Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestActivityReturnsItem()
            var actService = new StravaActivity();
            var result     = actService.GeActivity(1, _accessToken);

            Assert.True(result.Count() > 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void FindFastestActivity_FastestActivityReturned()
            var now_UTC          = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var sampleActivities = new List <object>
                new StravaActivity
                    id            = "1",
                    start_date    = now_UTC,
                    elapsed_time  = 500,
                    average_speed = 3
                new StravaActivity
                    id            = "2",
                    start_date    = now_UTC.AddDays(1),
                    elapsed_time  = 700,
                    average_speed = 4.5
                new StravaActivity
                    id            = "3",
                    start_date    = now_UTC.AddDays(-7),
                    elapsed_time  = 100,
                    average_speed = 5
            var            result       = ActivityComparer.FindFastestActivity(sampleActivities);
            StravaActivity stravaResult = (StravaActivity)result;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void GetFastestStravaActivity_FastestActivityReturned()
            var            sut             = MakeSut();
            var            fastestActivity = sut.PostFastestStravaActivity(StravaActivityHistory).Value;
            StravaActivity fastestAct      = (StravaActivity)fastestActivity;

            fastestAct.name.Should().Be("Activity 1");
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void GetLastActivityIntent()
            var actService      = new StravaActivity();
            var activityDetails = actService.GeActivity(1, GetStravaAccessToken(_alexaUser));

            if (activityDetails.Count() > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps valid songs to an activity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activity">Activity to map songs to.</param>
        /// <param name="spotifyPlayHistory">List of PlayHistoryItems that are used to map to activities</param>
        /// <param name="lastFMPlayHistory">List of LastTracks that are used to map to activities</param>
        /// <returns>A 1 item dictionary of an activity to songs that played within the correct time range.</returns>
        public static Dictionary <StravaActivity, List <object> > MapSongsToActivity(StravaActivity activity, List <PlayHistoryItem> spotifyPlayHistory, List <LastTrack> lastFMPlayHistory)
            var startTimeUTC = activity.start_date;
            var endTimeUTC   = startTimeUTC.AddSeconds(activity.elapsed_time);

            List <object> validPlayHistory = new List <object>();

            foreach (var item in spotifyPlayHistory)
                if (item.PlayedAt >= startTimeUTC && item.PlayedAt < endTimeUTC)

                DateTime itemStartTime = item.PlayedAt.AddMilliseconds(-item.Track.DurationMs);

                if (itemStartTime >= startTimeUTC && itemStartTime < endTimeUTC)

            foreach (var item in lastFMPlayHistory)
                if (item.TimePlayed >= startTimeUTC && item.TimePlayed < endTimeUTC)

                DateTime itemStartTime = item.TimePlayed.Value.DateTime.Subtract((TimeSpan)item.Duration);

                if (itemStartTime >= startTimeUTC && itemStartTime < endTimeUTC)

            return(new Dictionary <StravaActivity, List <object> >
                { activity, validPlayHistory }
Exemplo n.º 6
        public JsonResult PostFastestStravaActivity([FromBody] List <StravaActivity> stravaActivityList)
            if (stravaActivityList == null || stravaActivityList.Count == 0)
                return(new JsonResult(null));

            StravaActivity kingOfTheHill = stravaActivityList[0];

            foreach (StravaActivity activity in stravaActivityList)
                if (activity.average_speed > kingOfTheHill.average_speed)
                    kingOfTheHill = activity;

            return(new JsonResult(kingOfTheHill));
        public void MapWithStravaActivityAndSpotifySongs_CorrectResultsReturned()
            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var endTime   = startTime.AddMinutes(20);

            sut = new SongsToActivityMapper();
            var fakeStravaActivity = new StravaActivity
                achievement_count = 2,
                athlete           = new StravaAthlete
                    id             = 1,
                    resource_state = 2
                athlete_count                 = 1,
                average_cadence               = 86.1,
                average_heartrate             = 191,
                average_speed                 = 16.5,
                average_temp                  = 10,
                comment_count                 = 0,
                commute                       = false,
                display_hide_heartrate_option = false,
                distance                      = 30.1,
                elapsed_time                  = 1200,
                elev_high                     = 80,
                elev_low                      = 30,
                end_latlng                    = new List <double>(),
                external_id                   = "1234253547687",
                flagged                       = false,
                from_accepted_tag             = false,
                gear_id                       = "1",
                has_heartrate                 = true,
                has_kudoed                    = false,
                heartrate_opt_out             = false,
                id               = "1234253547687",
                kudos_count      = 5,
                location_city    = "Oxford",
                location_country = "UK",
                location_state   = "OXF",
                manual           = false,
                map              = new StravaMap
                    id               = "Map 1",
                    resource_state   = 2,
                    summary_polyline = "Some data"
                max_heartrate        = 200,
                max_speed            = 18,
                moving_time          = 1234,
                name                 = "Activity 1",
                photo_count          = 0,
                Private              = false,
                pr_count             = 3,
                resource_state       = 1,
                start_date           = startTime,
                start_date_local     = DateTime.Now,
                start_latitude       = 50.121231,
                start_latlng         = new List <double>(),
                start_longitude      = -1.2342535,
                timezone             = "(GMT+01:00) Europe/London",
                total_elevation_gain = 30,
                total_photo_count    = 0,
                trainer              = false,
                type                 = "1",
                upload_id            = "1234253547687",
                upload_id_str        = "123456789",
                utc_offset           = 0,
                visibility           = "private",
                workout_type         = 1,

            var fakeListeningHistory = new List <PlayHistoryItem>
                new PlayHistoryItem
                    Context  = new Context(),
                    PlayedAt = startTime.AddSeconds(1),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 1",
                        Id         = "1",
                        DurationMs = 180000
                new PlayHistoryItem
                    Context  = new Context(),
                    PlayedAt = startTime.AddMinutes(1),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 2",
                        Id         = "2",
                        DurationMs = 90000
                new PlayHistoryItem
                    Context  = new Context(),
                    PlayedAt = startTime.AddMinutes(-20),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 3",
                        Id         = "3",
                        DurationMs = 500
                new PlayHistoryItem
                    Context  = new Context(),
                    PlayedAt = startTime.AddMinutes(5),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 4",
                        Id         = "4",
                        DurationMs = 1500

            var mappedSongsToActivity = SongsToActivityMapper.MapSongsToActivity(fakeStravaActivity, fakeListeningHistory, new List <LastTrack>());

            List <object> mappedSongs = mappedSongsToActivity[fakeStravaActivity];
            var           track1      = (PlayHistoryItem)mappedSongs[0];
            var           track2      = (PlayHistoryItem)mappedSongs[1];
            var           track3      = (PlayHistoryItem)mappedSongs[2];

        public void GetFastestActivitySongs_FastestActivitySongsReturned()
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var activity1 = new StravaActivity
                type          = "Run",
                average_speed = 3.5,
                start_date    = now.AddHours(-2),
                elapsed_time  = 3600
            var listOfActivity1PlayHistory = new List <object>
                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-2),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 1",
                        DurationMs = 3600

                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-2).AddMinutes(5),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 2",
                        DurationMs = 3600

                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-2).AddMinutes(10),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 3",
                        DurationMs = 3600

            var activity2 = new StravaActivity
                type          = "Run",
                average_speed = 4.5,
                start_date    = now.AddHours(-1),
                elapsed_time  = 3600

            var listOfActivity2PlayHistory = new List <object>
                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-1).AddMinutes(5),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Faster Song 1",
                        DurationMs = 600

                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-1).AddMinutes(10),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Faster Song 2",
                        DurationMs = 900

                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-1).AddMinutes(15),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Faster Song 3",
                        DurationMs = 1200

                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-1).AddMinutes(20),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Faster Song 4",
                        DurationMs = 600

            var sampleData = new Dictionary <object, List <object> >
                { activity1, listOfActivity1PlayHistory },
                { activity2, listOfActivity2PlayHistory }

            sut = new InsightsManager();
            var result = sut.GetFastestActivityWithListeningHistory(sampleData);

        public void GetFastestActivitySongsWithMultipleTypesOfActivity_FastestActivitySongsReturned()
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var activity1 = new StravaActivity
                type          = "Run",
                average_speed = 3.5,
                start_date    = now.AddHours(-2),
                elapsed_time  = 3600
            var listOfActivity1PlayHistory = new List <object>
                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-2),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 1",
                        DurationMs = 3600

                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-2).AddMinutes(5),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 2",
                        DurationMs = 3600

                new PlayHistoryItem
                    PlayedAt = now.AddHours(-2).AddMinutes(10),
                    Track    = new SimpleTrack
                        Name       = "Song 3",
                        DurationMs = 3600

            var activity2 = new Fitbit.Api.Portable.Models.Activities
                ActivityTypeId = 1,
                Duration       = 3600,
                Speed          = 4.5,
                StartTime      = now.AddHours(-2)

            var listOfActivity2PlayHistory = new List <object>
                new LastTrack
                    TimePlayed = now.AddHours(-2),
                    Name       = "Last FM song 1",
                    Duration   = new TimeSpan(0, 3, 0)
                new LastTrack
                    TimePlayed = now.AddHours(-2).AddMinutes(3),
                    Name       = "Last FM song 2",
                    Duration   = new TimeSpan(0, 3, 0)

            var sampleData = new Dictionary <object, List <object> >
                { activity1, listOfActivity1PlayHistory },
                { activity2, listOfActivity2PlayHistory }

            sut = new InsightsManager();
            var result = sut.GetFastestActivityWithListeningHistory(sampleData);
