Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 统计音乐人的各类作品数量 列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <SingerListStatisticsEntity> GetSingerStatisticsList(StorePlaySongPageParam param)
            string order = string.Empty;
            //switch (param.OrderField)
            //    case "PlaySongCount":
            //        order = "COUNT(distinct b.SongId)";
            //        break;
            //    case "PlayStoreCount":
            //        order = "COUNT( b.PlayUserId)  ";
            //        break;
            string sql = $@"select top {param.PageSize} * from (select row_number() over(order by ee.{param.OrderField} desc) as rownumber,
 u.UserId as SingerId,u.SingerName,r.UploadCount,r.PublishCount,ee.PlaySongCount,ee.PlayStoreCount from (select distinct UserId from LoginLog   where  
 LoginTime>'{param.BeginDate}' and LoginTime<'{param.EndDate}'
 and UserType=1) s 
 left join [SingerDetailInfo] u on u.UserId = s.UserId

 left join    (select a.SingerId,
 SUM(CASE  WHEN a.AuditStatus in ('0','1','2','3') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UploadCount,
SUM(CASE a.AuditStatus WHEN '2' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS  PublishCount
  from  SongBook a 
 group by a.SingerId  having a.SingerId is not null) r on r.SingerId=s.UserId 
  left join 
(select song.SingerId,Count(distinct song.Id) as PlaySongCount,COUNT(distinct StoreCode) as PlayStoreCount from SongPlayRecord record left join SongBook song 
on record.SongId=song.Id
group by song.SingerId) ee on u.UserId=ee.SingerId

) temp_row
                    where temp_row.rownumber>(({param.PageIndex}-1)*{param.PageSize}) ;";

            return(helper.Query <SingerListStatisticsEntity>(sql).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取指定商家的播放记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="param"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Tuple <int, List <StorePlaySongEntity> > GetStorePlaySongList(StorePlaySongPageParam param)
            string order = string.Empty;

            switch (param.OrderField)
            case "PlayTime":
                order = "Sum(BroadcastTime)";

            case "PlayCount":
                order = "count(1)";
            string sql   = $@" select top {param.PageSize} * from (select row_number() over(order by {order} desc) as rownumber, a.SongId, b.SongName,Sum(BroadcastTime) as PlayTime,count(1) as PlayCount 
 from [dbo].[SongPlayRecord] a  left join SongBook b
on a.SongId = b.Id where a.BeginPlayTime >= '{param.BeginDate}' and  a.BeginPlayTime <='{param.EndDate}' 
and a.StoreCode='{param.StoreCode}'
 group by a.SongId,b.SongName   ) temp_row
                    where temp_row.rownumber>(({param.PageIndex}-1)*{param.PageSize}) ;";
            var    count = helper.QueryScalar($@"select Count(1) from  SongBook b where Id in (select SongId from [SongPlayRecord] a where  a.BeginPlayTime >= '{param.BeginDate}' 
 and  a.BeginPlayTime <='{param.EndDate}' and a.StoreCode='{param.StoreCode}')");

            return(Tuple.Create(Convert.ToInt32(count), helper.Query <StorePlaySongEntity>(sql).ToList()));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult GetStoreStatisticsList()
            var      page  = GetIntValFromReq("page");  //页码
            var      limit = GetIntValFromReq("limit"); //每页数据
            DateTime begin = GetDateTimeValFromReq("beginDate").Value;
            DateTime end   = GetDateTimeValFromReq("endDate").Value.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1);
            string   field = GetStrValFromReq("field");
            StorePlaySongPageParam param = new StorePlaySongPageParam
                PageIndex  = page,
                PageSize   = limit,
                OrderField = field,
                BeginDate  = begin,
                EndDate    = end
            var result = storeStatisticsRepository.GetStorePlaySongInfo(param);

            return(Json(new { code = 0, msg = string.Empty, count = result.Item1, data = result.Item2 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取商家播放歌曲列表信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Tuple <int, List <StoreSongStatisticsEntity> > GetStorePlaySongInfo(StorePlaySongPageParam param)
            string order = string.Empty;
            //switch (param.OrderField)
            //    case "PlayTime":
            //        order = "r.Sum(BroadcastTime)";
            //        break;
            //    case "PlaySongCount":
            //        order = "r.count( distinct a.SongId) ";
            //        break;
            //    case "PlayCount":
            //        order = "r.count(1)";
            //        break;
            string sql = $@"select top {param.PageSize} * from (select row_number() over(order by g.{param.OrderField} desc) as rownumber,

 s.*, d.Id,f.StoreName,g.PlayCount,g.PlaySongCount,g.PlayTime from (select  distinct StoreCode from LoginLog where UserType=2
and LoginTime >= '{param.BeginDate}' and LoginTime <= '{param.EndDate}') s
left join 
(select  count( distinct a.SongId) as  PlaySongCount, 
a.StoreCode,Sum(BroadcastTime) as PlayTime,count(1) as PlayCount from [dbo].[SongPlayRecord] a  
left join [User] c on c.StoreCode=a.StoreCode left join StoreDetailInfo b
on c.Id = b.UserId where c.UserType=2 and c.IsMain=1 and a.BeginPlayTime >= '{param.BeginDate}' 
and a.BeginPlayTime <= '{param.EndDate}'
group by a.StoreCode,b.StoreName)   g
on s.StoreCode = g.StoreCode
left join [User] d on d.StoreCode=s.StoreCode and d.UserType=2 and d.IsMain=1
left join StoreDetailInfo f on f.UserId=d.Id

) temp_row
                    where temp_row.rownumber>(({param.PageIndex}-1)*{param.PageSize}) ;";

            var count = helper.QueryScalar($@"
select  Count(distinct StoreCode)  from LoginLog where UserType=2
and LoginTime >= '{param.BeginDate}' and LoginTime <= '{param.EndDate}'");

            return(Tuple.Create(Convert.ToInt32(count), helper.Query <StoreSongStatisticsEntity>(sql).ToList()));