Exemplo n.º 1
    protected void LoginSubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        StoreClassesDataContext sdb = new StoreClassesDataContext();//database context
        var users = from user in sdb.UserInfos
                    where user.Username == LoginUsername.Text && user.Password == LoginPassword.Text
                    select user.UserID;

        //check if there exists a user that matches the inputted info
        if (Enumerable.Count(users) > 0)
            //if so then redirect to login and store username into the session
            Session["username"] = LoginUsername.Text;
            foreach (var userID in users)
                Session["uID"] = (int)userID; //put userID into the session
        else //otherwise tell user that they have not entered correct info
            LoginErrorLabel.Text    = "Wrong Username or Password, please try again!";
            LoginErrorLabel.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void RegisterSubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        StoreClassesDataContext sdb = new StoreClassesDataContext();//database context

        //check if username or email is already in database, if it is then do not allow user to register

        var users = from user in sdb.UserInfos
                    where user.Username == RegisUsername.Text || user.Email == Regisemail.Text
                    select user.UserID;

        //check if there exists a user that matches the inputted info
        if (Enumerable.Count(users) > 0)
            RegisterError.Text    = "There already exists an user with the same username or email, please input another one";
            RegisterError.Visible = true;
            //otherwise put in database

            //used http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/3d39b4/simple-select-insert-update-and-delete-using-linq-to-sql/ to learn how to insert into db
            UserInfo userinf = new UserInfo();//map obj to database
            userinf.Username = RegisUsername.Text;
            userinf.Password = RegisPassword.Text;
            userinf.Email    = Regisemail.Text;
            userinf.Address  = RegisAddress.Text;
            userinf.fname    = fname.Text;
            userinf.lname    = lname.Text;
            sdb.UserInfos.InsertOnSubmit(userinf); // add new userinfo to database
                                                   //submit changes to insert into db
            var users2 = from user in sdb.UserInfos
                         where user.Username == RegisUsername.Text
                         select user.UserID;
            //insert order into database
            foreach (var userID in users2)
                Session["uID"] = (int)userID;//put user's ID in session as well
            //redirect to orders and store username into session
            Session["username"] = RegisUsername.Text;
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Session["username"] != null)                                 //if there is a session already (someone is logged in), then submit order and take them to the order page automatically
         StoreClassesDataContext sdb = new StoreClassesDataContext(); //database context
         var users = from user in sdb.UserInfos
                     where user.Username == (string)Session["username"]
                     select user.UserID;
         foreach (var userID in users)
     if (Page.IsValid)
         mainContent.Visible = false;
         RegisterDiv.Visible = true;
         LoginDiv.Visible    = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
    protected void insertOrder(int UserID)                           //insert order of the user into the database
        StoreClassesDataContext sdb = new StoreClassesDataContext(); //database context
        OrderInfo orderinf          = new OrderInfo();               //map obj to database

        orderinf.CPU = RadioButtonListCPU.SelectedItem.Text;
        //used this to parse string to int: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397679(v=vs.110).aspx
        totalprice   += Int32.Parse(RadioButtonListCPU.SelectedItem.Value);
        orderinf.Mobo = RadioButtonListMOBO.SelectedItem.Text;
        totalprice   += Int32.Parse(RadioButtonListMOBO.SelectedItem.Value);

        foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxListMem.Items)
            if (item.Selected)
                if (orderinf.Memory == "")//if it's empty right now, just store first item without a ,
                    orderinf.Memory = item.Text;
                    orderinf.Memory += ", " + item.Text;

                totalprice += Int32.Parse(item.Value);

        foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxListStor.Items)
            if (item.Selected)
                if (orderinf.Storage == "")
                    orderinf.Storage = item.Text;
                    orderinf.Storage += ", " + item.Text;
                totalprice += Int32.Parse(item.Value);
        orderinf.VideoC = RadioButtonListVC.SelectedItem.Text;
        totalprice     += Int32.Parse(RadioButtonListVC.SelectedItem.Value);

        orderinf.Case = RadioButtonListCase.SelectedItem.Text;
        totalprice   += Int32.Parse(RadioButtonListCase.SelectedItem.Value);

        orderinf.OS = RadioButtonListOS.SelectedItem.Text;
        totalprice += Int32.Parse(RadioButtonListOS.SelectedItem.Value);

        orderinf.PSU    = RadioButtonListPSU.SelectedItem.Text;
        totalprice     += Int32.Parse(RadioButtonListPSU.SelectedItem.Value);
        orderinf.tPrice = totalprice;
        orderinf.UserID = UserID;
        sdb.OrderInfos.InsertOnSubmit(orderinf); // add new orderinfo to database
                                                 //submit changes to insert into db