Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SetMeta(string.Format("{0} - {1}", SettingsMain.ShopName, Resources.Resource.Admin_Brands_Header));

            if (!IsPostBack)
                _paging = new SqlPaging
                        TableName = "[Catalog].[Brand] left join Catalog.Photo on Photo.ObjId = Brand.BrandID and Type = @Type ",
                        ItemsPerPage = 10

                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                        new Field
                                Name = "BrandID as ID",
                                IsDistinct = true
                        new Field {Name = "ProductsCount", SelectExpression="(Select Count(ProductID) from Catalog.Product Where Product.BrandID=Brand.BrandID) as ProductsCount"},
                        new Field {Name = "PhotoName as BrandLogo"},
                        new Field {Name = "Enabled"},
                        new Field {Name = "SortOrder", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending},
                        new Field {Name = "BrandName", Sorting=SortDirection.Ascending}
                _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { Value = PhotoType.Brand.ToString(), ParameterName = "@Type" });
                grid.ChangeHeaderImageUrl("arrowSortOrder", "images/arrowup.gif");

                _paging.ItemsPerPage = 10;

                pageNumberer.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
                _paging.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
                ViewState["Paging"] = _paging;
                _paging = (SqlPaging)(ViewState["Paging"]);
                _paging.ItemsPerPage = SQLDataHelper.GetInt(ddRowsPerPage.SelectedValue);

                if (_paging == null)
                    throw (new Exception("Paging lost"));

                string strIds = Request.Form["SelectedIds"];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIds))
                    strIds = strIds.Trim();
                    string[] arrids = strIds.Split(' ');

                    _selectionFilter = new InSetFieldFilter();
                    if (arrids.Contains("-1"))
                        _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = false;
                        _inverseSelection = true;
                        _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = true;
                    _selectionFilter.Values = arrids.Where(id => id != "-1").ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["categoryid"]) || !Int32.TryParse(Request["categoryid"], out _categoryId))

        Category = CategoryService.GetCategory(_categoryId);
        if (Category == null || Category.Enabled == false || Category.ParentsEnabled == false)

        Indepth = Request["indepth"] == "1" || Category.DisplayChildProducts;

        _priceField = CustomerSession.CurrentCustomer.PriceType.ToString();

        _paging = new SqlPaging
                TableName =
                    "[Catalog].[Product] " +
                    "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] " +
                    "inner join Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] " +
                    "Left JOIN [Catalog].[ProductPropertyValue] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [ProductPropertyValue].[ProductID] " +
                    "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferID] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId " +
                    "Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId " +
                    "LEFT JOIN [Customers].[LastPrice] ON [LastPrice].[ProductId] = [Product].[ProductId] AND [LastPrice].[CustomerId] = @CustomerId"

           new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "[Product].[ProductID]", IsDistinct = true},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) END)  AS CountPhoto"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS Photo"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc"},
                    new Field {Name = "[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "BriefDescription"},
                    new Field {Name = "Product.ArtNo"},
                    new Field {Name = "Name"},
                    new Field {Name = string.Format("(CASE WHEN {0}=0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempSort", _priceField), Sorting=SortDirection.Descending},
                    new Field {Name = "Recomended"},
                    new Field {Name = "Bestseller"},
                    new Field {Name = "New"},
                    new Field {Name = "OnSale"},
                    new Field {Name = "Discount"},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.Main", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.OfferID"},
                    new Field {Name = "(Select Max(Offer.Amount) from catalog.Offer Where ProductId=[Product].[ProductID]) as Amount"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN (Select Max(Offer.Amount) from catalog.Offer Where ProductId=[Product].[ProductID])  <= 0 OR (Select Max(Offer.Amount) from catalog.Offer Where ProductId=[Product].[ProductID]) < IsNull(MinAmount,0) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempAmountSort", Sorting=SortDirection.Descending},
                    new Field {Name = "MinAmount"},
                    new Field {Name = "MaxAmount"},
                    new Field {Name = "Multiplicity"},
                    new Field {Name = "Enabled"},
                    new Field {Name = "AllowPreOrder"},
                    new Field {Name = "Ratio"},
                    new Field {Name = "RatioID"},
                    new Field {Name = "DateModified"},
                    new Field {Name = "ShoppingCartItemId"},
                    new Field {Name = "UrlPath"},
                    new Field {Name = !Indepth ? "[ProductCategories].[SortOrder]" : "0 as SortOrder"},
                    new Field {Name = "[ShoppingCart].[CustomerID]", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "BrandID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Size_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Color_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Price_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ColorID"},
                    new Field {Name = "CategoryEnabled", NotInQuery=true},

        if (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter)
            _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors"},
                    new Field {Name = string.Format("(select max ({0}) - min ({0}) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as MultiPrices", _priceField)},
                    new Field {Name = string.Format("(select min ({0}) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as Price", _priceField)},
            _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "null as Colors"},
                    new Field {Name = "0 as MultiPrices"},
                    new Field
                        Name = SettingsCatalog.UseLastPrice
                            ? string.Format("(CASE WHEN ProductPrice IS NULL THEN {0} ELSE ProductPrice END) as Price", _priceField)
                            : string.Format("{0} as Price", _priceField)

        _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@CustomerId", Value = CustomerSession.CustomerId.ToString() });
        _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Product.ToString() });

        ProductsCount = Indepth ? Category.TotalProductsCount : Category.GetProductCount();

        categoryView.CategoryID = _categoryId;
        categoryView.Visible = Category.DisplayStyle == "True" || ProductsCount == 0;
        pnlSort.Visible = ProductsCount > 0;
        productView.Visible = ProductsCount > 0;
        catalogView.CategoryID = _categoryId;

        filterProperty.CategoryId = _categoryId;

        filterBrand.CategoryId = _categoryId;
        filterBrand.InDepth = Indepth;

        filterSize.CategoryId = _categoryId;
        filterSize.InDepth = Indepth;

        filterColor.CategoryId = _categoryId;
        filterColor.InDepth = Indepth;

        filterPrice.CategoryId = _categoryId;
        filterPrice.InDepth = Indepth;

        filterPrice.PriceType = CustomerSession.CurrentCustomer.PriceType;

        lblCategoryName.Text = _categoryId != 0 ? Category.Name : Resource.Client_MasterPage_Catalog;

        breadCrumbs.Items =
            CategoryService.GetParentCategories(_categoryId).Select(parent => new BreadCrumbs
                                                                                      Name = parent.Name,
                                                                                      Url = UrlService.GetLink(ParamType.Category, parent.UrlPath, parent.CategoryId)
        breadCrumbs.Items.Insert(0, new BreadCrumbs
                                            Name = Resource.Client_MasterPage_MainPage,
                                            Url = UrlService.GetAbsoluteLink("/")

        var categoryMeta = SetMeta(Category.Meta, Category.Name, page: paging.CurrentPage);
        lblCategoryName.Text = categoryMeta.H1;

        if (Category.DisplayChildProducts || Indepth)
            var cfilter = new InChildCategoriesFieldFilter
                                  CategoryId = _categoryId.ToString(),
                                  ParamName = "@CategoryID"
            _paging.Fields["[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]"].Filter = cfilter;
            var cfilter = new EqualFieldFilter { Value = _categoryId.ToString(), ParamName = "@catalog" };
            _paging.Fields["[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]"].Filter = cfilter;

        _paging.Fields["Enabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter { Value = "1", ParamName = "@enabled" };
        _paging.Fields["CategoryEnabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter { Value = "1", ParamName = "@CategoryEnabled" };

        var logicalFilter = new LogicalFilter{ ParamName = "@Main", HideInCustomData = true };
        logicalFilter.AddFilter(new EqualFieldFilter {Value = "1", ParamName = "@Main1", HideInCustomData = true});
        logicalFilter.AddFilter(new NullFieldFilter { Null = true, ParamName = "@Main2", HideInCustomData = true });
        _paging.Fields["Offer.Main"].Filter = logicalFilter;

Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _paging = new SqlPaging
                TableName =
                    "[Catalog].[Product] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] inner join Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] Left JOIN [Catalog].[ProductPropertyValue] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [ProductPropertyValue].[ProductID] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferID] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId"
                new List <Field>
                new Field {
                    Name = "[Product].[ProductID]", IsDistinct = true
                //new Field {Name = "PhotoName AS Photo"},
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) END)  AS CountPhoto"
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS Photo"
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc"

                new Field {
                    Name = "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors"
                //new Field {Name = "[Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc"},
                new Field {
                    Name = "[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "BriefDescription"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Product.ArtNo"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Name"
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Price=0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempSort", Sorting = SortDirection.Descending
                new Field {
                    Name = "Recomended"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Bestseller"
                new Field {
                    Name = "New"
                new Field {
                    Name = "OnSale"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Discount"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.Main", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.OfferID"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.Amount"
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.Amount=0 OR Offer.Amount < IsNull(MinAmount,0) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempAmountSort", Sorting = SortDirection.Descending
                new Field {
                    Name = "MinAmount"
                new Field {
                    Name = "MaxAmount"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Enabled"
                new Field {
                    Name = "AllowPreOrder"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Ratio"
                new Field {
                    Name = "RatioID"
                new Field {
                    Name = "DateModified"
                new Field {
                    Name = "ShoppingCartItemId"
                new Field {
                    Name = "UrlPath"
                new Field {
                    Name = "[ProductCategories].[SortOrder]"
                new Field {
                    Name = "[ShoppingCart].[CustomerID]", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "BrandID", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.ProductID as Size_ProductID", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.ProductID as Color_ProductID", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.ProductID as Price_ProductID", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.ColorID"
                new Field {
                    Name = "CategoryEnabled", NotInQuery = true

            if (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter)
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List <Field>
                    new Field {
                        Name = "(select max (price) - min (price) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as MultiPrices"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "(select min (price) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as Price"
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List <Field>
                    new Field {
                        Name = "0 as MultiPrices"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "Price"

            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                ParameterName = "@CustomerId", Value = CustomerContext.CustomerId.ToString()
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Product.ToString()

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["categoryid"]) || !Int32.TryParse(Request["categoryid"], out _categoryId))
                _categoryId = 0;

                var sbMainPage = StaticBlockService.GetPagePartByKeyWithCache("MainPageSocial");
                if (sbMainPage != null && sbMainPage.Enabled)
                    MainPageText = sbMainPage.Content;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainPageText))
                SetMeta(null, string.Empty);

            category = CategoryService.GetCategory(_categoryId);
            if (category == null || category.Enabled == false || category.ParentsEnabled == false)

            ProductsCount = category.GetProductCount();

            categoryView.CategoryID = _categoryId;
            categoryView.Visible    = true;
            pnlSort.Visible         = ProductsCount > 0;
            productView.Visible     = ProductsCount > 0;

            lblCategoryName.Text = _categoryId != 0 ? category.Name : Resource.Client_MasterPage_Catalog;
            //lblCategoryDescription.Text = category.Description;

            //imgCategoryImage.ImageUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Picture) ? "" : string.Format("{0}", ImageFolders.GetImageCategoryPath(false, category.Picture));

            breadCrumbs.Items =
                CategoryService.GetParentCategories(_categoryId).Select(parent => new BreadCrumbs
                Name = parent.Name,
                Url  = "social/catalogsocial.aspx?categoryid=" + parent.CategoryId
            breadCrumbs.Items.Insert(0, new BreadCrumbs
                Name = Resource.Client_MasterPage_MainPage,
                Url  = UrlService.GetAbsoluteLink("social/catalogsocial.aspx")

            SetMeta(category.Meta, category.Name);

            if (category.DisplayChildProducts)
                var cfilter = new InChildCategoriesFieldFilter
                    CategoryId = _categoryId.ToString(),
                    ParamName  = "@CategoryID"
                _paging.Fields["[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]"].Filter = cfilter;
                var cfilter = new EqualFieldFilter {
                    Value = _categoryId.ToString(), ParamName = "@catalog"
                _paging.Fields["[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]"].Filter = cfilter;

            _paging.Fields["Enabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter {
                Value = "1", ParamName = "@enabled"
            _paging.Fields["CategoryEnabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter {
                Value = "1", ParamName = "@CategoryEnabled"

            var logicalFilter = new LogicalFilter {
                ParamName = "@Main", HideInCustomData = true

            logicalFilter.AddFilter(new EqualFieldFilter {
                Value = "1", ParamName = "@Main1", HideInCustomData = true
            logicalFilter.AddFilter(new NullFieldFilter {
                Null = true, ParamName = "@Main2", HideInCustomData = true
            _paging.Fields["Offer.Main"].Filter = logicalFilter;

Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _priceField = CustomerSession.CurrentCustomer.PriceType.ToString();

            _paging = new SqlPaging
                    TableName =
                        "[Catalog].[Product] " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and [Offer].Main = 1 " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferID] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId  " +
                        "Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Customers].[LastPrice] ON [LastPrice].[ProductId] = [Product].[ProductId] AND [LastPrice].[CustomerId] = @CustomerId"

                new List<Field>()
                        new Field {Name = "[Product].[ProductID] as ProductID", IsDistinct = true},
                        new Field {Name = "null AS AdditionalPhoto"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) END)  AS CountPhoto"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS Photo"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc"},
                        new Field {Name = "BriefDescription"},
                        new Field {Name = "Product.ArtNo"},
                        new Field {Name = "Name"},
                        new Field
                            Name = SettingsCatalog.UseLastPrice
                            ? string.Format("(CASE WHEN ProductPrice IS NULL THEN {0} ELSE ProductPrice END) as Price", _priceField)
                            : string.Format("{0} as Price", _priceField)
                        new Field {Name = string.Format("{0} - {0}*discount/100 as discountPrice", _priceField), NotInQuery = true},
                        new Field {Name = "0 as MultiPrices"},
                        new Field {Name = "Recomended"},
                        new Field {Name = "New"},
                        new Field {Name = "Bestseller"},
                        new Field {Name = "OnSale"},
                        new Field {Name = "Discount"},
                        new Field {Name = "UrlPath"},
                        new Field {Name = "[Offer].Amount"},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.Main", NotInQuery = true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.OfferID"},
                        new Field {Name = "MinAmount"},
                        new Field {Name = "MaxAmount"},
                        new Field {Name = "Multiplicity"},
                        new Field {Name = "Enabled"},
                        new Field {Name = "ShoppingCartItemId"},
                        new Field {Name = "AllowPreOrder"},
                        new Field {Name = "Ratio"},
                        new Field {Name = "RatioID"},
                        new Field {Name = "DateModified"},
                        new Field {Name = "[ShoppingCart].[CustomerID]", NotInQuery = true},
                        new Field {Name = "BrandID", NotInQuery = true},
                        new Field {Name = "CategoryEnabled", NotInQuery = true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ColorID as ColorID"},
                        new Field
                                Name = "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors"

            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@CustomerId", Value = CustomerSession.CustomerId.ToString() });
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Product.ToString() });

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["type"]) || !Enum.TryParse(Request["type"], true, out _typeFlag) ||
                _typeFlag == ProductOnMain.TypeFlag.None)

            ProductsCount = ProductOnMain.GetProductCountByType(_typeFlag);
            pnlSort.Visible = ProductsCount > 0;
            productView.Visible = ProductsCount > 0;

            filterBrand.CategoryId = 0;
            filterBrand.InDepth = true;
            filterBrand.WorkType = _typeFlag;

            filterPrice.CategoryId = 0;
            filterPrice.InDepth = true;

            _paging.Fields["CategoryEnabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter
                    Value = "1",
                    ParamName = "@CategoryEnabled"
            _paging.Fields["Enabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter {Value = "1", ParamName = "@Enabled"};

            if (_typeFlag == ProductOnMain.TypeFlag.Bestseller)
                var filterB = new EqualFieldFilter {ParamName = "@Bestseller", Value = "1"};
                _paging.Fields["Bestseller"].Filter = filterB;
                _paging.Fields.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, Field>("SortBestseller",
                                                                   new Field {Name = "SortBestseller as Sort"}));
                PageName = Resource.Client_ProductList_AllBestSellers;

                    new AdvantShop.SEO.MetaInfo(SettingsMain.ShopName + " - " + Resource.Client_Bestsellers_Header),
            if (_typeFlag == ProductOnMain.TypeFlag.New)
                var filterN = new EqualFieldFilter {ParamName = "@New", Value = "1"};
                _paging.Fields["New"].Filter = filterN;
                _paging.Fields.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, Field>("SortNew", new Field {Name = "SortNew as Sort"}));
                PageName = Resource.Client_ProductList_AllNew;

                SetMeta(new AdvantShop.SEO.MetaInfo(SettingsMain.ShopName + " - " + Resource.Client_New_Header),
            if (_typeFlag == ProductOnMain.TypeFlag.Discount)
                var filterN = new NotEqualFieldFilter() {ParamName = "@Discount", Value = "0"};
                _paging.Fields["Discount"].Filter = filterN;
                _paging.Fields.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, Field>("SortDiscount",
                                                                   new Field {Name = "SortDiscount as Sort"}));
                PageName = Resource.Client_ProductList_AllDiscount;

                SetMeta(new AdvantShop.SEO.MetaInfo(SettingsMain.ShopName + " - " + Resource.Client_Discount_Header),

            breadCrumbs.Items.AddRange(new BreadCrumbs[]
                    new BreadCrumbs()
                            Name = Resource.Client_MasterPage_MainPage,
                            Url = UrlService.GetAbsoluteLink("/")
                    new BreadCrumbs() {Name = PageName, Url = null}

Exemplo n.º 5
 public void AddParamSql(SqlParam param)
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void BuildFilter()
            foreach (Category c in (CategoryService.GetChildCategoriesByCategoryId(0, true).Where(p => p.Enabled)))
                ddlCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = c.Name, Value = c.CategoryId.ToString(), Selected = Request["category"] == c.CategoryId.ToString()

            _paging.Fields["[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]"].Filter = new InChildCategoriesFieldFilter
                CategoryId = ddlCategory.SelectedValue,
                ParamName  = "@CategoryID"

            if (Page.Request["name"].IsNotEmpty())
                var name = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Page.Request["name"]).Trim();
                txtName.Text = name;
                var productIds = LuceneSearch.Search(txtName.Text).AggregateString('/');
                _paging.TableName += " inner join (select item, sort from [Settings].[ParsingBySeperator](@source,'/') ) as dtt on Product.ProductId=convert(int, dtt.item) ";
                _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                    ParameterName = "@source", Value = productIds
                if (_sort == ESortOrder.NoSorting)
                    _paging.Fields.Add("sort", new Field("sort"));
                    _paging.Fields["sort"].Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending;

                SearchTerm = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(name);

            filterPrice.CategoryId = 0;
            filterPrice.InDepth    = true;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["pricefrom"]) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["priceto"]))
                int pricefrom = Request["pricefrom"].TryParseInt(0);
                int priceto   = Request["priceto"].TryParseInt(int.MaxValue);

                filterPrice.CurValMin = pricefrom;
                filterPrice.CurValMax = priceto;

                _paging.Fields["Price_ProductID"].Filter = new PriceFieldFilter
                    ParamName        = "@priceRange",
                    From             = pricefrom * CurrencyService.CurrentCurrency.Value,
                    To               = priceto * CurrencyService.CurrentCurrency.Value,
                    CategoryId       = 0,
                    GetSubCategoryes = true
                filterPrice.CurValMin = 0;
                filterPrice.CurValMax = int.MaxValue;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SetMeta(string.Format("{0} - {1}", SettingsMain.ShopName, Resources.Resource.Admin_Brands_Header));

            if (!IsPostBack)
                _paging = new SqlPaging
                    TableName    = "[Catalog].[Brand] left join Catalog.Photo on Photo.ObjId = Brand.BrandID and Type = @Type ",
                    ItemsPerPage = 10

                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List <Field>
                    new Field
                        Name       = "BrandID as ID",
                        IsDistinct = true
                    new Field {
                        Name = "ProductsCount", SelectExpression = "(Select Count(ProductID) from Catalog.Product Where Product.BrandID=Brand.BrandID) as ProductsCount"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "PhotoName as BrandLogo"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "Enabled"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "SortOrder", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending
                    new Field {
                        Name = "BrandName", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending
                _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                    Value = PhotoType.Brand.ToString(), ParameterName = "@Type"
                grid.ChangeHeaderImageUrl("arrowSortOrder", "images/arrowup.gif");

                _paging.ItemsPerPage = 10;

                pageNumberer.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
                _paging.CurrentPageIndex      = 1;
                ViewState["Paging"]           = _paging;
                _paging = (SqlPaging)(ViewState["Paging"]);
                _paging.ItemsPerPage = SQLDataHelper.GetInt(ddRowsPerPage.SelectedValue);

                if (_paging == null)
                    throw (new Exception("Paging lost"));

                string strIds = Request.Form["SelectedIds"];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIds))
                    strIds = strIds.Trim();
                    string[] arrids = strIds.Split(' ');

                    _selectionFilter = new InSetFieldFilter();
                    if (arrids.Contains("-1"))
                        _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = false;
                        _inverseSelection = true;
                        _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = true;
                    _selectionFilter.Values = arrids.Where(id => id != "-1").ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _paging = new SqlPaging
                    TableName =
                        "[Catalog].[Product] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Photo] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type='Product' AND Photo.[Main] = 1 inner join Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] Left JOIN [Catalog].[ProductPropertyValue] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [ProductPropertyValue].[ProductID] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferId] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId"
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@CustomerId", Value = CustomerSession.CustomerId.ToString() });
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Product.ToString() });

                new List<Field>
                       new Field {Name = "[Product].[ProductID]", IsDistinct = true},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) END)  AS CountPhoto"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS Photo"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc"},
                        new Field {Name = "[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "BriefDescription"},
                        new Field {Name = "Product.ArtNo"},
                        new Field {Name = "Name"},

                        new Field {Name = "Recomended"},
                        new Field {Name = "Bestseller"},
                        new Field {Name = "New"},
                        new Field {Name = "OnSale"},
                        new Field {Name = "Discount"},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.Main", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.OfferID"},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.Amount"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.Amount=0 OR Offer.Amount < IsNull(MinAmount,0) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempAmountSort", Sorting=SortDirection.Descending},
                        new Field {Name = "MinAmount"},
                        new Field {Name = "MaxAmount"},
                        new Field {Name = "Enabled"},
                        new Field {Name = "AllowPreOrder"},
                        new Field {Name = "Ratio"},
                        new Field {Name = "RatioID"},
                        new Field {Name = "DateModified"},
                        new Field {Name = "ShoppingCartItemId"},
                        new Field {Name = "UrlPath"},

                        new Field {Name = "[ShoppingCart].[CustomerID]", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "BrandID", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Size_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Color_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Price_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ColorID"},
                        new Field {Name = "CategoryEnabled", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "null as AdditionalPhoto"}

            if (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter)
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors"},
                    new Field {Name = "(select max (price) - min (price) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as MultiPrices"},
                    new Field {Name = "(select min (price) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as Price"},
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "null as Colors"},
                    new Field {Name = "0 as MultiPrices"},
                    new Field {Name = "Price"},

            _paging.Fields["[Product].[ProductID]"].Filter = new CountProductInCategory();
            _paging.Fields["Enabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter { ParamName = "@enabled", Value = "1" };
            _paging.Fields["CategoryEnabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter { ParamName = "@CategoryEnabled", Value = "1" };


            SetMeta(null, string.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _priceField = CustomerSession.CurrentCustomer.PriceType.ToString();

            _paging = new SqlPaging
                    TableName =
                        "[Catalog].[Product] " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] AND [Offer].[Main] = 1 " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Photo] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type='product' and Photo.Main=1 " +
                        "inner join Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferID] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId " +
                        "Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Customers].[LastPrice] ON [LastPrice].[ProductId] = [Product].[ProductId] AND [LastPrice].[CustomerId] = @CustomerId"

            new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "[Product].[ProductID]", IsDistinct = true},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) END)  AS CountPhoto"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS Photo"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc"},
                    new Field {Name = "[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "BriefDescription"},
                    new Field {Name = "Product.ArtNo"},
                    new Field {Name = "Name"},

                    new Field {Name = "Recomended"},
                    new Field {Name = "Bestseller"},
                    new Field {Name = "New"},
                    new Field {Name = "OnSale"},
                    new Field {Name = "Discount"},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.Main", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.OfferID"},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.Amount"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.Amount=0 OR Offer.Amount < IsNull(MinAmount,0) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempAmountSort", Sorting=SortDirection.Descending},
                    new Field {Name = "MinAmount"},
                    new Field {Name = "MaxAmount"},
                    new Field {Name = "Multiplicity"},
                    new Field {Name = "Enabled"},
                    new Field {Name = "AllowPreOrder"},
                    new Field {Name = "Ratio"},
                    new Field {Name = "RatioID"},
                    new Field {Name = "DateModified"},
                    new Field {Name = "ShoppingCartItemId"},
                    new Field {Name = "UrlPath"},

                    new Field {Name = "[ShoppingCart].[CustomerID]", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "BrandID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Size_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Color_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Price_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ColorID"},
                    new Field {Name = "CategoryEnabled", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "null as AdditionalPhoto"}

            if (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter)
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors"},
                    new Field {Name = string.Format("(select max ({0}) - min ({0}) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as MultiPrices", _priceField)},
                    new Field {Name = string.Format("(select min ({0}) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as Price", _priceField)},
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "null as Colors"},
                    new Field {Name = "0 as MultiPrices"},
                    new Field
                        Name = SettingsCatalog.UseLastPrice
                            ? string.Format("(CASE WHEN ProductPrice IS NULL THEN {0} ELSE ProductPrice END) as Price", _priceField)
                            : string.Format("{0} as Price", _priceField)
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@CustomerId", Value = CustomerSession.CustomerId.ToString() });
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Product.ToString() });


            var nmeta = new MetaInfo(string.Format("{0} - {1}", SettingsMain.ShopName, Resource.Client_Search_AdvancedSearch));
            SetMeta(nmeta, string.Empty, page:paging.CurrentPage);
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SetMeta(string.Format("{0} - {1}", AdvantShop.Configuration.SettingsMain.ShopName, Resource.Admin_MasterPageAdminCatalog_Catalog));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModuleName))
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["CatId"]))
                Int32.TryParse(Request["CatId"], out _catId);
            Category cat = CategoryService.GetCategory(_catId);
            if (cat != null)
                lblCategoryName.Text = cat.Name;
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                var flag = ExportFeedService.CheakCategoryHierical(ModuleName, _catId);
                pnlCategorySet.Enabled = !flag;
                chbFull.Checked = ExportFeedService.CheakCategory(ModuleName, _catId);
                pnlData.Enabled = !chbFull.Checked && !flag;
            PageSubheader.Visible = true;
            ModuleNameLiteral.Text = ModuleName;
            if (!IsPostBack)
                var node2 = new TreeNode { Text = SelectCategory(0, ModuleName, Resource.Admin_m_Category_Root), Value = "0", Selected = true, NavigateUrl = ExportFeedNew + "?moduleid=" + ModuleName };


                _paging = new SqlPaging
                        TableName = "[Catalog].[Product] left JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID]  AND [Offer].Main=1 INNER JOIN Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] and ProductCategories.Main=1",
                        ItemsPerPage = 100

                var f = new Field { Name = "Product.ProductId as ID", IsDistinct = true };

                f = new Field { Name = "Product.ArtNo" };

                f = new Field { Name = "Name" };

                f = new Field { Name = "(Select count(*) from Settings.ExportFeedSelectedProducts where ModuleName=@ModuleName and ExportFeedSelectedProducts.ProductID=Product.ProductId) as Cheaked" };

                var pf = new EqualFieldFilter { Value = _catId.ToString(), ParamName = "@Parent" };
                f = new Field { Name = "CategoryId", Filter = pf };

                f = new Field { Name = "SortOrder", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending };

                _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@ModuleName", Value = ModuleName });

                _paging.ExtensionWhere = "and Offer.Price > 0 and (Offer.Amount > 0 or Product.AllowPreorder=1) and CategoryEnabled=1 and Enabled=1";
                grid.ChangeHeaderImageUrl("arrowName", "images/arrowup.gif");

                pageNumberer.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
                _paging.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
                ViewState["Paging"] = _paging;

                _paging = (SqlPaging)(ViewState["Paging"]);
                _paging.ItemsPerPage = SQLDataHelper.GetInt(ddRowsPerPage.SelectedValue);

                if (_paging == null)
                    throw (new Exception("Paging lost"));

                string strIds = Request.Form["SelectedIds"];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIds))
                    strIds = strIds.Trim();
                    string[] arrids = strIds.Split(' ');

                    var ids = new string[arrids.Length];
                    _selectionFilter = new InSetFieldFilter { IncludeValues = true };
                    for (int idx = 0; idx <= ids.Length - 1; idx++)
                        int t = int.Parse(arrids[idx]);
                        if (t != -1)
                            ids[idx] = t.ToString();
                            _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = false;
                            _inverseSelection = true;
                    _selectionFilter.Values = ids;
Exemplo n.º 11
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool categoryIdIsNum = false;
        int  categoryId      = -1;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["newscategoryid"]) && Int32.TryParse(Request["newscategoryid"], out categoryId))
            categoryIdIsNum = categoryId != -1;

        _paging = new SqlPaging {
            TableName = "Settings.News left join Catalog.Photo on Photo.objId=News.NewsID and Type=@Type", ItemsPerPage = SettingsNews.NewsPerPage

        _paging.AddField(new Field {
            Name = "NewsID"

        _paging.AddField(new Field {
            Name = "AddingDate", Sorting = SortDirection.Descending

        _paging.AddField(new Field {
            Name = "Title"

        _paging.AddField(new Field {
            Name = "PhotoName as Picture"

        _paging.AddField(new Field {
            Name = "TextToPublication"

        _paging.AddField(new Field {
            Name = "TextToEmail"

        _paging.AddField(new Field {
            Name = "TextAnnotation"

        _paging.AddField(new Field {
            Name = "UrlPath"

        _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
            ParamName = "@Type", ParamValue = PhotoType.News.ToString()

        if (categoryIdIsNum)
            var f = new Field {
                Name = "NewsCategoryID", NotInQuery = true
            var filter = new EqualFieldFilter {
                ParamName = "@NewsCategoryID", Value = categoryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
            f.Filter = filter;

        // MetaInfo ------------------------------------------------
        MetaInfo nmeta = null;

        if ((SettingsNews.NewsMetaTitle != null) || (SettingsNews.NewsMetaKeywords != null) || (SettingsNews.NewsMetaDescription != null))
            nmeta = new MetaInfo
                Type  = MetaType.News,
                Title =
                                    ? null
                                    : SettingsMain.ShopName + " - " + SettingsNews.NewsMetaTitle,
                MetaKeywords =
                                    ? null
                                    : SettingsNews.NewsMetaKeywords,
                MetaDescription =
                                    ? null
                                    : SettingsNews.NewsMetaDescription

        // MetaInfo ------------------------------------------------

        var category = NewsService.GetNewsCategoryById(categoryId);

        header.Text = category != null?string.Format("{0} / {1}", Resources.Resource.Client_News_News, category.Name) : Resources.Resource.Client_News_News;

        if (category != null)
            ucBreadCrumbs.Items = new List <BreadCrumbs>
                new BreadCrumbs
                    Name = Resources.Resource.Client_News_News,
                    Url  = UrlService.GetAbsoluteLink("news")
                new BreadCrumbs
                    Name = category.Name,
                    Url  = UrlService.GetLink(ParamType.NewsCategory, category.UrlPath, category.NewsCategoryID)
            nmeta = new MetaInfo
                Title           = SettingsMain.ShopName + " - " + category.Name,
                MetaDescription = SettingsNews.NewsMetaKeywords,
                MetaKeywords    = SettingsNews.NewsMetaDescription,
                Type            = MetaType.News
            ucBreadCrumbs.Visible = false;

        SetMeta(nmeta, string.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 12
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Page.Title = string.Format("{0} - {1}", AdvantShop.Configuration.SettingsMain.ShopName, Resource.Admin_MasterPageAdminCatalog_Catalog);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModuleName))
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["CatId"]))
            Int32.TryParse(Request["CatId"], out _catId);
        Category cat = CategoryService.GetCategory(_catId);

        if (cat != null)
            lblCategoryName.Text = cat.Name;
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            var flag = ExportFeedService.CheakCategoryHierical(ModuleName, _catId);
            pnlCategorySet.Enabled = !flag;
            chbFull.Checked        = ExportFeedService.CheakCategory(ModuleName, _catId);
            pnlData.Enabled        = !chbFull.Checked && !flag;
        PageSubheader.Visible  = true;
        ModuleNameLiteral.Text = ModuleName;
        if (!IsPostBack)
            var node2 = new TreeNode {
                Text = SelectCategory(0, ModuleName, Resource.Admin_m_Category_Root), Value = "0", Selected = true, NavigateUrl = ExportFeedNew + "?moduleid=" + ModuleName


            _paging = new SqlPaging
                TableName    = "[Catalog].[Product] left JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID]  AND [OfferListId]=6 INNER JOIN Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] and Main=1",
                ItemsPerPage = 100

            var f = new Field {
                Name = "Product.ProductId as ID", IsDistinct = true

            f = new Field {
                Name = "ArtNo"

            f = new Field {
                Name = "Name"

            f = new Field {
                Name = "(Select count(*) from Settings.ExportFeedSelectedProducts where ModuleName=@ModuleName and ExportFeedSelectedProducts.ProductID=Product.ProductId) as Cheaked"

            var pf = new EqualFieldFilter {
                Value = _catId.ToString(), ParamName = "@Parent"
            f = new Field {
                Name = "CategoryId", Filter = pf

            f = new Field {
                Name = "SortOrder", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending

            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                ParamName = "@ModuleName", ParamValue = ModuleName

            _paging.ExtensionWhere = "and Offer.Price > 0 and (Offer.Amount > 0 or Product.OrderByRequest=1) and HirecalEnabled=1 and Enabled=1";
            grid.ChangeHeaderImageUrl("arrowName", "images/arrowup.gif");

            pageNumberer.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
            _paging.CurrentPageIndex      = 1;
            ViewState["Paging"]           = _paging;
            _paging = (SqlPaging)(ViewState["Paging"]);
            _paging.ItemsPerPage = Convert.ToInt32(ddRowsPerPage.SelectedValue);

            if (_paging == null)
                throw (new Exception("Paging lost"));

            string strIds = Request.Form["SelectedIds"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIds))
                strIds = strIds.Trim();
                string[] arrids = strIds.Split(' ');

                var ids = new string[arrids.Length];
                _selectionFilter = new InSetFieldFilter {
                    IncludeValues = true
                for (int idx = 0; idx <= ids.Length - 1; idx++)
                    int t = int.Parse(arrids[idx]);
                    if (t != -1)
                        ids[idx] = t.ToString();
                        _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = false;
                        _inverseSelection = true;
                _selectionFilter.Values = ids;
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool categoryIdIsNum = false;
            int  categoryId      = -1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["newscategoryid"]) &&
                Int32.TryParse(Request["newscategoryid"], out categoryId))
                categoryIdIsNum = categoryId != -1;

            _paging = new SqlPaging
                TableName    = "Settings.News left join Catalog.Photo on Photo.objId=News.NewsID and Type=@Type",
                ItemsPerPage = SettingsNews.NewsPerPage

            _paging.AddField(new Field {
                Name = "NewsID"

            _paging.AddField(new Field {
                Name = "AddingDate", Sorting = SortDirection.Descending

            _paging.AddField(new Field {
                Name = "Title"

            _paging.AddField(new Field {
                Name = "PhotoName as Picture"

            _paging.AddField(new Field {
                Name = "TextToPublication"

            _paging.AddField(new Field {
                Name = "TextToEmail"

            _paging.AddField(new Field {
                Name = "TextAnnotation"

            _paging.AddField(new Field {
                Name = "UrlPath"

            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.News.ToString()

            if (categoryIdIsNum)
                var f = new Field {
                    Name = "NewsCategoryID", NotInQuery = true
                var filter = new EqualFieldFilter
                    ParamName = "@NewsCategoryID",
                    Value     = categoryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                f.Filter = filter;

            var category = NewsService.GetNewsCategoryById(categoryId);

            if (category != null)
                ucBreadCrumbs.Items = new List <BreadCrumbs>
                    new BreadCrumbs
                        Name = Resources.Resource.Client_News_News,
                        Url  = UrlService.GetAbsoluteLink("news")
                    new BreadCrumbs
                        Name = category.Name,
                        Url  =
                            UrlService.GetLink(ParamType.NewsCategory, category.UrlPath, category.NewsCategoryID)
                ucBreadCrumbs.Visible = false;

            MetaInfo meta = new MetaInfo
                Type            = MetaType.News,
                Title           = SettingsNews.NewsMetaTitle,
                MetaKeywords    = SettingsNews.NewsMetaKeywords,
                MetaDescription = SettingsNews.NewsMetaDescription,
                H1 = SettingsNews.NewsMetaH1

            if (category != null && category.Meta != null)
                meta = category.Meta;

            meta        = SetMeta(meta, category != null ? category.Name: string.Empty, page: paging.CurrentPage);
            header.Text = category != null ? meta.H1 : Resource.Client_News_News;

            if (GoogleTagManager.Enabled)
                var tagManager = ((AdvantShopMasterPage)Master).TagManager;
                tagManager.PageType = GoogleTagManager.ePageType.info;
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _paging = new SqlPaging
                TableName =
                    "[Catalog].[Product] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] AND [Offer].[Main] = 1 LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Photo] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type='Product' AND Photo.[Main] = 1 inner join Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] Left JOIN [Catalog].[ProductPropertyValue] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [ProductPropertyValue].[ProductID] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferId] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId"
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                ParameterName = "@CustomerId", Value = CustomerContext.CustomerId.ToString()
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Product.ToString()

                new List <Field>
                new Field {
                    Name = "[Product].[ProductID]", IsDistinct = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) END)  AS CountPhoto"
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS Photo"
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc"
                new Field {
                    Name = "[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "BriefDescription"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Product.ArtNo"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Name"

                new Field {
                    Name = "Recomended"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Bestseller"
                new Field {
                    Name = "New"
                new Field {
                    Name = "OnSale"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Discount"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.Main", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.OfferID"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.Amount"
                new Field {
                    Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.Amount=0 OR Offer.Amount < IsNull(MinAmount,0) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempAmountSort", Sorting = SortDirection.Descending
                new Field {
                    Name = "MinAmount"
                new Field {
                    Name = "MaxAmount"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Enabled"
                new Field {
                    Name = "AllowPreOrder"
                new Field {
                    Name = "Ratio"
                new Field {
                    Name = "RatioID"
                new Field {
                    Name = "DateModified"
                new Field {
                    Name = "ShoppingCartItemId"
                new Field {
                    Name = "UrlPath"

                new Field {
                    Name = "[ShoppingCart].[CustomerID]", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "BrandID", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.ProductID as Size_ProductID", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.ProductID as Color_ProductID", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.ProductID as Price_ProductID", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "Offer.ColorID"
                new Field {
                    Name = "CategoryEnabled", NotInQuery = true
                new Field {
                    Name = "null as AdditionalPhoto"

            if (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter)
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List <Field>
                    new Field {
                        Name = "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "(select max (price) - min (price) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as MultiPrices"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "(select min (price) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as Price"
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List <Field>
                    new Field {
                        Name = "null as Colors"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "0 as MultiPrices"
                    new Field {
                        Name = "Price"

            _paging.Fields["[Product].[ProductID]"].Filter = new CountProductInCategory();
            _paging.Fields["Enabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter {
                ParamName = "@enabled", Value = "1"
            _paging.Fields["CategoryEnabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter {
                ParamName = "@CategoryEnabled", Value = "1"


            SetMeta(null, string.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SetMeta(string.Format("{0} - {1}", SettingsMain.ShopName, Resource.Admin_Carousels_Header));

            if (!IsPostBack)
                _paging = new SqlPaging {
                    TableName = "[CMS].[Carousel] left join Catalog.Photo on Photo.ObjId=Carousel.CarouselID and Type=@Type", ItemsPerPage = 10

                var f = new Field {
                    Name = "CarouselID as ID", IsDistinct = true, Filter = _selectionFilter

                f = new Field {
                    Name = "URL"

                f = new Field {
                    Name = "SortOrder", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending

                f = new Field {
                    Name = "Enabled"

                f = new Field {
                    Name = "PhotoName"

                f = new Field {
                    Name = "Description"

                _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam {
                    ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Carousel.ToString()

                grid.ChangeHeaderImageUrl("arrowSortOrder", "images/arrowup.gif");

                _paging.ItemsPerPage = 10;

                pageNumberer.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
                _paging.CurrentPageIndex      = 1;
                ViewState["Paging"]           = _paging;

                txtSortedCarousel.Text = CarouselService.GetMaxSortOrder().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                _paging = (SqlPaging)(ViewState["Paging"]);
                _paging.ItemsPerPage = SQLDataHelper.GetInt(ddRowsPerPage.SelectedValue);

                if (_paging == null)
                    throw (new Exception("Paging lost"));

                string strIds = Request.Form["SelectedIds"];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIds))
                    strIds = strIds.Trim();
                    string[] arrids = strIds.Split(' ');

                    var ids = new string[arrids.Length];
                    _selectionFilter = new InSetFieldFilter {
                        IncludeValues = true
                    for (int idx = 0; idx <= ids.Length - 1; idx++)
                        int t = int.Parse(arrids[idx]);
                        if (t != -1)
                            ids[idx] = t.ToString();
                            _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = false;
                            _inverseSelection = true;

                    _selectionFilter.Values = ids;
                    //_InverseSelection = If(ids(0) = -1, True, False)
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _paging = new SqlPaging
                    TableName =
                        "[Catalog].[Product] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] inner join Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] Left JOIN [Catalog].[ProductPropertyValue] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [ProductPropertyValue].[ProductID] LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferID] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId"
                new List<Field>
                        new Field {Name = "[Product].[ProductID]", IsDistinct = true},
                        //new Field {Name = "PhotoName AS Photo"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) END)  AS CountPhoto"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS Photo"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc"},

                        new Field {Name = "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors"},
                        //new Field {Name = "[Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc"},
                        new Field {Name = "[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "BriefDescription"},
                        new Field {Name = "Product.ArtNo"},
                        new Field {Name = "Name"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Price=0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempSort", Sorting=SortDirection.Descending},
                        new Field {Name = "Recomended"},
                        new Field {Name = "Bestseller"},
                        new Field {Name = "New"},
                        new Field {Name = "OnSale"},
                        new Field {Name = "Discount"},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.Main", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.OfferID"},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.Amount"},
                        new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.Amount=0 OR Offer.Amount < IsNull(MinAmount,0) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempAmountSort", Sorting=SortDirection.Descending},
                        new Field {Name = "MinAmount"},
                        new Field {Name = "MaxAmount"},
                        new Field {Name = "Enabled"},
                        new Field {Name = "AllowPreOrder"},
                        new Field {Name = "Ratio"},
                        new Field {Name = "RatioID"},
                        new Field {Name = "DateModified"},
                        new Field {Name = "ShoppingCartItemId"},
                        new Field {Name = "UrlPath"},
                        new Field {Name = "[ProductCategories].[SortOrder]"},
                        new Field {Name = "[ShoppingCart].[CustomerID]", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "BrandID", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Size_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Color_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Price_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                        new Field {Name = "Offer.ColorID"},
                        new Field {Name = "CategoryEnabled", NotInQuery=true},

            if (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter)
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                        new Field {Name = "(select max (price) - min (price) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as MultiPrices"},
                        new Field {Name = "(select min (price) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as Price"},
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                        new Field {Name = "0 as MultiPrices"},
                        new Field {Name = "Price"},

            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@CustomerId", Value = CustomerSession.CustomerId.ToString() });
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Product.ToString() });

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["categoryid"]) || !Int32.TryParse(Request["categoryid"], out _categoryId))
                _categoryId = 0;

                var sbMainPage = StaticBlockService.GetPagePartByKeyWithCache("MainPageSocial");
                if (sbMainPage != null && sbMainPage.Enabled)
                    MainPageText = sbMainPage.Content;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainPageText))
                SetMeta(null, string.Empty);

            category = CategoryService.GetCategory(_categoryId);
            if (category == null || category.Enabled == false || category.ParentsEnabled == false)

            ProductsCount = category.GetProductCount();

            categoryView.CategoryID = _categoryId;
            categoryView.Visible = true;
            pnlSort.Visible = ProductsCount > 0;
            productView.Visible = ProductsCount > 0;

            lblCategoryName.Text = _categoryId != 0 ? category.Name : Resource.Client_MasterPage_Catalog;
            //lblCategoryDescription.Text = category.Description;

            //imgCategoryImage.ImageUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.Picture) ? "" : string.Format("{0}", ImageFolders.GetImageCategoryPath(false, category.Picture));

            breadCrumbs.Items =
                CategoryService.GetParentCategories(_categoryId).Select(parent => new BreadCrumbs
                        Name = parent.Name,
                        Url = "social/catalogsocial.aspx?categoryid=" + parent.CategoryId
            breadCrumbs.Items.Insert(0, new BreadCrumbs
                    Name = Resource.Client_MasterPage_MainPage,
                    Url = UrlService.GetAbsoluteLink("social/catalogsocial.aspx")

            SetMeta(category.Meta, category.Name);

            if (category.DisplayChildProducts)
                var cfilter = new InChildCategoriesFieldFilter
                        CategoryId = _categoryId.ToString(),
                        ParamName = "@CategoryID"
                _paging.Fields["[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]"].Filter = cfilter;
                var cfilter = new EqualFieldFilter { Value = _categoryId.ToString(), ParamName = "@catalog" };
                _paging.Fields["[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]"].Filter = cfilter;

            _paging.Fields["Enabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter { Value = "1", ParamName = "@enabled" }; ;
            _paging.Fields["CategoryEnabled"].Filter = new EqualFieldFilter { Value = "1", ParamName = "@CategoryEnabled" };

            var logicalFilter = new LogicalFilter { ParamName = "@Main", HideInCustomData = true };
            logicalFilter.AddFilter(new EqualFieldFilter { Value = "1", ParamName = "@Main1", HideInCustomData = true });
            logicalFilter.AddFilter(new NullFieldFilter { Null = true, ParamName = "@Main2", HideInCustomData = true });
            _paging.Fields["Offer.Main"].Filter = logicalFilter;

Exemplo n.º 17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool categoryIdIsNum = false;
            int categoryId = -1;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["newscategoryid"]) &&
                Int32.TryParse(Request["newscategoryid"], out categoryId))
                categoryIdIsNum = categoryId != -1;

            _paging = new SqlPaging
                    TableName = "Settings.News left join Catalog.Photo on Photo.objId=News.NewsID and Type=@Type",
                    ItemsPerPage = SettingsNews.NewsPerPage

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "NewsID" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "AddingDate", Sorting = SortDirection.Descending });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "Title" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "PhotoName as Picture" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "TextToPublication" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "TextToEmail" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "TextAnnotation" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "UrlPath" });

            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.News.ToString() });

            if (categoryIdIsNum)
                var f = new Field { Name = "NewsCategoryID", NotInQuery = true };
                var filter = new EqualFieldFilter
                        ParamName = "@NewsCategoryID",
                        Value = categoryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                f.Filter = filter;

            MetaInfo nmeta = new MetaInfo
                    Type = MetaType.News,
                    Title = SettingsNews.NewsMetaTitle,
                    MetaKeywords = SettingsNews.NewsMetaKeywords,
                    MetaDescription = SettingsNews.NewsMetaDescription,
                    H1 = SettingsNews.NewsMetaH1

            var category = NewsService.GetNewsCategoryById(categoryId);
            header.Text = category != null
                              ? string.Format("{0} / {1}", Resource.Client_News_News, category.Name)
                              : Resource.Client_News_News;

            if (paging.CurrentPage > 1)
                header.Text = header.Text + Resource.Client_Catalog_PageIs + paging.CurrentPage;

            if (category != null)
                ucBreadCrumbs.Items = new List<BreadCrumbs>
                        new BreadCrumbs
                                Name = Resource.Client_News_News,
                                Url = UrlService.GetAbsoluteLink("news")
                        new BreadCrumbs
                                Name = category.Name,
                                Url = UrlService.GetLink(ParamType.NewsCategory, category.UrlPath, category.NewsCategoryID)
                ucBreadCrumbs.Visible = false;

            if (paging.CurrentPage > 1)
                nmeta.Title += Resource.Client_Catalog_PageIs + paging.CurrentPage;
                nmeta.MetaDescription += Resource.Client_Catalog_PageIs + paging.CurrentPage;
            SetMeta(nmeta, string.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SetMeta(string.Format("{0} - {1}", SettingsMain.ShopName, Resource.Admin_Carousels_Header));

            if (!IsPostBack)
                _paging = new SqlPaging { TableName = "[CMS].[Carousel] left join Catalog.Photo on Photo.ObjId=Carousel.CarouselID and Type=@Type", ItemsPerPage = 10 };

                var f = new Field { Name = "CarouselID as ID", IsDistinct = true, Filter = _selectionFilter };

                f = new Field { Name = "URL" };

                f = new Field { Name = "SortOrder", Sorting = SortDirection.Ascending };

                f = new Field { Name = "Enabled" };

                f = new Field { Name = "PhotoName" };

                _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Carousel.ToString() });

                grid.ChangeHeaderImageUrl("arrowSortOrder", "images/arrowup.gif");

                _paging.ItemsPerPage = 10;

                pageNumberer.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
                _paging.CurrentPageIndex = 1;
                ViewState["Paging"] = _paging;

                txtSortedCarousel.Text = CarouselService.GetMaxSortOrder().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                _paging = (SqlPaging)(ViewState["Paging"]);
                _paging.ItemsPerPage = SQLDataHelper.GetInt(ddRowsPerPage.SelectedValue);

                if (_paging == null)
                    throw (new Exception("Paging lost"));

                string strIds = Request.Form["SelectedIds"];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIds))
                    strIds = strIds.Trim();
                    string[] arrids = strIds.Split(' ');

                    var ids = new string[arrids.Length];
                    _selectionFilter = new InSetFieldFilter { IncludeValues = true };
                    for (int idx = 0; idx <= ids.Length - 1; idx++)
                        int t = int.Parse(arrids[idx]);
                        if (t != -1)
                            ids[idx] = t.ToString();
                            _selectionFilter.IncludeValues = false;
                            _inverseSelection = true;

                    _selectionFilter.Values = ids;
                    //_InverseSelection = If(ids(0) = -1, True, False)