public string  createTable(List <TableField> fields, Sql oSql)
            //var commandStr = "If not exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'Customer') CREATE TABLE Customer(First_Name char(50),Last_Name char(50),Address char(50),City char(50),Country char(25),Birth_Date datetime)";
            //using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandStr, con))
            //    command.ExecuteNonQuery();

            string tableName = "table_" + GenerateName(10);

            var commandStr = "IF NOT EXISTS (select name from sysobjects where name = '" + tableName + "')  CREATE TABLE " + tableName + "(";

            int x = 0;

            foreach (var field in fields)
                commandStr += (x > 0 ? "," : "") + field.ToString();
            commandStr += ")";


            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open(commandStr,

        public string getListEmpresas()
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;

            var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            var strSql = "Select * from Establecimientos";
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);

            string json = null;
            List <PlantillaExcel> fields = new List <PlantillaExcel>();

                foreach (DataRow row in oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows)
                    PlantillaExcel field = new PlantillaExcel(row["EstablecimientoID"].ToString(), "");
                    field.descripcion = row["NombreEstablecimiento"].ToString();
                json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fields);
            catch (Exception e)

        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to create a DataSet object.
        /// The resulting boolean indicates whether or not the query execution was successful
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aStatement">The SQL statement structure to execute and return a DataSet on</param>
        /// <param name="aResult">The result object that contains the DataSet and potential Exception object</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean result that indicates whether or not the query was able to be successfully executed</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="Items.Results.SqlResultWithDataSet"/>
        /// <seealso cref="Sql.Statement"/>
        public Boolean TryOpen(Statement aStatement,
                               out SqlResultWithDataSet aResult)
            // Original:
            // return TryOpen(aStatement, CreateConnection(), out aResult);

            SqlConnection oConnection  = null;
            Boolean       bReturnValue = true;

            aResult = null;

                oConnection = CreateConnection();
            catch (Exception aException)
                bReturnValue = false;
                aResult      = new SqlResultWithDataSet {
                    Exception = aException, Statistics = null, Results = null
                if (bReturnValue)
                    bReturnValue = TryOpen(aStatement, oConnection, out aResult);

 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to create a DataSet object.
 /// The resulting boolean indicates whether or not the query execution was successful
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aStatement">The SQL statement structure to execute and return a DataSet on</param>
 /// <param name="aConnection">A SQL Connection object</param>
 /// <param name="aCloseConnection">A boolean flag that indicates whether or not the
 /// connection should be closed after the statement is executed</param>
 /// <param name="aResult">The result object that contains the DataSet and potential Exception object</param>
 /// <returns>A boolean result that indicates whether or not the query was able to be successfully executed</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="Items.Results.SqlResultWithDataSet"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Sql.Statement"/>
 /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection"/>
 public Boolean TryOpen(Statement aStatement,
                        SqlConnection aConnection,
                        Boolean aCloseConnection,
                        out SqlResultWithDataSet aResult)
     return(TryOpen(aStatement, aConnection, aCloseConnection, null, out aResult));
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to create a DataSet object.
        /// The resulting boolean indicates whether or not the query execution was successful
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aStatement">The SQL statement structure to execute and return a DataSet on</param>
        /// <param name="aConnection">A SQL Connection object</param>
        /// <param name="aCloseConnection">A boolean flag that indicates whether or not the
        /// connection should be closed after the statement is executed</param>
        /// <param name="aResult">The result object that contains the DataSet and potential Exception object</param>
        /// <param name="aTransaction">The SqlTransaction object that this connection is part of</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean result that indicates whether or not the query was able to be successfully executed</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="Items.Results.SqlResultWithDataSet"/>
        /// <seealso cref="Sql.Statement"/>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection"/>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction"/>
        public Boolean TryOpen(Statement aStatement,
                               SqlConnection aConnection,
                               Boolean aCloseConnection,
                               SqlTransaction aTransaction,
                               out SqlResultWithDataSet aResult)
            // Assign default values
            aResult = new Items.Results.SqlResultWithDataSet();
            bool bCompleted;

                // Open and execute
                aResult    = Open(aStatement, aConnection, aCloseConnection, aTransaction);
                bCompleted = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                bCompleted        = false;
                aResult.Exception = e;

            // Done
         * public string sendJsonSqlMessage(XmppClient client, string message)
         * {
         *  return "";
         * }

        public string getJsonSqlMessage(string sqlMessage)
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;

            var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            var strSql = sqlMessage;
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);

            string json = null;

                json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oResult.Results.Tables[0]);
            catch (Exception e)

 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to create a DataSet object.
 /// The resulting boolean indicates whether or not the query execution was successful
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aSqlStatement">The SQL statement to execute and return a DataSet on</param>
 /// <param name="aCommandType">The type of SQL statement being passed</param>
 /// <param name="aParameters">A list of parameters that will be used by the statement</param>
 /// <param name="aResult">The result object that contains the DataSet and potential Exception object</param>
 /// <returns>A boolean result that indicates whether or not the query was able to be successfully executed</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="System.Data.CommandType"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Items.Results.SqlResultWithDataSet"/>
 /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter"/>
 /// <seealso cref="System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{T}"/>
 public Boolean TryOpen(String aSqlStatement,
                        CommandType aCommandType,
                        out SqlResultWithDataSet aResult,
                        params SqlParameter[] aParameters)
                aParameters == null ? null : aParameters.AsEnumerable(),
                out aResult
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to create a DataSet object.
 /// The resulting boolean indicates whether or not the query execution was successful
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aSqlStatement">The SQL statement to execute and return a DataSet on</param>
 /// <param name="aCommandType">The type of SQL statement being passed</param>
 /// <param name="aParameters">A list of parameters that will be used by the statement</param>
 /// <param name="aResult">The result object that contains the DataSet and potential Exception object</param>
 /// <returns>A boolean result that indicates whether or not the query was able to be successfully executed</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="System.Data.CommandType"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Items.Results.SqlResultWithDataSet"/>
 /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter"/>
 /// <seealso cref="System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{T}"/>
 public Boolean TryOpen(String aSqlStatement,
                        CommandType aCommandType,
                        IEnumerable <SqlParameter> aParameters,
                        out SqlResultWithDataSet aResult)
                new Statement
         Sql = aSqlStatement,
         Type = aCommandType,
         Parameters = aParameters
                out aResult
        public bool deletePlantillaExcel(string id)
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;

            var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open("Delete from PlantillasProcesadas Where plantillaProcesadaID = @id",
                                                     new SqlParameter("id", id)

        public string getPlantilla(string id)
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;

            var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            var strSql = "SELECT tp.nombre, p.* FROM PlantillasProcesadas p Left Join tipoPlantillas tp On tp.tipoPlantillaID = p.tipoPlantillaID Where plantillaProcesadaID='" + id + "'";
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);

            string json = null;
            List <PlantillaExcel> fields = new List <PlantillaExcel>();

                if (oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow row = oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows[0];

                    PlantillaExcel field = new PlantillaExcel(row["plantillaProcesadaID"].ToString().Trim(), row["usuarioID"].ToString());
                    field.estado         = row["estado"].ToString() == "2" ? "Procesado" : (row["estado"].ToString() == "1" ? "Procesando" : "No Procesado");
                    field.tipo_nombre    = row["nombre"].ToString();
                    field.tipo           = row["tipoPlantillaID"].ToString().Trim();
                    field.archivo        = row["rutaArchivo"].ToString();
                    field.fecha_creacion = row["fechaCarga"].ToString();
                    field.fecha_proceso  = row["fechaProceso"].ToString();
                    //field.descripcion = "xxxx";

                    json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(field);
            catch (Exception e)

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a SQL statement and returns the value of the statement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aStatement">The SQL statement structure to execute</param>
        /// <param name="aConnection">The connection to use for this SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="aCloseConnection">If true, the connection will be closed after execution</param>
        /// <param name="aTransaction">The SqlTransaction object to use during execution</param>
        /// <returns>An object of type <typeparam name="T">T</typeparam></returns>
        /// <seealso cref="Sql.Statement"/>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection"/>
        public SqlResultWithValue <T> Execute <T>(Statement aStatement, SqlConnection aConnection, Boolean aCloseConnection, SqlTransaction aTransaction)
            // Call .Open() and return the first row of the first column.
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResults = Open(aStatement, aConnection, aCloseConnection, aTransaction);
            DataTable            oTable   = oResults.Results.Tables[0]; // Open(aStatement).Tables[0];

            // Create our T variable
            T oRetval = default(T);

            // Now that we have the table, grab the first row and first value
            if (oTable.Rows.Count > 0 && oTable.Rows[0].ItemArray.Any())
                oRetval = (T)Convert.ChangeType(oTable.Rows[0][0], typeof(T));

            // Return!
            return(new SqlResultWithValue <T>()
                Exception = null, Value = oRetval, Statistics = oResults.Statistics
        public string getEmpresa(string id)
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;

            var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            var strSql = "SELECT * From Establecimientos Where EstablecimientoID='" + id + "'";
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);

            string      json   = null;
            List <Item> fields = new List <Item>();

                if (oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow row = oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows[0];

                    Item field = new Item();
                    = row["EstablecimientoID"].ToString();
                    field.descripcion = row["NombreEstablecimiento"].ToString();

                    json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(field);
            catch (Exception e)

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs an asynchronous query with a single return value against a database
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The return type expected as a result of the query</typeparam>
        /// <param name="aStatement">The SQL statement structure to execute</param>
        /// <param name="aConnection">The connection to use for this SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="aCloseConnection">A boolean flag that indicates whether or not the
        /// connection should be closed after the statement is executed</param>
        /// <param name="aTransaction">The current transaction that this command should be executed on</param>
        /// <returns>A Task object that represents the asynchronous request</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Threading.Tasks.Task{T}"/>
        /// <seealso cref="SqlMagic.Monitor.Items.Results.SqlResultWithValue{T}"/>
        /// <seealso cref="namespace SqlMagic.Sql.Statement"/>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection"/>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction"/>
        public async Task <SqlResultWithValue <T> > ExecuteAsync <T>(Statement aStatement,
                                                                     SqlConnection aConnection,
                                                                     Boolean aCloseConnection,
                                                                     SqlTransaction aTransaction)
            // Make a call to OpenAsync to return a dataset.
            SqlResultWithDataSet oDataSet = await OpenAsync(aStatement, aConnection, aCloseConnection, aTransaction);

            // Create a result w/ value opbject
            SqlResultWithValue <T> oResult = new SqlResultWithValue <T>();

            // Assign stuff manually
            oResult.Exception  = oDataSet.Exception;
            oResult.Statistics = oDataSet.Statistics;

            // Check for success+actual results
            if (oDataSet.Success && oDataSet.Results.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                oResult.Value = (T)Convert.ChangeType(oDataSet.Results.Tables[0].Rows[0][0], typeof(T));

            // All done
        public bool authenticateUser(string user, string password)
                // Declare once, keep using
                var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
                var bLog     = true;

                var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
                // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
                var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

                SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open("SELECT * FROM Usuarios WHERE NombreUsuario = @user And Clave = @password",
                                                         new SqlParameter("user", user),
                                                         new SqlParameter("password", password)
                return(oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ? true : false);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 15
        public DataTable getContabilidadEstadoResultadosDataTable(Request req, Response res)
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;

            var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

             * exec UCO_Mayorizados_Select_PorMes_ComparativoPorHotel @TipoFormatoGGPPID=2,@TipoCuentaID=0,@Ejercicio=2017,
             *          @NivelID=0,@HotelID=0,@EstablecimientoID=112,@AreaID=0,@UnidadNegocioID=0,
             *          @Periodo='PeriodoID<=12',@OrderByExpression='',@FormatoReporte=2

            //Where Statement
            int HotelID = req.PathVariables["HotelID"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["HotelID"]) : 0;

            columns  = new List <Column>();
            _columns = new List <Column>();
            columns.Add(new Column("Descripcion", "Descripcion"));

            if (HotelID > 0)
                var strSqlC = @"Select * from Hoteles  Where HotelID=@HotelId";
                SqlResultWithDataSet oResult1 = oSql.Open(strSqlC, CommandType.Text,
                                                          new SqlParameter("HotelId", HotelID)

                columns.Add(new Column((oResult1.Results.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1 ? oResult1.Results.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NombreHotel"].ToString().Trim() : ""), "H1"));

                columns.Add(new Column("Todos", "Todos"));
                columns.Add(new Column("SALKANTAY", "H1"));
                columns.Add(new Column("LARES", "H2"));
                columns.Add(new Column("EL MERCADO", "H3"));
                columns.Add(new Column("VIÑAK", "H4"));
                columns.Add(new Column("CORPORATIVO", "H5"));
                columns.Add(new Column("HUACAHUASI", "H6"));
                columns.Add(new Column("OFICINA CUSCO", "H7"));
            foreach (Column col in columns)
                _columns.Add(new Column("", col.accessor));

            if (req.PathVariables["mes"] == null || req.PathVariables["tipo"] == null || req.PathVariables["moneda"] == null)
                return(new DataTable());

            int Ejercicio = req.PathVariables["periodo"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["periodo"]) : 2017;

            int EstablecimientoID = req.PathVariables["empresa"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["empresa"]) : 112;

            int Periodo = req.PathVariables["mes"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["mes"]) : 13;

            int TipoFormato = req.PathVariables["TipoFormatoGGPPID"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["TipoFormatoGGPPID"]) : 2;

            string Moneda = req.PathVariables["moneda"] != null ? req.PathVariables["moneda"] : "USD"; //Soles
            string sTipo  = req.PathVariables["tipo"] != null ? req.PathVariables["tipo"] : "mensual"; //0
            int    Tipo   = sTipo == "mensual" ? 1 : 0;

            bool isSoles = (Moneda == "USD" ? false : true);

             * exec UCO_Mayorizados_Select_PorMes_ComparativoPorHotel @TipoFormatoGGPPID=2,@TipoCuentaID=0,@Ejercicio=2018,@NivelID=0,@HotelID=0,@EstablecimientoID=112,@AreaID=0,@UnidadNegocioID=0,@Periodo='PeriodoID<=5',@OrderByExpression='',@FormatoReporte=2
            var strSql = @"exec UCO_Mayorizados_Select_PorMes_ComparativoPorHotel @TipoFormatoGGPPID=" + TipoFormato + @",@TipoCuentaID= 0,@Ejercicio=" + Ejercicio + @",
                    @NivelID = 0,@HotelID = " + HotelID + @",@EstablecimientoID = " + EstablecimientoID + @",@AreaID = 0,@UnidadNegocioID = 0,
	                @Periodo = 'PeriodoID "     + (Tipo == 1?"=":"<=") + Periodo + "',@OrderByExpression = '',@FormatoReporte = 2";
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);

        public string createPlantilla(string json)
            createFilePlantilla plantilla = new createFilePlantilla();

                plantilla = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <createFilePlantilla>(json);
            }catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("JsonConvert" + ex.Message);

                // Declare once, keep using
                var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
                var bLog     = true;

                var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
                // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
                var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

                SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open("Select * from correlativos c Where nombretabla = 'PlantillasProcesadas'",

                var plantillaProcesadaID = oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1 ? oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows[0]["numerogenerado"].ToString().Trim() : "0";

                //  string sql = "INSERT INTO PlantillasProcesadas (plantillaProcesadaID, tipoPlantillaID, rutaArchivo, fechaCarga, usuarioID, estado) VALUES("+ (Convert.ToInt32(plantillaProcesadaID) + 1) + ", '"+ plantilla.tipo + "', '"+ plantilla.tipo + "', @fecha, 1, '0'); "

                oResult = oSql.Open("INSERT INTO PlantillasProcesadas (plantillaProcesadaID, tipoPlantillaID, rutaArchivo, fechaCarga, usuarioID, estado) VALUES(@id, @tipo, @ruta, GETDATE(), 1, '0'); ",
                                    new SqlParameter("id", Convert.ToInt32(plantillaProcesadaID) + 1),
                                    new SqlParameter("tipo", plantilla.tipo),
                                    new SqlParameter("ruta", plantilla.files[0].title)

                oResult = oSql.Open("Update correlativos Set  numerogenerado = @corr Where  correlativoid = @id",
                                    new SqlParameter("id", 3103),
                                    new SqlParameter("corr", Convert.ToInt32(plantillaProcesadaID) + 1)

       = plantillaProcesadaID;
            }catch (Exception ex)


            /*SELECT TOP 1000 [plantillaProcesadaID]
             * ,[fechaCarga]
             * ,[horaCarga]
             * ,[tipoPlantillaID]
             * ,[usuarioID]
             * ,[rutaArchivo]
             * ,[fechaProceso]
             * ,[horaProceso]
             * ,[usuarioIDProcesa]
             * ,[estado]
             * FROM[SHIOL_DATOS].[dbo].[PlantillasProcesadas]
        public bool processPlantillaExcel(string id)
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;

            PlantillaExcel plantilla = getPlantillaField(id);

            if (plantilla == null)
            string path = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.DirPlantillas; //ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dirPlantillas"]; //@"D:\SGH_Sistemas\";

            var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            string file = Path.Combine(path, plantilla.archivo); // @"D:\SGH_Sistemas\ShiolExcelService\ShiolWinSvc\FastExcel\FastExcelDemo\bin\Debug\SHIOL 1-31 FINAL.XLSX";

            if (!File.Exists(file))
                Console.WriteLine("Archivo : " + file + " no existe");

            List <TableField> fields = getExcelStructure(file);

            if (fields.Count > 0)
                string TableName = createTable(fields, oSql);

                Console.WriteLine("Generated : " + TableName);

                createRecords(file, fields, TableName, oSql);

                SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open("USP_Plantilla_Excel_CargaCuentasPorPagar_RH @nombreTabla = '" + TableName + "';",

                 * oResult = oSql.Open("IF OBJECT_ID('dbo."+TableName+"', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo."+TableName+"; ",
                 *  CommandType.Text
                 * );
                oResult = oSql.Open("Update PlantillasProcesadas Set  estado = 2 Where plantillaProcesadaID = @id",
                                    new SqlParameter("id", id)

                Console.WriteLine("Processed : " + TableName);

                Console.WriteLine("No Processed...");
        public string getListExcelFiles(Request req, Response res)
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;

            var connectionString = ShiolConfiguration.Instance.Config.SqlServerConnection.ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            /*SELECT TOP 1000 [plantillaProcesadaID]
             * ,[fechaCarga]
             * ,[horaCarga]
             * ,[tipoPlantillaID]
             * ,[usuarioID]
             * ,[rutaArchivo]
             * ,[fechaProceso]
             * ,[horaProceso]
             * ,[usuarioIDProcesa]
             * ,[estado]
             * FROM[SHIOL_DATOS].[dbo].[PlantillasProcesadas]

            int Estado = req.PathVariables["estado"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["estado"]) : -1;

            int Tipo = req.PathVariables["tipo"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["tipo"]) : -1;

            string FechaCreacion = req.PathVariables["fecha_creacion"] != null ? req.PathVariables["fecha_creacion"].Substring(0, 10) : "";

            string strWhere = "";

            if (Tipo > -1)
                strWhere = "Where " + "p.tipoPlantillaID" + "=" + Tipo;
            if (Estado > -1)
                strWhere += strWhere == "" ? "Where p.Estado ='" + Estado + "' " : " And  p.Estado ='" + Estado + "' ";

            if (FechaCreacion != "")
                strWhere += strWhere == "" ? "Where FORMAT(fechaCarga, 'yyyy-MM-dd') ='" + FechaCreacion + "' " : " And  FORMAT(fechaCarga, 'yyyy-MM-dd') ='" + FechaCreacion + "' ";


            string strCount = "0";

            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = null;

                var strSql = "SELECT count(*) as _total FROM PlantillasProcesadas p Left Join tipoPlantillas tp On tp.tipoPlantillaID = p.tipoPlantillaID  " + strWhere;
                oResult  = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);
                strCount = oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows[0]["_total"].ToString();

                strSql  = "SELECT tp.nombre, p.* FROM PlantillasProcesadas p Left Join tipoPlantillas tp On tp.tipoPlantillaID = p.tipoPlantillaID  " + strWhere + " ORDER by p.fechaCarga DESC OFFSET " + req.PathVariables["_start"] + " ROWS FETCH NEXT " + (Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["_end"]) - Convert.ToInt32(req.PathVariables["_start"])) + " ROWS ONLY;";
                oResult = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);
            }catch (Exception ex)

            string json = null;
            List <PlantillaExcel> fields = new List <PlantillaExcel>();

                foreach (DataRow row in oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows)
                    PlantillaExcel field = new PlantillaExcel(row["plantillaProcesadaID"].ToString().Trim(), row["usuarioID"].ToString());
                    field.estado         = row["estado"].ToString() == "2" ? "Procesado" : (row["estado"].ToString() == "1" ? "En Proceso" : "No Procesado");
                    field.tipo_nombre    = row["nombre"].ToString();
                    field.tipo           = row["tipoPlantillaID"].ToString();
                    field.archivo        = row["rutaArchivo"].ToString();
                    field.fecha_creacion = row["fechaCarga"].ToString();
                    field.fecha_proceso  = row["fechaProceso"].ToString();

                json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fields);
            catch (Exception e)

            res.httpListenerResponse.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "X-Total-Count");
            res.httpListenerResponse.Headers.Add("X-Total-Count", strCount);

Exemplo n.º 19
        static void TranferenciaVentas()
            DateTime dateDesde = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01);
            DateTime dateHasta = new DateTime(2016, 12, 30);
            String   Usuario   = "5093";

            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout = 30; // timeout
            var bLog     = true;
            //var connectionString1 = "user id=sa;password=server$123$;data source=localhost;initial catalog=SHIOL_DATOS_MLP;Connection Timeout=30;";
            var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["cadena"].ConnectionString;
            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            Console.WriteLine("Start : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff"));
            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var strSql = "Select valor from ParametrosGenerales where parametrogeneralID = '2010'";
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);

            var EstablecimientoID   = oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1 ? oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows[0]["valor"].ToString().Trim() : "";
            var Periodo             = dateDesde.Year.ToString();
            var NombreTablaCabecera = "ACC_" + EstablecimientoID + "_" + Periodo;
            var NombreTablaDetalle  = "ACD_" + EstablecimientoID + "_" + Periodo;

            //Deleting Header and Detail Tables
            oSql.Open("Delete from " + NombreTablaCabecera + ";"
                      + "Delete from " + NombreTablaDetalle,

            // Creating Local Virtual Tables Header and Detail
            oResult = oSql.Open(@"SET FMTONLY ON; 
                                 Select TOP 1 * from " + NombreTablaCabecera + ";" +
                                "Select TOP 1 * from " + NombreTablaDetalle + "; SET FMTONLY OFF;",

            DataTable tablaHeader = new DataTable();
            DataTable tablaDetail = new DataTable();

            if (oResult.Results.Tables.Count < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("No se encuantran las tablas:" +
                                  NombreTablaCabecera + " o " + NombreTablaDetalle +
                                  " de este periodo en la base de datos");
                tablaHeader           = oResult.Results.Tables[0];
                tablaHeader.TableName = "ACC";
                tablaDetail           = oResult.Results.Tables[1];
                tablaDetail.TableName = "ACD";

            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult1 = oSql.Open("UCOTRA_VENTAS_SQL",
                                                      new SqlParameter("Desde", dateDesde.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")),
                                                      new SqlParameter("Hasta", dateHasta.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")),
                                                      new SqlParameter("UsuarioID", "0"),
                                                      new SqlParameter("Movimiento", "0"),
                                                      new SqlParameter("IPEquipo", "0"),
                                                      new SqlParameter("UsuarioactualEquipo", "0"),
                                                      new SqlParameter("NombreEquipo", "0")
            DataSet dsTables = oResult1.Results;

            //DataSet dataSet = oResult.Results;
            dsTables.Tables[0].TableName = "Documentos";
            DataTable tablaDocumentos = dsTables.Tables[0];

            dsTables.Tables[1].TableName = "PlanDeCuentas";
            DataTable tablaPlanDeCuentas = dsTables.Tables[1];

            dsTables.Tables[2].TableName = "DetalleEventos";
            DataTable tablaDetalleEventos = dsTables.Tables[2];

             * //Establecer Relaciones
             * DataRelation planDeCuentasRel = dsTables.Relations.Add("PlanDeCuenta",
             * new DataColumn[] { dsTables.Tables["Documentos"].Columns["EstablecimientoID1"] , dsTables.Tables["Documentos"].Columns["PlanCuentaID"] },
             * new DataColumn[] { dsTables.Tables["PlanDeCuentas"].Columns["EstablecimientoID"],  dsTables.Tables["PlanDeCuentas"].Columns["PlanCuentaID"]}, false);

            //      Console.WriteLine("Records : " + tablaDocumentos.Rows.Count.ToString());

            *  Aquí empieza propiamente el proceso

            //Correlativos Para Formato de Comprobante Cabecera
            Int32 RegistroID = 0; // CorrelativoIDMensual = 0;
            Int32 CorrelativoIDMensualComprobanteAsiento = 0;

            Double TotalDebeCuadre  = 0.00;
            Double TotalHaberCuadre = 0.00;

            Double TotalDebeSolesCuadre    = 0.00;
            Double TotalDebeDolaresCuadre  = 0.00;
            Double TotalHaberSolesCuadre   = 0.00;
            Double TotalHaberDolaresCuadre = 0.00;

            Int32 AsientoContableID        = 0;
            Int32 AsientoContableDetalleID = 0;

            String PlanCuentaID = "";

            foreach (DataRow rowDocumento in dsTables.Tables["Documentos"].Rows)
                String DocumentoId = rowDocumento["DocumentoId"].ToString();
                //    Console.WriteLine(rowDocumento["TransaccionDocumentoId"] + " - " + rowDocumento["TipoDocumentoID"]);

                Int32 EmpresaID = 0;
                if (Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["IGV"].ToString()) == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["Turista"].ToString()) == 1)
                    EmpresaID = Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["EmpresaIDTuristas"].ToString());
                    if (DocumentoId.Substring(0, 2) == "03" ||
                        DocumentoId.ToString().Substring(0, 2) == "123" ||
                        DocumentoId.ToString().Substring(0, 2) == "12B")
                        EmpresaID = Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["EmpresaIDParticular"].ToString());

                 * var intBack = (SqlResult)oSql.Execute("sp_ACC_ExisteRegistro",
                 * CommandType.StoredProcedure, [
                 *  new SqlParameter("NombreTabla", NombreTabla),
                 *  new SqlParameter("ReferenciaSHIOL", rowDocumento["TransaccionDocumentoID"].ToString().Trim()),
                 *  new SqlParameter("TablaMovimientoID", rowDocumento["TablaMovimientoID"].ToString().Trim())
                 *  ]
                 * );

                var TablaMovimientoID = "137"; //Indica que tipo de provision de venta se Hace

                 * strSql = "Select Count(*) FROM " + NombreTabla
                 + " Where ReferenciaSHIOL = '" + rowDocumento["TransaccionDocumentoID"].ToString().Trim() + "' "
                 + " AND TablaMovimientoID = '" + TablaMovimientoID + "'";
                 + oResult = oSql.Open(strSql, CommandType.Text);
                 + var LPRegistrosExiste = oResult.Results.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1 ? true : false;
                 + Console.WriteLine(LPRegistrosExiste.ToString());
                //Console.WriteLine(rowDocumento["TransaccionDocumentoId"] + " - " + rowDocumento["TipoDocumentoID"]);

                // Console.WriteLine(EmpresaID.ToString());

                //  Console.WriteLine(rowDocumento["TransaccionDocumentoId"].ToString());

                if (AsientoContableID == 0)
                    var intBack = oSql.Execute <Int32>("USP_GeneraID",
                                                       new SqlParameter("lpTabla", "ASIENTOSCONTABLES_" + Periodo),
                                                       new SqlParameter("Codigo", "0"));
                    AsientoContableID = intBack.Value;

                if (AsientoContableDetalleID == 0)
                    var intBack = oSql.Execute <Int32>("USP_GeneraID",
                                                       new SqlParameter("lpTabla", "AsientosContablesDetalle_" + Periodo),
                                                       new SqlParameter("Codigo", "0"));
                    AsientoContableDetalleID = intBack.Value;

                String CodigoComprobante = "";
                if (rowDocumento["FormatoComprobante"].ToString().Trim() == "1")
                    if (RegistroID == 0)
                        var intBack = oSql.Execute <Int32>("USP_GeneraIDMensual",
                                                           new SqlParameter("MemoID", "0"),
                                                           new SqlParameter("UsuarioID", "0"),
                                                           new SqlParameter("Formato", rowDocumento["SubDiarioID"].ToString()),
                                                           new SqlParameter("Dia", rowDocumento["FechaEmision"].ToString()),
                                                           new SqlParameter("Codigo", "0")

                        RegistroID = intBack.Value;

                    DateTime FechaEmision = DateTime.Parse(rowDocumento["FechaEmision"].ToString());

                    CodigoComprobante = (FechaEmision.Month < 10 ? "0" : "")
                                        + FechaEmision.Month.ToString().Trim()
                                        + rowDocumento["HotelIDformato"].ToString()
                                        + rowDocumento["Localidad_CODIGO"].ToString()
                                        + "0000"
                                        + RegistroID.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0').Substring(RegistroID.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0').Length - 5, 5);

                    // AsientoContableID = RegistroID;
                    if (CorrelativoIDMensualComprobanteAsiento == 0)
                        var intBack = oSql.Execute <Int32>("UCO_GeneraIDMensualComprobanteAsiento",
                                                           new SqlParameter("Periodo", rowDocumento["Periodo"].ToString()),
                                                           new SqlParameter("Mensual", rowDocumento["Mes"].ToString()),
                                                           new SqlParameter("EstablecimientoID", rowDocumento["EstablecimientoID"].ToString()),
                                                           new SqlParameter("HotelID", rowDocumento["HotelID"].ToString()),
                                                           new SqlParameter("SubDiarioID", rowDocumento["SubDiarioID"].ToString()),
                                                           new SqlParameter("Codigo", "0")
                        CorrelativoIDMensualComprobanteAsiento = intBack.Value;
                    AsientoContableID = CorrelativoIDMensualComprobanteAsiento;

                // Insertar en Tabla de Cabecera
                AddHeaderTable(AsientoContableID, CodigoComprobante, TablaMovimientoID, tablaHeader, rowDocumento);

                //Insertar Detalle Step 001
                Double Total          = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["total"]);
                Double MontoDebe      = Total > 0 ? Math.Round(Total, 2) : 0.00;
                Double MontoHaber     = Total > 0 ? 0.00 : Math.Round(Total, 2);
                String Referencia     = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString();
                Double ImporteSoles   = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "1" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"]), 2);
                Double ImporteDolares = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "2" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2);

                String AsientoContableDetallIDTransferencia = "0";

                TotalDebeCuadre  += MontoDebe;
                TotalHaberCuadre += MontoHaber;

                if (MontoDebe > 0)
                    TotalDebeSolesCuadre   += ImporteSoles;
                    TotalDebeDolaresCuadre += ImporteDolares;
                    TotalHaberSolesCuadre   += ImporteSoles;
                    TotalHaberDolaresCuadre += ImporteDolares;

                PlanCuentaID   = rowDocumento["PlanCuentaID"].ToString();
                MontoHaber     = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) > 0 ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString());
                MontoDebe      = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) > 0 ? Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) : 0.00;
                ImporteSoles   = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "1" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"]), 2);
                ImporteDolares = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "2" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2);
                AddDetailTable(rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString(), PlanCuentaID, AsientoContableID, AsientoContableDetalleID, MontoDebe, MontoHaber, ImporteSoles, ImporteDolares, TablaMovimientoID, tablaDetail, rowDocumento);

                if (Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["Estado"].ToString()) != 3)
                    if (Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["IGV"].ToString()) != 0.00)
                        PlanCuentaID   = rowDocumento["CuentaIGV"].ToString();
                        Referencia     = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString();
                        MontoDebe      = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) > 0 ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["IGV"].ToString());
                        MontoHaber     = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) > 0 ? Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["IGV"].ToString()) : 0.00;
                        ImporteSoles   = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "1" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"]), 2);
                        ImporteDolares = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "2" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2);
                        AddDetailTable(Referencia, PlanCuentaID, AsientoContableID, AsientoContableDetalleID, MontoDebe, MontoHaber, ImporteSoles, ImporteDolares, TablaMovimientoID, tablaDetail, rowDocumento);

                    if (Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Servicio"].ToString()) != 0.00)
                        PlanCuentaID   = rowDocumento["CuentaServicio"].ToString();;
                        Referencia     = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString();
                        MontoHaber     = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) > 0 ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Servicio"].ToString());
                        MontoDebe      = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) > 0 ? Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Servicio"].ToString()):0.00;
                        ImporteSoles   = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "1" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"]), 2);
                        ImporteDolares = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "2" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2);
                        AddDetailTable(Referencia, PlanCuentaID, AsientoContableID, AsientoContableDetalleID, MontoDebe, MontoHaber, ImporteSoles, ImporteDolares, TablaMovimientoID, tablaDetail, rowDocumento);

                    if (Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Propina"].ToString()) != 0.00)
                        PlanCuentaID   = rowDocumento["CuentaPropina"].ToString();
                        Referencia     = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString();
                        MontoHaber     = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) > 0 ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Propina"].ToString());
                        MontoDebe      = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Total"].ToString()) > 0 ? Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["Propina"].ToString()) : 0.00;
                        ImporteSoles   = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "1" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"]), 2);
                        ImporteDolares = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString() == "2" ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2);
                        AddDetailTable(Referencia, PlanCuentaID, AsientoContableID, AsientoContableDetalleID, MontoDebe, MontoHaber, ImporteSoles, ImporteDolares, TablaMovimientoID, tablaDetail, rowDocumento);

                    if (Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["Prepago"].ToString()) == 1 && Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["PrepagosNoConsiderarVentas"].ToString()) == 1)
                        Int32 MonedaId = Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["MonedaId"].ToString());

                        if (Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["Vinculada"].ToString()) == 1 &&
                            (DocumentoId.Substring(0, 2) == "01" || DocumentoId.Substring(0, 2) == "08") &&
                            Convert.ToInt32(rowDocumento["Turista"].ToString()) == 0)
                            if (MonedaId == 1)
                                PlanCuentaID = Convert.ToString(rowDocumento["PlanCuentaIDVinculadaAnticipoSoles"]);
                                PlanCuentaID = Convert.ToString(rowDocumento["PlanCuentaIDVinculadaAnticipoDolares"]);
                            if (MonedaId == 1)
                                PlanCuentaID = Convert.ToString(rowDocumento["FacturaCuentaSolesPrepago"]);
                                PlanCuentaID = Convert.ToString(rowDocumento["FacturaCuentaDolaresPrepago"]);

                            Referencia = "ANTICIPO";
                            ImporteDolares = MonedaId == 1 ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"].ToString()), 2);
                            ImporteSoles   = MonedaId == 2 ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"].ToString()), 2);
                            if (MontoDebe > 0)
                                ; // Poner cuadre completar

                            Double Diferencia        = Math.Round(TotalDebeCuadre - TotalHaberCuadre, 2);
                            Double DiferenciaSoles   = Math.Round(TotalDebeSolesCuadre - TotalHaberSolesCuadre, 2);
                            Double DiferenciaDolares = Math.Round(TotalDebeDolaresCuadre - TotalHaberDolaresCuadre, 2);
                            if (Math.Abs(Diferencia) < 0.05 || Math.Abs(DiferenciaSoles) < 0.05 || Math.Abs(DiferenciaDolares) < 0.05)

                            //PlanCuentaID = Pla
                            // Añadir Aquí registro
                            // Console.WriteLine("Adding Record");
                            AddDetailTable(Referencia, PlanCuentaID, AsientoContableID, AsientoContableDetalleID, MontoDebe, MontoHaber, ImporteSoles, ImporteDolares, TablaMovimientoID, tablaDetail, rowDocumento);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" DETALLE DE EVENTOS");
                        var query = tablaDetalleEventos.AsEnumerable().Where(d => d.Field <String>("DocumentoId") == DocumentoId);
                        foreach (var row in query)
                            Int32 MonedaID = Convert.ToInt32(row["MonedaIDPaidOut"].ToString());
                            if (Convert.ToDouble(row["TotalPaidOut"].ToString()) != 0.00)

                                PlanCuentaID   = row["PlanCuentaID"].ToString();
                                Referencia     = rowDocumento["Cliente"].ToString();
                                MontoHaber     = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TotalPaidOut"].ToString()) > 0 ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TotalPaidOut"].ToString());
                                MontoDebe      = Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TotalPaidOut"].ToString()) > 0 ? 0.00 :Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(row["TotalPaidOut"].ToString()), 2);
                                ImporteSoles   = MonedaID == 1 ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"]), 2);
                                ImporteDolares = MonedaID == 2 ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2);
                                AddDetailTable(Referencia, PlanCuentaID, AsientoContableID, AsientoContableDetalleID, MontoDebe, MontoHaber, ImporteSoles, ImporteDolares, TablaMovimientoID, tablaDetail, rowDocumento);

                            MontoDebe  = Convert.ToDouble(row["TotalTipoProducto"].ToString()) > 0 ? 0.00 : Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(row["TotalTipoProducto"].ToString()), 2);
                            MontoHaber = Convert.ToDouble(row["TotalTipoProducto"].ToString()) < 0 ? 0.00 : Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(row["TotalTipoProducto"].ToString()), 2);

                            Referencia     = row["nombre"].ToString();
                            ImporteSoles   = MonedaID == 1 ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) * Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"]), 2);
                            ImporteDolares = MonedaID == 2 ? Math.Round(MontoDebe + MontoHaber, 2) : Math.Round((MontoDebe + MontoHaber) / Convert.ToDouble(rowDocumento["TipoCambio"]), 2);

                            Double Diferencia        = Math.Round(TotalDebeCuadre - TotalHaberCuadre, 2);
                            Double DiferenciaSoles   = Math.Round(TotalDebeSolesCuadre - TotalHaberSolesCuadre, 2);
                            Double DiferenciaDolares = Math.Round(TotalDebeDolaresCuadre - TotalHaberDolaresCuadre, 2);
                            if (Math.Abs(Diferencia) < 0.05 || Math.Abs(DiferenciaSoles) < 0.05 || Math.Abs(DiferenciaDolares) < 0.05)
                                if (MontoHaber > 0.00)
                                    MontoHaber     += Diferencia;
                                    ImporteSoles   += DiferenciaSoles;
                                    ImporteDolares += DiferenciaDolares;

                                if (MontoDebe > 0.00)
                                    if (Diferencia > 0)
                                        Diferencia *= -1;
                                        Diferencia = Math.Abs(Diferencia);

                                    if (DiferenciaSoles > 0)
                                        DiferenciaSoles *= -1;
                                        DiferenciaSoles = Math.Abs(DiferenciaSoles);
                                    if (DiferenciaDolares > 0.00)
                                        DiferenciaDolares *= -1;
                                        DiferenciaDolares = Math.Abs(DiferenciaDolares);
                                    MontoDebe      += Diferencia;
                                    ImporteSoles   += DiferenciaSoles;
                                    ImporteDolares += DiferenciaDolares;
                            PlanCuentaID = row["PlanCuentaID"].ToString();
                            Referencia   = row["nombre"].ToString();
                            AddDetailTable(Referencia, PlanCuentaID, AsientoContableID, AsientoContableDetalleID, MontoDebe, MontoHaber, ImporteSoles, ImporteDolares, TablaMovimientoID, tablaDetail, rowDocumento);

            bulkCopy(connectionString, NombreTablaCabecera, tablaHeader);
            bulkCopy(connectionString, NombreTablaDetalle, tablaDetail);

            Console.WriteLine("Total Time:" + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000);

            Console.WriteLine("End   : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff"));
Exemplo n.º 20
        static void Test()
            // Declare once, keep using
            var nTimeout         = 30; // timeout
            var bLog             = true;
            var connectionString = "user id=sa;password=server$123$;data source=localhost;initial catalog=Shiol_Datos_MLP;Connection Timeout=30;";

            // Create with a timeout of 30 seconds and logging as true
            var oSql = new Sql(connectionString, nTimeout, bLog);

            // Now let's roll!
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open("SELECT * FROM ParametrosGenerales");
            DataSet dataSet = oResult.Results;

            //// I'm going to re-use oSql and oResult from above ^^^

            oResult = oSql.Open("SELECT * FROM ParametrosGenerales WHERE Estado = @id",
                                new SqlParameter("id", 1)

            //SQLMagic makes it incredibly simple to write proper queries:

             * oResult = oSql.Open("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE tbl_id IN (@id1, @id2, @id3)",
             *  CommandType.Text,
             *  new SqlParameter("id1", 1),
             *  new SqlParameter("id2", 2),
             *  new SqlParameter("id3", 3)
             * );

            // Stored Procedures with parameters?
                         new SqlParameter("TipoProductoID", "1224")

            var intBack = (SqlResult)oSql.Execute("sp_Productos",
                                                  new SqlParameter("TipoProductoID", "1224")

            // What about return values?

            /* var datetime = oSql.Execute<DateTime>("SELECT GETDATE()");
             * var intBack = oSql.Execute<Int32>("SELECT 1");*/

            // Stored Procedure that has a return value?
            var intBackAgain = oSql.Execute <Int32>("sp_Productos", CommandType.StoredProcedure);

            //Asynchronous Support

            //SQLMagic, with compilation flag "NET45" set, supports the async/await model of.NET, and implements it in a very clean, easy to use manner:

            // Converting is VERY easy!
#if NET45
            var oResult = await oSql.OpenAsync("SELECT * FROM aVeryLargeTable");

            var nValue = await oSql.ExecuteAsync <Int32>("SELECT bigNumberComputationThatResultsInInteger");

            var nProcedure = await oSql.ExecuteAsync <Int32>("sp_LongRunningProcedure", CommandType.StoredProcedure);

            //Transaction Support

            //SQLMagic gives you the ability to Begin, Commit, and RollBack transactions with and without asychronous capability:

            // Converting is VERY easy!
#if NET45
            // Start a Transaction:
            SqlTransaction oTransaction = oSql.BeginTransaction();

            // The asynchronous version:
            SqlTransaction oTransaction = await oSql.BeginTransactionAsync();

            // one of the overloads that SQLMagic has is the ability to specify a transaction!
            // public SqlResultWithDataSet Open(Statement aStatement, SqlConnection aConnection, Boolean aCloseConnection, SqlTransaction aTransaction)
            // Statement is merely a SQLMagic struct that groups up some parameters from earlier:
            Statement oStatement = new Statement
                Sql        = "INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(@val1)",
                Type       = CommandType.Text,
                Parameters = new List <SqlParameters>()
                    new SqlParameter("val1", "value")
            oSql.Open(oStatement, oTransaction.Connection, false, oTransaction);

            // Open a DataSet of the given statement, connection, don't close it, and use that transaction

            // Once you're all done, you end!
            oSql.EndTransaction(oTransaction, true); // true or false indicates COMMIT or ROLLBACK!

            // The asynchronous version:
            await oSql.EndTransactionAsync(oTransaction);

            //Manual Connection Creation
            //SQLMagic lets you create connections yourself(remember that SQLMagic has overloads to indicate a SqlConnection object!):

            // Synchronous
            SqlConnection oConnection = oSql.CreateConnection(true);

            // Converting is VERY easy!
#if NET45
            // Asynchronous
            SqlConnection oConnection = await oSql.CreateConnectionAsync(true);
            // The boolean value indicates whether or not the connection is automatically opened when created


            //SQLMagic can attempt to execute a query for you and, instead of throwing an exception, will simply return a Boolean value that indicates success, and use an out parameter to store your result:

            // Variables
            //SqlResultWithDataSet oResult;
            if (oSql.TryOpen("SELECT * FROM tbl WHER = 1", out oResult))
                // This fails because of syntax   ^
                // Because it failed, you can handle the exception here!
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to create a DataSet object.
 /// The resulting boolean indicates whether or not the query execution was successful
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aSqlStatement">The SQL statement to execute and return a DataSet on</param>
 /// <param name="aCommandType">The type of SQL statement being passed</param>
 /// <param name="aResult">The result object that contains the DataSet and potential Exception object</param>
 /// <returns>A boolean result that indicates whether or not the query was able to be successfully executed</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="System.Data.CommandType"/>
 /// <seealso cref="Items.Results.SqlResultWithDataSet"/>
 public Boolean TryOpen(String aSqlStatement,
                        CommandType aCommandType,
                        out SqlResultWithDataSet aResult)
     return(TryOpen(aSqlStatement, aCommandType, null, out aResult));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a DataSet that contains zero or more DataTables based on the SQL Statement passed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aStatement">The SQL statement structure to open</param>
        /// <param name="aConnection">The connection to use for this SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="aCloseConnection">A boolean flag that indicates whether or not the
        /// connection should be closed after the statement is executed</param>
        /// <param name="aTransaction">The SqlTransaction object that this connection is part of</param>
        /// <returns>A DataSet that contains a set of DataTables</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Data.DataSet"/>
        /// <seealso cref="Sql.Statement"/>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection"/>
        /// <seealso cref="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction"/>
        public SqlResultWithDataSet Open(Statement aStatement, SqlConnection aConnection, Boolean aCloseConnection, SqlTransaction aTransaction)
            // Create the connection
            SqlDataReader        oReader  = null;
            DataSet              oDataSet = null;
            SqlResultWithDataSet oResult  = new SqlResultWithDataSet();
            DataTable            oSchema  = null;

            // Create a command
            SqlCommand oCommand = new SqlCommand
                CommandText    = aStatement.Sql,
                CommandType    = aStatement.Type,
                CommandTimeout = iTimeout,
                Connection     = aConnection,
                Transaction    = aTransaction

            // Add the parameters
            if (aStatement.Parameters != null)

            // Do a log of the command being executed
            if (iLogging)

            // Set back
            oCommand.CommandText = aStatement.Sql;

                // Store the reader
                oReader = oCommand.ExecuteReader(aCloseConnection ? CommandBehavior.CloseConnection : CommandBehavior.Default);

                // Schema
                //   oResult.DataTableSchema = oReader.GetSchemaTable();

                // Set the statistics
                oResult.Statistics = aConnection.RetrieveStatistics();

                // Post-Execution
                if (iLogging)

                // Convert
                oDataSet = oReader.ToDataSet();

                // Set
                oResult.Results = oDataSet;

                // Close!

                // Give back the result set
            catch (Exception)
                // ToDo: Log the error here but rethrow the error!
                // Close the connection if necessary:
                if (aCloseConnection && aConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open && aConnection != null)
        public void createRecords(string FilePath, List <TableField> fields, string tableName, Sql oSql)
            DateTimeFormatInfo DateTsysFormat = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat;

            FileInfo existingFile = new FileInfo(FilePath);


            using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(existingFile))
                // get the first worksheet in the workbook
                ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets["RH"];

                //INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...)
                //VALUES(value1, value2, value3, ...);

                string strCommand = "INSERT INTO " + tableName;

                string strFields = " (";

                int x = 0;
                foreach (var field in fields)
                    strFields += (x > 0 ? "," : "") +;
                strFields += ")";

                strCommand += strFields + " ";

                Boolean header = false;
                for (int row = 1; row < worksheet.Cells.Rows; row++)
                    if (!header)
                        header = true;

                    string strValues = "VALUES(";
                    x = 0;
                    string crc = "";
                    for (int col = 1; col <= fields.Count; col++)
                        //Console.WriteLine(fields[cell.ColumnNumber - 1].Name + " -- " + cell.Value.ToString() + " -- " + cell.GetType());

                        string value = worksheet.Cells[row, col].Value == null ? "" : worksheet.Cells[row, col].Value.ToString().Trim();

                        DateTime result;

                        if (IsDate(value, out result))
                            // do something with result
                            value = result.ToString("yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss"); // ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
                            //    Console.WriteLine(value);

                        strValues += (x > 0 ? "," : "") + "'" + value + "'"; //.Replace("\"","").Replace("'","")
                        crc += value;

                        if (x == fields.Count)
                    strValues += ")";

                    if (crc == "")

                    string strCommandExec = strCommand + strValues;

                        SqlResultWithDataSet oResult = oSql.Open(strCommandExec, CommandType.Text);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "----" + strCommandExec);

                // Read the rows using the worksheet index
                // Worksheet indexes are start at 1 not 0
                // This method is slightly faster to find the underlying file (so slight you probably wouldn't notice)
                //worksheet = fastExcel.Read(1);