Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static void ExtractDesertLights()
            StaticModel model = StaticDatabase.GetModelByName("SQUAD_Desert_Runway");

            Transform   lights1     = model.prefab.transform.FindRecursive("Section1_lights");
            string      modelName   = "SQUAD_Runway_Lights";
            StaticModel lightsModel = new StaticModel();

            lightsModel.prefab = lights1.gameObject;
            // dishModel.prefab.transform.parent = null;
            lightsModel.name         = modelName;
            lightsModel.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
            lightsModel.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
            lightsModel.keepConvex   = true;
            lightsModel.title        = "Desert Runway Lights";
            lightsModel.mesh         = modelName;
            lightsModel.category     = "Runway";
            lightsModel.author       = "Squad";
            lightsModel.manufacturer = "Squad";
            lightsModel.description  = "Squad original Desert Runway Lights";

            lightsModel.isSquad = true;

            StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(lightsModel, lightsModel.name);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void CreateModelFromGameObject(GameObject prefab, string modelName, string category)
            StaticModel model = new StaticModel();

            model.isSquad = true;
            model.name    = modelName;
            model.prefab  = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);

            // Fill in FakeNews errr values
            model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
            model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
            model.keepConvex   = true;
            model.title        = modelName;
            model.mesh         = modelName;
            model.category     = category;
            model.author       = "Squad";
            model.manufacturer = "Squad";
            model.description  = "Squad original " + modelName;

            if (modelName == "KSC_FuelTank")
                foreach (var bla in model.prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>(true))
                    bla.enabled = true;
                Log.Normal("Fixing KSC Fuel Tank");
                GameObject oldGameObject = model.prefab;
                GameObject newBaseObject = new GameObject(modelName);
                oldGameObject.transform.position         = newBaseObject.transform.position;
                oldGameObject.transform.parent           = newBaseObject.transform;
                oldGameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(270, 0, 0);
                model.prefab = newBaseObject;

            StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void CreateModelFromGameObject(GameObject prefab, string modelName, string category)
            StaticModel model = new StaticModel();

            model.isSquad = true;
            model.name    = modelName;
            model.prefab  = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);
            // Fill in FakeNews errr values
            model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
            model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
            model.keepConvex   = true;
            model.title        = modelName;
            model.mesh         = modelName;
            model.category     = category;
            model.author       = "Squad";
            model.manufacturer = "Squad";
            model.description  = "Squad original " + modelName;
            StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// used for loading the pyramid parts
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadSquadAnomaliesLevel3()
            foreach (PQSCity pqs in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <PQSCity>())
                if (pqs.gameObject.name != "Pyramids")

                // find the lv2 parent
                GameObject baseGameObject  = pqs.gameObject;
                GameObject baseGameObject2 = null;

                foreach (var child in baseGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true))
                    // we only want to be one level down.
                    if (child.parent.gameObject != baseGameObject)
                        baseGameObject2 = child.gameObject;

                foreach (var child in baseGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true))
                    // we only want to be one level down.
                    if (child.parent.gameObject != baseGameObject2)

                    string modelName  = "SQUAD_" + pqs.gameObject.name + "_" + child.gameObject.name;
                    string modelTitle = "Squad " + pqs.gameObject.name + " " + child.gameObject.name;

                    // don't double register the models a second time (they will do this)
                    // maybe with a "without green flag" and filter that our later at spawn in mangle
                    if (StaticDatabase.allStaticModels.Select(x => x.name).Contains(modelName))

                    StaticModel model = new StaticModel();
                    model.name = modelName;

                    // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                    model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
                    model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
                    model.keepConvex   = true;
                    model.title        = modelTitle;
                    model.mesh         = modelName;
                    model.category     = "Squad Anomalies";
                    model.author       = "Squad";
                    model.manufacturer = "Squad";
                    model.description  = "Squad original " + modelTitle;

                    model.isSquad = true;

                    // we reference only the original prefab, as we cannot instantiate an instance for some reason
                    model.prefab = child.gameObject;

                    StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void MangleTrackingDishes()
            // StrackingStation LV1
            StaticModel model = StaticDatabase.GetModelByName("KSC_TrackingStation_level_1");
            List <DishController.Dish> dishes = new List <DishController.Dish>();

            DishController controller = model.prefab.AddComponent <DishController>();

            controller.fakeTimeWarp = 1f;
            controller.maxSpeed     = 10f;
            controller.maxElevation = 20f;
            controller.minElevation = -70f;

            foreach (Transform dishTransform in model.prefab.transform.FindAllRecursive("TS_dish"))
                Log.Normal("Dish: Found Dish");
                DishController.Dish dish = new DishController.Dish();

                dish.elevationTransform = dishTransform.FindRecursive("dish_antenna");
                //dish.elevationInit = new Quaternion();
                dish.rotationTransform = dishTransform.FindRecursive("dish_support");

                dish.elevationTransform.parent = dish.rotationTransform;

            controller.dishes  = dishes.ToArray();
            controller.enabled = true;

            // StrackingStation LV2
            model = StaticDatabase.GetModelByName("KSC_TrackingStation_level_2");

            controller = model.prefab.AddComponent <DishController>();

            controller.fakeTimeWarp = 1f;
            controller.maxSpeed     = 10f;
            controller.maxElevation = 20f;
            controller.minElevation = -70f;

            foreach (Transform dishTransform in model.prefab.transform.FindAllRecursive("TS_dish"))
                Log.Normal("Dish: Found Dish");
                DishController.Dish dish = new DishController.Dish();

                dish.elevationTransform = dishTransform.FindRecursive("dish_antenna");
                //dish.elevationInit = new Quaternion();
                dish.rotationTransform = dishTransform.FindRecursive("dish_support");

                dish.elevationTransform.parent = dish.rotationTransform;

            controller.dishes  = dishes.ToArray();
            controller.enabled = true;

            // Extract LV3 Dish as Extra Dish
            model = StaticDatabase.GetModelByName("KSC_TrackingStation_level_3");

            Transform   dishNorth = model.prefab.transform.FindRecursive("dish_north");
            string      modelName = "SQUAD_LV3_Tracking_Dish";
            StaticModel dishModel = new StaticModel();

            dishModel.prefab = dishNorth.gameObject;
            // dishModel.prefab.transform.parent = null;
            dishModel.name         = modelName;
            dishModel.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
            dishModel.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
            dishModel.keepConvex   = true;
            dishModel.title        = "TrackingStation Lv3 Dish";
            dishModel.mesh         = modelName;
            dishModel.category     = "Dish";
            dishModel.author       = "Squad";
            dishModel.manufacturer = "Squad";
            dishModel.description  = "Squad original TrackingStation Lv3 Dish";

            dishModel.isSquad = true;

            StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(dishModel, dishModel.name);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the individual components of the desert Airfield into the static database
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadDesertSiteAssets()
            List <string> allStatics = new List <string> {
                "Model", ""

            foreach (PQSCity2 pqs2 in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <PQSCity2>())
                if (pqs2.gameObject == null)

                if (pqs2.gameObject.name != "Desert_Airfield")

                Log.Normal("found PQS2 " + pqs2.gameObject.name);

                GameObject baseGameObject = pqs2.gameObject;
                foreach (var child in baseGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true))
                    if (child.parent == null)

                    // we only want to be one level down.
                    if (child.parent.gameObject != baseGameObject)

                    Log.Normal("found child " + child.gameObject.name);

                    if (child.gameObject.name == "Model")
                        string modelName  = "SQUAD_Desert_Runway";
                        string modelTitle = "Squad Desert Runway";

                        // don't double register the models a second time (they will do this)
                        // maybe with a "without green flag" and filter that our later at spawn in mangle
                        if (StaticDatabase.allStaticModels.Select(x => x.name).Contains(modelName))

                        StaticModel model = new StaticModel();
                        model.name = modelName;

                        // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                        model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
                        model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
                        model.keepConvex   = true;
                        model.title        = modelTitle;
                        model.mesh         = modelName;
                        model.category     = "Squad Desert";
                        model.author       = "Squad";
                        model.manufacturer = "Squad";
                        model.description  = "Squad original " + modelTitle;

                        model.isSquad = true;

                        model.DefaultLaunchPadTransform = "End09/SpawnPoint";

                        // we reference only the original prefab, as we cannot instantiate an instance for some reason
                        model.prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(child.gameObject);

                        StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);

                    if (child.gameObject.name == "GroundObjects")
                        GameObject baseObject = child.gameObject;

                        foreach (var child2 in baseGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true))
                            if (child2.parent == null)

                            // we only want to be one level down.
                            if (child2.parent.gameObject != baseObject)

                            //Filter out multiple instances or boken stuff
                            if (child2.gameObject.name.Contains("(") || child2.gameObject.name.Contains("windmill"))

                            //Log.Normal("found child2 " + child2.gameObject.name);

                            string modelName  = "SQUAD_" + pqs2.gameObject.name + "_" + child2.gameObject.name;
                            string modelTitle = "Squad " + pqs2.gameObject.name + " " + child2.gameObject.name;

                            // don't double register the models a second time (they will do this)
                            // maybe with a "without green flag" and filter that our later at spawn in mangle
                            if (StaticDatabase.allStaticModels.Select(x => x.name).Contains(modelName))

                            StaticModel model = new StaticModel();
                            model.name = modelName;

                            // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                            model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
                            model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
                            model.keepConvex   = true;
                            model.title        = modelTitle;
                            model.mesh         = modelName;
                            model.category     = "Squad Desert";
                            model.author       = "Squad";
                            model.manufacturer = "Squad";
                            model.description  = "Squad original " + modelTitle;

                            model.isSquad = true;

                            // we reference only the original prefab, as we cannot instantiate an instance for some reason
                            model.prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(child2.gameObject);

                            StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the statics of the KSC2
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadSquadAnomaliesLevel2()
            foreach (PQSCity pqs in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <PQSCity>())
                if (pqs.gameObject.name != "KSC2" && pqs.gameObject.name != "Pyramids" && pqs.gameObject.name != "CommNetDish")

                GameObject baseGameObject = pqs.gameObject;
                foreach (var child in baseGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true))
                    // we only want to be one level down.
                    if (child.parent.gameObject != baseGameObject)

                    string modelName  = "SQUAD_" + pqs.gameObject.name + "_" + child.gameObject.name;
                    string modelTitle = "Squad " + pqs.gameObject.name + " " + child.gameObject.name;

                    // don't double register the models a second time (they will do this)
                    // maybe with a "without green flag" and filter that our later at spawn in mangle
                    if (StaticDatabase.allStaticModels.Select(x => x.name).Contains(modelName))

                    // filter out some unneded stuff
                    if (modelName.Contains("ollider") || modelName.Contains("onolit"))

                    StaticModel model = new StaticModel();
                    model.name = modelName;

                    // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                    model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
                    model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
                    model.keepConvex   = true;
                    model.title        = modelTitle;
                    model.mesh         = modelName;
                    model.category     = "Squad Anomalies";
                    model.author       = "Squad";
                    model.manufacturer = "Squad";
                    model.description  = "Squad original " + modelTitle;

                    model.isSquad = true;

                    if (model.name.Equals("SQUAD_KSC2_launchpad", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        model.DefaultLaunchPadTransform = "PlatformPlane";

                    // we reference only the original prefab, as we cannot instantiate an instance for some reason
                    model.prefab = child.gameObject;
                    //model.prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(child.gameObject);

                    StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Models from the KSC into the model Database
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadSquadKSCModels()
            var dotAnim = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <TimeOfDayAnimation>().Where(x => x.gameObject.name == "SpaceCenter").First();

            if (dotAnim != null)
                //Log.Normal("DN found: " + dotAnim.gameObject.name);
                //Log.Normal("DN emissiveColorProperty: " + dotAnim.emissiveColorProperty);
                //Log.Normal("DN tgtColor: " + dotAnim.emissiveTgtColor);

                InstanceUtil.dayNightEmissives = dotAnim.emissives;
                InstanceUtil.dotPoperty        = dotAnim.emissiveColorProperty;
                InstanceUtil.dotColor          = dotAnim.emissiveTgtColor;
                InstanceUtil.dotAnimationCurve = dotAnim.emissivesCurve;

                foreach (TimeOfDayAnimation.MaterialProperty mp in dotAnim.emissives)
                    //Log.Normal("DN matname: " + mp.material.name);

            // first we find get all upgradeable facilities
            Upgradeables.UpgradeableObject[] upgradeablefacilities;
            upgradeablefacilities = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Upgradeables.UpgradeableObject>();

            foreach (var facility in upgradeablefacilities)
                for (int i = 0; i < facility.UpgradeLevels.Length; i++)
                    string modelName  = "KSC_" + facility.name + "_level_" + (i + 1).ToString();
                    string modelTitle = "KSC " + facility.name + " lv " + (i + 1).ToString();

                    if (modelName == "KSC_Runway_level_2")
                        if (Expansions.ExpansionsLoader.IsExpansionInstalled("MakingHistory"))
                            if (facility.UpgradeLevels[i].facilityInstance != null)

                    // don't double register the models a second time (they will do this)
                    // maybe with a "without green flag" and filter that our later at spawn in mangle
                    if (StaticDatabase.allStaticModels.Select(x => x.name).Contains(modelName))

                    StaticModel model = new StaticModel();
                    model.name = modelName;

                    // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                    model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
                    model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
                    model.keepConvex   = true;
                    model.title        = modelTitle;
                    model.mesh         = modelName;
                    model.category     = "Squad KSC";
                    model.author       = "Squad";
                    model.manufacturer = "Squad";
                    model.description  = "Squad original " + modelTitle;

                    model.isSquad = true;

                    // the runways have all the same spawnpoint.
                    if (facility.name.Equals("Runway", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        model.DefaultLaunchPadTransform = "End09/SpawnPoint";

                    // Launchpads also
                    if (facility.name.Equals("LaunchPad", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        model.DefaultLaunchPadTransform = "LaunchPad_spawn";

                    // we reference only the original prefab, as we cannot instantiate an instance for some reason
                    //model.prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(facility.UpgradeLevels[i].facilityPrefab);
                    model.prefab = facility.UpgradeLevels[i].facilityPrefab;

                    ////Debug code for Material dumping
                    //foreach (Renderer renderer in model.prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(true))
                    //    foreach (Material material in renderer.materials)
                    //    {
                    //        try
                    //        {
                    //            string textures = "";

                    //            foreach (string textName in material.GetTexturePropertyNames())
                    //            {
                    //                textures = textures + textName + ": " + material.GetTexture(textName).name + " ;  " + material.GetTextureScale(textName).ToString() + " ";
                    //            }

                    //            {
                    //                if (!material.HasProperty("_Color"))
                    //                {
                    //                    Log.Normal("Material: " + material.name + " : " + material.shader.name + " : " + textures + " : " + "No Color");
                    //                }
                    //                else
                    //                {
                    //                    Log.Normal("Material: " + material.name + " : " + material.shader.name + " : " + textures + " : " + material.color.ToString());
                    //                }
                    //                continue;
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        catch { }
                    //    }

                    // Register new GasColor Module
                    Material grassMaterial = null;
                    model.modules = new List <StaticModule>();

                    foreach (Renderer renderer in model.prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true))
                        int materialcount = 0;
                        foreach (Material material in renderer.materials.Where(mat => mat.shader.name == "KSP/Scenery/Diffuse Ground KSC"))
                            Log.Normal("Found GrassColor on: " + model.name + " : " + renderer.transform.name + " count: " + materialcount);
                            grassMaterial = material;
                            StaticModule module = new StaticModule();
                            module.moduleNamespace = "KerbalKonstructs";
                            module.moduleClassname = "GrassColor2";
                            module.moduleFields.Add("DefaultBlendMaskTexture", "BUILTIN:/" + grassMaterial.GetTexture("_BlendMaskTexture").name);
                            module.moduleFields.Add("DefaultNearGrassTexture", "BUILTIN:/" + grassMaterial.GetTexture("_NearGrassTexture").name);
                            module.moduleFields.Add("DefaultFarGrassTexture", "BUILTIN:/" + grassMaterial.GetTexture("_FarGrassTexture").name);
                            module.moduleFields.Add("DefaultTarmacTexture", "BUILTIN:/" + grassMaterial.GetTexture("_TarmacTexture").name);

                            module.moduleFields.Add("DefaultTarmacTiling", ConfigNode.WriteVector(grassMaterial.GetTextureScale("_TarmacTexture")));

                            module.moduleFields.Add("DefaultNearGrassTiling", grassMaterial.GetFloat("_NearGrassTiling").ToString());
                            module.moduleFields.Add("DefaultFarGrassTiling", grassMaterial.GetFloat("_FarGrassTiling").ToString());

                            module.moduleFields.Add("GrassMeshName", renderer.transform.name);

                            module.moduleFields.Add("MaterialOffset", materialcount.ToString());



                            TexturePreset preset = new TexturePreset();
                            preset.usage       = TextureUsage.BlendMask;
                            preset.texturePath = "BUILTIN:/" + grassMaterial.GetTexture("_BlendMaskTexture").name;
                            if (TextureSelector.additionalTextures.Where(x => x.texturePath == preset.texturePath).Count() == 0)

                    StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);

                    if (modelName == "KSC_SpaceplaneHangar_level_3")
                        CreateModelFromGameObject(model.prefab.transform.FindRecursive("Tank").gameObject, "KSC_FuelTank", "Tanks");
                        CreateModelFromGameObject(model.prefab.transform.FindRecursive("ksp_pad_cylTank").gameObject, "KSC_FuelTanks", "Tanks");
                        CreateModelFromGameObject(model.prefab.transform.FindRecursive("ksp_pad_waterTower").gameObject, "KSC_WaterTower", "Tanks");

                    // try to extract the wrecks from the facilities
                    var transforms = model.prefab.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true);
                    int wreckCount = 0;
                    foreach (var transform in transforms)
                        if (transform.name.Equals("wreck", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            StaticModel wreck     = new StaticModel();
                            string      wreckName = modelName + "_wreck_" + wreckCount.ToString();
                            wreck.name = wreckName;

                            // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                            wreck.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + wreckName;
                            wreck.configPath   = wreck.path + ".cfg";
                            wreck.keepConvex   = true;
                            wreck.title        = modelTitle + " wreck " + wreckCount.ToString();
                            wreck.mesh         = wreckName;
                            wreck.category     = "Squad KSC wreck";
                            wreck.author       = "Squad";
                            wreck.manufacturer = "Squad";
                            wreck.description  = "Squad original " + wreck.title;

                            wreck.isSquad = true;
                            wreck.prefab  = GameObject.Instantiate(transform.gameObject);

                            //wreck.prefab.GetComponent<Transform>().parent = null;
                            StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(wreck, wreck.name);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all non KSC models into the ModelDatabase
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadSquadAnomalies()
            foreach (PQSCity pqs in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <PQSCity>())
                if (pqs.gameObject.name == "KSC" || pqs.gameObject.name == "KSC2" || pqs.gameObject.name == "Pyramids" || pqs.gameObject.name == "Pyramid" || pqs.gameObject.name == "CommNetDish")

                string modelName  = "SQUAD_" + pqs.gameObject.name;
                string modelTitle = "Squad " + pqs.gameObject.name;

                // don't double register the models a second time (they will do this)
                // maybe with a "without green flag" and filter that our later at spawn in mangle
                if (StaticDatabase.allStaticModels.Select(x => x.name).Contains(modelName))

                StaticModel model = new StaticModel();
                model.name = modelName;

                // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
                model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
                model.keepConvex   = true;
                model.title        = modelTitle;
                model.mesh         = modelName;
                model.category     = "Squad Anomalies";
                model.author       = "Squad";
                model.manufacturer = "Squad";
                model.description  = "Squad original " + modelTitle;

                model.isSquad = true;

                // we reference only the original prefab, as we cannot instantiate an instance for some reason
                //model.prefab = pqs.gameObject;
                model.prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(pqs.gameObject);
                // activate them
                foreach (Transform child in model.prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true))
                    if (!child || !child.gameObject)


                StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);

            foreach (PQSCity2 pqs2 in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <PQSCity2>())
                if (pqs2.gameObject.name == "Desert_Airfield")

                string modelName  = "SQUAD_" + pqs2.gameObject.name;
                string modelTitle = "Squad " + pqs2.gameObject.name;

                if (modelName.Contains("Clone"))

                // don't double register the models a second time (they will do this)
                // maybe with a "without green flag" and filter that our later at spawn in mangle
                if (StaticDatabase.allStaticModels.Select(x => x.name).Contains(modelName))

                StaticModel model = new StaticModel();
                model.name = modelName;

                // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
                model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
                model.keepConvex   = true;
                model.title        = modelTitle;
                model.mesh         = modelName;
                model.category     = "Squad Anomalies";
                model.author       = "Squad";
                model.manufacturer = "Squad";
                model.description  = "Squad original " + modelTitle;

                model.isSquad = true;

                if (modelName == "SQUAD_MobileLaunchPad" || modelName == "SQUAD_Desert_Airfield")
                    model.category = "Squad LaunchSite";
                    model.DefaultLaunchPadTransform = "SpawnPoint";

                // we reference only the original prefab, as we cannot instantiate an instance for some reason
                model.prefab = pqs2.gameObject;
                //model.prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(pqs2.gameObject);
                StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Models from the KSC into the model Database
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadSquadKSCModels()
            var dotAnim = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <TimeOfDayAnimation>().Where(x => x.gameObject.name == "SpaceCenter").First();

            if (dotAnim != null)
                //Log.Normal("DN found: " + dotAnim.gameObject.name);
                //Log.Normal("DN emissiveColorProperty: " + dotAnim.emissiveColorProperty);
                //Log.Normal("DN tgtColor: " + dotAnim.emissiveTgtColor);

                InstanceUtil.dayNightEmissives = dotAnim.emissives;
                InstanceUtil.dotPoperty        = dotAnim.emissiveColorProperty;
                InstanceUtil.dotColor          = dotAnim.emissiveTgtColor;
                InstanceUtil.dotAnimationCurve = dotAnim.emissivesCurve;

                foreach (TimeOfDayAnimation.MaterialProperty mp in dotAnim.emissives)
                    //Log.Normal("DN matname: " + mp.material.name);

            // first we find get all upgradeable facilities
            Upgradeables.UpgradeableObject[] upgradeablefacilities;
            upgradeablefacilities = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Upgradeables.UpgradeableObject>();

            foreach (var facility in upgradeablefacilities)
                for (int i = 0; i < facility.UpgradeLevels.Length; i++)
                    string modelName  = "KSC_" + facility.name + "_level_" + (i + 1).ToString();
                    string modelTitle = "KSC " + facility.name + " lv " + (i + 1).ToString();

                    // don't double register the models a second time (they will do this)
                    // maybe with a "without green flag" and filter that our later at spawn in mangle
                    if (StaticDatabase.allStaticModels.Select(x => x.name).Contains(modelName))

                    StaticModel model = new StaticModel();
                    model.name = modelName;

                    // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                    model.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + modelName;
                    model.configPath   = model.path + ".cfg";
                    model.keepConvex   = true;
                    model.title        = modelTitle;
                    model.mesh         = modelName;
                    model.category     = "Squad KSC";
                    model.author       = "Squad";
                    model.manufacturer = "Squad";
                    model.description  = "Squad original " + modelTitle;

                    model.isSquad = true;

                    // the runways have all the same spawnpoint.
                    if (facility.name.Equals("Runway", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        model.DefaultLaunchPadTransform = "End09/SpawnPoint";

                    // Launchpads also
                    if (facility.name.Equals("LaunchPad", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        model.DefaultLaunchPadTransform = "LaunchPad_spawn";

                    // we reference only the original prefab, as we cannot instantiate an instance for some reason
                    model.prefab = facility.UpgradeLevels[i].facilityPrefab;

                    // Register new GasColor Module
                    bool hasGrasMaterial = false;
                    foreach (Renderer renderer in model.prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true))
                        foreach (Material material in renderer.materials.Where(mat => mat.name == "ksc_exterior_terrain_grass_02 (Instance)"))
                            //Log.Normal("gras: " + material.name + " : " + material.color.ToString() + " : " + material.mainTexture.name);
                            hasGrasMaterial = true;
                    if (hasGrasMaterial)
                        //Log.Normal("Adding GrasColor to: " + model.name);
                        StaticModule module = new StaticModule();
                        module.moduleNamespace = "KerbalKonstructs";
                        module.moduleClassname = "GrasColor";
                        module.moduleFields.Add("GrasTextureImage", "BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new");
                        model.modules = new List <StaticModule>();

                    StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(model, modelName);

                    // try to extract the wrecks from the facilities
                    var transforms = model.prefab.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true);
                    int wreckCount = 0;
                    foreach (var transform in transforms)
                        if (transform.name.Equals("wreck", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            StaticModel wreck     = new StaticModel();
                            string      wreckName = modelName + "_wreck_" + wreckCount.ToString();
                            wreck.name = wreckName;

                            // Fill in FakeNews errr values
                            wreck.path         = "KerbalKonstructs/" + wreckName;
                            wreck.configPath   = wreck.path + ".cfg";
                            wreck.keepConvex   = true;
                            wreck.title        = modelTitle + " wreck " + wreckCount.ToString();
                            wreck.mesh         = wreckName;
                            wreck.category     = "Squad KSC wreck";
                            wreck.author       = "Squad";
                            wreck.manufacturer = "Squad";
                            wreck.description  = "Squad original " + wreck.title;

                            wreck.isSquad = true;
                            wreck.prefab  = transform.gameObject;
                            //wreck.prefab.GetComponent<Transform>().parent = null;
                            StaticDatabase.RegisterModel(wreck, wreck.name);