Exemplo n.º 1
            private Item TryStealItem(Item toSteal, ref bool caught)
                Item stolen = null;

                var root    = toSteal.RootParent;
                var mobRoot = root as Mobile;

                StealableArtifactsSpawner.StealableInstance si = null;
                if (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable)
                    si = StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(toSteal);

                if (!IsEmptyHanded(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005584); // Both hands must be free to steal.
                else if (m_Thief.Region.IsPartOf <SafeZone>())
                    m_Thief.SendMessage("You may not steal in this area.");
                else if (mobRoot?.Player == true && !IsInGuild(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005596); // You must be in the thieves guild to steal from other players.
                else if (SuspendOnMurder && mobRoot?.Player == true && IsInGuild(m_Thief) &&
                         m_Thief.Kills > 0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502706); // You are currently suspended from the thieves guild.
                else if (root is BaseVendor vendor && vendor.IsInvulnerable)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005598); // You can't steal from shopkeepers.
Exemplo n.º 2
            private Item TryStealItem(Item toSteal, ref bool caught)
                Item stolen = null;

                object root = toSteal.RootParent;

                StealableArtifactsSpawner.StealableInstance si = null;

                if (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable)
                    si = toSteal is AddonComponent component?StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(component.Addon) : StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(toSteal);

                if (!IsEmptyHanded(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005584); // Both hands must be free to steal.
                else if (root is Mobile mobile && mobile.Player && !IsInGuild(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005596); // You must be in the thieves guild to steal from other players.
Exemplo n.º 3
            private Item TryStealItem(Item toSteal, ref bool caught)
                Item stolen = null;

                object root = toSteal.RootParent;

                StealableArtifactsSpawner.StealableInstance si = null;
                if (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable)
                    si = StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(toSteal);

                if (!IsEmptyHanded(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005584);                       // Both hands must be free to steal.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInnocentTo(m_Thief, (Mobile)root) && !IsInGuild(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005596);                       // You must be in the thieves guild to steal from other players.
                else if (SuspendOnMurder && root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInGuild(m_Thief) && m_Thief.Kills > 0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502706);                       // You are currently suspended from the thieves guild.
                else if (root is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)root).IsInvulnerable)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005598);                       // You can't steal from shopkeepers.
                else if (root is PlayerVendor)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502709);                       // You can't steal from vendors.
                else if (!m_Thief.CanSee(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(500237);                       // Target can not be seen.
                else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, toSteal, false, true))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1048147);                       // Your backpack can't hold anything else.
                #region Sigils
                else if (toSteal is Sigil)
                    PlayerState pl      = PlayerState.Find(m_Thief);
                    Faction     faction = (pl == null ? null : pl.Faction);

                    Sigil sig = (Sigil)toSteal;

                    if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);    // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                    else if (root != null)                       // not on the ground
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);    // You can't steal that!
                    else if (faction != null)
                        if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(IncognitoSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010581);                               //	You cannot steal the sigil when you are incognito
                        else if (DisguiseTimers.IsDisguised(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010583);                               //	You cannot steal the sigil while disguised
                        else if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(PolymorphSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010582);                               //	You cannot steal the sigil while polymorphed
                        else if (TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1061622);                               // You cannot steal the sigil while in that form.
                        else if (AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1063222);                               // You cannot steal the sigil while mimicking an animal.
                        else if (pl.IsLeaving)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005589);                               // You are currently quitting a faction and cannot steal the town sigil
                        else if (sig.IsBeingCorrupted && sig.LastMonolith.Faction == faction)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005590);                               //	You cannot steal your own sigil
                        else if (sig.IsPurifying)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005592);                               // You cannot steal this sigil until it has been purified
                        // jakob, added this to check control points
                        else if (sig.LastMonolith is TownMonolith && !((TownMonolith)sig.LastMonolith).HasAllControlPoints(pl.Faction))
                            m_Thief.SendMessage("You cannot steal this sigil unless your faction is controlling all control points.");
                        // end
                        else if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, 80.0, 80.0))
                            if (Sigil.ExistsOn(m_Thief))
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010258);                                   //	The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil.
                            else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, sig, false, true))
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010259);                                   //	The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full
                                if (sig.IsBeingCorrupted)
                                    sig.GraceStart = DateTime.Now;                                     // begin grace period
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010586);                                 // YOU STOLE THE SIGIL!!!   (woah, calm down now)

                                if (sig.LastMonolith != null && sig.LastMonolith.Sigil != null)
                                    sig.LastMonolith.Sigil = null;
                                    sig.LastStolen         = DateTime.Now;

                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005594);                               //	You do not have enough skill to steal the sigil
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005588);                           //	You must join a faction to do that
                else if (si == null && (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if ((toSteal.LootType == LootType.Newbied || toSteal.CheckBlessed(root)) && !(toSteal.RootParent is FillableContainer))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (Core.AOS && si == null && toSteal is Container)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);                       // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                else if (si != null && m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < 100.0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1060025, "", 0x66D);                       // You're not skilled enough to attempt the theft of this item.
                else if (toSteal.Parent is Mobile)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005585);                       // You cannot steal items which are equiped.
                else if (root == m_Thief || (root is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)root).ControlMaster == m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502704);                       // You catch yourself red-handed.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (root is Mobile && !m_Thief.CanBeHarmful((Mobile)root))
                else if (root is Corpse)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                    double w = toSteal.Weight + toSteal.TotalWeight;

                    if (w > 10)
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("That is too heavy to steal.");
                        if (toSteal.Stackable && toSteal.Amount > 1)
                            int maxAmount = (int)((m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value / 10.0) / toSteal.Weight);

                            if (maxAmount < 1)
                                maxAmount = 1;
                            else if (maxAmount > toSteal.Amount)
                                maxAmount = toSteal.Amount;

                            int amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, maxAmount);

                            if (amount >= toSteal.Amount)
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * toSteal.Amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = toSteal;
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = Mobile.LiftItemDupe(toSteal, toSteal.Amount - amount);

                                    if (stolen == null)
                                        stolen = toSteal;
                            int iw = (int)Math.Ceiling(w);
                            iw *= 10;

                            if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, iw - 22.5, iw + 27.5))
                                stolen = toSteal;

                        if (stolen != null)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502724);                               // You succesfully steal the item.

                            if (si != null)
                                toSteal.Movable = true;
                                si.Item         = null;
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502723);                               // You fail to steal the item.
                        caught = (m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < Utility.Random(150));

Exemplo n.º 4
            private Item TryStealItem(Item toSteal, ref bool caught)
                Item stolen = null;

                object root = toSteal.RootParent;

                StealableArtifactsSpawner.StealableInstance si = null;
                if (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable)
                    si = toSteal is AddonComponent?StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(((AddonComponent)toSteal).Addon) : StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(toSteal);

                if (!IsEmptyHanded(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005584);                     // Both hands must be free to steal.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && !IsInGuild(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005596);                     // You must be in the thieves guild to steal from other players.
                else if (SuspendOnMurder && root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInGuild(m_Thief) && m_Thief.Kills > 0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502706);                     // You are currently suspended from the thieves guild.
                else if (root is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)root).IsInvulnerable)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005598);                     // You can't steal from shopkeepers.
                else if (root is PlayerVendor)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502709);                     // You can't steal from vendors.
                else if (!m_Thief.CanSee(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(500237);                     // Target can not be seen.
                else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, toSteal, false, true))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1048147);                     // Your backpack can't hold anything else.
                #region Sigils
                else if (toSteal is Sigil)
                    PlayerState pl      = PlayerState.Find(m_Thief);
                    Faction     faction = (pl == null ? null : pl.Faction);

                    Sigil sig = (Sigil)toSteal;

                    if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);  // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                    else if (root != null)                     // not on the ground
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);  // You can't steal that!
                    else if (faction != null)
                        if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(IncognitoSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010581);                             //	You cannot steal the sigil when you are incognito
                        else if (DisguiseTimers.IsDisguised(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010583);                             //	You cannot steal the sigil while disguised
                        else if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(PolymorphSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010582);                             //	You cannot steal the sigil while polymorphed
                        else if (TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1061622);                             // You cannot steal the sigil while in that form.
                        else if (AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1063222);                             // You cannot steal the sigil while mimicking an animal.
                        else if (pl.IsLeaving)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005589);                             // You are currently quitting a faction and cannot steal the town sigil
                        else if (sig.IsBeingCorrupted && sig.LastMonolith.Faction == faction)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005590);                             //	You cannot steal your own sigil
                        else if (sig.IsPurifying)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005592);                             // You cannot steal this sigil until it has been purified
                        else if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, 80.0, 80.0))
                            if (Sigil.ExistsOn(m_Thief))
                                //	The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil.
                            else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, sig, false, true))
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010259);                                 //	The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full
                                if (sig.IsBeingCorrupted)
                                    sig.GraceStart = DateTime.UtcNow;                                     // begin grace period

                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010586);                                 // YOU STOLE THE SIGIL!!!   (woah, calm down now)

                                if (sig.LastMonolith != null && sig.LastMonolith.Sigil != null)
                                    sig.LastMonolith.Sigil = null;
                                    sig.LastStolen         = DateTime.UtcNow;

                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005594);                             //	You do not have enough skill to steal the sigil
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005588);                         //	You must join a faction to do that
                #region VvV Sigils
                else if (toSteal is VvVSigil && ViceVsVirtueSystem.Instance != null)
                    VvVPlayerEntry entry = ViceVsVirtueSystem.Instance.GetPlayerEntry <VvVPlayerEntry>(m_Thief);

                    VvVSigil sig = (VvVSigil)toSteal;

                    if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703); // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                    else if (root != null)                    // not on the ground
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710); // You can't steal that!
                    else if (entry != null)
                        if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(IncognitoSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010581); //	You cannot steal the sigil when you are incognito
                        else if (DisguiseTimers.IsDisguised(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010583); //	You cannot steal the sigil while disguised
                        else if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(PolymorphSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010582); //	You cannot steal the sigil while polymorphed
                        else if (TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1061622); // You cannot steal the sigil while in that form.
                        else if (AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1063222); // You cannot steal the sigil while mimicking an animal.
                        else if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, 100.0, 120.0))
                            if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, sig, false, true))
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010259); //	The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010586); // YOU STOLE THE SIGIL!!!   (woah, calm down now)


                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005594); //	You do not have enough skill to steal the sigil
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1155415); //	Only participants in Vice vs Virtue may use this item.

                else if (si == null && (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable) && !ItemFlags.GetStealable(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if ((toSteal.LootType == LootType.Newbied || toSteal.CheckBlessed(root)) && !ItemFlags.GetStealable(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (Core.AOS && si == null && toSteal is Container && !ItemFlags.GetStealable(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);                     // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                else if (si != null && m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < 100.0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1060025, "", 0x66D);                     // You're not skilled enough to attempt the theft of this item.
                else if (toSteal.Parent is Mobile)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005585);                     // You cannot steal items which are equiped.
                else if (root == m_Thief)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502704);                     // You catch yourself red-handed.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).IsStaff())
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (root is Mobile && !m_Thief.CanBeHarmful((Mobile)root))
                else if (root is Corpse)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                    double w = toSteal.Weight + toSteal.TotalWeight;

                    if (w > 10)
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("That is too heavy to steal.");
                        if (toSteal.Stackable && toSteal.Amount > 1)
                            int maxAmount = (int)((m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value / 10.0) / toSteal.Weight);

                            if (maxAmount < 1)
                                maxAmount = 1;
                            else if (maxAmount > toSteal.Amount)
                                maxAmount = toSteal.Amount;

                            int amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, maxAmount);

                            if (amount >= toSteal.Amount)
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * toSteal.Amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = toSteal;
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = Mobile.LiftItemDupe(toSteal, toSteal.Amount - amount);

                                    if (stolen == null)
                                        stolen = toSteal;
                            int iw = (int)Math.Ceiling(w);
                            iw *= 10;

                            if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, iw - 22.5, iw + 27.5))
                                stolen = toSteal;

                        // Non-movable stealable (not in fillable container) items cannot result in the stealer getting caught
                        if (stolen != null && (root is FillableContainer || stolen.Movable))
                            double skillValue = m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value;

                            if (root is FillableContainer)
                                caught = (Utility.Random((int)(skillValue / 2.5)) == 0); // 1 of 48 chance at 120
                                caught = (skillValue < Utility.Random(150));
                            caught = false;

                        if (stolen != null)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502724);                             // You succesfully steal the item.

                            ItemFlags.SetTaken(stolen, true);
                            ItemFlags.SetStealable(stolen, false);
                            stolen.Movable = true;

                            InvokeItemStoken(new ItemStolenEventArgs(stolen, m_Thief));

                            if (si != null)
                                toSteal.Movable = true;
                                si.Item         = null;
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502723);                             // You fail to steal the item.

Exemplo n.º 5
            private Item TryStealItem(Item toSteal, ref bool caught)
                Item stolen = null;

                object root = toSteal.RootParent;

                StealableArtifactsSpawner.StealableInstance si = null;
                if (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable)
                    si = StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(toSteal);

                if (m_Thief is ScriptMobile)
                    ScriptMobile mob = (ScriptMobile)m_Thief;
                    if (mob.PVPInfo != null)
                        if (!mob.PVPInfo.CurrentEvent.mode.AllowLoot())

                if (!IsEmptyHanded(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005584);                       // Both hands must be free to steal.

                /*else if ( root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInnocentTo( m_Thief, (Mobile)root ) && !IsInGuild( m_Thief ) )
                 * {
                 *      m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005596 ); // You must be in the thieves guild to steal from other players.
                 * }
                 * else if ( SuspendOnMurder && root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInGuild( m_Thief ) && m_Thief.Kills > 0 )
                 * {
                 *      m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage( 502706 ); // You are currently suspended from the thieves guild.
                 * }*/
                else if (root is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)root).IsInvulnerable)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005598);                       // You can't steal from shopkeepers.
                else if (root is PlayerVendor)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502709);                       // You can't steal from vendors.
                else if (!m_Thief.CanSee(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(500237);                       // Target can not be seen.
                else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, toSteal, false, true))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1048147);                       // Your backpack can't hold anything else.
                else if (si == null && (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (toSteal.CheckBlessed(root))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (Core.AOS && si == null && toSteal is Container)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);                       // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                else if (si != null && m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Vol].Value < 100.0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1060025, "", 0x66D);                       // You're not skilled enough to attempt the theft of this item.
                else if (toSteal.Parent is Mobile)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005585);                       // You cannot steal items which are equiped.
                else if (root == m_Thief)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502704);                       // You catch yourself red-handed.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (root is Mobile && !m_Thief.CanBeHarmful((Mobile)root))
                else if (root is Corpse)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                    double w = toSteal.Weight + toSteal.TotalWeight;

                    double max = 6;

                    if (w > max)
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("That is too heavy to steal.");
                        if (toSteal.Stackable && toSteal.Amount > 1)
                            int maxAmount = (int)((m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Vol].Value / 10.0) / toSteal.Weight);

                            if (maxAmount < 1)
                                maxAmount = 1;
                            else if (maxAmount > toSteal.Amount)
                                maxAmount = toSteal.Amount;

                            int amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, maxAmount);

                            if (amount >= toSteal.Amount)
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * toSteal.Amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Vol, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = toSteal;
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Vol, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = Mobile.LiftItemDupe(toSteal, toSteal.Amount - amount);

                                    if (stolen == null)
                                        stolen = toSteal;
                            int iw = (int)Math.Ceiling(w);
                            iw *= 10;

                            if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Vol, toSteal, iw - 22.5, iw + 27.5))
                                stolen = toSteal;

                        if (stolen != null)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502724);                               // You succesfully steal the item.

                            if (si != null)
                                toSteal.Movable = true;
                                si.Item         = null;
                            caught = false;
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502723);                               // You fail to steal the item.
                            caught = true;

                        if (m_Thief is ScriptMobile)
                            ScriptMobile sm = (ScriptMobile)m_Thief;

                            IPooledEnumerable <Mobile> eable = m_Thief.GetMobilesInRange(3);
                            foreach (Mobile mob in eable)
                                sm.Detection.FaireJet(mob, 0.1);

                        //caught = ( m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Vol].Value < Utility.Random( 150 ) );

Exemplo n.º 6
            private Item TryStealItem(Item toSteal, ref bool caught)
                Item stolen = null;

                object root = toSteal.RootParent;

                StealableArtifactsSpawner.StealableInstance si = null;
                if (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable)
                    si = StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(toSteal);

                if (toSteal is DungeonChest)
                    DungeonChest dBox = (DungeonChest)toSteal;

                    if (m_Thief.Blessed)
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("You cannot steal while in this state.");
                    else if (dBox.ItemID == 0x3582 || dBox.ItemID == 0x3583 || dBox.ItemID == 0x35AD || dBox.ItemID == 0x3868 || (dBox.ItemID >= 0x4B5A && dBox.ItemID <= 0x4BAB) || (dBox.ItemID >= 0xECA && dBox.ItemID <= 0xED2))
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("It is best to leave the dead be.");
                    else if (dBox.ItemID == 0x3564 || dBox.ItemID == 0x3565)
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("You have not use for this broken golem thing.");
                        if (m_Thief.CheckSkill(SkillName.Stealing, 0, 125))
                            m_Thief.SendMessage("You dump out the entire contents while stealing the item.");
                            StolenChest sBox   = new StolenChest();
                            int         dValue = 0;

                            dValue               = (dBox.ContainerLevel + 1) * 50;
                            sBox.ContainerID     = dBox.ContainerID;
                            sBox.ContainerGump   = dBox.ContainerGump;
                            sBox.ContainerHue    = dBox.ContainerHue;
                            sBox.ContainerFlip   = dBox.ContainerFlip;
                            sBox.ContainerWeight = dBox.ContainerWeight;
                            sBox.ContainerName   = dBox.ContainerName;

                            sBox.ContainerValue = dValue;

                            Item iBox = (Item)sBox;

                            iBox.ItemID = sBox.ContainerID;
                            iBox.Hue    = sBox.ContainerHue;
                            iBox.Weight = sBox.ContainerWeight;
                            iBox.Name   = sBox.ContainerName;

                            Bag oBox = (Bag)iBox;

                            oBox.GumpID = sBox.ContainerGump;


                            Titles.AwardFame(m_Thief, dValue, true);

                            LoggingFunctions.LogStandard(m_Thief, "has stolen a " + iBox.Name + "");
                            m_Thief.SendMessage("You were not quick enough to steal it.");
                            m_Thief.RevealingAction();                             // REVEALING ONLY WHEN FAILED

                        Item spawnBox = new DungeonChestSpawner(dBox.ContainerLevel, (double)(Utility.RandomMinMax(45, 105)));
                        spawnBox.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(dBox.X, dBox.Y, dBox.Z), dBox.Map);

                else if (toSteal is LandChest && LandChest.isBody(toSteal.ItemID))
                    m_Thief.SendMessage("It is best to leave the dead be.");
                else if (toSteal is LandChest && !LandChest.isBody(toSteal.ItemID))
                    m_Thief.SendMessage("You would be quite foolish looking stealing a wagon.");
                else if (toSteal is SunkenShip)
                    m_Thief.SendMessage("You are just not that strong.");
                else if (!IsEmptyHanded(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendMessage("You cannot be wielding a weapon when trying to steal something.");
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInnocentTo(m_Thief, (Mobile)root) && !IsInGuild(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005596);                       // You must be in the thieves guild to steal from other players.
                else if (toSteal is Coffer)
                    Coffer coffer = (Coffer)toSteal;
                    bool   Pilfer = true;

                    if (m_Thief.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(ThiefNote)) != null)
                        Item      mail     = m_Thief.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(ThiefNote));
                        ThiefNote envelope = (ThiefNote)mail;

                        if (envelope.NoteOwner == m_Thief)
                            if (envelope.NoteItemArea == Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(m_Thief.Map, m_Thief.Location) && envelope.NoteItemGot == 0 && envelope.NoteItemCategory == coffer.CofferType)
                                envelope.NoteItemGot = 1;
                                m_Thief.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 1150, true, "You found " + envelope.NoteItem + ".");
                                Pilfer = false;

                    if (Pilfer)
                        if (coffer.CofferGold < 1)
                            m_Thief.SendMessage("There seems to be no gold in the coffer.");
                        else if (m_Thief.CheckSkill(SkillName.Stealing, 0, 100))
                            m_Thief.SendMessage("You slip out " + coffer.CofferGold + " gold from the coffer.");
                            m_Thief.AddToBackpack(new Gold(coffer.CofferGold));

                            Titles.AwardFame(m_Thief, (coffer.CofferGold * 2), true);
                            Titles.AwardKarma(m_Thief, -(coffer.CofferGold * 2), true);

                            coffer.CofferRobbed = 1;
                            coffer.CofferRobber = m_Thief.Name + " the " + Server.Misc.GetPlayerInfo.GetSkillTitle(m_Thief);
                            coffer.CofferGold   = 0;

                            LoggingFunctions.LogStandard(m_Thief, "has stolen " + coffer.CofferGold + " gold from a " + coffer.CofferType + " in " + Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(m_Thief.Map, m_Thief.Location) + "");
                            m_Thief.SendMessage("You fingers slip, causing you to get noticed!");
                            m_Thief.RevealingAction();                             // REVEALING ONLY WHEN FAILED

                            if (!m_Thief.CheckSkill(SkillName.Snooping, 0, 150))
                                List <Mobile> spotters = new List <Mobile>();
                                foreach (Mobile m in m_Thief.GetMobilesInRange(10))
                                    if (m is BaseVendor && m.CanSee(m_Thief) && m.InLOS(m_Thief))
                                        m.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0, false, string.Format("Stop! Thief!"));
                else if (root is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)root).IsInvulnerable)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005598);                       // You can't steal from shopkeepers.
                else if (root is PlayerVendor || root is PlayerBarkeeper)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502709);                       // You can't steal from vendors.
                else if (!m_Thief.CanSee(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(500237);                       // Target can not be seen.
                else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, toSteal, false, true))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1048147);                       // Your backpack can't hold anything else.
                else if (si == null && (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (toSteal.LootType == LootType.Newbied || toSteal.CheckBlessed(root))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (Core.AOS && si == null && toSteal is Container)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);                       // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                else if (si != null && m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < 100.0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1060025, "", 0x66D);                       // You're not skilled enough to attempt the theft of this item.
                else if (toSteal.Parent is Mobile)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005585);                       // You cannot steal items which are equipped.
                else if (root == m_Thief)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502704);                       // You catch yourself red-handed.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                else if (root is Mobile && !m_Thief.CanBeHarmful((Mobile)root))
                else if (root is Corpse)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                       // You can't steal that!
                    double w = toSteal.Weight + toSteal.TotalWeight;

                    if (w > 10)
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("That is too heavy to steal.");
                        if (toSteal.Stackable && toSteal.Amount > 1)
                            int maxAmount = (int)((m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value / 10.0) / toSteal.Weight);

                            if (maxAmount < 1)
                                maxAmount = 1;
                            else if (maxAmount > toSteal.Amount)
                                maxAmount = toSteal.Amount;

                            int amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, maxAmount);

                            if (amount >= toSteal.Amount)
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * toSteal.Amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = toSteal;
                                int pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = Mobile.LiftItemDupe(toSteal, toSteal.Amount - amount);

                                    if (stolen == null)
                                        stolen = toSteal;
                            int iw = (int)Math.Ceiling(w);
                            iw *= 10;

                            if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, iw - 22.5, iw + 27.5))
                                stolen = toSteal;

                        if (stolen != null)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502724);                               // You successfully steal the item.

                            Titles.AwardKarma(m_Thief, -1000, true);

                            if (si != null)
                                toSteal.Movable = true;
                                si.Item         = null;
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502723);                  // You fail to steal the item.
                            m_Thief.RevealingAction();                             // REVEALING ONLY WHEN FAILED

                        caught = (m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < Utility.Random(150));

Exemplo n.º 7
            private Item TryStealItem(Item toSteal, ref bool caught)
                //Close bank box on steal attempt -Adam
                BankBox box = m_Thief.FindBankNoCreate();

                if (box != null && box.Opened)
                    m_Thief.Send(new MobileUpdate(m_Thief));

                Item stolen = null;

                object root = toSteal.RootParent;

                var contParent = toSteal.Parent as Container;

                StealableArtifactsSpawner.StealableInstance si = null;
                if (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable)
                    si = StealableArtifactsSpawner.GetStealableInstance(toSteal);

                BaseAddon addon = null;

                if (toSteal is AddonComponent)
                    addon = ((AddonComponent)toSteal).Addon;

                bool stealflag = (addon != null && addon.GetSavedFlag(ItemFlags.StealableFlag)) ||

                if (!IsEmptyHanded(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005584);                     // Both hands must be free to steal.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInnocentTo(m_Thief, (Mobile)root) && !IsInGuild(m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005596);                     // You must be in the thieves guild to steal from other players.
                else if (SuspendOnMurder && root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).Player && IsInGuild(m_Thief) && m_Thief.Kills > 0)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502706);                     // You are currently suspended from the thieves guild.
                else if (root is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)root).IsInvulnerable)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005598);                     // You can't steal from shopkeepers.
                else if (root is PlayerVendor)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502709);                     // You can't steal from vendors.
                else if (!m_Thief.CanSee(toSteal))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(500237);                     // Target can not be seen.
                else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, toSteal, false, true))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1048147);                     // Your backpack can't hold anything else.
                #region Sigils
                else if (toSteal is Sigil)
                    PlayerState pl      = PlayerState.Find(m_Thief);
                    Faction     faction = (pl == null ? null : pl.Faction);

                    var sig = (Sigil)toSteal;

                    if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);  // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                    else if (root != null)                     // not on the ground
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);  // You can't steal that!
                    else if (faction != null)
                        if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(IncognitoSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010581);                             //	You cannot steal the sigil when you are incognito
                        else if (DisguiseTimers.IsDisguised(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010583);                             //	You cannot steal the sigil while disguised
                        else if (!m_Thief.CanBeginAction(typeof(PolymorphSpell)))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010582);                             //	You cannot steal the sigil while polymorphed
                        else if (TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m_Thief))
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1061622);                             // You cannot steal the sigil while in that form.
                        else if (m_Thief is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m_Thief).SavagePaintExpiration > TimeSpan.Zero)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1114352);                             // You cannot steal the sigil while disguised in savage paint.
                        else if (pl.IsLeaving)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005589);                             // You are currently quitting a faction and cannot steal the town sigil
                        else if (sig.IsBeingCorrupted && sig.LastMonolith.Faction == faction)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005590);                             //	You cannot steal your own sigil
                        else if (sig.IsPurifying)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005592);                             // You cannot steal this sigil until it has been purified
                        else if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, 0.0, 0.0))
                            if (Sigil.ExistsOn(m_Thief))
                                //	The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil.
                            else if (m_Thief.Backpack == null || !m_Thief.Backpack.CheckHold(m_Thief, sig, false, true))
                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010259);                                 //	The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full
                                if (sig.IsBeingCorrupted)
                                    sig.GraceStart = DateTime.UtcNow;                                     // begin grace period

                                m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1010586);                                 // YOU STOLE THE SIGIL!!!   (woah, calm down now)

                                if (sig.LastMonolith != null && sig.LastMonolith.Sigil != null)
                                    sig.LastMonolith.Sigil = null;
                                    sig.LastStolen         = DateTime.UtcNow;

                                switch (PvPController._SigilAnnounceStolen)
                                case PvPController.SigilStolenAnnouncing.All:
                                    foreach (Faction factionToBCast in Faction.Factions)
                                        List <PlayerState> members = factionToBCast.Members;

                                        if (sig.Corrupted != null)
                                            if (sig.Corrupted == factionToBCast)
                                                foreach (PlayerState member in members)
                                                        "The {0} have stolen the {1} sigil from your faction stronghold!",
                                                foreach (PlayerState member in members)
                                                        "The {0} have stolen the {1} sigil from the {2} stronghold!",
                                            foreach (PlayerState member in members)
                                                    "The {0} have stolen the {1} sigil!",

                                case PvPController.SigilStolenAnnouncing.Owner:
                                    if (sig.Corrupted != null)
                                        List <PlayerState> members = sig.Corrupted.Members;

                                        foreach (PlayerState member in members)
                                                "The {0} have stolen the {1} sigil from your faction stronghold!",

                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005594);                             //	You do not have enough skill to steal the sigil
                        m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005588);                         //	You must join a faction to do that

                else if (!stealflag && si == null && (toSteal.Parent == null || !toSteal.Movable))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if ((toSteal.LootType == LootType.Newbied || toSteal.CheckBlessed(root)) &&
                         !(toSteal.RootParent is FillableContainer) && !stealflag)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (toSteal is Spellbook)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (toSteal.Nontransferable)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (m_Thief.EraAOS && si == null && toSteal is Container)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (toSteal is IEthicsItem && ((IEthicsItem)toSteal).EthicsItemState != null &&
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (!m_Thief.InRange(toSteal.GetWorldLocation(), 1))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502703);                     // You must be standing next to an item to steal it.
                // Alan: commented this out b/c there shouldn't be a required skill level to steal stealflag stuff
                //else if ( ( si != null && m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < 100.0 ) || ( stealflag ) && m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < 100.0 ) ) //&& m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < 90.0 ) )
                //	m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage( 1060025, "", 0x66D ); // You're not skilled enough to attempt the theft of this item.
                else if (toSteal.Parent is Mobile)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(1005585);           // You cannot steal items which are equipped.
                else if (toSteal.GetSavedFlag(0x01))                 //Not lootable item
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);            // You can't steal that!
                else if (root == m_Thief || (root is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)root).GetMaster() == m_Thief))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502704);                     // You catch yourself red-handed.
                else if (root is Mobile && ((Mobile)root).AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (root is Mobile && !m_Thief.CanBeHarmful((Mobile)root))
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (root is Corpse)
                    m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502710);                     // You can't steal that!
                else if (m_Thief.Spell != null)
                    m_Thief.SendMessage("You are too busy concentrating on your spell to steal that item.");
                    double w = toSteal.Weight + toSteal.TotalWeight;

                    if (addon != null)
                        w = addon.Weight = addon.TotalWeight;

                    if (w > 10 && !stealflag)
                        m_Thief.SendMessage("That is too heavy to steal.");

                        Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SpecialMovesController._StealingRehideDelay), ReleaseHideLock, m_Thief);

                        if (toSteal.Stackable && toSteal.Amount > 1)
                            var maxAmount = (int)((m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value / 10.0) / toSteal.Weight);
                            var minAmount = (int)((m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value / 25.0) / toSteal.Weight);                             //added a min amount

                            if (minAmount < 1)
                                minAmount = 1;

                            if (maxAmount < 1)
                                maxAmount = 1;
                            else if (maxAmount > toSteal.Amount)
                                maxAmount = toSteal.Amount;

                            int amount = Utility.RandomMinMax(minAmount, maxAmount);                             //(change from 1, maxamount)

                            if (amount >= toSteal.Amount)
                                var pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * toSteal.Amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = toSteal;
                                var pileWeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(toSteal.Weight * amount);
                                pileWeight *= 10;

                                if (m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, pileWeight - 22.5, pileWeight + 27.5))
                                    stolen = Mobile.LiftItemDupe(toSteal, toSteal.Amount - amount) ?? toSteal;
                            var iw = (int)Math.Ceiling(w);
                            iw *= 10;

                            if (stealflag || m_Thief.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Stealing, toSteal, iw - 22.5, iw + 27.5))
                                stolen = toSteal;

                        if (stolen is PowerScroll)
                            var  scroll  = (PowerScroll)stolen;
                            bool success = Utility.RandomBool();

                            if (success || Utility.RandomBool())
                                    m_Thief, BlockMountType.DismountRecovery, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(success ? 60.0 : 5.0));

                        if (stolen != null)
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502724); // You successfully steal the item.

                            if (stolen is Head2)
                                ((Head2)stolen).Owner = m_Thief as PlayerMobile;

                            if (si != null)
                                toSteal.Movable = true;
                                si.Item         = null;

                            if (stealflag)
                                //toSteal.SetSavedFlag( 0x04, false );
                                // ARTEGORDONMOD
                                // set the taken flag to trigger release from any controlling spawner
                                ItemFlags.SetTaken(stolen, true);
                                // clear the stealable flag so that the item can only be stolen once if it is later locked down.
                                ItemFlags.SetStealable(stolen, false);

                                if (addon != null)                                 //deed it up!
                                    Item deed = addon.Deed;

                                    stolen = deed;
                                else                                 // release it if it was locked down
                                    toSteal.Movable = true;

                                if (toSteal.Spawner != null)                                 //its not spawned anymore, its STOLEN!
                                    toSteal.Spawner = null;

                            Conquests.CheckProgress <StealingConquest>(m_Thief as PlayerMobile, toSteal);
                            m_Thief.SendLocalizedMessage(502723);                             // You fail to steal the item.

                        caught = !stealflag && (m_Thief.Skills[SkillName.Stealing].Value < Utility.Random(150));
