Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CopyFiles()
            #region Loading settings...
            Logger.Info("Loading settings...");
            DirectoryInfo sourceDir        = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.SourceFolder);
            DirectoryInfo destinationDir   = new DirectoryInfo(Settings.DestinationFolder);
            bool          alphaNumericOnly = Settings.AlphaNumericOnly;
            bool          recursiveSearch  = Settings.RecursiveSearch;
            Logger.Info("Loaded settings.");

            #region Building HashSet...
            Logger.Info("Building HashSet...");

            // Create hashset, filtering out spaces and special characters as necessary
            HashSet <string> list = alphaNumericOnly
                                ? new HashSet <string>(Program.Settings.FileNames
                                                       .Select(n => StringFilter.ApplyFilters(n, FilterOptions.RemoveSpaces | FilterOptions.RemoveSpecialCharacters)),
                                : new HashSet <string>(Program.Settings.FileNames, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Full names of files successfully copied from sourceDir to destinationDir
            List <string> copied = new List <string>(Program.Settings.FileNames.Length);

            // Full names of files in sourceDir but not in list
            List <string> skipped = new List <string>(Program.Settings.FileNames.Length);

            // Full names of files in sourceDir and list but could not be copied
            List <FailedCopy> failed = new List <FailedCopy>(Program.Settings.FileNames.Length);

            Logger.Info("Built HashSet.");

            #region Copying files
            Logger.Info($"Attempting to copy {{{list.Count}}} files from" +
                        $" {{{Program.Settings.SourceFolder}}} to {{{Program.Settings.DestinationFolder}}}.");

            // Set to true when a message is logged to the file but not to the GUI
            // If true after all operations finish, an additional message is shown to let the user know
            bool additionalMessagesInFile = false;

            int filesEnumerated = 0;
            foreach (FileInfo file in sourceDir.EnumerateFiles())

                if (list.Contains(file.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        string destFile = Path.Combine(destinationDir.FullName, file.Name);

                        // Skip if destination file already exists
                        if (File.Exists(destFile))
                            Logger.Error($"Failed to copy {{{file.Name}}}. File {{{destFile}}} already exists.",
                            additionalMessagesInFile = true;
                            failed.Add(new FailedCopy(file.FullName, FailedReason.AlreadyExists));

                        file.CopyTo(Path.Combine(destinationDir.FullName, file.Name));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.Error($"Failed to copy {file.Name}.", e);
                        failed.Add(new FailedCopy(file.FullName, FailedReason.Other));

            var    groups        = failed.GroupBy(f => f.Reason).Select(f => new { Reason = f.Key, Count = f.Count() }).ToArray();
            string failedSection = groups.Length != 0
                                ? groups.Aggregate("", (current, group) => current + $", Failed ({group.Reason}): {{{group.Count}}}")
                                : ", Failed: {0}";

            Logger.Info("Operation completed." + Environment.NewLine +
                        $"... Of {{{filesEnumerated}}} files enumerated:" + Environment.NewLine +
                        $"... Copied: {{{copied.Count}}}, Skipped: {{{skipped.Count}}}{failedSection}");

            if (additionalMessagesInFile)
                Logger.Warning("Some messages were not displayed here for the sake of brevity. " +
                               $"See {{{Logger.FileFullName}}} for a verbose log.",