Exemplo n.º 1
        // Establish Credentials with AWS IAM Credentials in Environmental variables
        public async static Task Run()
            AWSEnvironmentProvider provider    = new AWSEnvironmentProvider();
            MinioClient            minioClient = new MinioClient()

                StatObjectArgs statObjectArgs = new StatObjectArgs()
                ObjectStat result = await minioClient.StatObjectAsync(statObjectArgs);

                Console.WriteLine("Object Stat: \n" + result.ToString());
            catch (MinioException me)
                Console.WriteLine($"[Bucket] IAMAWSProviderExample example case encountered Exception: {me}");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"[Bucket] IAMAWSProviderExample example case encountered Exception: {e}");
        // Establish Credentials with AWS Session token
        public async static Task Run()
            ChainedProvider provider = new ChainedProvider()
                                       .AddProviders(new ClientProvider[] { new AWSEnvironmentProvider(), new MinioEnvironmentProvider() });
            //Chained provider definition here.
            MinioClient minioClient = new MinioClient()

                StatObjectArgs statObjectArgs = new StatObjectArgs()
                ObjectStat result = await minioClient.StatObjectAsync(statObjectArgs);
            catch (MinioException me)
                Console.WriteLine($"[Bucket] ChainedCredentialProvider example case encountered Exception: {me}");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"[Bucket] ChainedCredentialProvider example case encountered Exception: {e}");
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Get stats on a object
        public async static Task Run(MinioClient minio,
                                     string bucketName      = "my-bucket-name",
                                     string bucketObject    = "my-object-name",
                                     string versionID       = null,
                                     string matchEtag       = null,
                                     DateTime modifiedSince = default(DateTime))
                Console.WriteLine("Running example for API: StatObjectAsync [with ObjectQuery]");

                StatObjectArgs args = new StatObjectArgs()
                ObjectStat statObjectVersion = await minio.StatObjectAsync(args);

                PrintStat(bucketObject, statObjectVersion);
            catch (MinioException me)
                string objectNameInfo = $"{bucketName}-{bucketObject}";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionID))
                    objectNameInfo = objectNameInfo + $" (Version ID) {me.Response.VersionId} (Marked DEL) {me.Response.DeleteMarker}";
                Console.WriteLine($"[StatObject] {objectNameInfo} Exception: {me}");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"[StatObject]  Exception: {e}");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ItemMeta> GetObjectMetadataAsync(string bucketName
                                                            , string objectName
                                                            , string versionID       = null
                                                            , string matchEtag       = null
                                                            , DateTime?modifiedSince = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bucketName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bucketName));
            objectName = FormatObjectName(objectName);
            StatObjectArgs args = new StatObjectArgs()

            if (modifiedSince.HasValue)
                args = args.WithModifiedSince(modifiedSince.Value);
            ObjectStat statObject = await _client.StatObjectAsync(args);

            return(new ItemMeta()
                ObjectName = statObject.ObjectName,
                Size = statObject.Size,
                LastModified = statObject.LastModified,
                ETag = statObject.ETag,
                ContentType = statObject.ContentType,
                IsEnableHttps = Options.IsEnableHttps,
                MetaData = statObject.MetaData
    /// <summary>
    ///     private helper method to remove list of objects from bucket
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args">GetObjectArgs Arguments Object encapsulates information like - bucket name, object name etc </param>
    /// <param name="cancellationToken">Optional cancellation token to cancel the operation</param>
    private async Task <ObjectStat> getObjectHelper(GetObjectArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        // StatObject is called to both verify the existence of the object and return it with GetObject.
        // NOTE: This avoids writing the error body to the action stream passed (Do not remove).
        var statArgs = new StatObjectArgs()

        if (args.OffsetLengthSet)
            statArgs.WithOffsetAndLength(args.ObjectOffset, args.ObjectLength);
        var objStat = await StatObjectAsync(statArgs, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

        if (args.FileName != null)
            await getObjectFileAsync(args, objStat, cancellationToken);
            await getObjectStreamAsync(args, objStat, args.CallBack, cancellationToken);
Exemplo n.º 6
    // Establish Credentials with AWS IAM Credentials
    public static async Task Run()
        var provider    = new IAMAWSProvider();
        var minioClient = new MinioClient()

        provider = provider.WithMinioClient(minioClient);
            var statObjectArgs = new StatObjectArgs()
            var result = await minioClient.StatObjectAsync(statObjectArgs);

            Console.WriteLine("Object Stat: \n" + result);
        catch (MinioException me)
            Console.WriteLine($"[Bucket] IAMAWSProviderExample example case encountered Exception: {me}");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine($"[Bucket] IAMAWSProviderExample example case encountered Exception: {e}");
Exemplo n.º 7
 internal StatObjectResponse(HttpStatusCode statusCode, string responseContent,
                             Dictionary <string, string> responseHeaders, StatObjectArgs args)
     : base(statusCode, responseContent)
     // StatObjectResponse object is populated with available stats from the response.
     ObjectInfo = ObjectStat.FromResponseHeaders(args.ObjectName, responseHeaders);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task TestInvalidObjectNameError()
            var badName    = new string('A', 260);
            var bucketName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            var minio      = new MinioClient()
                             .WithCredentials("Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F", "zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG")

                const int tryCount  = 5;
                var       mkBktArgs = new MakeBucketArgs()
                await minio.MakeBucketAsync(mkBktArgs);

                var statObjArgs = new StatObjectArgs()
                var ex = await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <InvalidObjectNameException>(
                    () => minio.StatObjectAsync(statObjArgs));

                for (int i = 0;
                     i < tryCount &&
                     (ex.ServerResponse != null &&
                      ex.ServerResponse.StatusCode.Equals(HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable)); ++i)
                    ex = await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <InvalidObjectNameException>(
                        () => minio.StatObjectAsync(statObjArgs));
                Assert.AreEqual(ex.Response.Code, "InvalidObjectName");

                GetObjectArgs getObjectArgs = new GetObjectArgs()
                                              .WithCallbackStream(s => {});
                ex = await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <InvalidObjectNameException>(
                    () => minio.GetObjectAsync(getObjectArgs));

                Assert.AreEqual(ex.Response.Code, "InvalidObjectName");
                var args = new RemoveBucketArgs()
                await minio.RemoveBucketAsync(args);
Exemplo n.º 9
    // Get stats on a object
    public static async Task Run(MinioClient minio,
                                 string bucketName   = "my-bucket-name",
                                 string bucketObject = "my-object-name",
                                 string versionID    = null)
            Console.WriteLine("Running example for API: StatObjectAsync");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionID))
                var objectStatArgs = new StatObjectArgs()
                var statObject = await minio.StatObjectAsync(objectStatArgs);

                PrintStat(bucketObject, statObject);

            var args = new StatObjectArgs()
            var statObjectVersion = await minio.StatObjectAsync(args);

            PrintStat(bucketObject, statObjectVersion);
        catch (MinioException me)
            var objectNameInfo = $"{bucketName}-{bucketObject}";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionID))
                objectNameInfo = objectNameInfo +
                                 $" (Version ID) {me.Response.VersionId} (Delete Marker) {me.Response.DeleteMarker}";
            Console.WriteLine($"[StatObject] {objectNameInfo} Exception: {me}");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine($"[StatObject] {bucketName}-{bucketObject} Exception: {e}");
    // Establish Authentication by assuming the role of an existing user
    public static async Task Run()
        // endpoint usually point to MinIO server.
        var endpoint = "alias:port";

        // Access key to fetch credentials from STS endpoint.
        var accessKey = "access-key";

        // Secret key to fetch credentials from STS endpoint.
        var secretKey = "secret-key";

        var minio = new MinioClient()
                    .WithCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)

            var provider = new AssumeRoleProvider(minio);

            var token = await provider.GetCredentialsAsync();

            // Console.WriteLine("\nToken = "); utils.Print(token);
            var minioClient = new MinioClient()
                              .WithCredentials(token.AccessKey, token.SecretKey)
            var statObjectArgs = new StatObjectArgs()
            var result = await minio.StatObjectAsync(statObjectArgs);

            // Console.WriteLine("Object Stat: \n"); utils.Print(result);
            Console.WriteLine("AssumeRoleProvider test PASSed\n");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine($"AssumeRoleProvider test exception: {e}\n");
    // Get object in a bucket for a particular offset range. Dotnet SDK currently
    // requires both start offset and end
    public static async Task Run(MinioClient minio,
                                 string bucketName = "my-bucket-name",
                                 string objectName = "my-object-name",
                                 string fileName   = "my-file-name")
            Console.WriteLine("Running example for API: GetObjectAsync");
            // Check whether the object exists using StatObjectAsync(). If the object is not found,
            // StatObjectAsync() will throw an exception.
            var statObjectArgs = new StatObjectArgs()
            await minio.StatObjectAsync(statObjectArgs);

            // Get object content starting at byte position 1024 and length of 4096
            var getObjectArgs = new GetObjectArgs()
                                .WithOffsetAndLength(1024L, 4096L)
                                .WithCallbackStream(stream =>
                var fileStream = File.Create(fileName);
                var writtenInfo    = new FileInfo(fileName);
                var file_read_size = writtenInfo.Length;
                // Uncomment to print the file on output console
                // stream.CopyTo(Console.OpenStandardOutput());
                    $"Successfully downloaded object with requested offset and length {writtenInfo.Length} into file");
            await minio.GetObjectAsync(getObjectArgs).ConfigureAwait(false);

        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine($"[Bucket]  Exception: {e}");
    // Establish Authentication on both ways with client and server certificates
    public static async Task Run()
        // STS endpoint
        var stsEndpoint = "https://alias:port/";

        // Generatng pfx cert for this call.
        // openssl pkcs12 -export -out client.pfx -inkey client.key -in client.crt -certfile server.crt
        using (var cert = new X509Certificate2("C:\\dev\\client.pfx", "optional-password"))
                var provider = new CertificateIdentityProvider()

                var minioClient = new MinioClient()

                var statObjectArgs = new StatObjectArgs()
                var result = await minioClient.StatObjectAsync(statObjectArgs);

                // Console.WriteLine("\nObject Stat: \n" + result.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("\nCertificateIdentityProvider test PASSed\n");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"\nCertificateIdentityProvider test exception: {e}\n");