Exemplo n.º 1
        // Add initialization of Sub for the current Structure
        public override void ExitTypeStmt([NotNull] BosParser.TypeStmtContext context)
            var currentType = TypesStack.Pop();

            if (InitStructures.ContainsKey(currentType) && InitStructures[currentType].Text.Length > 0)
                StreamRewriter.InsertBefore(context.Stop, InitStructures[currentType].Text);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //transform a Type in a Structure
        // typeStmt rule (VBA.g4 Line 502)
        public override void EnterTypeStmt([NotNull] BosParser.TypeStmtContext context)
            // Find the type name or in the grammar the identifier
            var typeName = context.ambiguousIdentifier().GetText();

            TypesStack.Push(typeName);  // Store it in the stack, helpful when recreating the type
            // Used to create the new type
            InitStructures.Add(typeName, new StructureInitializer(typeName));
            StreamRewriter.Replace(context.TYPE().Symbol, "Structure");
            StreamRewriter.Replace(context.END_TYPE().Symbol, "End Structure");

            string visibility = context.visibility().GetText();

            foreach (var st in context.typeStmt_Element())
                StreamRewriter.InsertBefore(st.Start, $"{visibility} ");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void EnterSubStmt([NotNull] BosParser.SubStmtContext context)
            if (context.ambiguousIdentifier().GetText().Trim() == "Main_Run" ||
                context.ambiguousIdentifier().GetText().Trim() == "Main_Sub" ||
                context.ambiguousIdentifier().GetText().Trim() == "Main")
                IsMainFile = true;
                StreamRewriter.Replace(context.ambiguousIdentifier().Start, "Main");

                if (context.block() == null)
                    return; // Empty Main Statement
                // Some function of VB.Net are culture-aware,
                // this means, for instance, that when parsing a double from a
                // string it searches for the proper-culture decimal separator
                // (e.g, ',' or '.'). So, we set a culture that ensure
                // that VB.Net uses a decimal separator '.'
                string startWatchStr       = $"{ Environment.NewLine} Dim sw As System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(){Environment.NewLine}";
                string invariantCultureStr = $"{Environment.NewLine}System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture{Environment.NewLine}";

                // StreamRewriter.InsertBefore(null, startWatchStr);
                StreamRewriter.InsertBefore(context.block().Start, startWatchStr);
                StreamRewriter.InsertBefore(context.block().Start, invariantCultureStr);

                // Make the program wait at the end
                var waitStr      = $"{Environment.NewLine}Console.WriteLine(\"Press any key to exit the program\"){Environment.NewLine}Console.ReadKey(){Environment.NewLine}";
                var stopWatchStr = $"{ Environment.NewLine}" +
                                   $"sw.Stop(){ Environment.NewLine}" +
                                   $"Console.WriteLine($\"Time elapsed {{sw.Elapsed}}\"){Environment.NewLine}";
                // InsertBefore reverses the position of the transpiled lines,
                // so at the end one has stopWatchStr and then waitStr
                StreamRewriter.InsertAfter(context.block()?.Stop, waitStr);
                StreamRewriter.InsertAfter(context.block()?.Stop, stopWatchStr);
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Is not needed for Bos
        //public override void EnterModule(BosParser.ModuleContext context) {
        //    // check if an option is present
        //    if (context?.moduleOptions() != null && !context.moduleOptions().IsEmpty) {
        //        TokenImport = context.moduleOptions().Stop;
        //    }

        // Rule called after the building of the tree, is the exit function of the entry
        // parsing point. To wrap VBA In A Module (for example)
        public override void ExitStartRule([NotNull] BosParser.StartRuleContext ruleContext)
            //  If an option is present it must be before everything else, therefore we have
            // to check where to put the start of the module
            var baseText = $"Imports System {Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic{Environment.NewLine}Imports System.Math{Environment.NewLine}Imports System.Linq{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}";

            // var moduleBaseText = $"Module {FileName}{Environment.NewLine}";
            // baseText = baseText + moduleBaseText;

            if (TokenImport != null)
                // add imports and module
                StreamRewriter.InsertAfter(TokenImport, $"{Environment.NewLine}{baseText}");
                StreamRewriter.InsertBefore(ruleContext.Start, baseText);

            /// Commented module statements for vb compilation using libs
            // string moduleEndText = $"{Environment.NewLine}End Module";
            // StreamRewriter.InsertAfter(ruleContext.Stop.StopIndex,
            // moduleEndText);