Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task View([Summary("Whether you want to view your current or old investments, should be something like \"active\", or \"old\"")] string activeOrNot = "active", [Summary("What kind of investment you want to see, either \"stocks\", \"crypto\", or \"all\"")] string type = "all")
            var profile = Context.CallerProfile.Investments;

            bool active = "active".StartsWith(activeOrNot);
            var  crypto = (active ? profile.Crypto.Active : profile.Crypto.Old).Select(s => (SymbolType.Crypto, s));
            var  stocks = (active ? profile.Stocks.Active : profile.Stocks.Old).Select(s => (SymbolType.Stock, s));

            IEnumerable <(SymbolType t, KeyValuePair <string, List <Investment> > kv)> pre;

            if ("all".StartsWith(type))
                pre = crypto.Concat(stocks);
                SymbolType st = StockAPIHelper.GetSymbolTypeFromString(type);

                pre = st == SymbolType.Crypto ? crypto : stocks;

            IEnumerable <(SymbolType t, string s, Investment i)> investments = pre.SelectMany(p => p.kv.Value.Select(i => (p.t, p.kv.Key, i)));

            if (investments.Count() == 0)
                throw new DiscordCommandException("Nothing to show", $"{Context.User.Mention}, you have no {(active ? "current" : "old")} investments {("all".StartsWith(type) ? "at all" : "of that type")}");

            string title = $"{(active ? "Current investments" : "Investment history")}";

            const int NUM_PER_PAGE = 10;

            int totalPages = (investments.Count() + NUM_PER_PAGE - 1) / NUM_PER_PAGE;

            Embed getPage(int page)
                EmbedBuilder  builder       = Context.EmbedFromUser(Context.User);
                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                List <string> contents      = new List <string>();

                foreach (var(t, name, investment) in investments.Skip((page - 1) * NUM_PER_PAGE).Take(NUM_PER_PAGE))
                    stringBuilder.Append($"{(t == SymbolType.Crypto ? Strings.cryptoEmoji : Strings.stockEmoji)} {(t == SymbolType.Crypto ? $"{(investment.Amount == 1 ? "one " : $"{investment.Amount} ")}" : $"{(investment.Amount == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()} for {Context.Money(investment.Amount * (long)Math.Ceiling(investment.PurchasePrice))}");
                    if (investment.SellPrice != null)
                        stringBuilder.Append($", sold for {Context.Money(investment.Amount * (long)Math.Ceiling(investment.SellPrice ?? 0))}");

                builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(title).WithValue(stringBuilder.ToString()));
                builder.WithFooter(new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText($"Page {page} of {totalPages}"));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task Sell([Summary("What kind of thing you want to sell, either stocks or crypto")] string type, [Summary("The name of the thing you want to sell")] string name, [Summary("How many you want to sell")] long amount = 1)
            var symbolType = StockAPIHelper.GetSymbolTypeFromString(type);

            name = name.ToLower();
            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new DiscordCommandException("Number too low", $"{Context.User.Mention}, you can't sell {(amount == 0 ? "" : "less than ")}no {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? name.ToUpper() : "shares")}");

            var profile           = Context.CallerProfile;
            var investments       = symbolType == SymbolType.Stock ? profile.Investments.Stocks.Active : profile.Investments.Crypto.Active;
            var investmentsInName = investments.GetValueOrDefault(name);

            if (investmentsInName == null || investmentsInName.Count == 0)
                throw new DiscordCommandException("Nothing to sell", $"{Context.User.Mention}, you don't have any investments in {name.ToUpper()}");

            SymbolInfo info = await StockAPIHelper.GetSymbolInfo(name, symbolType);

            long toSell = Math.Min(investmentsInName.Sum(x => x.Amount), amount);

            long price           = (long)Math.Ceiling(info.LatestPrice);
            long totalSellAmount = toSell * price;

            string message;

            if (toSell >= amount)
                message = $"{Context.User.Mention}, do you want to sell {toSell} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toSell == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()} for {Context.Money(price * toSell)}?";
                message = $"{Context.User.Mention}, you currently have {toSell} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toSell == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()}. Do you still want to sell {(toSell == 1 ? "it" : "them")} for {Context.Money(price * toSell)}?";

            ReactionMessageHelper.CreateConfirmReactionMessage(Context, await ReplyAsync(message), onSell, onReject);

            async Task onSell(ReactionMessage m)
                profile           = Context.CallerProfile;
                investments       = symbolType == SymbolType.Stock ? profile.Investments.Stocks.Active : profile.Investments.Crypto.Active;
                investmentsInName = investments.GetValueOrDefault(name);

                if (investmentsInName == null)
                    await m.Message.ModifyAsync(mod =>
                        mod.Content          = "";
                        EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();
                        builder.WithDescription($"{Context.User.Mention}, you no longer have any investments in {name.ToUpper()}");
                        mod.Embed = builder.Build();

                if (investmentsInName.Sum(x => x.Amount) < toSell)
                    await m.Message.ModifyAsync(mod =>
                        mod.Content          = "";
                        EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();
                        builder.WithDescription($"{Context.User.Mention}, you no longer have {toSell} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toSell == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()}");
                        mod.Embed = builder.Build();


                var        sold = new List <Investment>();
                Investment remainderToReturn = null;
                Investment remainderToStore  = null;

                long totalPurchaseAmount = 0;

                long stillToSell = toSell;

                foreach (var inv in investmentsInName.OrderByDescending(x => Math.Abs(price - x.PurchasePrice)))
                    if (stillToSell >= inv.Amount)
                        totalPurchaseAmount += inv.Amount * (long)Math.Ceiling(inv.PurchasePrice);
                        stillToSell         -= inv.Amount;
                        totalPurchaseAmount += stillToSell * (long)Math.Ceiling(inv.PurchasePrice);

                        remainderToStore = new Investment
                            Amount            = stillToSell,
                            PurchasePrice     = inv.PurchasePrice,
                            PurchaseTimestamp = inv.PurchaseTimestamp,

                        remainderToReturn = new Investment
                            Amount            = inv.Amount - stillToSell,
                            PurchasePrice     = inv.PurchasePrice,
                            PurchaseTimestamp = inv.PurchaseTimestamp,

                        stillToSell = 0;

                    if (stillToSell == 0)

                if (stillToSell > 0)
                    await m.Message.ModifyAsync(mod =>
                        mod.Content          = "";
                        EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();
                        builder.WithDescription($"{Context.User.Mention}, you no longer have {toSell} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toSell == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()}");
                        mod.Embed = builder.Build();


                var oldInvestments = (symbolType == SymbolType.Stock) ? profile.Investments.Stocks.Old : profile.Investments.Crypto.Old;

                List <Investment> oldInvestmentsInName;

                if (!oldInvestments.ContainsKey(name))
                    oldInvestmentsInName = new List <Investment>();
                    oldInvestments.Add(name, oldInvestmentsInName);
                    oldInvestmentsInName = oldInvestments[name];

                profile.Currency += totalSellAmount;
                foreach (var inv in sold)
                    inv.SellPrice     = info.LatestPrice;
                    inv.SellTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now;

                if (remainderToReturn != null)

                if (remainderToStore != null)
                    remainderToStore.SellPrice     = info.LatestPrice;
                    remainderToStore.SellTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now;


                long diff = totalSellAmount - totalPurchaseAmount;

                string modify;

                if (diff != 0)
                    modify = $"{Context.WhatDoICall(Context.User)} sold {toSell} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toSell == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()} for {Context.Money(totalSellAmount)}, {(diff > 0 ? "earning" : "losing")} {Math.Abs(diff)}. That's a {Math.Abs(diff / (double)totalPurchaseAmount):P2} {(diff > 0 ? "gain" : "loss")}";
                    modify = $"{Context.WhatDoICall(Context.User)} sold {toSell} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toSell == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()} for {Context.Money(totalSellAmount)}, breaking even";

                await m.Message.ModifyAsync(p => p.Content = modify);

            async Task onReject(ReactionMessage m)
                await m.Message.ModifyAsync(p => p.Content = $"Sale of {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{ (toSell == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()} canceled");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task Buy([Summary("What kind of thing you want to buy, either stocks or crypto")] string type, [Summary("The name of the thing you want to buy")] string name, [Summary("How many you want to buy")] long amount = 1)
            var symbolType = StockAPIHelper.GetSymbolTypeFromString(type);

            name = name.ToLower();
            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new DiscordCommandException("Number too low", $"{Context.User.Mention}, you can't purchase {(amount == 0 ? "" : "less than ")}no {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? name.ToUpper() : "shares")}");

            var profile = Context.CallerProfile;
            var info    = await StockAPIHelper.GetSymbolInfo(name, symbolType);

            if (profile.Currency < info.LatestPrice)
                throw new DiscordCommandException("Not enough currency", $"{Context.User.Mention}, you need {Context.Money((long) info.LatestPrice - profile.Currency)} more to buy a single {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? name.ToUpper() : "share")}");

            long price  = ((long)Math.Ceiling(info.LatestPrice));
            long canBuy = profile.Currency / price;
            long toBuy  = Math.Min(canBuy, amount);

            string message;

            if (canBuy >= amount)
                message = $"{Context.User.Mention}, do you want to purchase {toBuy} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toBuy == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()} for {Context.Money(price * toBuy)}? You currently have {Context.Money(profile.Currency)}.";
                message = $"{Context.User.Mention}, you currently have {Context.Money(profile.Currency)}, that's only enough to buy {toBuy} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toBuy == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()}. Do you still want to buy {(toBuy == 1 ? "it" : "them")} for {Context.Money(price * toBuy)}?";

            ReactionMessageHelper.CreateConfirmReactionMessage(Context, await ReplyAsync(message), onPurchase, onReject);

            async Task onPurchase(ReactionMessage m)
                profile = Context.CallerProfile;
                if (profile.Currency < price * toBuy)
                    await m.Message.ModifyAsync(mod =>
                        mod.Content          = "";
                        EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();
                        builder.WithDescription($"{Context.User.Mention}, you no longer have enough to buy {toBuy} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toBuy == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()}");
                        mod.Embed = builder.Build();


                profile.Currency -= price * toBuy;
                var investments = symbolType == SymbolType.Stock ? profile.Investments.Stocks.Active : profile.Investments.Crypto.Active;

                if (!investments.ContainsKey(name))
                    investments.Add(name, new List <Investment>());

                investments[name].Add(new Investment
                    Amount            = toBuy,
                    PurchasePrice     = info.LatestPrice,
                    PurchaseTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now


                await m.Message.ModifyAsync(properties => properties.Content = $"{Context.WhatDoICall(Context.User)} bought {toBuy} {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{(toBuy == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()} for {Context.Money(price * toBuy)}");

            async Task onReject(ReactionMessage m)
                await m.Message.ModifyAsync(properties => properties.Content = $"Purchase of {(symbolType == SymbolType.Crypto ? "" : $"{ (toBuy == 1 ? "one share" : "shares")} in ")}{name.ToUpper()} canceled");