Exemplo n.º 1
 public LineMark(int tag)
     Tag       = tag;
     stpCenter = new StatisticPod(tag.ToString());
     stpWidth  = new StatisticPod(tag.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

            int    cctMin          = 1900;
            int    cctMax          = 3900;
            int    deltaCct        = 100;
            double constUnc        = 0.001;
            double relUnc          = 0.025;
            int    drawsMonteCarlo = 1_000_000;

            int numberOfTemperatures = (cctMax - cctMin) / deltaCct;

            int TemperatureForIndex(int i) => cctMin + i * deltaCct;

            string[] filenames =

            foreach (var filename in filenames)
                Console.WriteLine($"reading {filename}");

                string           baseFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
                SpectralQuantity photometer   = SpectralQuantity.LoadFromCsv(filename);
                photometer.AddValue(300, photometer.GetValueFor(photometer.MinWavelength));
                photometer.AddValue(1000, photometer.GetValueFor(photometer.MaxWavelength));

                Console.WriteLine($"Monte Carlo start with n = {drawsMonteCarlo}");

                StatisticPod[] monteCarloArray = new StatisticPod[numberOfTemperatures + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfTemperatures; i++)
                    monteCarloArray[i] = new StatisticPod($"{TemperatureForIndex(i)}"); // this is a hack!

                // Monte Carlo draws
                for (int i = 0; i < drawsMonteCarlo; i++)
                    SpectralQuantity randomizedPhotometer = photometer.Randomize(constUnc, relUnc);
                    for (int j = 0; j <= numberOfTemperatures; j++)
                        double ccf = BevCie.CcfStar(randomizedPhotometer.GetValueFor, TemperatureForIndex(j));

                Console.WriteLine("Monte Carlo done");

                string outFilename = baseFilename + $"_CCF_MC.csv";
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outFilename))
                    string csvHeader = $"T/K , ccf* , ccf*_avr , ccf*_min , ccf*_max , ccf*_stdev";
                    foreach (var dsp in monteCarloArray)
                        int    t       = int.Parse(dsp.Name);
                        double ccf0    = BevCie.CcfStar(photometer.GetValueFor, t);
                        string csvLine = $"{t} , {ccf0:F6} , {dsp.AverageValue:F6} , {dsp.MinimumValue:F6} , {dsp.MaximumValue:F6} , {dsp.StandardDeviation:F6}";
                Console.WriteLine($"{outFilename} created");

                outFilename = baseFilename + $"_CCF_4fit.csv";
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outFilename))
                    string csvHeader = $"T-2856 / K , ccf*-1 , u , s";
                    foreach (var dsp in monteCarloArray)
                        int    t       = int.Parse(dsp.Name); // second step of the hack
                        int    T1      = t - 2856;
                        double ccf     = BevCie.CcfStar(photometer.GetValueFor, t);
                        double u       = (dsp.MaximumValue - dsp.MinimumValue) / Math.Sqrt(12.0);
                        string csvLine = $"{T1,-4} , {ccf - 1,9:F6} , {u:F6} , {dsp.StandardDeviation:F6}";

                Console.WriteLine($"{outFilename} created");