Exemplo n.º 1
        async Task <List <Mailbox> > GetMailboxesList(ImapCmd cmd, StatusCb status, ProgressCb progress)
            List <Mailbox> mailboxes = new List <Mailbox>();

            if (await cmd.Run(new ListCommand(async delegate(String mailbox, String ctx)
                                              { await Task.Yield(); mailboxes.Add(new Mailbox(mailbox)); })) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                throw new FailedException();
            mailboxes.Sort((Mailbox m1, Mailbox m2) => {
                bool g1 = GmailSpecial(m1.name);
                bool g2 = GmailSpecial(m2.name);
                if (g1 && g2)
                    return(String.Compare(m2.name, m1.name)); // reverse
                else if (g1)
                else if (g2)
                    return(String.Compare(m1.name, m2.name));
            for (int i = 0; i < mailboxes.Count; i++)
                await cmd.Run(new StatusCommand(mailboxes[i].name, async delegate(String cnt, String ctx)
                    await Task.Yield();
                    status("{0} - {1}", mailboxes[i].name, cnt);
                    mailboxes[i].cnt = int.Parse(cnt);
                    messagesInAccount += int.Parse(cnt);
            status("Total messages: {0}", messagesInAccount);
            Dictionary <String, int> downloaded = await CheckResume(status, progress);

            foreach (String mbox in downloaded.Keys)
                mailboxes.ForEach((Mailbox m) => {
                    if (m.name == mbox)
                        m.start = downloaded[mbox] > 0 ? downloaded[mbox] : 1;

Exemplo n.º 2
        async Task <Dictionary <String, int> > CheckResume(StatusCb status, ProgressCb progress)
            Dictionary <String, int> downloaded = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            String index = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(dldFile), "email_proc1596.index");

            if (File.Exists(index))
                try {
                    Regex    rx     = new Regex("^((\"[^\"]+\")|([^ ]+))(.*)$");
                    int      read   = 0;
                    FileInfo info   = new FileInfo(index);
                    long     length = info.Length;
                    bool     first  = true;
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(info.OpenRead()))
                        String line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); // host user download file name

                        while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
                            if (first)
                                first = false;
                                status("Resuming download");
                                status("Calculating resume point...");
                            Match m = rx.Match(line);
                            progress((100.0 * read) / length);
                            if (m.Success)
                                if (downloaded.ContainsKey(m.Groups[1].Value) == false)
                                    downloaded[m.Groups[1].Value] = 0;
                                if (m.Groups[4].Success && m.Groups[4].Value != "")
                                    messageid[m.Groups[4].Value] = "";
                            read += line.Length + 1;
                        if (downloaded.Count > 0)
                } catch { }

        private void PopulateStatusCb()
            Dictionary <string, decimal> cbData = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();

            var taskStatuses = context.TASK_STATUS.ToList();

            foreach (var stat in taskStatuses)
                cbData.Add(stat.STATUS_NAME, stat.STATUS_ID);
            this.StatusCb.DataSource    = new BindingSource(cbData, null);
            this.StatusCb.DisplayMember = "Key";
            this.StatusCb.ValueMember   = "Value";
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task Start(StatusCb status, DataCb data, ProgressCb progress, bool compression = false)
                if (await connect.Connect() != ConnectStatus.Ok)
                    throw new ConnectionFailedException();
                ImapCmd cmd = null;
                if (await connect.ConnectTls() == ConnectStatus.Failed)
                    cmd = CreateImap(connect.stream);
                    if (await cmd.Run(new StarttlsCommand()) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                        throw new SslFailedException();
                cmd = CreateImap(connect.stream);

                // initial Capability
                await cmd.Run(new NullCommand());

                // login to the server
                if (await cmd.Run(new LoginCommand(user, pswd)) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                    throw new FailedLoginException();
                status("Logged in to the email server");
                // check if compression is supported
                if (compression && await cmd.Run(new CapabilityCommand(new String[] { "compress=deflate" })) == ReturnCode.Ok &&
                    await cmd.Run(new DeflateCommand()) == ReturnCode.Ok)
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new DeflateStream(connect.stream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true));
                    cmd = new ImapCmd(token, reader, connect.stream, true);
                    status("Compression enabled");

                // get the list of mailboxes
                status("Fetching mailbox list...");
                mailboxes = await GetMailboxesList(cmd, status, progress);

                status("Downloading ...");
                int   processed = 0;
                Regex rx_msgid  = new Regex("^message-id: ([^ \r\n]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
                Func <String, String> getMsgId = (String message) =>
                    int   len = message.Length > 5000 ? 5000 : message.Length;
                    Match m   = rx_msgid.Match(message, 0, len);
                    return(m.Success ? m.Groups[1].Value : "");
                foreach (Mailbox mailbox in mailboxes)
                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    status("{0} - {1} messages: ", mailbox.name, mailbox.cnt);
                    if (mailbox.start < mailbox.cnt)
                        if (await cmd.Run(new SelectCommand(mailbox.name)) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                            throw new FailedException();

                        if (!GmailSpecial(mailbox.name))
                            if (await cmd.Run(new FetchCommand(FetchCommand.Fetch.Body,
                                                               async delegate(String message, String msgn)
                                mailbox.start = int.Parse(msgn);
                                String msgid = "";
                                if (host == "imap.gmail.com")
                                    msgid = getMsgId(message);
                                    messageid[msgid] = "";
                                progress((100.0 * (processed + int.Parse(msgn))) / messagesInAccount);
                                await data(mailbox.name, message, msgid, msgn);
                            }, mailbox.start)) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                status(token.IsCancellationRequested ? "Download cancelled" : "No messages downloaded");
                            List <String> unique = new List <string>();
                            if (await cmd.Run(new FetchCommand(FetchCommand.Fetch.MessageID,
                                                               async delegate(String message, String msgn)
                                mailbox.start = int.Parse(msgn);
                                String msgid = getMsgId(message);
                                if (msgid != "" && messageid.ContainsKey(msgid))
                                    messageid[msgid] = "";
                                progress(100.0 * int.Parse(msgn) / mailbox.cnt);
                                await Task.Yield();
                            })) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                status(token.IsCancellationRequested ? "Download cancelled" : "No messages downloaded, failed to get the list of unique messages");
                                status("Downloading {0} out of {1}", unique.Count, mailbox.cnt);
                                status("{0} - {1} messages: ", mailbox.name, unique.Count);
                                int downloaded = 0;
                                foreach (String n in unique)
                                    int num = int.Parse(n);
                                    if (await cmd.Run(new FetchCommand(FetchCommand.Fetch.Body,
                                                                       async delegate(String message, String msgn)
                                        progress((100.0 * (processed + int.Parse(msgn))) / messagesInAccount);
                                        await data(mailbox.name, message, getMsgId(message), msgn);
                                    }, num, num)) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                        status("failed to download {0}", n);
                                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                                    status("Download cancelled");
                                if (unique.Count != downloaded)
                                    status("{0} out of {1} failed to download", unique.Count - downloaded, unique.Count);
                    processed    += mailbox.cnt;
                    mailbox.start = mailbox.cnt;
                status("Download complete");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public async Task Start(String dir, String file, StatusCb status, ProgressCb pcb)
     StreamWriter filew = null;
     try {
         status(false, "", "Started statistics processing.");
         MessageReader reader = new MessageReader(file);
         long size = reader.BaseStream.Length;
         double progress = .0;
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         sb = new StringBuilder();
         sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}\stats{1}.out", dir, DateTime.Now.ToFileTime());
         file = sb.ToString();
         filew = new StreamWriter(file);
         DateTime start_time = DateTime.Now;
         await WriteStatsLine(filew, "archive size: {0}\n", size);
         int count = 1;
         await EmailParser.ParseMessages(token, reader, async delegate (Message message, Exception reason)
             status(true, "^message:", "message: {0}", count++);
                 if (null == message)
                     status(false, "", "message parsing failed: " + (null != reason ? reason.Message : ""));
                     await WriteStatsLine(filew, "--> start");
                     await WriteStatsLine(filew, "<-- end failed to process: {0}", (null != reason) ? reason.Message : "");
                 // display progress
                 progress += message.size;
                 double pct = (100.0 * progress / (double)size);
                 // get required headers
                 Dictionary<String, String> headers = message.email.headers.GetDictionary(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                 { {"from","" }, { "cc", "" }, {"subject","" }, {"date","" },
                 { "to",""}, {"bcc", "" }, { "in-reply-to","" }, {"reply-to","" }, {"content-type","" }, {"message-id","" }, { "x-gmail-labels",""}});
                 String msgid = headers["message-id"];
                 // get unique messages
                 if (msgid != null && msgid != "" && MessageidUnique(msgid) == false)
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "--> start");
                 int csize = await CompressedSize(message.GetBytes());
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "Full Message: {0} {1}", message.size, csize);
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "Hdrs");
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "from: {0}", Sha1(EmailAddr(headers["from"])));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "to: {0}", GetAddrList(headers["to"]));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "cc: {0}", GetAddrList(headers["cc"]));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "bcc: {0}", GetAddrList(headers["bcc"]));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "date: {0}", headers["date"]);
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "subject: {0}", GetSubject(headers["subject"]));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "mailbox: {0}", GetMailbox(headers["x-gmail-labels"]));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "messageid: {0}", GetMessageId(headers["message-id"]));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "inreplyto: {0}", GetInReplyTo(headers["in-reply-to"]));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "replyto: {0}", GetAddrList(headers["reply-to"]));
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "Parts:");
                 await TraverseEmail(filew, 0, 0, message.email);
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "<-- end");
             catch (Exception ex)
                 await WriteStatsLine(filew, "<-- end failed to process: {0}, {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
         status(false, "", "Statistics is generated in file {0}", file);
         TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - start_time;
         status(false, "", "Processing time: {0} seconds", span.TotalSeconds);
     catch (Exception ex)
         status(false, "", "Statistics failed: {0}", ex.Message);
         if (filew != null)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task Start(String dir, String file, StatusCb status, ProgressCb pcb)
            StreamWriter filew = null;

            try {
                status(false, "", "Started statistics processing.");
                MessageReader reader   = new MessageReader(file);
                long          size     = reader.BaseStream.Length;
                double        progress = .0;
                StringBuilder sb       = new StringBuilder();
                sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}\stats{1}.out", dir, DateTime.Now.ToFileTime());
                file  = sb.ToString();
                filew = new StreamWriter(file);
                DateTime start_time = DateTime.Now;
                await WriteStatsLine(filew, "archive size: {0}\n", size);

                int count = 1;
                await EmailParser.ParseMessages(token, reader, async delegate(Message message, Exception reason)
                    status(true, "^message:", "message: {0}", count++);
                        if (null == message)
                            status(false, "", "message parsing failed: " + (null != reason ? reason.Message : ""));
                            await WriteStatsLine(filew, "--> start");
                            await WriteStatsLine(filew, "<-- end failed to process: {0}", (null != reason) ? reason.Message : "");
                        // display progress
                        progress  += message.size;
                        double pct = (100.0 * progress / (double)size);
                        // get required headers
                        Dictionary <String, String> headers = message.email.headers.GetDictionary(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "from", "" }, { "cc", "" }, { "subject", "" }, { "date", "" },
                            { "to", "" }, { "bcc", "" }, { "in-reply-to", "" }, { "reply-to", "" }, { "content-type", "" }, { "message-id", "" }, { "x-gmail-labels", "" }
                        String msgid = headers["message-id"];
                        // get unique messages
                        if (msgid != null && msgid != "" && MessageidUnique(msgid) == false)
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "--> start");
                        int csize = await CompressedSize(message.GetBytes());
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "Full Message: {0} {1}", message.size, csize);
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "Hdrs");
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "from: {0}", Sha1(EmailAddr(headers["from"])));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "to: {0}", GetAddrList(headers["to"]));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "cc: {0}", GetAddrList(headers["cc"]));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "bcc: {0}", GetAddrList(headers["bcc"]));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "date: {0}", headers["date"]);
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "subject: {0}", GetSubject(headers["subject"]));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "mailbox: {0}", GetMailbox(headers["x-gmail-labels"]));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "messageid: {0}", GetMessageId(headers["message-id"]));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "inreplyto: {0}", GetInReplyTo(headers["in-reply-to"]));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "replyto: {0}", GetAddrList(headers["reply-to"]));
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "Parts:");
                        await TraverseEmail(filew, 0, 0, message.email);
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "<-- end");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        await WriteStatsLine(filew, "<-- end failed to process: {0}, {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);

                status(false, "", "Statistics is generated in file {0}", file);
                TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - start_time;
                status(false, "", "Processing time: {0} seconds", span.TotalSeconds);
            catch (Exception ex)
                status(false, "", "Statistics failed: {0}", ex.Message);
                if (filew != null)
Exemplo n.º 7
        async Task<Dictionary<String,int>> CheckResume(StatusCb status, ProgressCb progress)
            Dictionary<String, int> downloaded = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            String index = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(dldFile), "email_proc1596.index");
            if (File.Exists(index))
                try {
                    Regex rx = new Regex("^((\"[^\"]+\")|([^ ]+))(.*)$");
                    int read = 0;
                    FileInfo info = new FileInfo(index);
                    long length = info.Length;
                    bool first = true;
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(info.OpenRead()))
                        String line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); // host user download file name
                        while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
                            if (first)
                                first = false;
                                status("Resuming download");
                                status("Calculating resume point...");
                            Match m = rx.Match(line);
                            progress((100.0 * read) / length);
                            if (m.Success)
                                if (downloaded.ContainsKey(m.Groups[1].Value) == false)
                                    downloaded[m.Groups[1].Value] = 0;
                                if (m.Groups[4].Success && m.Groups[4].Value != "")
                                    messageid[m.Groups[4].Value] = "";
                            read += line.Length + 1;
                        if (downloaded.Count > 0)
                } catch { }

            return downloaded;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task Start(StatusCb status, DataCb data, ProgressCb progress, bool compression=false)
                if (await connect.Connect() != ConnectStatus.Ok)
                    throw new ConnectionFailedException();
                ImapCmd cmd = null;
                if (await connect.ConnectTls() == ConnectStatus.Failed)
                    cmd = CreateImap(connect.stream);
                    if (await cmd.Run(new StarttlsCommand()) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                        throw new SslFailedException();
                cmd = CreateImap(connect.stream);

                // initial Capability
                await cmd.Run(new NullCommand());

                // login to the server
                if (await cmd.Run(new LoginCommand(user, pswd)) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                    throw new FailedLoginException();
                status("Logged in to the email server");
                // check if compression is supported
                if (compression && await cmd.Run(new CapabilityCommand(new String[] { "compress=deflate" })) == ReturnCode.Ok &&
                    await cmd.Run(new DeflateCommand()) == ReturnCode.Ok)
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new DeflateStream(connect.stream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true));
                    cmd = new ImapCmd(token, reader, connect.stream, true);
                    status("Compression enabled");
                // get the list of mailboxes
                status("Fetching mailbox list...");
                mailboxes = await GetMailboxesList(cmd,status,progress);
                status("Downloading ...");
                int processed = 0;
                Regex rx_msgid = new Regex("^message-id: ([^ \r\n]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
                Func<String, String> getMsgId = (String message) =>
                    int len = message.Length > 5000 ? 5000 : message.Length;
                    Match m = rx_msgid.Match(message, 0, len);
                    return (m.Success ? m.Groups[1].Value : "");
                foreach (Mailbox mailbox in mailboxes)
                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    status("{0} - {1} messages: ", mailbox.name, mailbox.cnt);
                    if (mailbox.start < mailbox.cnt)
                        if (await cmd.Run(new SelectCommand(mailbox.name)) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                            throw new FailedException();

                        if (!GmailSpecial(mailbox.name))
                            if (await cmd.Run(new FetchCommand(FetchCommand.Fetch.Body,
                                async delegate (String message, String msgn)
                                    mailbox.start = int.Parse(msgn);
                                    String msgid = "";
                                    if (host == "imap.gmail.com")
                                        msgid = getMsgId(message);
                                        messageid[msgid] = "";
                                    progress((100.0 * (processed + int.Parse(msgn))) / messagesInAccount);
                                    await data(mailbox.name, message, msgid, msgn);
                                }, mailbox.start)) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                status(token.IsCancellationRequested ? "Download cancelled" : "No messages downloaded");
                            List<String> unique = new List<string>();
                            if (await cmd.Run(new FetchCommand(FetchCommand.Fetch.MessageID,
                                async delegate (String message, String msgn)
                                    mailbox.start = int.Parse(msgn);
                                    String msgid = getMsgId(message);
                                    if (msgid != "" && messageid.ContainsKey(msgid))
                                        messageid[msgid] = "";
                                    progress(100.0 * int.Parse(msgn) / mailbox.cnt);
                                    await Task.Yield();
                                })) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                status(token.IsCancellationRequested ? "Download cancelled" : "No messages downloaded, failed to get the list of unique messages");
                                status("Downloading {0} out of {1}", unique.Count, mailbox.cnt);
                                status("{0} - {1} messages: ", mailbox.name, unique.Count);
                                int downloaded = 0;
                                foreach (String n in unique)
                                    int num = int.Parse(n);
                                    if (await cmd.Run(new FetchCommand(FetchCommand.Fetch.Body,
                                        async delegate (String message, String msgn)
                                            progress((100.0 * (processed + int.Parse(msgn))) / messagesInAccount);
                                            await data(mailbox.name, message, getMsgId(message), msgn);
                                        }, num, num)) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                        status("failed to download {0}", n);
                                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                                    status("Download cancelled");
                                if (unique.Count != downloaded)
                                    status("{0} out of {1} failed to download", unique.Count-downloaded, unique.Count);
                    processed += mailbox.cnt;
                    mailbox.start = mailbox.cnt;
                status("Download complete");
Exemplo n.º 9
        async Task<List<Mailbox>> GetMailboxesList(ImapCmd cmd, StatusCb status, ProgressCb progress)
            List<Mailbox> mailboxes = new List<Mailbox>();
            if (await cmd.Run(new ListCommand(async delegate (String mailbox, String ctx)
            { await Task.Yield(); mailboxes.Add(new Mailbox(mailbox)); })) != ReturnCode.Ok)
                throw new FailedException();
            mailboxes.Sort((Mailbox m1, Mailbox m2) => {
                bool g1 = GmailSpecial(m1.name);
                bool g2 = GmailSpecial(m2.name);
                if (g1 && g2)
                    return String.Compare(m2.name, m1.name); // reverse
                else if (g1)
                    return 1;
                else if (g2)
                    return -1;
                    return String.Compare(m1.name, m2.name);
            for (int i = 0; i < mailboxes.Count; i++)
                await cmd.Run(new StatusCommand(mailboxes[i].name, async delegate (String cnt, String ctx)
                    await Task.Yield();
                    status("{0} - {1}", mailboxes[i].name, cnt);
                    mailboxes[i].cnt = int.Parse(cnt);
                    messagesInAccount += int.Parse(cnt);
            status("Total messages: {0}", messagesInAccount);
            Dictionary<String, int> downloaded = await CheckResume(status, progress);

            foreach (String mbox in downloaded.Keys)
                mailboxes.ForEach((Mailbox m) => {
                    if (m.name == mbox)
                        m.start = downloaded[mbox] > 0 ? downloaded[mbox] : 1;

            return mailboxes;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public async static Task ParseToResume(CancellationToken token, String addr, String user, String file, StatusCb status, ProgressCb progress)
     String index = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "email_proc1596.index");
     FileInfo info = new FileInfo(file);
     long length = info.Length;
     FileStream stream = info.OpenRead();
     status("Generating resume file...");
     using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
         using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(index))
             await writer.WriteLineAsync(addr + " " + user + " " + file);
             String line = "";
             String mailbox = "";
             String messageid = "";
             Regex re_mailbox = new Regex("^X-Mailbox: (.+)$");
             Regex re_messageid = new Regex("^Message-ID: ([^ ]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
             while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
                 if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                 progress(100.0 * stream.Position / length);
                 Match m = re_mailbox.Match(line);
                 if (m.Success)
                     if (mailbox != "")
                         if (messageid != "")
                             messageid = " " + messageid;
                         await writer.WriteLineAsync(mailbox + messageid);
                     mailbox = m.Groups[1].Value;
                     messageid = "";
                 else if (messageid == "")
                     m = re_messageid.Match(line);
                     if (m.Success)
                         messageid = m.Groups[1].Value;
             if (mailbox != "")
                 if (messageid != "")
                     messageid = " " + messageid;
                 await writer.WriteLineAsync(mailbox + messageid);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async static Task ParseToResume(CancellationToken token, String addr, String user, String file, StatusCb status, ProgressCb progress)
            String     index  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "email_proc1596.index");
            FileInfo   info   = new FileInfo(file);
            long       length = info.Length;
            FileStream stream = info.OpenRead();

            status("Generating resume file...");
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(index))
                    await writer.WriteLineAsync(addr + " " + user + " " + file);

                    String line         = "";
                    String mailbox      = "";
                    String messageid    = "";
                    Regex  re_mailbox   = new Regex("^X-Mailbox: (.+)$");
                    Regex  re_messageid = new Regex("^Message-ID: ([^ ]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    while ((line = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
                        if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        progress(100.0 * stream.Position / length);
                        Match m = re_mailbox.Match(line);
                        if (m.Success)
                            if (mailbox != "")
                                if (messageid != "")
                                    messageid = " " + messageid;
                                await writer.WriteLineAsync(mailbox + messageid);
                            mailbox   = m.Groups[1].Value;
                            messageid = "";
                        else if (messageid == "")
                            m = re_messageid.Match(line);
                            if (m.Success)
                                messageid = m.Groups[1].Value;
                    if (mailbox != "")
                        if (messageid != "")
                            messageid = " " + messageid;
                        await writer.WriteLineAsync(mailbox + messageid);