Exemplo n.º 1
        public LevelSetsPropertiesView(IEditor <CampaignFile> editor_)
            editor = editor_;

            Style = "vertical";

            properties = new PropertiesListBase();

            properties.AddRow("Name", nameBox = new TextBox());
            properties.AddRow("Description", descriptionBox = new TextBox());
            properties.AddRow("Icon", iconBox = new ResourceSelector(editor, ResourceType.Texture));
            properties.AddRow(null, new StackLayout()
                Style = "no-padding horizontal",

                Items =
                    (iconPreview = new StretchedImageBox()
                        Height   = 96,
                        Width    = 96,

            properties.AddRow("Campaign playlist", campaignDisplayBox = new BooleanSelector());
            properties.AddRow("Sprint playlist", sprintDisplayBox     = new BooleanSelector());

            properties.AddRow("Unique ID", guidBox = new GuidLabel());
            //properties.AddRow("Playlist locking", new EnumDropDown<PlaylistUnlock>());
            //properties.AddRow("Individual level locking", new EnumDropDown<LevelUnlock>());
            //properties.AddRow("Difficulty rating", new EnumDropDown<Difficulty>());


            Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(properties)
                Expand = false

            nameBox.TextChanged             += NotifyModified;
            descriptionBox.TextChanged      += NotifyModified;
            iconBox.ResourceSelected        += NotifyModified;
            iconBox.ResourceSelected        += IconSelected;
            guidBox.TextChanged             += NotifyModified;
            sprintDisplayBox.ValueChanged   += NotifyModified;
            campaignDisplayBox.ValueChanged += NotifyModified;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public LevelSetsPlaylistView(IEditor <CampaignFile> editor)
            this.editor = editor;
            collection  = new ObservableCollection <CampaignLevel>();

            Style   = "no-padding vertical";
            Spacing = 0;

            Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(new StackLayout()
                Spacing = 0,
                Style   = "no-padding horizontal",

                Items =
                    (addButton = new Button(AddLevel)
                        Style = "icon",
                        Image = Resources.GetIcon("AddGreen.ico",   16)
                    (editButton = new Button(EditLevel)
                        Style = "icon",
                        Image = Resources.GetIcon("Pencil.ico", 16),
                        Enabled = false
                    (removeButton = new Button(RemoveLevel)
                        Style = "icon",
                        Image = Resources.GetIcon("CloseRed.ico",16),
                        Enabled = false
                    (moveUpButton = new Button(MoveLevelUp)
                        Style = "icon",
                        Image = Resources.GetIcon("UpBlue.ico", 16),
                        Enabled = false
                    (moveDownButton = new Button(MoveLevelDown)
                        Style = "icon",
                        Image = Resources.GetIcon("DownBlue.ico",16),
                        Enabled = false
            }, false));

            Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(levelList = new GridView <CampaignLevel>()
                GridLines = GridLines.Both,

                Columns =
                    new GridColumn()
                        HeaderText = string.Empty,
                        Editable   = false,
                        Sortable   = false,
                        Resizable  = false,
                        Width      = 20,

                        DataCell = new TextBoxCell()
                            Binding = Binding.Property <CampaignLevel, string>(lvl => $"{collection.IndexOf(lvl) + 1}")
                    new GridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "Level name",
                        Editable   = false,
                        Sortable   = false,
                        Resizable  = true,
                        Width      = 190,

                        DataCell = new TextBoxCell()
                            Binding = Binding.Property <CampaignLevel, string>(lvl => $"{lvl.Name}")
                    new GridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "Title",
                        Editable   = false,
                        Sortable   = false,
                        Resizable  = true,
                        Width      = 190,

                        DataCell = new TextBoxCell()
                            Binding = Binding.Property <CampaignLevel, string>(lvl => $"{lvl.Title}")

                ContextMenu = new ContextMenu
                    addMenuButton = new ButtonMenuItem(AddLevel)
                    Image = Resources.GetIcon("AddGreen.ico"),
                    Text  = "Add new level to playlist"
                    editMenuButton = new ButtonMenuItem(EditLevel)
                    Image = Resources.GetIcon("Pencil.ico"),
                    Text  = "Edit level information"
                    removeMenuButton = new ButtonMenuItem(RemoveLevel)
                    Image = Resources.GetIcon("CloseRed.ico"),
                    Text  = "Remove level from playlist"
                    new SeparatorMenuItem(),
                    moveUpMenuButton = new ButtonMenuItem(MoveLevelUp)
                    Image = Resources.GetIcon("UpBlue.ico"),
                    Text  = "Move level up"
                    moveDownMenuButton = new ButtonMenuItem(MoveLevelDown)
                    Image = Resources.GetIcon("DownBlue.ico"),
                    Text  = "Move level down"
            }, true));

            Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(new StackLayout()
                Spacing = 0,
                Style   = "no-padding horizontal",

                BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 48, 48),

                Height = THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT_SMALL,

                Items =
                    new StackLayoutItem(selectionThumbnail = new StretchedImageBox()
                        Image  = Resources.GetImage("NoLevelImageFound.png"),
                        Width  = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_SMALL,
                        Height = THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT_SMALL
                    }, false),
                    new StackLayoutItem(new StackLayout()
                        Style                              = "vertical",
                        HorizontalContentAlignment         = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
                        Spacing =                          4,
                        Padding = new Padding(18),

                        Items                              =
                            (selectionHeader               = new Label()
                                TextColor                  = Colors.White,
                                Font                       = new Font(FontFamilies.Sans, 12, FontStyle.Bold)
                            (selectionText                 = new Label()
                                TextColor                  = Colors.White,
                                Font                       = new Font(FontFamilies.Sans, 10, FontStyle.None)
                    }, true)
            }, false));

            levelList.DataStore = collection;

            levelList.CellDoubleClick  += EditLevel;
            levelList.SelectionChanged += SelectionChanged;

            OnModified += (sender, e) => editor.Modified = true;
        public LevelPropertiesWindow(IEditor <CampaignFile> editor, CampaignLevel level)
            this.editor = editor;

            Data = level.CloneObject()
                   ?? new CampaignLevel()
                Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            Title   = $"{(Equals(level, null) ? "Add" : "Edit")} level";
            Size    = MinimumSize = new Size(600, 400);
            Padding = new Padding(8);

            Resizable = true;

            Content = new StackLayout()
                Style   = "vertical",
                Spacing = 8,

                Items =
                    new StackLayoutItem(tabs = new ExtendedTabControl(),           true),
                    new StackLayoutItem(new StackLayout()
                        Style   = "horizontal",
                        Spacing =                                  8,
                        Padding = new Padding(0,                          8,0, 0),

                        Items                =
                            (DefaultButton   = new Button(OnConfirm)
                                Text         = "OK",
                                Image        = Resources.GetIcon("CheckGreen.ico",     16)
                            (AbortButton     = new Button(OnCancel)
                                Text         = "Cancel",
                                Image        = Resources.GetIcon("CloseRed.ico", 16)
                    }, false)

            #region General Tab
            tabs.AddPage("General", generalProperties = new DynamicLayout());


            generalProperties.AddRow("Unique ID", propLevelGuid  = new GuidLabel());
            generalProperties.AddRow("Level file", propLevelFile = new ResourceSelector(editor, ResourceType.Level));
            generalProperties.AddRow("Level name", propLevelName = new TextBox());


            //tabs.AddPage("Gameplay", gameplayProperties = new DynamicLayout());

            #region Loading Screen Tab
            tabs.AddPage("Loading screen", loadingScreenProperties = new DynamicLayout());


            loadingScreenProperties.AddRow("Background image", propLoadingBackground = new ResourceSelector(editor, ResourceType.Texture));

            loadingScreenProperties.AddRow(string.Empty, new StackLayout()
                Style = "no-padding horizontal",

                Items =
                    (propLoadingBackgroundPreview = new StretchedImageBox()
                        Width                     =160,
                        Height                    = 90

            loadingScreenProperties.AddRow("Overwrite loading text", propLoadingOverwriteText = new BooleanSelector());
            loadingScreenProperties.AddRow("Loading text", propLoadingText = new TextBox());
            loadingScreenProperties.AddRow("Progress indicator icon", propLoadingBackgroundIcon = new ResourceSelector(editor, ResourceType.Texture));
            loadingScreenProperties.AddRow(string.Empty, new StackLayout()
                Style = "no-padding horizontal",

                Items =
                    (propLoadingBackgroundIconPreview = new StretchedImageBox()
                        Width                         =64,
                        Height                        = 64


            #region Intro Sequence Tab
            tabs.AddPage("Intro sequence", introSequenceProperties = new DynamicLayout());


            // Set whether or not to show the intro, the intro style and text values

            introSequenceProperties.AddRow("Intro type", propIntroType   = new EnumDropDown <LevelTransitionType>());
            introSequenceProperties.AddRow("First line", propIntroLine1  = new TextBox());
            introSequenceProperties.AddRow("Second line", propIntroLine2 = new TextBox());


            #region Event Subscribing
            propLoadingOverwriteText.ValueChanged      += OnOverwriteLoadingTextChanged;
            propIntroType.SelectedValueChanged         += OnTransitionTypeChanged;
            propLoadingBackground.ResourceSelected     += OnBackgroundSelected;
            propLoadingBackgroundIcon.ResourceSelected += OnLoadingIconSelected;
