Exemplo n.º 1
        public FrontendStack(Construct scope, string name, string url, StackProps props = null) : base(scope, $"frontend-{name}", props)
            // pricing - hosted zone
            // 0,50 USD por zona hospedada/mês para as primeiras 25 zonas hospedadas
            // 0,10 USD por zona hospedada/mês para zonas hospedadas adicionais
            // Consultas padrão
            // 0,40 USD por milhão de consultas – primeiro 1 bilhão de consultas/mês
            // 0,20 USD por milhão de consultas – mais de 1 bilhão de consultas/mês
            // Consultas de roteamento baseado em latência
            // 0,60 USD por milhão de consultas – primeiro 1 bilhão de consultas/mês
            // 0,30 USD por milhão de consultas – mais de 1 bilhão de consultas/mês
            // Consultas de Geo DNS e geoproximidade
            // 0,70 USD por milhão de consultas -- primeiro 1 bilhão de consultas/mês
            // 0,35 USD por milhão de consultas -- mais de 1 bilhão de consultas/mês

            _bucket = new Bucket(this, $"frontend-{name}-bucket", new BucketProps()
                BucketName           = name + "72b302bf297a228a75730123efef7c41",
                WebsiteIndexDocument = "index.html",
                PublicReadAccess     = true,
                RemovalPolicy        = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY

            _bucketDeployment = new BucketDeployment(this, $"frontend-{name}-deployment", new BucketDeploymentProps()
                Sources           = new[] { Source.Asset("../tools/frontend/") },
                DestinationBucket = _bucket,
                RetainOnDelete    = false

            _hostedZone = new HostedZone(this, $"frontend-{name}-hostedzone", new HostedZoneProps
                ZoneName = url

            _certificate = new Certificate(this, $"frontend-{name}-certificate", new CertificateProps
                DomainName = url,
                Validation = CertificateValidation.FromDns(_hostedZone)

            _distribution = new Distribution(this, $"frontend-{name}-distribution", new DistributionProps
                DefaultBehavior = new BehaviorOptions
                    Origin = new S3Origin(_bucket),
                    ViewerProtocolPolicy = ViewerProtocolPolicy.REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS
                DomainNames       = new[] { url },
                Certificate       = _certificate,
                DefaultRootObject = "index.html"

            _aRecord = new ARecord(this, $"frontend-{name}-arecord", new ARecordProps
                Zone       = _hostedZone,
                RecordName = url,
                Target     = RecordTarget.FromAlias(new CloudFrontTarget(_distribution))
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var app = new App();

            var props = new StackProps()
                Env = new Environment()
                    Account = "353697730469",
                    Region  = "us-east-1"

            var network = new NetworkStack(app, "companies", props);

            new FrontendStack(app, "companies", "zro17.com");

            new DatabaseStack(app, "companies", network.GetVpc(), props);

            new SchedulerStack(app, "regulatory-sec-update", 128, new CronOptions()
                Minute = "*/5",
                Hour   = "*",
                Day    = "*",
                Month  = "*",
                Year   = "*"
            }, network.GetVpc(), props);

            new ConsumerStack(app, "regulatory-sec-reader", 128, network.GetVpc(), props);
            new ConsumerStack(app, "regulatory-sec-parser", 128, network.GetVpc(), props);
            new ConsumerStack(app, "calculations-indexes", 128, network.GetVpc(), props);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var app   = new App();
            var props = new StackProps {
                Env = makeEnv()

            new CdkWorkshopStack(app, "CdkWorkshopStack", props);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public DatabaseStack(Construct scope, string name, Vpc vpc, StackProps props = null) : base(scope, $"database-{name}", props)
            //  pricing - rds
            //    750 horas de uso de instâncias db.t2.micro Single-AZ do Amazon RDS para execução de
            //    MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle BYOL ou SQL Server(executando SQL Server Express Edition)
            //    20 GB de armazenamento de banco de dados de SSD
            //    20 GB de armazenamento de backup para seus backups de banco de dados automatizados e
            //    quaisquer snapshots de banco de dados iniciados por usuário
            //  pricing - secret manager
            //    0,40 USD por segredo por mês. No caso de segredos armazenados por menos de um mês,
            //    o preço é pro-rata (com base no número de horas).
            //    0,05 USD por 10.000 chamadas de API.

            var secret = new Secret(this, $"database-{name}-secret", new SecretProps()
                Description = $"Database {name} password",
                SecretName  = $"database-{name}-secret"

            var databaseSecret = new DatabaseSecret(this, $"database-{name}-databasesecret", new DatabaseSecretProps()
                Username          = "******",
                MasterSecret      = secret,
                ExcludeCharacters = "{}[]()'\"/\\"

            _databaseInstance = new DatabaseInstance(this, $"database-{name}-cluster", new DatabaseInstanceProps()
                InstanceIdentifier = name + "-instance",
                DatabaseName       = name,
                Credentials        = Credentials.FromSecret(databaseSecret),
                Engine             = DatabaseInstanceEngine.Mysql(new MySqlInstanceEngineProps()
                    Version = MysqlEngineVersion.VER_8_0_21
                InstanceType = new InstanceType("t2.micro"),
                Vpc          = vpc,
                VpcSubnets   = new SubnetSelection()
                    SubnetType = SubnetType.ISOLATED

            _databaseInstance.AddRotationSingleUser(new RotationSingleUserOptions()
                AutomaticallyAfter = Duration.Days(7),
                ExcludeCharacters  = "!@#$%^&*"
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ConsumerStack(Construct scope, string name, double memory, Vpc vpc, StackProps props = null) : base(scope, $"consumer-{name}", props)
            //  pricing - lambda
            //    1 milhão de solicitações gratuitas por mês e
            //    400.000 GB/segundos de tempo de computação por mês.
            //  pricing - sqs
            //    Primeiro milhão de solicitações/mês - padrao: Gratuito - fifo: Gratuito
            //    De 1 milhão a 100 bilhões de solicitações mês - padrão: 0,40 USD - fifo: 0,50 USD
            //    De 100 milhões a 200 bilhões de solicitações/mês - padrão: 0,30 USD - fifo: 0,40 USD
            //    Mais de 200 bilhões de solicitações/mês - padrão: 0,24 USD - fifo: 0,35 USD

            _function = new Function(this, $"consumer-{name}-lambda", new FunctionProps()
                FunctionName = name,
                MemorySize   = memory,
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Handler      = "Lambda::Lambda.Function::Handler",
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../tools/consumer"),
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(20),
                LogRetention = RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,
                Vpc          = vpc,
                VpcSubnets   = new SubnetSelection()
                    SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE

            _deadletter = new Queue(this, $"consumer-{name}-deadletter", new QueueProps()
                QueueName         = name + "-deadletter",
                VisibilityTimeout = Duration.Seconds(30),
                RetentionPeriod   = Duration.Days(10)
            _queue = new Queue(this, $"consumer-{name}-queue", new QueueProps()
                QueueName         = name,
                VisibilityTimeout = Duration.Seconds(30),
                RetentionPeriod   = Duration.Days(10),
                DeadLetterQueue   = new DeadLetterQueue()
                    MaxReceiveCount = 3,
                    Queue           = _deadletter

            _function.AddEventSource(new SqsEventSource(_queue));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var app        = new App();
            var stackProps = new StackProps
                Env = new Environment
                    Region = "eu-west-1"

            new AwsCdkDotnetStack(app, "AwsCdkDotnetStack", stackProps);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var app            = new App();
            var defaultAccount = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT");
            var stackProps     = new StackProps {
                Env = new Amazon.CDK.Environment {
                    Region = "eu-central-1", Account = defaultAccount
            var networkStack  = new NetworkStack(app, "iac-demo-network-stack", stackProps);
            var webAppStack   = new WebAppStack(app, "iac-demo-web-app-stack", networkStack.VpcRef, stackProps);
            var workflowStack = new WorkflowStack(app, "iac-demo-workflow-stack", networkStack.VpcRef, networkStack.L1Vpc, stackProps);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var app        = new App();
            var stackProps = new StackProps
                Env = new Environment
                    Account = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT"),
                    Region  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CDK_DEFAULT_REGION")

            new LambdaStack(app, "LambdaFunctionOne", stackProps);
            new LambdaStack(app, "LambdaFunctionTwo", stackProps);
            new WebsiteStack(app, "WebsiteOne", stackProps);

            new ApiGatewayStack(app, "HelloApiGateway", stackProps);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var app = new App();

            var props = new StackProps()
                Env = new Environment()
                    Account = "277944362602",
                    Region  = "us-east-1"

            var network = new NetworkStack(app, "player2", props);

            new FrontendStack(app, "player2", "player2.store");

Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var app = new App();

            var props = new StackProps()
                Env = GetEnvironment()

            // weird syntax, but a good way to grab Zone / Certificate from one place, otherwise
            // you get errors like
            // "Failed to create resource. Error: you have reached your limit of 20 certificates in the last year"

            var networkStack = new Stack(app, "NetworkStack", props);

            var config = GetNetworkConfig(networkStack);

            new LandingStack(app, "LandingStack", baseDomainName, config, props);

            new WorkSplitCalculatorStack(app, "WorkSplitCalculatorStack", baseDomainName, config, props);

Exemplo n.º 11
        public NetworkStack(Construct scope, string name, StackProps props = null) : base(scope, $"network-{name}", props)
            _natInstanceProvider = NatProvider.Instance(new NatInstanceProps
                InstanceType = new InstanceType("t2.micro")

            _vpc = new Vpc(this, $"network-{name}-vpc", new VpcProps()
                Cidr                = "",
                MaxAzs              = 2,
                NatGateways         = 1,
                NatGatewayProvider  = _natInstanceProvider,
                SubnetConfiguration = new ISubnetConfiguration[]
                    new SubnetConfiguration
                        CidrMask   = 23,
                        Name       = "PUBLIC",
                        SubnetType = SubnetType.PUBLIC
                    new SubnetConfiguration
                        CidrMask   = 23,
                        Name       = "PRIVATE",
                        SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE
                    new SubnetConfiguration
                        CidrMask   = 23,
                        Name       = "ISOLATED",
                        SubnetType = SubnetType.ISOLATED
Exemplo n.º 12
        internal ColdStartSimulatorStack(Construct scope, string id, StackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            var coldStartSimulatorLambdaPolicy = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM.PolicyStatement
                Effect = Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM.Effect.ALLOW


            var coldStartSimulatorSetupFunction = new Function(this, "coldstartsimulator-setup", new FunctionProps
                FunctionName = "coldstartsimulator-setup",
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../lambdas/coldstartsimulator/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler      = "ColdStartSimulator::ColdStartSimulator.StepFunctionTasks::Setup",
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(31),
                MemorySize   = 512

            var coldStartSimulatorInvokeLambdaFunction = new Function(this, "coldstartsimulator-invokelambda", new FunctionProps
                FunctionName = "coldstartsimulator-invokelambda",
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../lambdas/coldstartsimulator/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler      = "ColdStartSimulator::ColdStartSimulator.StepFunctionTasks::InvokeLambda",
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(31),
                MemorySize   = 512


            var coldStartSimulatorTouchLambdaFunction = new Function(this, "coldstartsimulator-touchlambda", new FunctionProps
                FunctionName = "coldstartsimulator-touchlambda",
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../lambdas/coldstartsimulator/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler      = "ColdStartSimulator::ColdStartSimulator.StepFunctionTasks::TouchLambda",
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(31),
                MemorySize   = 512


            var metricS3Bucket = new Bucket(this, "metric-bucket", new BucketProps
                BucketName = "coldstart-metric-bucket",

            var coldStartSimulatorCollectMetricsFunction = new Function(this, "coldstartsimulator-collectmetrics", new FunctionProps
                FunctionName = "coldstartsimulator-collectmetrics",
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../lambdas/coldstartsimulator/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish"),
                Handler      = "ColdStartSimulator::ColdStartSimulator.StepFunctionTasks::CollectMetrics",
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(31),
                MemorySize   = 512

            coldStartSimulatorCollectMetricsFunction.AddEnvironment("MetricS3BucketName", metricS3Bucket.BucketName);

            var setup = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Setup", new LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction = coldStartSimulatorSetupFunction,
                OutputPath     = "$.Payload"

            var touch = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Touch", new LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction = coldStartSimulatorTouchLambdaFunction,
                OutputPath     = "$.Payload"

            var invoke = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Invoke", new LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction = coldStartSimulatorInvokeLambdaFunction,
                OutputPath     = "$.Payload"

            var collectMetrics = new LambdaInvoke(this, "Collect Metrics", new LambdaInvokeProps
                LambdaFunction = coldStartSimulatorCollectMetricsFunction,
                OutputPath     = "$.Payload"

            var wait3Seconds = new Wait(this, "Wait 3 seconds", new WaitProps
                Time = WaitTime.Duration(Duration.Seconds(3))

            var wait30Seconds = new Wait(this, "Wait 30 seconds", new WaitProps
                Time = WaitTime.Duration(Duration.Seconds(30))

            var invokeAgainChoice = new Choice(this, "Invoke again?");

            invokeAgainChoice.When(Condition.BooleanEquals("$.Continue", true), touch);


            var definition = setup

            new StateMachine(this, "ColdStartSimulatorStateMachine", new StateMachineProps
                Definition = definition,
                Timeout    = Duration.Minutes(10)
Exemplo n.º 13
        public SchedulerStack(Construct scope, string name, double memory, CronOptions cron, Vpc vpc, StackProps props = null) : base(scope, $"scheduler-{name}", props)
            //  pricing - lambda
            //    1 milhão de solicitações gratuitas por mês e
            //    400.000 GB/segundos de tempo de computação por mês.
            //  pricing - event bridge
            //    Eventos de serviços da AWS: Gratuito
            //    Eventos personalizados:  1,00 USD / milhões de eventos personalizados publicados
            //    Eventos de terceiros(SaaS): 1,00 USD / milhões de eventos publicados
            //    Eventos entre contas: 1,00 USD / milhões de eventos entre contas publicados

            _function = new Function(this, $"scheduler-{name}-lambda", new FunctionProps()
                FunctionName = name,
                MemorySize   = memory,
                Runtime      = Runtime.DOTNET_CORE_3_1,
                Handler      = "Lambda::Lambda.Function::Handler",
                Code         = Code.FromAsset("../tools/scheduler"),
                Timeout      = Duration.Seconds(20),
                LogRetention = RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,
                Vpc          = vpc,
                VpcSubnets   = new SubnetSelection()
                    SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE

            _rule = new Rule(this, $"scheduler-{name}-rule", new RuleProps
                RuleName = name,
                Schedule = Schedule.Cron(cron),
                Targets  = new[] { new LambdaFunction(_function) }
Exemplo n.º 14
        public IvrStack(Construct scope, string stackId, StackProps stackProps, IvrSiteSchema schema, IEnumerable <SecurityGroupRule> securityGroupRules) : base(scope, stackId, stackProps)
            IVpc vpc             = null;
            var  MaxIpsPerSubnet = IvrVpcProps.MaxIpsPerSubnet;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(schema.VpcName))
                vpc = Vpc.FromLookup(this, "$VPC", new VpcLookupOptions {
                    VpcName = schema.VpcName,
                });                                                                                     // will error if not found
                //MaxIpsPerSubnet = ???;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(schema.VpcId))
                vpc = Vpc.FromLookup(this, "$VPC", new VpcLookupOptions {
                    VpcId = schema.VpcId,
                });                                                                                 // will error if not found
                //MaxIpsPerSubnet = ???;
            else if (null != schema.VpcProps)
                // use provided props to create brand new VPC
                vpc = new IvrVpc(this, $"VPC", schema.VpcProps);

            if (schema.AddVpcS3Gateway)
                var s3gw = new GatewayVpcEndpoint(this, $"S3GW", new GatewayVpcEndpointProps
                    Vpc     = vpc,
                    Service = GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3,
                    Subnets = new SubnetSelection[] { new SubnetSelection {
                                                          SubnetType = SubnetType.PUBLIC,
                                                      } },

            var role = new Role(this, "IVR", new RoleProps
                AssumedBy      = new ServicePrincipal("ec2.amazonaws.com"),
                InlinePolicies = new IvrInlinePolicies(stackProps.Env.Account, stackId, schema),

            // Configure inbound security for RDP (and more?)
            var securityGroup = new SecurityGroup(this, $"Ingress", new SecurityGroupProps
                Vpc = vpc,
                AllowAllOutbound = schema.AllowAllOutbound,

            securityGroupRules.ForEach(rule => securityGroup.WithSecurityGroupRule(rule));
            if (schema.AllowAllIntranet)
                securityGroup.WithSecurityGroupRule(new IngressRule(Peer.Ipv4($"{vpc.VpcCidrBlock}"), Port.AllTraffic()).WithDescription($"All intranet traffic"));

            // Finally - create our instances!
            var hosts = new List <HostInstance>();

            for (var subnetIndex = 0; ++subnetIndex <= Math.Min(vpc.PublicSubnets.Length, schema.MaxSubnets);)
                var hostIndexInSubnet = 0;
                foreach (var group in schema.HostGroups)
                    var numberOfHosts = Math.Min(group.HostCount, MaxIpsPerSubnet);
                    if (numberOfHosts != group.HostCount)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Group({group.Name}) host count changed from {group.HostCount} to {numberOfHosts}");
                        group.HostCount = numberOfHosts;
                    var instanceProps = IvrInstanceProps.InstanceProps(vpc, vpc.PublicSubnets[subnetIndex - 1], role, securityGroup, group.InstanceProps);
                    for (var hostCount = 0; ++hostCount <= numberOfHosts; ++hostIndexInSubnet)
                        var hostName         = $"{schema.HostNamePrefix}{subnetIndex}{hostIndexInSubnet:00}";
                        var hostPrimingProps = new HostPrimingProps
                            HostName           = hostName.AsWindowsComputerName(), // must fit into 15 chars
                            WorkingFolder      = $"{stackId}".AsWindowsFolder(),
                            AwsAccount         = stackProps.Env.Account,
                            AwsRoleName        = role.RoleName,
                            RdpProps           = schema.RdpProps,
                            EC2Users           = schema.EC2Users,
                            DownloadAndInstall = group.DownloadAndInstall,
                            S3iArgs            = $"{group.InstallS3i} --verbose",
                        var hostCommands = HostPriming.PrimeForS3i(hostPrimingProps)
                        instanceProps.KeyName  = schema.KeyPairName;
                        instanceProps.UserData = hostCommands.UserData;
                        hosts.Add(new HostInstance
                            Group    = group,
                            Instance = new Instance_(this, hostName.AsCloudFormationId(), instanceProps),
            // associate pre-allocated EIPs
            var preAllocatedEIPs    = schema.PreAllocatedElasticIPs?.SelectMany(s => s.Csv()).ToList() ?? new List <string> {
            var hostsThatRequireEIP = hosts.Where(h => h.Group.UsePreAllocatedElasticIPs).ToList();

            if (preAllocatedEIPs.Count < hostsThatRequireEIP.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Pre-Allocated Elastic IPs needed: {hostsThatRequireEIP.Count()}, but only {preAllocatedEIPs.Count()} configured in schema.{nameof(IvrSiteSchema.PreAllocatedElasticIPs)}");
            var elasticIPAssociations = hostsThatRequireEIP.Zip(preAllocatedEIPs, (h, a) =>
                return(new CfnEIPAssociation(this, $"EIPA{h.Instance.InstancePrivateIp}".AsCloudFormationId(), new CfnEIPAssociationProps
                    AllocationId = a,
                    InstanceId = h.Instance.InstanceId,
            }).ToList();    // execute LINQ now

            // We have schema.Domain registered in advance
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(schema.HostedZoneDomain))
                var theZone = HostedZone.FromLookup(this, $"{stackId}_Zone_", new HostedZoneProviderProps
                    DomainName = schema.HostedZoneDomain,
                    //Comment = "HostedZone created by Route53 Registrar",
                // assign new Elastic IPs as needed
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(schema.SubdomainEIPs))
                    var newElasticIPs = hosts.Where(h => h.Group.AllocateNewElasticIPs).Select(h =>
                        return(new CfnEIP(this, $"EIP{h.Instance.InstancePrivateIp}".AsCloudFormationId(), new CfnEIPProps
                            // 'standard' or 'vpc': https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-ec2-eip.html#cfn-ec2-eip-domain
                            Domain = "vpc",
                            InstanceId = h.Instance.InstanceId,
                    }).ToList();   // collect them now to prevent LINQ side effects
                    if (newElasticIPs.Any())
                        // Register public Elastic IPs
                        var arNewPublic = new ARecord(this, $"ARecord_Public_NewAlloc".AsCloudFormationId(), new ARecordProps
                            Zone       = theZone,
                            RecordName = $"{schema.SubdomainEIPs}.{theZone.ZoneName}",
                            Target     = RecordTarget.FromValues(newElasticIPs.Select(eip => eip.Ref).ToArray()),
                            Ttl        = Duration.Seconds(300),
                    else if (elasticIPAssociations.Any())
                        // Register public Elastic IPs

                         * var arPrePublic = new ARecord(this, $"ARecord_Public_PreAlloc".AsCloudFormationId(), new ARecordProps
                         * {
                         *  Zone = theZone,
                         *  RecordName = $"{schema.SubdomainEIPs}.{theZone.ZoneName}",
                         *  Target = RecordTarget.FromValues(elasticIPAssociations.Select(eipa => eipa.Ref).ToArray()), // ***** how to do that?
                         *  Ttl = Duration.Seconds(300),
                         * });
                        foreach (var a in elasticIPAssociations)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Pre-Allocated Elastic IP Associations: {a.AllocationId}/{a.InstanceId}, {a.Eip}/{a.PrivateIpAddress}, {a.Ref} - please put it to {schema.SubdomainEIPs}.{theZone.ZoneName} ARecord manually");
                if (0 < hosts.Count && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(schema.SubdomainHosts))
                    // Register private IPs (never changing, as opposed to public - which change on stop/start) addresses of all hosts
                    var arPrivate = new ARecord(this, $"ARecord_Private_".AsCloudFormationId(), new ARecordProps
                        Zone       = theZone,
                        RecordName = $"{schema.SubdomainHosts}.{theZone.ZoneName}",
                        Target     = RecordTarget.FromIpAddresses(hosts.Select(h => h.Instance.InstancePrivateIp).ToArray()),
                        Ttl        = Duration.Seconds(300),
                //throw new Exception();
Exemplo n.º 15
        public PostgresStack(Construct scope, string id, DatabaseInstanceProps props, StackProps stackProps) : base(scope, id, stackProps)
            Instance = new DatabaseInstance(this, id, props);
            Instance.Connections.AllowFrom(Peer.Ipv4(props.Vpc.VpcCidrBlock), Port.Tcp(5432));

            //fix secret issues - invalid connection string can be generate without excluding these chars.
            var dbSecret  = Instance.Node.TryFindChild("Secret") as DatabaseSecret;
            var cfnSecret = dbSecret.Node.DefaultChild as CfnSecret;

            cfnSecret.AddPropertyOverride("GenerateSecretString.ExcludeCharacters", "'\\;@$\"`!/");