Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task Simultaneous()
            await SyncContext.Clear;

            // We're going to establish two simultaneous client connections,
            // register a workflow on each, and then verify that these workflows work.

            var client1Settings = fixture.Settings.Clone();

            client1Settings.TaskQueue = "taskqueue-1";

            using (var client1 = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(client1Settings))
                var worker1 = await client1.NewWorkerAsync();

                await worker1.RegisterWorkflowAsync <WorkflowWithResult1>();

                await worker1.StartAsync();

                var client2Settings = fixture.Settings.Clone();

                client2Settings.TaskQueue = "taskqueue-2";

                using (var client2 = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(client2Settings))
                    var worker2 = await client2.NewWorkerAsync();

                    await worker2.RegisterWorkflowAsync <WorkflowWithResult2>();

                    await worker2.StartAsync();

                    var options1 = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                        TaskQueue = "taskqueue-1"

                    var options2 = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                        TaskQueue = "taskqueue-2"

                    var stub1 = client1.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowWithResult1>(options: options1);
                    var stub2 = client2.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowWithResult2>(options: options2);

                    Assert.Equal("WF1 says: Hello Jeff!", await stub1.HelloAsync("Jeff"));
                    Assert.Equal("WF2 says: Hello Jeff!", await stub2.HelloAsync("Jeff"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task Workflow_ExternalIdNoReuse()
            await SyncContext.Clear;

            // Verify that default Cadence settings allow duplicate workflow IDs
            // and then change this to prevent reuse.

            var settings = fixture.Settings.Clone();

            Assert.Equal(WorkflowIdReusePolicy.AllowDuplicate, settings.WorkflowIdReusePolicy);

            settings.WorkflowIdReusePolicy = WorkflowIdReusePolicy.RejectDuplicate;

            using (var client = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(settings))
                // Create a worker and register the workflow and activity
                // implementations to let Temporal know we're open for business.

                var worker = client.NewWorkerAsync().Result;


                // Do the first run; this should succeed.

                var options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id = $"Workflow_ExternalIdNoReuse-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d")}"

                var stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowIdReuse>(options);

                Assert.Equal("Hello Jack!", await stub.HelloAsync("Jack"));

                // Do the second run with the same ID.  This shouldn't actually start
                // another workflow and will return the result from the original
                // workflow instead.

                stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowIdReuse>(options);

                Assert.Equal("Hello Jack!", await stub.HelloAsync("Jill"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task Workflow_ExternalIdReuseViaSettings()
            await SyncContext.Clear;

            // Verify that default Cadence settings allow duplicate workflow IDs.

            var settings = fixture.Settings.Clone();

            Assert.Equal(WorkflowIdReusePolicy.AllowDuplicate, settings.WorkflowIdReusePolicy);

            using (var client = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(settings))
                // Create a worker and register the workflow and activity
                // implementations to let Temporal know we're open for business.

                var worker = client.NewWorkerAsync().Result;


                // Do the first run.

                var options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id = $"Workflow_ExternalIdReuseViaOptions-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d")}"

                var stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowIdReuse>(options);

                Assert.Equal("Hello Jack!", await stub.HelloAsync("Jack"));

                // Do the second run.

                stub = client.NewWorkflowStub <IWorkflowIdReuse>(options);

                Assert.Equal("Hello Jill!", await stub.HelloAsync("Jill"));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a workflow stub instance suitable for starting a new external workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The associated <see cref="TemporalClient"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="dataConverter">The data converter.</param>
        /// <param name="workflowTypeName">Specifies the workflow type name.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Specifies the <see cref="StartWorkflowOptions"/> or <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="workflowInterface">Specifies the workflow interface definition.</param>
        /// <returns>The workflow stub as an <see cref="object"/>.</returns>
        public object Create(TemporalClient client, IDataConverter dataConverter, string workflowTypeName, StartWorkflowOptions options, System.Type workflowInterface)
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(client != null, nameof(client));
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(dataConverter != null, nameof(dataConverter));
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workflowTypeName), nameof(workflowTypeName));
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(workflowInterface != null, nameof(workflowInterface));

            options = options ?? new StartWorkflowOptions();

            return(externalStartConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { client, dataConverter, workflowTypeName, options, workflowInterface }));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task Interop_Workflow_Untyped()
            await SyncContext.Clear;

            // verify that we can execute a GOLANG workflows using
            // untyped stubs.

            using (new TwfArgsWorker())
                // Zero args:

                var options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "NoArgs-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                var stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("NoArgsWorkflow", options);
                var execution = await stub.StartAsync();

                Assert.Equal("Hello there!", await stub.GetResultAsync <string>());

                // One arg:

                options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "OneArg-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("OneArgWorkflow", options);
                execution = await stub.StartAsync("JACK");

                Assert.Equal("Hello JACK!", await stub.GetResultAsync <string>());

                // Two Args:

                options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "TwoArgs-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("TwoArgsWorkflow", options);
                execution = await stub.StartAsync("JACK", "JILL");

                Assert.Equal("Hello JACK & JILL!", await stub.GetResultAsync <string>());

                // One Array Arg:

                options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "OneArrayArg-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("ArrayArgWorkflow", options);
                execution = await stub.StartAsync(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 });

                var arrayResult = await stub.GetResultAsync <int[]>();

                Assert.Equal(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, arrayResult);

                // One Array and a String Arg

                options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "OneArrayArgs-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("ArrayArgsWorkflow", options);
                execution = await stub.StartAsync(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, "test");

                arrayResult = await stub.GetResultAsync <int[]>();

                Assert.Equal(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, arrayResult);

                // Workflow that returns just an error:

                // Verify that things work when the workflow DOESN'T return an error.

                options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "ErrorWorkflow-NOERROR-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("ErrorWorkflow", options);
                execution = await stub.StartAsync("");

                await stub.GetResultAsync();

                // Verify that things work when the workflow DOES return an error.

                options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "ErrorWorkflow-ERROR-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("ErrorWorkflow", options);
                execution = await stub.StartAsync("error message");

                    await stub.GetResultAsync();
                catch (TemporalGenericException e)
                    Assert.Equal("error message", e.Reason);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Assert.True(false, $"Expected [{typeof(TemporalGenericException).FullName}] not [{e.GetType().FullName}].");

                // Workflow that returns a string or an error:

                // Verify that things work when the workflow DOESN'T return an error.

                options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "StringErrorWorkflow-NOERROR-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("StringErrorWorkflow", options);
                execution = await stub.StartAsync("JEFF", "");

                Assert.Equal("Hello JEFF!", await stub.GetResultAsync <string>());

                // Verify that things work when the workflow DOES return an error.

                options = new StartWorkflowOptions()
                    Id        = "StringErrorWorkflow-ERROR-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d"),
                    TaskQueue = TemporalTestHelper.TaskQueue_TwfArgs

                stub      = client.NewUntypedWorkflowStub("ErrorWorkflow", options);
                execution = await stub.StartAsync("", "error message");

                    await stub.GetResultAsync <string>();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Assert.Equal("error message", e.Message);