Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Test_StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute_WithContent()
            var rows = new List <StationOffsetRow>
                new StationOffsetRow()
                    Station     = 200,
                    Offset      = -1,
                    Northing    = 1,
                    Easting     = 2,
                    Elevation   = 3,
                    CutFill     = 4,
                    Cmv         = 5,
                    Mdp         = 6,
                    PassCount   = 7,
                    Temperature = 8
                new StationOffsetRow()
                    Station     = 200,
                    Offset      = 0,
                    Northing    = 10,
                    Easting     = 11,
                    Elevation   = 12,
                    CutFill     = 13,
                    Cmv         = 14,
                    Mdp         = 15,
                    PassCount   = 16,
                    Temperature = 17
            var rowList = new List <StationOffsetRow>();


            var response = new StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute()
                ReturnCode        = ReportReturnCode.NoError,
                ResultStatus      = RequestErrorStatus.OK,
                StationOffsetRows = rowList

            SimpleBinarizableInstanceTester.TestClass(response, "Empty StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute not same after round trip serialisation");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the stationOffset logic in the cluster compute context where each cluster node processes its fraction of the work and returns the
        /// results to the application service context
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute> ExecuteAsync()
            StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute response = null;

                // Note: Start/end point lat/lon fields have been converted into grid local coordinate system by this point
                if (requestArgument.Points.Count > 0)
                    Log.LogInformation($"#In#: DataModel {requestArgument.ProjectID}, pointCount: {requestArgument.Points.Count}");
                    Log.LogInformation($"#In#: DataModel {requestArgument.ProjectID}, Note! vertices list has insufficient vertices (min of 1 required)");
                    return(new StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute {
                        ResultStatus = RequestErrorStatus.OK, ReturnCode = ReportReturnCode.NoData

                siteModel = DIContext.ObtainRequired <ISiteModels>().GetSiteModel(requestArgument.ProjectID);
                if (siteModel == null)
                    Log.LogError($"Failed to locate site model {requestArgument.ProjectID}");
                    return(new StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute {
                        ResultStatus = RequestErrorStatus.NoSuchDataModel

                return(response = GetProductionData());
                    $"#Out# Execute: DataModel {requestArgument.ProjectID} complete for stationOffset report. #Result#:{response?.ResultStatus ?? RequestErrorStatus.Exception} with {response?.StationOffsetRows.Count ?? 0} offsets");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// For each point in the list, get the sub grid and extract productionData at the station/offset i.e pointOfInterest
        ///    This could be optimized to get any poi from each sub grid before disposal
        /// </summary>
        private StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute GetProductionData()
            var result = new StationOffsetReportRequestResponse_ClusterCompute {
                ResultStatus = RequestErrorStatus.Unknown

            IDesignWrapper cutFillDesignWrapper = null;

            if (requestArgument.ReferenceDesign != null && requestArgument.ReferenceDesign.DesignID != Guid.Empty)
                var cutFillDesign = siteModel.Designs.Locate(requestArgument.ReferenceDesign.DesignID);
                if (cutFillDesign == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Design {requestArgument.ReferenceDesign.DesignID} not a recognized design in project {requestArgument.ProjectID}");
                cutFillDesignWrapper = new DesignWrapper(requestArgument.ReferenceDesign, cutFillDesign);

            var existenceMap = siteModel.ExistenceMap;
            var utilities    = DIContext.Obtain <IRequestorUtilities>();
            var requestors   = utilities.ConstructRequestors(null, siteModel, requestArgument.Overrides, requestArgument.LiftParams,
                                                             utilities.ConstructRequestorIntermediaries(siteModel, requestArgument.Filters, true, GridDataType.CellProfile),
                                                             AreaControlSet.CreateAreaControlSet(), existenceMap);

            // Obtain the primary partition map to allow this request to determine the elements it needs to process
            bool[] primaryPartitionMap = ImmutableSpatialAffinityPartitionMap.Instance().PrimaryPartitions();
            SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits cellOverrideMask = new SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits(SubGridBitsCreationOptions.Unfilled);

            foreach (var point in requestArgument.Points)
                // Determine the on-the-ground cell
                siteModel.Grid.CalculateIndexOfCellContainingPosition(point.Easting, point.Northing, out int OTGCellX, out int OTGCellY);

                var thisSubGridOrigin = new SubGridCellAddress(OTGCellX, OTGCellY);

                if (!primaryPartitionMap[thisSubGridOrigin.ToSpatialPartitionDescriptor()])

                // Get the sub grid relative cell location
                int cellX = OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
                int cellY = OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;

                // Reach into the sub-grid request layer and retrieve an appropriate sub-grid
                cellOverrideMask.SetBit(cellX, cellY);
                requestors[0].CellOverrideMask = cellOverrideMask;

                // using the cell address get the index of cell in clientGrid
                var requestSubGridInternalResult = requestors[0].RequestSubGridInternal(
                    thisSubGridOrigin, true, true);

                if (requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult != ServerRequestResult.NoError)
                    Log.LogError($"Request for sub grid {thisSubGridOrigin} request failed with code {result}");
                    result.StationOffsetRows.Add(new StationOffsetRow(point.Station, point.Offset, point.Northing, point.Easting));

                var hydratedPoint = ExtractRequiredValues(cutFillDesignWrapper, point, requestSubGridInternalResult.clientGrid as ClientCellProfileLeafSubgrid, cellX, cellY);

            result.ResultStatus = RequestErrorStatus.OK;