/40f / SCALLINGFACTOR);
            Gl.glTranslatef(-joint.xCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR, -joint.yCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR, joint.zCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the body part based on the trackable
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="trackable">The trackable</param>
 /// <param name="joint1">The first joint</param>
 /// <param name="joint2">The second joint</param>
 public virtual void Draw(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable, StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint1, StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint2)
     //CalculateScallingAndOffsets(trackable, joint1, joint2);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the scalling and offset values for the trackable which determin its size and position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trackable"></param>
        /// <param name="joint1"></param>
        /// <param name="joint2"></param>
        protected override void CalculateScallingAndOffsets(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable, StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint1, StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint2)
            if (joint1.Exists)
                // Set up matricies
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint1PointVector = new StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix(joint1.xCoordinate - trackable.xCoordinate, joint1.yCoordinate - trackable.yCoordinate, joint1.zCoordinate - trackable.zCoordinate);
                StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix rotationMatrixReverse = new StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix(-Math.PI * trackable.Pitch / 180, -Math.PI * trackable.Yaw / 180, -Math.PI * trackable.Roll / 180);

                // Rotate the joint 
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint1NewPointVector = StroMoHab_Matrix.Operations.Rotate(joint1PointVector, rotationMatrixReverse);

                // Calculate the scaling and offsets based on the vector from the trackable to the joint
                scaleZ = (float)joint1NewPointVector.ZCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR;
                scaleY = (float)joint1NewPointVector.YCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR;

                // Protect against really small limbs
                if (joint1NewPointVector.ZCoordinate < 100)
                    scaleZ = Math.Abs((float)100 / SCALLINGFACTOR);

                offsetY = -scaleY;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the scalling and offset values for the trackable which determin its size and position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trackable"></param>
        /// <param name="joint1"></param>
        /// <param name="joint2"></param>
        protected override void CalculateScallingAndOffsets(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable, StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint1, StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint2)
            if (joint1.Exists && joint2.Exists == false)
                // Set up matricies
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint1PointVector = new StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix(joint1.xCoordinate - trackable.xCoordinate, joint1.yCoordinate - trackable.yCoordinate, joint1.zCoordinate - trackable.zCoordinate);
                StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix rotationMatrixReverse = new StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix(-Math.PI * trackable.Pitch / 180, -Math.PI * trackable.Yaw / 180, -Math.PI * trackable.Roll / 180);

                // Rotate the joint 
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint1NewPointVector = StroMoHab_Matrix.Operations.Rotate(joint1PointVector, rotationMatrixReverse);

                // Calculate the scaling and offsets based on the vector from the trackable to the joint
                scaleZ = (float)joint1NewPointVector.ZCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR;
                scaleY = (float)joint1NewPointVector.YCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR;

                if (joint1NewPointVector.ZCoordinate < 150)
                    scaleZ = Math.Abs((float)150 / SCALLINGFACTOR);
                if (joint1NewPointVector.YCoordinate < 30)
                    scaleY = Math.Abs((float)30 / SCALLINGFACTOR);

                offsetY = -scaleY;
            else if (joint2.Exists && joint1.Exists == false)
                // Set up matricies
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint2PointVector = new StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix(joint2.xCoordinate - trackable.xCoordinate, joint2.yCoordinate - trackable.yCoordinate, joint2.zCoordinate - trackable.zCoordinate);
                StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix rotationMatrixReverse = new StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix(-Math.PI * trackable.Pitch / 180, -Math.PI * trackable.Yaw / 180, -Math.PI * trackable.Roll / 180);

                // Rotate the joint 
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint2NewPointVector = StroMoHab_Matrix.Operations.Rotate(joint2PointVector, rotationMatrixReverse);

                // Calculate the scaling and offsets based on the vector from the trackable to the joint
                scaleZ = Math.Abs((float)joint2NewPointVector.ZCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR);
                scaleY = Math.Abs((float)joint2NewPointVector.YCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR);
                if (joint2NewPointVector.ZCoordinate < 150)
                    scaleZ = Math.Abs((float)150 / SCALLINGFACTOR);
                if (joint2NewPointVector.YCoordinate < 30)
                    scaleY = Math.Abs((float)30 / SCALLINGFACTOR);

                offsetY = -scaleY;

            else if (joint1.Exists && joint2.Exists)
                // Set up matricies
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint2PointVector = new StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix(joint2.xCoordinate - trackable.xCoordinate, joint2.yCoordinate - trackable.yCoordinate, joint2.zCoordinate - trackable.zCoordinate);
                StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix rotationMatrixReverse = new StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix(-Math.PI * trackable.Pitch / 180, -Math.PI * trackable.Yaw / 180, -Math.PI * trackable.Roll / 180);
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint1PointVector = new StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix(joint1.xCoordinate - trackable.xCoordinate, joint1.yCoordinate - trackable.yCoordinate, joint1.zCoordinate - trackable.zCoordinate);
                // Rotate the joint 
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint1NewPointVector = StroMoHab_Matrix.Operations.Rotate(joint1PointVector, rotationMatrixReverse);

                // Rotate the joint 
                StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix joint2NewPointVector = StroMoHab_Matrix.Operations.Rotate(joint2PointVector, rotationMatrixReverse);

                // Calculate the scaling and offsets based on the vector from the trackable to the joint
                //Half of the distance between the two joints
                scaleZ = (float)(Math.Abs(joint1NewPointVector.ZCoordinate) + Math.Abs(joint2NewPointVector.ZCoordinate) / 2) / SCALLINGFACTOR;
                if(scaleZ < Math.Abs((float)150 / SCALLINGFACTOR))
                    scaleZ = Math.Abs((float)150 / SCALLINGFACTOR);
                scaleY = Math.Abs((float)joint1NewPointVector.YCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR);

                offsetY = -scaleY;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves to the center of the trackalbe and sets the orientation so that the body part can be drawn
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void MoveIn(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable)
     // Move to center point of the trackalbe
     Gl.glTranslatef(trackable.xCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + offsetX, trackable.yCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + offsetY, -trackable.zCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR - offsetZ);
     // Rotate based on Pitch Yaw and Roll
     Gl.glRotatef((float)trackable.Pitch, 1f, 0f, 0f);
     Gl.glRotatef((float)trackable.Yaw, 0f, -1f, 0f);
     Gl.glRotatef((float)trackable.Roll, 0f, 0f, -1f);
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Implement code to calculate to size of the body part so that the unit shape can be scalled correctly
 /// and so it can be offset correctly based on connecting joint data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="trackable"></param>
 /// <param name="joint1"></param>
 /// <param name="joint2"></param>
 protected abstract void CalculateScallingAndOffsets(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable, StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint1, StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Joint joint2);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the min and max x y and z values for the bounding box that encapsulates the trackable
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="trackable"></param>
 /// <param name="xMin"></param>
 /// <param name="yMin"></param>
 /// <param name="zMin"></param>
 /// <param name="xMax"></param>
 /// <param name="yMax"></param>
 /// <param name="zMax"></param>
 protected void CalculateMinMaxXYZ(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable, out float xMin, out float yMin, out float zMin, out float xMax, out float yMax, out float zMax)
     // Calculate the min and max X Y and Z values
     StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix rotationMatrix = new StroMoHab_Matrix.RotationMatrix(+Math.PI * trackable.Pitch / 180, +Math.PI * trackable.Yaw / 180, +Math.PI * trackable.Roll / 180);
     List<StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix> pointMatrixList = BuildCuboidCorners(scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ);
     List<StroMoHab_Matrix.PointMatrix> rotatedPointMatrixList = RotateCuboidCorners(pointMatrixList, rotationMatrix);
     FindMaxMinCorners(rotatedPointMatrixList, out xMin, out yMin, out zMin, out xMax, out yMax, out zMax);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Implement code to calculate the size of the bounding box
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void CalculateBoundingBox(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable);
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves back to x/y/z = 0 and resets the orientation
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void MoveOut(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable trackable)
     // Rotate back
     Gl.glRotatef((float)trackable.Roll, 0f, 0f, 1f);
     Gl.glRotatef((float)trackable.Yaw, 0f, 1f, 0f);
     Gl.glRotatef((float)trackable.Pitch, -1f, 0f, 0f);
     // Move back
     Gl.glTranslatef(-trackable.xCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR - offsetX, -trackable.yCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR - offsetY, trackable.zCoordinate / SCALLINGFACTOR + offsetZ);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the Rotation matrix of a Trackable by using the Quaternion data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Trackable"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Matrix BuildRotorFromQuaternionData(StroMoHab_Objects.Objects.Trackable Trackable)
            // Use the standard conversion from quaternion data into a single 3x3 3 axis of rotation rotation matrix
            Matrix rotationMatrix;
            rotationMatrix = Matrix.Create(new double[,] { { 1 - 2 * Trackable.QY * Trackable.QY - 2 * Trackable.QZ * Trackable.QZ, 2 * Trackable.QX * Trackable.QY - 2 * Trackable.QZ * Trackable.QW, 2 * Trackable.QX * Trackable.QZ + 2 * Trackable.QY * Trackable.QW },
                { 2 * Trackable.QX * Trackable.QY + 2 * Trackable.QZ * Trackable.QW, 1 - 2 * Trackable.QX * Trackable.QX - 2 * Trackable.QZ * Trackable.QZ, 2 * Trackable.QY * Trackable.QZ - 2 * Trackable.QX * Trackable.QW },
                { 2 * Trackable.QX * Trackable.QZ - 2 * Trackable.QY * Trackable.QW, 2 * Trackable.QY * Trackable.QZ + 2 * Trackable.QX * Trackable.QW, 1 - 2 * Trackable.QX * Trackable.QX - 2 * Trackable.QY * Trackable.QY } });

            return rotationMatrix;