public Uppgift1A()
     Stack<string> stack = new Stack<string>();          //Creates the stack with 10 000 slots
     Console.WriteLine(stack.CountElements());           //Counts the elements on the stack (in this case none)
     stack.Push("This stack is popping");                //Push 1 element with the assigned string onto the stack
     Console.WriteLine(stack.CountElements());           //1 element is now on the stack
     Console.Write(stack.Peek());                        //Checks the top element of the stack to find its data
     stack.Push("hej");                                  //Push 1 element containing string with "hej"
     Console.WriteLine(stack.CountElements());           //Counts elements on the stack (2 in this case)
     Console.WriteLine(stack.Pop() + "," + stack.Pop()); //Pops 2 elements from the stack and writes out what they were
     Console.WriteLine(stack.CountElements());           //Counts elements on the stack (none)