public async Task SqlErrorAsync_Rollback_NewTransaction()
            var initialConn        = _sut.Connection.GetHashCode();
            var initialTransaction = _sut.Transaction.GetHashCode();

            // ACT - Wrong select
            SqlException exc = null;

                string artist = await _sut.ExecuteSql(transaction => _sut.Connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <string>("SELECT Wow FROM Maw WHERE NoId = @Id", new { Id = 1 }, transaction));
            catch (SqlException ex)
                exc = ex;

            // Just continue with context
            var album = await _sut.ExecuteSql(transaction => _sut.Connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <string>("SELECT Title FROM Album WHERE AlbumId = @Id", new { Id = 5 }, transaction));

            var newTransaction = _sut.Transaction.GetHashCode();
            var sameConn       = _sut.Connection.GetHashCode();

            _log.LogDebug("--- Calling DatabaseContext.Dispose() explicitly NOW.");

            album.Should().Be("Big Ones");


             *****  Checking logging statements for event order *****
             *****Created new MS SQL connection with Hash: 13726014 to (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB:ChinookLight
             *****Opening SQL connection (Hash: 13726014).
             *****Event: MS SQL Connection StateChange (Closed => Open)
             *****Connection to ChinookLight opened in 117 ms (Hash: 13726014).
             *****Created new SQL transaction with Hash: 64379541 with Isolation level ReadCommitted onto connection 13726014.
             *****Attempting to execute SQL statement (ExecuteQuery).
             *****SQL Transaction Rollback due to exception thrown (ExecuteQuery).
             *****Created new SQL transaction with Hash: 42253292 with Isolation level ReadCommitted onto connection 13726014.
             *****Attempting to execute SQL statement (ExecuteQuery).
             *****SQL statement executed in 15 ms.
             *****--- Calling DatabaseContext.Dispose() explicitly NOW.
             *****SQL Transaction (Hash: 42253292) Commit in ReleaseConnection (business operation complete).
             *****Event: MS SQL Connection StateChange (Open => Closed)
             *****Connection closed (ReleaseConnection). (Hash: 13726014)
             *****Event: MS SQL Connection got disposed
            _log.LoggedMessages[6].Should().Contain("SQL Transaction Rollback due to exception thrown");
            _log.LoggedMessages[7].Should().Contain("Created new SQL transaction");