Exemplo n.º 1
        public string ToSql()
            var tableConfig = config.GetTable (Table);

            var builder = new Sqlizer (tableConfig, config);

            var whereClause = Spec.Walk (builder);

            var withClause = builder.CommonTableExpressions.Count () == 0 ? "" :
                "; WITH " + String.Join (",", builder.CommonTableExpressions) + "\n";

            var joinClause = builder.JoinTables.Count () == 0 ? "" :
                "\n" + String.Join ("\n", builder.JoinTables);

            return String.Format ("{0}SELECT [{1}].* FROM [{1}]{2}\nWHERE {3}",
                withClause, tableConfig.Table, joinClause, whereClause);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Sqlizer_should_return_false_if_anything_goes_wrong()
            // arrange
            var dir = TestFileSystem.CreateTempWorkingDirectory();


            var sqlizer = new Sqlizer(Enumerable.Empty<IDirectoryValidationRule>(),

            // act 
            var result = sqlizer.RunDatabaseScripts(dir);

            // assert
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Sqlizer_should_return_false_if_anything_goes_wrong()
            // arrange
            var dir = TestFileSystem.CreateTempWorkingDirectory();


            var sqlizer = new Sqlizer(Enumerable.Empty <IDirectoryValidationRule>(),
                                      Enumerable.Empty <IPrerequisiteValidationRule>(),
                                      Mock.Of <IScriptsExecutor>(),
                                      Mock.Of <ILogger>());

            // act
            var result = sqlizer.RunDatabaseScripts(dir);

            // assert
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Sqlizer_Should_Order_Files_For_Execution()
            // arrange
            var dir = TestFileSystem.CreateTempWorkingDirectory();

            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "01_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "03_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "20_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "02_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "10_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "15_script.sql");

            var actualResult = new List <string>();

            var scriptExecutor = new Mock <IScriptsExecutor>();

            scriptExecutor.Setup(s => s.Execute(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Callback <string>(actualResult.Add);

            var sqlizer = new Sqlizer(Enumerable.Empty <IDirectoryValidationRule>(),
                                      Enumerable.Empty <IPrerequisiteValidationRule>(),
                                      Mock.Of <ILogger>());

            // act

            // assert
            actualResult.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new List <string>
                Path.Combine(dir, "01_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "02_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "03_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "10_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "15_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "20_script.sql")
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Sqlizer_Should_Order_Files_For_Execution()
            // arrange
            var dir = TestFileSystem.CreateTempWorkingDirectory();

            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "01_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "03_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "20_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "02_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "10_script.sql");
            TestFileSystem.CreateFile(baseDirectory: dir, fileName: "15_script.sql");

            var actualResult = new List<string>();
            var scriptExecutor = new Mock<IScriptsExecutor>();
            scriptExecutor.Setup(s => s.Execute(It.IsAny<string>()))

            var sqlizer = new Sqlizer(Enumerable.Empty<IDirectoryValidationRule>(),
            // act 

            // assert
            actualResult.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(new List<string>
                Path.Combine(dir, "01_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "02_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "03_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "10_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "15_script.sql"),
                Path.Combine(dir, "20_script.sql")
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override BuiltinExpansion ExpandMacro(OracularConfig config, OracularTable parent, OracularTable child, Reference reference, AstNode nestedSpec)
            var withTable = String.Format ("Annotated{0}{1}", parent.Table, nestedSpec.Id);

            var relationship = child.GetRelationshipTo (parent.Table);
            if (relationship == null)
                var message = String.Format ("unable to find relationship from {0} to {1}", child.Table, parent.Table);
                throw new OracularException (message);

            var mainJoin = String.Format ("LEFT JOIN [{0}] ON [{0}].[{1}] = [{2}].[{3}]",

            var macroField = String.Format ("{0}{1}{2}", Name, child.Table, nestedSpec.Id);

            var builder = new Sqlizer (child, config);

            var nestedWhere = nestedSpec == null ? "" : String.Format("\nWHERE {0}",
                (invertNested ? nestedSpec.Invert() : nestedSpec).Walk(builder)

            var nestedJoins = builder.JoinTables.Count() == 0 ? "" : "\n" + String.Join("\n",

            var nestedQuery = String.Format (@"[{0}] AS (
            SELECT DISTINCT [{1}].[{2}], 1 [{3}]
            FROM [{1}]
            LEFT JOIN [{4}] ON [{4}].[{5}] = [{1}].[{2}]{6}{7}
            )", withTable, parent.Table, parent.Id, macroField, child.Table, relationship.Id, nestedJoins, nestedWhere);

            var expansion = new BuiltinExpansion ();

            expansion.With.AddRange (builder.CommonTableExpressions);

            expansion.With.Add (nestedQuery);
            expansion.Join.Add (mainJoin);

            expansion.Where = String.Format ("[{0}].[{1}]{2}", withTable, macroField, suffix);

            return expansion;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void SerializeSpecReferences()
            var justAnId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null)
            var idAndBarId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null),
                new FieldConfig("BarId", null)
            var barRelationship = new List<ParentConfig>
                new ParentConfig("Bar", null, null)
            var foo = new OracularTable ("Foo", null, barRelationship, idAndBarId);
            var tables = new List<OracularTable>
                new OracularTable("Bar", null, null, justAnId)
            var specs = new List<OracularSpec>
                new OracularSpec("barHasId", "Bar", "Bar.Id != null")
            var config = new OracularConfig (tables, specs);

            var foobarReference = new Reference (new [] { "Foo", "Bar" });
            var specReference = new Reference (new [] { "barHasId" });
            var macroExpansion = new MacroExpansion (specReference, new [] { foobarReference });

            var builder = new Sqlizer (foo, config);
            var sql = macroExpansion.Walk (builder);

            Assert.AreEqual ("([Foo.Bar].[Id] != NULL)", sql);

            Assert.AreEqual (1, builder.JoinTables.Count ());
            var joinClause = builder.JoinTables.First();

            Assert.AreEqual ("INNER JOIN [Bar] [Foo.Bar] ON [Foo.Bar].[Id] = [Foo].[BarId]", joinClause);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void SerializeReducer(string macro, string prefix, string suffix, string value, string equality)
            var justAnId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null)
            var idAndBarId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null),
                new FieldConfig("BarId", null)
            var barRelationship = new List<ParentConfig>
                new ParentConfig("Bar", null, null)
            var foo = new OracularTable ("Foo", null, barRelationship, idAndBarId);
            var bar = new OracularTable("Bar", null, null, justAnId);
            var tables = new List<OracularTable>{ foo, bar };
            var specs = new List<OracularSpec> ();
            var config = new OracularConfig (tables, specs);

            var macroReference = new Reference (new[]{ macro });
            var fooReference = new Reference (new[]{ "Foo" });
            var idNotNull = new BinaryOperation ("!=",
                new Reference (new[]{ "Foo", "Id" }),
                new NullLiteral ()

            var macroExpansion = new MacroExpansion (macroReference, new AstNode[] { fooReference, idNotNull });

            var builder = new Sqlizer (bar, config);
            var sql = macroExpansion.Walk (builder);

            var expected = String.Format ("[AnnotatedBar{0}].[{1}Foo{0}]{2}", idNotNull.Id, prefix, suffix);
            Assert.AreEqual (expected, sql);

            Assert.AreEqual (1, builder.JoinTables.Count ());
            var join = builder.JoinTables.First ();

            expected = String.Format ("LEFT JOIN [AnnotatedBar{0}] ON [AnnotatedBar{0}].[Id] = [Bar].[Id]", idNotNull.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual (expected, join);

            Assert.AreEqual (1, builder.CommonTableExpressions.Count ());
            var annotated = builder.CommonTableExpressions.First ();

            expected = String.Format (@"[AnnotatedBar{0}] AS (
            SELECT DISTINCT [Bar].[Id], {2} [{1}Foo{0}]
            FROM [Bar]
            LEFT JOIN [Foo] ON [Foo].[BarId] = [Bar].[Id]
            WHERE ([Foo].[Id] {3} NULL)
            )", idNotNull.Id, prefix, value, equality);
            Assert.AreEqual (expected, annotated);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void SerializeParentOnAlias()
            var justAnId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null)
            var idAndBarId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null),
                new FieldConfig("BarId", null)
            var barRelationship = new List<ParentConfig>
                new ParentConfig("Bar", null, null)
            var foo = new OracularTable ("Foo", null, barRelationship, idAndBarId);
            var tables = new List<OracularTable>
                new OracularTable("Bar", null, null, justAnId)
            var specs = new List<OracularSpec> ();
            var config = new OracularConfig (tables, specs);

            var foobarReference = new Reference (new [] { "Foo", "Bar" });

            var builder = new Sqlizer (foo, config, "Alias");
            var sql = foobarReference.Walk (builder);

            Assert.AreEqual ("[Alias.Bar]", sql);

            Assert.AreEqual (1, builder.JoinTables.Count ());
            var joinClause = builder.JoinTables.First();

            Assert.AreEqual ("INNER JOIN [Bar] [Alias.Bar] ON [Alias.Bar].[Id] = [Alias].[BarId]", joinClause);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void SerializeNestedReducers()
            var bazFields = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null)
            var barFields = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null),
                new FieldConfig("BazId", null)
            var barbazRelationship = new List<ParentConfig>
                new ParentConfig("Baz", null, null)
            var fooFields = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null),
                new FieldConfig("BarId", null),
                new FieldConfig("IsQux", FieldType.Boolean)
            var foobarRelationship = new List<ParentConfig>
                new ParentConfig("Bar", null, null)
            var baz = new OracularTable ("Baz", null, null, bazFields);
            var tables = new List<OracularTable>
                new OracularTable ("Foo", null, foobarRelationship, fooFields),
                new OracularTable("Bar", null, barbazRelationship, barFields),
            var specs = new List<OracularSpec> ();
            var config = new OracularConfig (tables, specs);

            var fooIsQuxNode = new Reference (new [] { "Foo", "IsQux" });
            var anyFooNode = new MacroExpansion (
                new Reference (new [] { "ANY" }),
                new [] {
                    new Reference(new [] { "Foo" }),

            var anyBarNode = new MacroExpansion (
                new Reference(new [] { "ANY" }),
                new AstNode[] {
                    new Reference(new [] { "Bar" }),

            var builder = new Sqlizer (baz, config);
            var whereClause = anyBarNode.Walk (builder);

            var expected = String.Format ("[AnnotatedBaz{0}].[AnyBar{0}] = 1", anyFooNode.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual (expected, whereClause);

            Assert.AreEqual (1, builder.JoinTables.Count ());
            var join = builder.JoinTables.First ();

            expected = String.Format ("LEFT JOIN [AnnotatedBaz{0}] ON [AnnotatedBaz{0}].[Id] = [Baz].[Id]", anyFooNode.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual (expected, join);

            Assert.AreEqual (2, builder.CommonTableExpressions.Count ());

            var annotatedBar = builder.CommonTableExpressions.First ();
            expected = String.Format (@"[AnnotatedBar{0}] AS (
            SELECT DISTINCT [Bar].[Id], 1 [AnyFoo{0}]
            FROM [Bar]
            LEFT JOIN [Foo] ON [Foo].[BarId] = [Bar].[Id]
            WHERE [Foo].[IsQux] = 1
            )", fooIsQuxNode.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual (expected, annotatedBar);

            var annotatedBaz = builder.CommonTableExpressions.Last ();
            expected = String.Format(@"[AnnotatedBaz{0}] AS (
            SELECT DISTINCT [Baz].[Id], 1 [AnyBar{0}]
            FROM [Baz]
            LEFT JOIN [Bar] ON [Bar].[BazId] = [Baz].[Id]
            LEFT JOIN [AnnotatedBar{1}] ON [AnnotatedBar{1}].[Id] = [Bar].[Id]
            WHERE [AnnotatedBar{1}].[AnyFoo{1}] = 1
            )", anyFooNode.Id, fooIsQuxNode.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual (expected, annotatedBaz);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void SerializeGrandparentTableOnAlias()
            var justAnId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null)
            var idAndBazId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null),
                new FieldConfig("BazId", null)
            var bazRelationship = new List<ParentConfig>
                new ParentConfig("Baz", null, null)
            var idAndBarId = new List<FieldConfig>
                new FieldConfig("Id", null),
                new FieldConfig("BarId", null)
            var barRelationship = new List<ParentConfig>
                new ParentConfig("Bar", null, null)
            var foo = new OracularTable ("Foo", null, barRelationship, idAndBarId);
            var tables = new List<OracularTable>
                new OracularTable("Bar", null, bazRelationship, idAndBazId),
                new OracularTable("Baz", null, null, justAnId)
            var specs = new List<OracularSpec> ();
            var config = new OracularConfig (tables, specs);

            var foobarReference = new Reference (new [] { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" });

            var builder = new Sqlizer (foo, config, "Alias");
            var sql = foobarReference.Walk (builder);

            Assert.AreEqual ("[Alias.Bar.Baz]", sql);

            Assert.AreEqual (2, builder.JoinTables.Count ());