/// <summary>
        /// its operation is described by google doc chapter 1 storage,
        /// if table already exist then ignore the create table operation
        /// just do the insert value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        private void HandleInsertSqlQuery(SqlInsertQuery query)
            // only check prime field table here, is it safe enough ?
            bool          isTableExist = underlineDatabase.CheckIsTableAlreadyExist(query.TableName + "_0");
            List <Object> attributes   = query.Attributes;

            int randomVariable = 1;

            if (!isTableExist)
                // table creation operation here

                createAttributeTables(query, attributes);
                createPossibleStatesTable(query, attributes);
                createPossibleWorldsTable(query, attributes);
                randomVariable = underlineDatabase.GetNextFreeVariableId(query.TableName);
                if (randomVariable <= 0)
                    randomVariable = 1;

            // insert value into tables starting here
            InsertAttributeValue(query, attributes, randomVariable);
            PopulatePossibleStatesTable(query, randomVariable);
            PopulatePossibleWorlds(query, randomVariable);
        private void InsertAttributeValue(SqlInsertQuery query, List <Object> attributes, int randomVariable)
            underlineDatabase.InsertValueIntoAttributeTable(query.TableName + "_0", randomVariable, 1, "TupleExistence", query.TupleP);

            for (int i = 1; i <= attributes.Count; i++)
                string attributeTableName = query.TableName + "_" + i;

                var value = attributes[i - 1] as DeterministicAttribute;
                if (value != null)
                    DeterministicAttribute attribute = value;
                    double prob = 0;
                    prob = 100;
                    underlineDatabase.InsertValueIntoAttributeTable(attributeTableName, randomVariable, 1, attribute.AttributeValue1, prob);
                    var probabilisticAttribute = attributes[i - 1] as ProbabilisticSingleAttribute;
                    if (probabilisticAttribute != null)
                        var           attribute = probabilisticAttribute;
                        List <String> v         = attribute.Values;
                        List <double> p         = attribute.Probs;

                        for (int j = 0; j < v.Count; j++)
                            // attribute value starting from 1 upto number of possible values,
                            // because 0 is system reserve for null state.
                            underlineDatabase.InsertValueIntoAttributeTable(attributeTableName, randomVariable, j + 1, v[j], p[j]);
        public string submitQuerySQL(string sql, out DataTable answerSet)
            SqlQuery  rawQuery = new SqlQuery(sql);
            QueryType qType    = rawQuery.ProcessType();

            answerSet = null;
            switch (qType)
            case QueryType.INSERT:
                var query = new SqlInsertQuery(sql);
                var iHandler = new InsertQueryHandler(query, underlineDatabase);
                answerSet = iHandler.HandleInsertQuery();

            case QueryType.SELECT:
                var squery   = new SqlSelectQuery(sql);
                var sHandler = new SelectQueryHandler(squery, underlineDatabase);
                answerSet = sHandler.HandleSelectSqlQuery();

            case QueryType.CREATE:
                var cquery  = new SqlCreateTableQuery(sql);
                var handler = new CreateTableHandler(cquery, underlineDatabase);
                answerSet = handler.HandleCreateTableQuery();


            return("end of submitSQL function");
        public void TestInsertWithFullyDependentColumns()
            string sentences = "INSERT INTO socialData(att1,att3,att2,att4) VALUES (351,Smith,PROBABLY [785 Single] 25%/ [185 Married] 75%)";

            SqlInsertQuery query = new SqlInsertQuery(sentences);


            Assert.IsTrue((int)query.TupleP == 100);
            Assert.IsTrue(query.TableName == "socialData");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Attributes.Count == 3);
            var multiColumn = (ProbabilisticMultiAttribute)query.Attributes[2];

            Assert.IsTrue(multiColumn.MultiAttrbutes.Count == 2);

            Assert.IsTrue((int)multiColumn.PValues[0] == 25);
            Assert.IsTrue((int)multiColumn.PValues[1] == 75);

            var value1 = multiColumn.MultiAttrbutes[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(value1.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(value1[0] == "785");
            Assert.IsTrue(value1[1] == "Single");

            var value2 = multiColumn.MultiAttrbutes[1];

            Assert.IsTrue(value2.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(value2[0] == "185");
            Assert.IsTrue(value2[1] == "Married");
        public void TestNormalSqlInsert()
            string sentences = "INSERT INTO socialData VALUES (351,785,Smith,Single)";

            SqlInsertQuery query = new SqlInsertQuery(sentences);


            Assert.IsTrue(query.TupleP == 100.0);
            Assert.IsTrue(query.TableName == "socialData");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Attributes.Count == 4);
        public void TestParsingProbClause()
            string sentences = "785 25% / 185 50% ";
            var    pa        = (ProbabilisticSingleAttribute)SqlInsertQuery.processProbabilisticValueClause(sentences);

            Assert.IsTrue(pa.Probs.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(pa.Values.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(pa.Values[0] == "785");
            Assert.IsTrue(pa.Probs[0] == 25.0);
            Assert.IsTrue(pa.Values[1] == "185");
            Assert.IsTrue(pa.Probs[1] == 50.0);
        private void createAttributeTables(SqlInsertQuery query, List <Object> attributes)
            String[] attributeNames1 = { "var", "v", "att0", "p" };
            String[] attributeTypes1 = { "INT", "INT", "NVARCHAR(MAX)", "float" };
            underlineDatabase.CreateNewTable(query.TableName + "_0", attributeNames1, attributeTypes1);

            for (int i = 1; i <= attributes.Count; i++)
                string   attributeTableName = query.TableName + "_" + i;
                string   ai             = "att" + i;
                String[] attributeNames = { "var", "v", ai, "p" };
                String[] attributeTypes = { "INT", "INT", "NVARCHAR(MAX)", "float" };
                underlineDatabase.CreateNewTable(attributeTableName, attributeNames, attributeTypes);
        public void TestInsertWithColumnNameSpecified()
            string sentences = "INSERT INTO socialData(att1,att3,att2,att4) VALUES (351,Smith,hoho,haha)";

            SqlInsertQuery query = new SqlInsertQuery(sentences);

            var colNames = query.ColNames;

            Assert.IsTrue(colNames.Count == 4);
            Assert.IsTrue(colNames[0] == "att1");
            Assert.IsTrue(colNames[1] == "att3");
            Assert.IsTrue(colNames[2] == "att2");
            Assert.IsTrue(colNames[3] == "att4");
        /// <summary>
        /// Find out all states that a new random variable i can has
        /// for each i's state, duplicate the existing possibleWorld table
        /// and insert this state as a row in every world
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="randomVariable"></param>
        private void PopulatePossibleWorlds(SqlInsertQuery query, int randomVariable)
            var tableName = query.TableName;

            var statesTable = underlineDatabase.ExecuteSqlWithResult("select * from " + tableName + "_PossibleStates");

            IEnumerable <DataRow> newlyAddedPossibleStates = from newRow in statesTable.AsEnumerable()
                                                             where newRow.Field <int>("var") == randomVariable
                                                             select newRow;

            var newVarStates = newlyAddedPossibleStates.Count();

            var existingWorldsTable = underlineDatabase.ExecuteSqlWithResult("select * from " + tableName + "_PossibleWorlds");
            var result = existingWorldsTable.Copy();

            // replicate existingWorldTable, number of copy depends on number of state in new variable.
            var worldNumbers = (from dataRow in existingWorldsTable.AsEnumerable()
                                select dataRow.Field <int>("worldNo")).Distinct().ToList();

            // if old worlds is empty, for each new state create a world
            if (!worldNumbers.Any())
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var eachPossibleState in newlyAddedPossibleStates)
                    insertVariableState(index, eachPossibleState, ref result);
                for (int i = 1; i <= newVarStates; i++)
                    var eachNewState = newlyAddedPossibleStates.ElementAt(i - 1);
                    // for each new variable state, duplicate existing worlds
                    var duplicatedWorldNumbers = generateNewRandomVariables(worldNumbers, i, existingWorldsTable, ref result);

                    // current new state i is assign to each world
                    foreach (var worldNumber in duplicatedWorldNumbers)
                        insertVariableState(worldNumber, eachNewState, ref result);

            underlineDatabase.WriteTableBacktoDatabase(tableName + "_PossibleWorlds", result);
        public void TestProbabilisticSqlInsert()
            string sentences = "INSERT INTO socialData VALUES (351,PROBABLY 785 25% ,Smith,Single) probably 50%";

            SqlInsertQuery query = new SqlInsertQuery(sentences);


            Assert.IsTrue(query.TupleP == 50.0);
            Assert.IsTrue(query.TableName == "socialData");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Attributes.Count == 4);

            ProbabilisticSingleAttribute p = (ProbabilisticSingleAttribute)query.Attributes[1];

            Assert.IsTrue(p.Values[0] == "785");
            Assert.IsTrue(p.Probs[0] == 25.0);
        private void createPossibleWorldsTable(SqlInsertQuery query, List <object> attributes)
            String[] attributeNames     = { "worldNo" };
            String[] attributeTypes     = { "INT" };
            string   attributeTableName = query.TableName + "_PossibleWorlds";

            List <String> attributeNamesList = attributeNames.ToList();
            List <String> attributeTypesList = attributeTypes.ToList();

            for (int i = 1; i <= attributes.Count; i++)
                string ai = "att" + i;

            // p is the last attribute

            underlineDatabase.CreateNewTable(attributeTableName, attributeNamesList.ToArray(), attributeTypesList.ToArray());
        public void TestParsingMultiAttributeClause()
            string sentences = "[785 Single] 25%/ [185 Married] 75%";
            var    pa        = (ProbabilisticMultiAttribute)SqlInsertQuery.processProbabilisticValueClause(sentences);

            Assert.IsTrue(pa.MultiAttrbutes.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(pa.PValues.Count == 2);

            var firstValue = pa.MultiAttrbutes[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(firstValue.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(firstValue[0] == "785");
            Assert.IsTrue(firstValue[1] == "Single");
            Assert.IsTrue((int)pa.PValues[0] == 25);

            var secondValue = pa.MultiAttrbutes[1];

            Assert.IsTrue(secondValue.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(secondValue[0] == "185");
            Assert.IsTrue(secondValue[1] == "Married");
            Assert.IsTrue((int)pa.PValues[1] == 75);
        /// <summary>
        /// construct and execute sql to populate possible states table using those attribute table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="randomVariable"></param>
        private void PopulatePossibleStatesTable(SqlInsertQuery query, int randomVariable)
            var attributes         = query.Attributes;
            var numberOfAttributes = attributes.Count;
            var tableName          = query.TableName;

            /* sql format is:
             * insert into socialData_PossibleStates (var,v ,att1 ,att2 ,att3,p)
             * select t1.var,row_number() over (order by  t1.v  ,t2.v  ,t3.v ) as v, t1.att1  ,t2.att2  ,t3.att3 , (t1.p/100)*  (t2.p/100)*  (t3.p/100)* 100 as p
             * from  socialData_0 as t0 cross join socialData_1 as t1  cross join socialData_2 as t2  cross join socialData_3 as t3  where  t0.var=1 and t0.var = t1.var and t0.var = t2.var and t0.var = t3.var

            string attributeClause   = "var,v";
            string fromClause        = "";
            string whereClause       = "";
            string combiningVField   = "";
            string combiningAttField = "";
            string combiningPField   = "";

            for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfAttributes; i++)
                combiningPField += string.Format(" (t{0}.p/100)* ", i);
                if (i == 0)
                    whereClause = string.Format(" t0.var={0} and ", randomVariable);
                    // table_0 store tupleExistence data only, not attribute
                    fromClause += string.Format(" {0}_0 as t0 ", tableName);
                    attributeClause += " ,att" + i;
                    fromClause      += string.Format(" cross join {0}_{1} as t{1} ", tableName, i);

                    if (i == 1)
                        whereClause       += string.Format(" t0.var = t{0}.var ", i);
                        combiningVField   += " t1.v ";
                        combiningAttField += " t1.att1 ";
                        whereClause       += string.Format(" and t0.var = t{0}.var ", i);
                        combiningVField   += " ,t" + i + ".v ";
                        combiningAttField += string.Format(" ,t{0}.att{0} ", i);
            attributeClause += ",p";

            string selectClause = string.Format("t0.var,row_number() over (order by {0}) as v,{1},{2}100 as p",
                                                combiningVField, combiningAttField, combiningPField);
            string sql = string.Format("insert into {0}_PossibleStates ({1}) select {2} from {3} where {4}",
                                       tableName, attributeClause, selectClause, fromClause, whereClause);

            var result = underlineDatabase.ExecuteSql(sql);

            // Adding null state here if tuple may not exist, otherwise naive strategy would calculate incorrect result
            if (query.TupleP < 100.0)
                var nullAttributes = "";
                for (int i = 1; i <= attributes.Count; i++)
                    nullAttributes += "null,";

                var insertNoneExistenceState = string.Format("insert into {0}_PossibleStates values({1},0,{2}{3})",
                                                             tableName, randomVariable, nullAttributes, 100 - query.TupleP);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public InsertQueryHandler(SqlInsertQuery query, IStandardDatabase underlineDatabase)
     this.query             = query;
     this.underlineDatabase = underlineDatabase;