/// <summary>
        /// Attempts to check the database verson via the database to see if it's valid for use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The client providing the connection to database.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if valid; false if not.</returns>
        public object Execute(SqlDatabaseClient client)
            client.AddParameter("sver", Program.Version.ToString());
            string dbResult = (string)client.ExecuteQuery(
                "SELECT database_version FROM versioning; "
                + "UPDATE versioning SET server_version = @sver;");

            Version required  = new Version(1, 0, 3100);
            Version dbVersion = Version.Parse(dbResult);

            if (dbVersion < required)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the item defitions from mysql database and stores in a local array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination">The array to store data to.</param>
        public static void Load()
            // The largest item id value in the item_definitions table.
            int largestValue = 0;

            // The defitions storage.
            ItemDefinition[] definitions = null;
            // The raw definitions from mysql database.
            DataRow[] rows = null;

                using (SqlDatabaseClient client = GameServer.Database.GetClient())
                    // Find the highest id value so we can make an array based on that value.
                    largestValue = (short)client.ExecuteQuery("SELECT MAX(id) FROM item_definitions;");
                    // Get raw definitions.

                    rows = client.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM item_definitions").Select();

                 * Create the array with specified largest value + 1 (because items start at 0).
                definitions = new ItemDefinition[largestValue + 1];

                // Parse definitions.
                foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                    // General definitions.
                    short  id        = Convert.ToInt16(row[0]);
                    string name      = Convert.ToString(row[1]);
                    string examine   = Convert.ToString(row[2]);
                    short  equipId   = Convert.ToInt16(row[3]);
                    bool   stackable = Convert.ToBoolean(row[4]);
                    bool   tradable  = Convert.ToBoolean(row[5]);
                    bool   noted     = Convert.ToBoolean(row[6]);
                    short  noteId    = Convert.ToInt16(row[7]);

                    // Price definitions.
                    int[] prices = new int[3];
                    prices[0] = Convert.ToInt32(row[8]);  // Minimum price.
                    prices[1] = Convert.ToInt32(row[9]);  // Normal price.
                    prices[2] = Convert.ToInt32(row[10]); // Maximum price.

                    // Bonus definitions.
                    short[] bonuses = new short[16];
                    bonuses[0]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[11]); // Attack Stab Bonus
                    bonuses[1]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[12]); // Attack Slash Bonus
                    bonuses[2]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[13]); // Attack Crush Bonus
                    bonuses[3]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[14]); // Attack Magic Bonus
                    bonuses[4]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[15]); // Attack Ranged Bonus
                    bonuses[5]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[16]); // Defence Stab Bonus
                    bonuses[6]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[17]); // Defence Slash Bonus
                    bonuses[7]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[18]); // Defence Crush Bonus
                    bonuses[8]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[19]); // Defence Magic Bonus
                    bonuses[9]  = Convert.ToInt16(row[20]); // Defence Ranged Bonus
                    bonuses[10] = Convert.ToInt16(row[21]); // Defence Summoning Bonus
                    bonuses[11] = Convert.ToInt16(row[22]); // Strength Bonus
                    bonuses[12] = Convert.ToInt16(row[23]); // Prayer Bonus

                    // Configure definition.
                    definitions[id] = new ItemDefinition(id, name, examine, equipId, noted, noteId, stackable, tradable, prices, bonuses);

                 * This must be done so no errors are caused if there
                 * are null items. If the player does somehow spawn
                 * a null item, they'll recieve drawf remains instead.
                for (int i = 0; i < definitions.Length; i++)
                    if (definitions[i] == null)
                        definitions[i] = definitions[0];

                //Program.Logger.WriteInfo("Loaded " + rows.Length + " item definitions.");
            catch (Exception ex)
            ItemDefinition.definitions = definitions;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the protocol request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The instance requesting the protcol handle.</param>
        public void Handle(LoginRequest request)
            byte packetSize = 0;

            if (request.Buffer.RemainingAmount >= 1)
                packetSize = request.Buffer.ReadByte();

            if (request.Buffer.RemainingAmount >= packetSize)
                Packet p = new Packet(request.Buffer.GetRemainingData());

                 * I don't know why, but the packet structure changes
                 * varying on the password, and client type, so we
                 * will just have to loop untill we reach 1.
                while (p.Peek() != 1)

                // Check if client revision is valid.
                int clientVersion = p.ReadShort();
                if (clientVersion != 508)
                    request.Remove = true;

                long   longUser = p.ReadLong();
                string username = StringUtilities.LongToString(longUser);
                p.Skip(4); // PADDING
                string password = p.ReadString();
                if (password.Contains(username))
                if (password.Length < 5 || password.Length > 20)

                 * Security is very important when coming to dealing with passwords,
                 * hence why jolt environment hashes the username and password.
                string hash = Hash.GetHash(username + Hash.GetHash(password, HashType.SHA1), HashType.SHA1);
                p.Skip(6); // Padding(?)
                byte birthDay   = p.ReadByte();
                byte birthMonth = (byte)(p.ReadByte() + 1);
                p.Skip(4); // Padding(?)
                short birthYear = p.ReadShort();
                short country   = p.ReadShort();
                p.Skip(4); // Unknown.

                 * We now attempt to finalize the creation, by rechecking if username
                 * is availible and inserting the given information to the database.
                using (SqlDatabaseClient client = GameServer.Database.GetClient())
                    client.AddParameter("username", username);
                    DataRow row = client.ReadDataRow("SELECT id FROM characters WHERE username = @username LIMIT 1");

                     * If the row isn't null, that means that the database
                     * has found a character with the same username.
                    if (row != null)
                        client.AddParameter("password", hash); // Insert the hashed password for security.
                        client.AddParameter("dob", birthDay + "-" + birthMonth + "-" + birthYear);
                        client.AddParameter("country", country);
                        client.AddParameter("ip", request.Connection.IPAddress);
                        client.ExecuteUpdate("INSERT INTO characters (username,password,dob,country,register_ip,register_date) VALUES (@username, @password, @dob, @country, @ip, NOW());");

                        uint id = (uint)client.ExecuteQuery("SELECT id FROM characters WHERE username = @username AND password = @password;");
                        client.AddParameter("id", id);
                        client.ExecuteUpdate("INSERT INTO character_preferences (master_id) VALUES (@id);");

                        // Now that the character is now registered to the core table, we can now grab the auto incremented id.
                        //dbClient.AddParamWithValue("id", dbClient.ReadUInt32("SELECT id FROM characters WHERE username = @username"));