Exemplo n.º 1
 public GroundMaterial(SquareCell caller)
     if (decays)
Exemplo n.º 2
    public SquareCell getSquare()
        List <SquareCell> squares = new List <SquareCell>();

        foreach (SquareCell topCell in topCells)
            if (!topCell.busy)
        if (squares.Count == 0)
            throw new Exception("No more available square");        // Screen is full
        squares = squares.OrderBy(i => i.side)
                  .ThenBy(i => i.center.x)
                  .ThenBy(i => i.center.y)
        SquareCell choice = squares[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, squares.Count)];

        //Debug.Log("Side: "+ choice.side + ", center: " + choice.center + ", num choices: " + squares.Count);
Exemplo n.º 3
    void FillHole(SquareCell cell, Vector3 v1)
        SquareCell eastNeighbor      = cell.GetNeighbor(SquareDirection.E);
        SquareCell northNeighbor     = cell.GetNeighbor(SquareDirection.N);
        SquareCell northEastNeighbor = null;

        if (northNeighbor == null || eastNeighbor == null)

        northEastNeighbor = cell.GetNeighbor(SquareDirection.N).GetNeighbor(SquareDirection.E);

        Vector3 bridgeN = SquareMetrics.GetBridge(SquareDirection.N);
        Vector3 n       = v1 + bridgeN;

        Vector3 bridgeE = SquareMetrics.GetBridge(SquareDirection.E);
        Vector3 e       = v1 + bridgeE;

        Vector3 ne = v1 + bridgeN + bridgeE;

        Color northColor, eastColor, northEastColor;

        northColor = eastColor = northEastColor = cell.Color;

        if (northNeighbor != null)
            n.y        = northNeighbor.transform.localPosition.y;
            northColor = northNeighbor.Color;
        if (eastNeighbor != null)
            e.y       = eastNeighbor.transform.localPosition.y;
            eastColor = eastNeighbor.Color;
        if (northEastNeighbor != null)
            ne.y           = northEastNeighbor.transform.localPosition.y;
            northEastColor = northEastNeighbor.Color;

        Vector3 center = v1 + 0.5f * (bridgeN + bridgeE);

        center.y = (Mathf.Max(v1.y, e.y, n.y, ne.y) + Mathf.Min(v1.y, e.y, n.y, ne.y)) / 2f;
        Color blendColor = GetBlendColor(cell.Color, northColor, eastColor, northEastColor);

        // Triangle vertices should be clockwise
        // First Triangle to add will be v1, n, center
        AddTriangle(v1, n, center);
        AddTriangleColor(cell.Color, northColor, blendColor);
        // Second will be v1, center, e
        AddTriangle(v1, center, e);
        AddTriangleColor(cell.Color, blendColor, eastColor);
        // Third will be n, ne, center
        AddTriangle(n, ne, center);
        AddTriangleColor(northColor, northEastColor, blendColor);
        // Last is ne, e, center
        AddTriangle(ne, e, center);
        AddTriangleColor(northEastColor, eastColor, blendColor);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private SquareCell[,] ProcessSquare(int[,] matrix)
            var processed = new SquareCell[matrix.GetLength(0), matrix.GetLength(0)];

            for (var r = matrix.GetLength(0) - 1; r >= 0; r--)
                for (var c = matrix.GetLength(0) - 1; c >= 0; c--)
                    var rightZeros = 0;
                    var belowZeros = 0;

                    if (matrix[r, c] == 0)

                        if (c + 1 < matrix.GetLength(0))
                            var previous = processed[r, c + 1];
                            rightZeros += previous.ZerosRight;

                        if (r + 1 < matrix.GetLength(0))
                            var previous = processed[r + 1, c];
                            belowZeros += previous.ZerosBelow;

                    processed[r, c] = new SquareCell(rightZeros, belowZeros);

Exemplo n.º 5
    // 对比open中F最小
    private SquareCell GetMinF()
        if (open.Count == 0)

        for (int i = 0; i < open.Count; i++)
            open[i].H = (dester.Line - open[i].Line) + (dester.Column - open[i].Column);
            open[i].F = open[i].G + open[i].H;

        for (int i = 0; i < open.Count; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < open.Count; j++)
                if (open[i].F >= open[j].F)
                    SquareCell temp = open[i];
                    open[i] = open[j];
                    open[j] = temp;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void Init()
        grig   = SquareGrig.Instantiate;
        cells  = grig.cells;
        player = grig.player;
        dester = grig.dester;

        now = player;

        while (true)
            if (over == true)

            if (open.Count != 0)
            Debug.Log(now.Line + "---" + now.Column);
            now.gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.green;
Exemplo n.º 7
    void TriangulateRoadCentre(SquareCell cell, Vector3 centre, Vector3 vs0, Vector3 vs1, Vector3 vs2, Vector3 vs3)
        roads.AddTriangle(centre, vs0, GetMidVector(vs0, vs1));
        roads.AddTriangle(centre, GetMidVector(vs0, vs1), vs1);
        roads.AddTriangle(centre, vs1, GetMidVector(vs1, vs2));
        roads.AddTriangle(centre, GetMidVector(vs1, vs2), vs2);
        roads.AddTriangle(centre, vs2, GetMidVector(vs2, vs3));
        roads.AddTriangle(centre, GetMidVector(vs2, vs3), vs3);
        roads.AddTriangle(centre, vs3, GetMidVector(vs3, vs0));
        roads.AddTriangle(centre, GetMidVector(vs3, vs0), vs0);

        // W
        float midU = cell.HasRoadThroughEdge(GridDirection.W) ? 1f : 0f;

        roads.AddTriangleUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(midU, 1f));
        roads.AddTriangleUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(midU, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f));
        // N
        midU = cell.HasRoadThroughEdge(GridDirection.N) ? 1f : 0f;
        roads.AddTriangleUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(midU, 1f));
        roads.AddTriangleUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(midU, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f));
        // E
        midU = cell.HasRoadThroughEdge(GridDirection.E) ? 1f : 0f;
        roads.AddTriangleUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(midU, 1f));
        roads.AddTriangleUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(midU, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f));
        // S
        midU = cell.HasRoadThroughEdge(GridDirection.S) ? 1f : 0f;
        roads.AddTriangleUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(midU, 1f));
        roads.AddTriangleUV(new Vector2(1f, 1f), new Vector2(midU, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 1f));
Exemplo n.º 8
 void AddCliffEdges(SquareCell cell)
     AddCliffEdge(cell, GridDirection.N);
     AddCliffEdge(cell, GridDirection.E);
     AddCliffEdge(cell, GridDirection.S);
     AddCliffEdge(cell, GridDirection.W);
Exemplo n.º 9
 void Mine(SquareCell cell)
     if (cell.block.Type is BS_Solid)
         NotificationExtensions.PostNotification(this, JobMetrics.MINING_JOB_POST_NOTICE, cell.block);
Exemplo n.º 10
    //This method trigger the creation of the objects on which films are rendered
    void spawnFilms(RectTransform canvasRect, VideoClip[] clips)
        GameObject films = new GameObject();

        films.name = "Films";

        float available_size = (1 - (clips.Length + 1) * 0.01f) * Mathf.Min(canvasRect.rect.width, canvasRect.rect.height);

        float       min_width = canvasRect.rect.width / 8f * Mathf.Max(15f / (5 + 1f), 1f);
        float       max_width = canvasRect.rect.width / 7.5f * Mathf.Max(15f / (5 + 1f), 1f);
        SquaresTree sqt       = new SquaresTree(canvasRect.rect.width * widthRatio, canvasRect.rect.height, max_width, min_width, canvasRect.position - new Vector3(canvasRect.rect.width * (1 - widthRatio) * 0.5f, 0, 0));

        int choice = Random.Range(0, clips.Length);

        SquareCell sqc  = sqt.getSquare();
        float      size = sqc.side;
        GameObject vid  = Instantiate(image, sqc.center, Quaternion.identity);

        vid.name = string.Format("film{0}", 1);

        var videoPlayer = vid.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer>();

        videoPlayer.clip        = clips[choice];
        videoPlayer.playOnAwake = false;
        (vid.GetComponent <VideoController>()).StartCoroutine((vid.GetComponent <VideoController>()).SetUpFilm());
        (vid.GetComponent <VideoController>()).SetSize(size, size);
        (vid.GetComponent <VideoController>()).SetPos(sqc.center);
Exemplo n.º 11
    /// Linearly interpolate the position where an isosurface cuts
    /// an edge between two vertices, each with their own scalar value
    Vector2 VertexInterp(float isolevel, ref SquareCell cell, int pid1, int pid2)
        Vector2 p1    = cell.p[pid1];
        Vector2 p2    = cell.p[pid2];
        float   valp1 = cell.val[pid1];
        float   valp2 = cell.val[pid2];

        float   mu;
        Vector2 p = Vector2.zero;

        if (Math.Abs(isolevel - valp1) < 0.00001)
        if (Math.Abs(isolevel - valp2) < 0.00001)
        if (Math.Abs(valp1 - valp2) < 0.00001)

        mu  = (isolevel - valp1) / (valp2 - valp1);
        p.x = p1.x + mu * (p2.x - p1.x);
        p.y = p1.y + mu * (p2.y - p1.y);
Exemplo n.º 12
    public void SetOutgoingRiver(GridDirection direction)
        if (hasOutgoingRivers[(int)direction] || HasRoads)
            Debug.Log("Could not add river");
        SquareCell neighbor = GetNeighbor(direction);

        if (!neighbor || CentreElevation < neighbor.CentreElevation)
            Debug.Log("Could not add river uphill");
        if (hasIncomingRivers[(int)direction])
        hasOutgoingRivers[(int)direction] = true;

        neighbor.hasIncomingRivers[(int)direction.Opposite()] = true;
Exemplo n.º 13
 void Triangulate(SquareCell cell)
     for (SquareDirection d = SquareDirection.N; d < SquareDirection.NW; d++)
         // Debug.Log("Triangulating direction " + d.ToString());
         Triangulate(d, cell);
Exemplo n.º 14
    IEnumerator CallCountDown(SquareCell caller)
        //Debug.Log("callCountDown Called");
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(lifetime));

        //Debug.Log("mud revereted to previous");
Exemplo n.º 15
    // 检查周边是否可加入open
    private void Sides(SquareCell squareCell)
        if (CreateZIsTrue(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column) != true & cellIsIf(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column) != true)
            squareCell.IsIf = true;
            squareCell.G    = 10;
            open.Add(GetCell(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column));
        if (CreateZIsTrue(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column + 1) != true & cellIsIf(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column + 1) != true)
            squareCell.IsIf = true;
            squareCell.G    = 14;
            open.Add(GetCell(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column + 1));
        if (CreateZIsTrue(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column - 1) != true & cellIsIf(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column - 1) != true)
            squareCell.IsIf = true;
            squareCell.G    = 14;
            open.Add(GetCell(squareCell.Line - 1, squareCell.Column - 1));
        if (CreateZIsTrue(squareCell.Line, squareCell.Column + 1) != true & cellIsIf(squareCell.Line, squareCell.Column + 1) != true)
            squareCell.IsIf = true;
            squareCell.G    = 10;
            open.Add(GetCell(squareCell.Line, squareCell.Column + 1));
        if (CreateZIsTrue(squareCell.Line, squareCell.Column - 1) != true & cellIsIf(squareCell.Line, squareCell.Column - 1) != true)
            squareCell.IsIf = true;
            squareCell.G    = 10;
            open.Add(GetCell(squareCell.Line, squareCell.Column - 1));
        if (CreateZIsTrue(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column) != true & cellIsIf(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column) != true)
            squareCell.IsIf = true;
            squareCell.G    = 10;
            open.Add(GetCell(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column));
        if (CreateZIsTrue(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column + 1) != true & cellIsIf(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column + 1) != true)
            squareCell.IsIf = true;
            squareCell.G    = 14;
            open.Add(GetCell(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column + 1));
        if (CreateZIsTrue(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column - 1) != true & cellIsIf(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column - 1) != true)
            squareCell.IsIf = true;
            squareCell.G    = 14;
            open.Add(GetCell(squareCell.Line + 1, squareCell.Column - 1));

        if (over != true)
            now = GetMinF();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void ConnectWithNeigbour(SquareCell neighbour, GridDirection direction)
     //if (parentCell.GetVertexElevations.AverageElevation == neighbour.GetVertexElevations.AverageElevation)
     ConnectNodes(GetNode(NodeDirection.In, direction), neighbour.roadNetwork.GetNode(NodeDirection.Out, direction.Opposite()));
     ConnectNodes(GetNode(NodeDirection.Out, direction), neighbour.roadNetwork.GetNode(NodeDirection.In, direction.Opposite()));
     network.DeleteLink(GetNode(NodeDirection.Out, direction), GetNode(NodeDirection.In, direction));
     network.DeleteLink(neighbour.roadNetwork.GetNode(NodeDirection.Out, direction.Opposite()), neighbour.roadNetwork.GetNode(NodeDirection.In, direction.Opposite()));
Exemplo n.º 17
    void AddCellToChunk(int x, int z, SquareCell cell)
        int             chunkX = x / GridMetrics.chunkSizeX;
        int             chunkZ = z / GridMetrics.chunkSizeZ;
        SquareGridChunk chunk  = chunks[chunkX + chunkZ * chunkCountX];

        int localX = x - chunkX * GridMetrics.chunkSizeX;
        int localZ = z - chunkZ * GridMetrics.chunkSizeZ;

        chunk.AddCell(localX + localZ * GridMetrics.chunkSizeX, cell);
Exemplo n.º 18
 void ActOnCell(SquareCell cell)
     if (handlerState == IHState.Inspect)
     else if (handlerState == IHState.Mine)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public override void SetNeighbor(SquareDirection direction, SquareCell cell)
     if (cell == null)
         neighbors[(int)direction] = null;
         neighbors[(int)direction] = cell;
         cell.neighbors[(int)direction.Opposite()] = this;
Exemplo n.º 20
 void EditCells(SquareCell cell, Vector3 hitpoint)
     for (int x = 0; x < pointerSize; x++)
         for (int z = 0; z < pointerSize; z++)
             Vector3    offPos  = new Vector3(cell.coordinates.X + x, 0, cell.coordinates.Z + z);
             SquareCell offCell = squareGrid.GetCell(offPos);
             EditCell(offCell, hitpoint);
Exemplo n.º 21
    // Function to instantiate the cell at the given position
    void CreateCell(int x, int y, int i)
        Vector3 position;

        position.x = x * 1.25f;
        position.y = y * 1.25f;
        position.z = 0;

        SquareCell cell = cells[i] = Instantiate(cellPrefab);

        cell.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        cell.transform.localPosition = position;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void SetToPrevious(SquareCell caller)
     tileTypeName     = previousMaterial.tileTypeName;
     color            = previousMaterial.color;
     blendEdge        = previousMaterial.blendEdge;
     decays           = previousMaterial.decays;
     lifetime         = previousMaterial.lifetime;
     previousMaterial = previousMaterial.previousMaterial;
     if (decays)
Exemplo n.º 23
    void CreateCell(int x, int z, int i, Block block)
        SquareCell cell = cells[i] = Instantiate(cellPrefab);

        cell.point = block.Point;
        cell.block = block;


        blocksToCellsMap.Add(block, cell);

        AddCellToChunk(x, z, cell);
Exemplo n.º 24
    public void AddRoad()
        SquareCell    randomRoad      = townRoads[Random.Range(0, townRoads.Count)];
        GridDirection randomDirection = (GridDirection)(Random.Range(0, 3) * 2);
        SquareCell    randomNeighbour = randomRoad.GetNeighbor(randomDirection);

        if (randomNeighbour && randomNeighbour.UrbanLevel == 0 && !townRoads.Contains(randomNeighbour))
Exemplo n.º 25
 void MoveEditorPointer(SquareCell cell, GridDirection vertex)
     if (activeMode == EditMode.color || activeMode == EditMode.rivers || activeMode == EditMode.roads ||
         activeMode == EditMode.water_level || activeMode == EditMode.building || activeMode == EditMode.trees ||
         activeMode == EditMode.rocks || activeMode == EditMode.mast || activeMode == EditMode.lighthouse || activeMode == EditMode.industry || activeMode == EditMode.town)
         pointerLocation = GridCoordinates.ToPosition(cell.coordinates) + Vector3.up * cell.CentreElevation * GridMetrics.elevationStep;
     if (activeMode == EditMode.elevation)
         pointerLocation = GridCoordinates.ToPosition(cell.coordinates) + GridMetrics.GetEdge(vertex) + Vector3.up * (int)cell.GridElevations[vertex] * GridMetrics.elevationStep;
Exemplo n.º 26
 void AdjustVerticleHeight()
     if (mainCamera.orthographic)
         transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0, transform.position.z);
         SquareCell cell   = grid.GetCell(transform.position);
         Vector3    target = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0, transform.position.z) + Vector3.up * cell.GetMaxElevation() * GridMetrics.elevationStep;
         transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, target, ref velocity, smoothTime);
Exemplo n.º 27
    public void RemoveIncomingRiver(GridDirection direction)
        if (!hasIncomingRivers[(int)direction])
        hasIncomingRivers[(int)direction] = false;
        SquareCell neighbor = GetNeighbor(direction);

        hasOutgoingRivers[(int)direction.Opposite()] = false;
Exemplo n.º 28
    void AddWaterForSquare(SquareCell cell, Vector3 centre)
        centre.y = cell.WaterSurfaceY;
        Vector3 c0 = centre + GridMetrics.GetEdge(GridDirection.SW);
        Vector3 c1 = centre + GridMetrics.GetEdge(GridDirection.NW);
        Vector3 c2 = centre + GridMetrics.GetEdge(GridDirection.NE);
        Vector3 c3 = centre + GridMetrics.GetEdge(GridDirection.SE);

        if (cell.IsFullyUnderwater)
            water.AddQuad(c0, c1, c2, c3);
        else if (cell.IsPartUnderwater)
            float v0 = 0f, v1 = 0f, v2 = 0f, v3 = 0f;
            if (cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.N) && !cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.N).IsUnderwater)
                v1 = 1f; v2 = 1f;
            if (cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.NE) && !cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.NE).IsUnderwater)
                v2 = 1f;
            if (cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.E) && !cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.E).IsUnderwater)
                v2 = 1f; v3 = 1f;
            if (cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.SE) && !cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.SE).IsUnderwater)
                v3 = 1f;
            if (cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.S) && !cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.S).IsUnderwater)
                v3 = 1f; v0 = 1f;
            if (cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.SW) && !cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.SW).IsUnderwater)
                v0 = 1f;
            if (cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.W) && !cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.W).IsUnderwater)
                v0 = 1f; v1 = 1f;
            if (cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.NW) && !cell.GetNeighbor(GridDirection.NW).IsUnderwater)
                v1 = 1f;
            waterShore.AddQuad(c0, c1, c2, c3);
            waterShore.AddQuadV(v0, v1, v2, v3);
Exemplo n.º 29
    public bool HasCliff(GridDirection direction)
        SquareCell neighbor = GetNeighbor(direction);

        if (neighbor)
            bool noCliff = (int)vertexElevations[direction.Previous()] == (int)neighbor.vertexElevations[direction.Opposite().Next()] && (int)vertexElevations[direction.Next()] == (int)neighbor.vertexElevations[direction.Opposite().Previous()];
Exemplo n.º 30
 void spawnImage(Texture2D texture)
     if (sqt.CountSquare() != 0)
         SquareCell sqc  = sqt.getSquare();
         float      size = sqc.side;
         GameObject img  = Instantiate(image, sqc.center, Quaternion.identity);
         img.name = string.Format("image{0}", counter);
         (img.GetComponent <ImageController>()).StartCoroutine((img.GetComponent <ImageController>()).SetUpImage(texture, sqc));
         (img.GetComponent <ImageController>()).SetSize(size, size);
         (img.GetComponent <ImageController>()).SetPos(sqc.center);
Exemplo n.º 31
	/// this method renders two meshes:
	/// cmesh the collision mesh (just the outline vertices extruded)
	/// rmesh the render mesh (the 2d surface of the given voxel lattices)
	public void MarchSquares(out Mesh cmesh, out Mesh rmesh, ref SquareCell[,] cells, float isolevel) {
		Vector2 uvScale = new Vector2(1.0f / cells.GetLength(0), 1.0f / cells.GetLength(1));
		// triangle index counter
		int tricount = 0;
		// collider triangle index counter
		int ctricount = 0;
		// mesh data arrays - just clear when reused
		if (vert == null) vert = new ArrayList(); else vert.Clear();
		if (uv == null)   uv = new ArrayList();   else uv.Clear();
		if (tri == null)  tri = new ArrayList();  else tri.Clear();
		if (norm == null) norm = new ArrayList(); else norm.Clear();
		// collider mesh arrays
		if (cvert == null) cvert = new ArrayList(); else cvert.Clear();
		if (cuv == null)   cuv = new ArrayList();   else cuv.Clear();
		if (ctri == null)  ctri = new ArrayList();  else ctri.Clear();
		if (cnorm == null) cnorm = new ArrayList(); else cnorm.Clear();
		for (int i = 0; i < cells.GetLength(0); i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < cells.GetLength(1); j++) {
				SquareCell cell = cells[i,j];
				Triangle[] triangles;
				Polygonise(cell, out triangles, isolevel);
				for (int k = 0; k < triangles.Length; k++) {
					Triangle triangle = triangles[k];
					if (triangle != null) {
						Vector3 p0 = new Vector3(triangle.p[0].x, 0, triangle.p[0].y);
						Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(triangle.p[1].x, 0, triangle.p[1].y);
						Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(triangle.p[2].x, 0, triangle.p[2].y);
						/// Start Vertices One ---------------------------------------
						// Triangles
						// Normals
						Vector3 vn1 = p0 - p1; Vector3 vn2 = p0 - p2;
						Vector3 n = Vector3.Normalize ( Vector3.Cross(vn1,vn2) );
						norm.Add(n); norm.Add(n); norm.Add(n);
						uv.Add(Vector2.Scale(new Vector2 (p0.x, p0.z), new Vector2(uvScale.x, uvScale.y)));
						uv.Add(Vector2.Scale(new Vector2 (p1.x, p1.z), new Vector2(uvScale.x, uvScale.y)));
						uv.Add(Vector2.Scale(new Vector2 (p2.x, p2.z), new Vector2(uvScale.x, uvScale.y)));
						tricount += 3;
						/// END Vertices One ---------------------------------------
						if (triangle.outerline[0] != -1) {
							Vector3 o1 = new Vector3(triangle.p[triangle.outerline[0]].x, 0, triangle.p[triangle.outerline[0]].y);
							Vector3 o2 = new Vector3(triangle.p[triangle.outerline[1]].x, 0, triangle.p[triangle.outerline[1]].y);
							Vector3 bo1 = o1; o1.y = -1; // o1 transposed one unit down
							Vector3 bo2 = o2; o2.y = -1; // o2 transposed one unit down
							/// Start Vertices Two ---------------------------------------
							// Triangles
							// Normals
							Vector3 ovn1 = o1 - o2; Vector3 ovn2 = o1 - bo1;
							Vector3 on = Vector3.Normalize ( Vector3.Cross(ovn1,ovn2) );
							cnorm.Add(on); cnorm.Add(on); cnorm.Add(on);
							cuv.Add(Vector2.zero); cuv.Add(Vector2.zero); cuv.Add(Vector2.zero);
							ctricount += 3;
							/// END Vertices Two ---------------------------------------
							/// Start Vertices Three ---------------------------------------
							// Triangles
							// Normals
							Vector3 oovn1 = o2 - bo1; Vector3 oovn2 = o2 - bo2;
							Vector3 oon = Vector3.Normalize ( Vector3.Cross(oovn1,oovn2) )*-1;
							cnorm.Add(oon); cnorm.Add(oon); cnorm.Add(oon);
							cuv.Add(Vector2.zero); cuv.Add(Vector2.zero); cuv.Add(Vector2.zero);
							ctricount += 3;
							/// END Vertices Three ---------------------------------------
		// prepare the collision mesh
		cmesh = new Mesh();
		cmesh.vertices = (Vector3[]) cvert.ToArray(typeof(Vector3));
		cmesh.uv = (Vector2[]) cuv.ToArray(typeof(Vector2));
		cmesh.triangles = (int[]) ctri.ToArray(typeof(int));
		cmesh.normals = (Vector3[]) cnorm.ToArray(typeof(Vector3));
		// prepare the render mesh
		rmesh = new Mesh();
		rmesh.vertices = (Vector3[]) vert.ToArray(typeof(Vector3));
		rmesh.uv = (Vector2[]) uv.ToArray(typeof(Vector2));
		rmesh.triangles = (int[]) tri.ToArray(typeof(int));
		rmesh.normals = (Vector3[]) norm.ToArray(typeof(Vector3));
Exemplo n.º 32
	/// Linearly interpolate the position where an isosurface cuts
	/// an edge between two vertices, each with their own scalar value
	Vector2 VertexInterp(float isolevel, ref SquareCell cell, int pid1, int pid2) {
		Vector2 p1 = cell.p[pid1];
		Vector2 p2 = cell.p[pid2];
		float valp1 = cell.val[pid1];
		float valp2 = cell.val[pid2];
		float mu;
		Vector2 p = Vector2.zero;
		if (Math.Abs(isolevel-valp1) < 0.00001)
		if (Math.Abs(isolevel-valp2) < 0.00001)
		if (Math.Abs(valp1-valp2) < 0.00001)
		mu = (isolevel - valp1) / (valp2 - valp1);
		p.x = p1.x + mu * (p2.x - p1.x);
		p.y = p1.y + mu * (p2.y - p1.y);
Exemplo n.º 33
	/// All cases
	/// Case 0   Case 1   Case 2   Case 3   Case 4   Case 5   Case 6   Case 7
	/// O-----O  O-----O  O-----O  O-----O  O-----#  O-----#  O-----#  O-----#
	/// |     |  |     |  |     |  |     |  |    \|  |    \|  |  |  |  |/    |
	/// |     |  |\    |  |    /|  |-----|  |     |  |\    |  |  |  |  |     |
	/// O-----O  #-----O  O-----#  #-----#  O-----O  #-----O  O-----#  #-----#
	/// Case 8   Case 9   Case 10  Case 11  Case 12  Case 13  Case 14  Case 15
	/// #-----O  #-----O  #-----O  #-----O  #-----#  #-----#  #-----#  #-----#
	/// |/    |  |  |  |  |/    |  |    \|  |-----|  |     |  |     |  |     |
	/// |     |  |  |  |  |    /|  |     |  |     |  |    /|  |\    |  |     |
	/// O-----O  #-----O  O-----#  #-----#  O-----O  #-----O  O-----#  #-----#
	private int Polygonise(SquareCell cell, out Triangle[] triangles, float isoLevel) {
		triangles = new Triangle[3]; // => Max 3 Triangles needed
		// decide which case we have
//		bool case_0  = cell.val[0] <  isoLevel && cell.val[1] <  isoLevel && cell.val[2] <  isoLevel && cell.val[3] <  isoLevel;
		bool case_1  = cell.val[0] >= isoLevel && cell.val[1] <  isoLevel && cell.val[2] <  isoLevel && cell.val[3] <  isoLevel;
		bool case_2  = cell.val[0] <  isoLevel && cell.val[1] >= isoLevel && cell.val[2] <  isoLevel && cell.val[3] <  isoLevel;
		bool case_3  = cell.val[0] >= isoLevel && cell.val[1] >= isoLevel && cell.val[2] <  isoLevel && cell.val[3] <  isoLevel;
		bool case_4  = cell.val[0] <  isoLevel && cell.val[1] <  isoLevel && cell.val[2] <  isoLevel && cell.val[3] >= isoLevel;
		bool case_5  = cell.val[0] >= isoLevel && cell.val[1] <  isoLevel && cell.val[2] <  isoLevel && cell.val[3] >= isoLevel;
		bool case_6  = cell.val[0] <  isoLevel && cell.val[1] >= isoLevel && cell.val[2] <  isoLevel && cell.val[3] >= isoLevel;
		bool case_7  = cell.val[0] >= isoLevel && cell.val[1] >= isoLevel && cell.val[2] <  isoLevel && cell.val[3] >= isoLevel;
		bool case_8  = cell.val[0] <  isoLevel && cell.val[1] <  isoLevel && cell.val[2] >= isoLevel && cell.val[3] <  isoLevel;
		bool case_9  = cell.val[0] >= isoLevel && cell.val[1] <  isoLevel && cell.val[2] >= isoLevel && cell.val[3] <  isoLevel;
		bool case_10 = cell.val[0] <  isoLevel && cell.val[1] >= isoLevel && cell.val[2] >= isoLevel && cell.val[3] <  isoLevel;
		bool case_11 = cell.val[0] >= isoLevel && cell.val[1] >= isoLevel && cell.val[2] >= isoLevel && cell.val[3] <  isoLevel;
		bool case_12 = cell.val[0] <  isoLevel && cell.val[1] <  isoLevel && cell.val[2] >= isoLevel && cell.val[3] >= isoLevel;
		bool case_13 = cell.val[0] >= isoLevel && cell.val[1] <  isoLevel && cell.val[2] >= isoLevel && cell.val[3] >= isoLevel;
		bool case_14 = cell.val[0] <  isoLevel && cell.val[1] >= isoLevel && cell.val[2] >= isoLevel && cell.val[3] >= isoLevel;
		bool case_15 = cell.val[0] >= isoLevel && cell.val[1] >= isoLevel && cell.val[2] >= isoLevel && cell.val[3] >= isoLevel;
		// make triangles
		int ntriang = 0;
		if (case_1) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 0);
			triangles[0].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[0];
			triangles[0].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[0].outerline[1] = 1;
		if (case_2) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[0].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[0].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[0].outerline[1] = 1;
		if (case_3) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[0].p[1] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[0];
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[1].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 1;
		if (case_4) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[0].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[3];
			triangles[0].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[0].outerline[1] = 1;
		if (case_5) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[0].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[3];
			triangles[0].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[0].outerline[1] = 1;
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = cell.p[0];
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[1].p[2] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 1;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 2;
		if (case_6) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[0].p[1] = cell.p[3];
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[1].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 1;
		if (case_7) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[0].p[1] = cell.p[3];
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[1].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 1;
			triangles[2] = new Triangle();
			triangles[2].p[0] = cell.p[0];
			triangles[2].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[2].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			// no outer line...
		if (case_8) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[0].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[0].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[0].outerline[1] = 1;
		if (case_9) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = cell.p[0];
			triangles[0].p[1] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[0].p[2] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[1].p[2] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 1;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 2;
		if (case_10) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[0].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[0].p[2] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[0].outerline[0] = 1;
			triangles[0].outerline[1] = 2;
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[1].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 1;
		if (case_11) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = cell.p[0];
			triangles[0].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[1];
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[1].p[2] = cell.p[0];
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 1;
			triangles[2] = new Triangle();
			triangles[2].p[0] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[2].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 2, 3);
			triangles[2].p[2] = cell.p[0];
			// no outer line...
		if (case_12) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[0].p[1] = cell.p[3];
			triangles[0].p[2] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = cell.p[3];
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[1].p[2] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 1;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 2;
		if (case_13) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[0].p[1] = cell.p[0];
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[2];
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[1].p[2] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 0;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 1;
			triangles[2] = new Triangle();
			triangles[2].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 1, 3);
			triangles[2].p[1] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[2].p[2] = cell.p[3];
			// no outer line...
		if (case_14) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[0].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[3];
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = cell.p[3];
			triangles[1].p[1] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 1);
			triangles[1].p[2] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[1].outerline[0] = 1;
			triangles[1].outerline[1] = 2;
			triangles[2] = new Triangle();
			triangles[2].p[0] = VertexInterp(isoLevel, ref cell, 0, 2);
			triangles[2].p[1] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[2].p[2] = cell.p[3];
			// no outer line...
		if (case_15) {
			triangles[0] = new Triangle();
			triangles[0].p[0] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[0].p[1] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[0].p[2] = cell.p[0];
			// no outer line...
			triangles[1] = new Triangle();
			triangles[1].p[0] = cell.p[1];
			triangles[1].p[1] = cell.p[2];
			triangles[1].p[2] = cell.p[3];
			// no outer line...
		return ntriang;
Exemplo n.º 34
	public void Start() {
		// grab the camera
		GameObject cam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
		cam.transform.position = new Vector3(3,5,-1);
		cam.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(60,0,0);
		// some 2d voxel data
		float[,] data = {{0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,1,1,1,1,0},{0,0,0,1,1,0},{0,0,0,0,1,0},{0,1,0,1,1,0},{0,1,1,0,1,0},{0,1,1,1,1,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0},};
		// prepare cell data
		cells = new SquareCell[data.GetLength(0)-1,data.GetLength(1)-1];
		// put data in cells
		for (int i = 0; i < data.GetLength(0); i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < data.GetLength(1); j++) {
				// do not process the edges of the data array since cell.dim + 1 == data.dim
				if (i < data.GetLength(0)-1 && j < data.GetLength(1)-1) {
					SquareCell cell = new SquareCell();
					cell.p[0] = new Vector2(i,j);
					cell.p[1] = new Vector2(i+1,j);
					cell.p[2] = new Vector2(i,j+1);
					cell.p[3] = new Vector2(i+1,j+1);
					cell.val[0] = data[i,j];
					cell.val[1] = data[i+1,j];
					cell.val[2] = data[i,j+1];
					cell.val[3] = data[i+1,j+1];
					cells[i,j] = cell;
		// create a gameobject
		Testg = new GameObject();
		Testg.name = "msquare";
		Testg.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
		Testg.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
		// collision meshfilter
		MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter) Testg.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));
		// normally you don't want to render the collision mesh
		MeshRenderer mr = (MeshRenderer) Testg.AddComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer));
		mr.material.color = new Color(.5f,.6f,1f, 1f);
		// collider rigidbody...
		Testg.rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
		Testg.rigidbody.useGravity = true;
		Testg.rigidbody.mass = 10;
		Testg.rigidbody.drag = 0.1f;
		Testg.rigidbody.angularDrag = 0.4f;
		MeshCollider mc = (MeshCollider) Testg.AddComponent(typeof(MeshCollider));
		mc.sharedMesh = mf.mesh;
		mc.convex = true;
		// create texture sub gameobject
		TestRenderg = new GameObject();
		TestRenderg.transform.parent = Testg.transform;
		TestRenderg.name = "msquare__rendermesh";
		TestRenderg.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
		TestRenderg.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
		MeshRenderer cmr = (MeshRenderer)  TestRenderg.AddComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer));
		cmr.material.color = new Color(1f,.6f,1f, 1f);