public static void Initalize() { AllStands = new List <StandBase>(); CloseRangeStands = new List <StandBase>(); RangedStands = new List <StandBase>(); Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(StandBase)); foreach (Type type in myAssembly.GetTypes() .Where(myType => myType.IsClass && !myType.IsAbstract && myType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(StandBase)))) { StandBase stand = (StandBase)Activator.CreateInstance(type); AllStands.Add(stand); switch (stand.Class) { case StandClass.Melee: CloseRangeStands.Add(stand); break; case StandClass.Ranged: RangedStands.Add(stand); break; default: CloseRangeStands.Add(stand); break; } } }
public override bool CanUseItem(Player player) { StandBase stand = Main.rand.Next(StandManager.AllStands); TBMPlayer.Get(player).MyStand = (StandBase)Activator.CreateInstance(stand.GetType()); PlayerDeathReason reason = new PlayerDeathReason(); reason.SourceCustomReason = + " could not handle the power within."; /*if (stand is EmptyStand) * player.KillMe(reason, 0, 0);*/ return(base.CanUseItem(player)); }
public override void Load(TagCompound tag) { string standName = tag.GetString("MyStand"); if (standName != "FistStand") { MyStand = (StandBase)Activator.CreateInstance((StandManager.AllStands.Find(x => x.GetType().Name == standName).GetType())); } else { MyStand = new EmptyStand(); } }
public override void ProcessTriggers(TriggersSet triggersSet) { if (TBMInput.ActivateStand.JustPressed && MyStand != null) { if (MyStandProjectile == null) { int projectile = Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType(MyStand.GetType().Name), 0, 0, Main.myPlayer); MyStandProjectile = Main.projectile[projectile]; } else { StandBase stand = MyStandProjectile.modProjectile as StandBase; if (stand.State == StandState.Idle) { stand.State = StandState.Despawning; MyStandProjectile = null; } } } }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); environment = new DefaultEnvironment(new Map(1, 1)); // Did not load the map yet... EnvironmentTickSource = new EnvironmentTickSource(environment, SimulationCycleLengthMs); standbase = new StandBase(); var robot = new LineAndWallDetectorRobot(environment); Brain = new WallsAndLinesDemoBrain(robot, standbase); var collector = new LogCollector(Brain, this.LogViewModel); this.RobotViewModel = new RobotViewModel(robot); RobotImage.Source = RobotViewModel.Image; this.MapViewModel = new MapViewModel(); //FollowLineCommand = new CommandButtonCommand(Brain, new FollowingLineState(5.0)); //FollowLeftWallCommand = new CommandButtonCommand(Brain, new FollowingWallOnLeftState()); //FollowRightWallCommand = new CommandButtonCommand(Brain, new FollowingWallOnRightState()); }
public override void Initialize() { Stamina = 0; StaminaMax = 100; MyStand = new EmptyStand(); }
public WallsAndLinesDemoBrain(LineAndWallDetectorRobot robot, StandBase stand) : base(robot, stand) { CurrentState = new SelfDiagnosticState(this); robot.OnLineAppears += Robot_OnLineAppears; robot.OnLineDisappears += Robot_OnLineDisappears; }