Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SetButchersLabels()
            var sqlConn = new SqlConn(DbConnectionString());

                if (sqlConn.TestConnection())
                    var sqlDatatable = new SqlDataTable();
                    var dt           = new DataTable();
                    var sqlQuery     = string.Empty;

                    sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblCustomer";
                    dt       = SqlDataTable.GetDatatable(sqlConn.GetSqlConnection(), sqlQuery);
                    SetControlsLookUpEdit(lookUpEdit_Customer, dt, "CustomerName", "IdCustomer", "Customer");

                    sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblShift";
                    dt       = SqlDataTable.GetDatatable(sqlConn.GetSqlConnection(), sqlQuery);
                    SetControlsLookUpEdit(lookUpEdit_Shift, dt, "Shift", "IdShift", "Shift");

                    lookUpEdit_Product.Enabled = false;
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected error when tried to connect to server and download data.");
            catch (Exception Ex)
                var message = string.Format(Ex.Message);
                var title   = "Database connection";
                XtraMessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SetControlsLookUpEditProductList()
            var    sqlConn    = new SqlConn(DbConnectionString());
            var    sett       = Properties.Settings.Default;
            int    factoryId  = sett.Factory;
            string customerId = lookUpEdit_Customer.EditValue.ToString();
            string sqlQuery   = "SELECT * FROM v_ButcherLabelsProductList WHERE IdCustomer=" + customerId + " AND IdFactory=" + factoryId + "";
            var    dt         = new DataTable();

            dt = SqlDataTable.GetDatatable(sqlConn.GetSqlConnection(), sqlQuery);

            lookUpEdit_Product.Enabled = true;
            lblColorLabel.Text         = string.Empty;

            var control = lookUpEdit_Product.Properties;

            control.DataSource    = null;
            control.DataSource    = dt;
            control.DisplayMember = "Description";
            control.ValueMember   = "ProdCode";
            control.AppearanceDropDown.FontSizeDelta       = 10;
            control.AppearanceDropDownHeader.FontSizeDelta = 10;

            LookUpColumnInfoCollection columns = control.Columns;

            columns.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("ProdCode", 150, "Code"));
            columns.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("Description", 400, "Description"));
            columns.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("CustomerName", 120, "Customer"));
            columns.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("LabelType", 100, "Label"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void GetDataFromSI(string barCode)
            var       sqlConn = new SqlConn(SIConnectionString());
            DataTable dt      = new DataTable();

                if (sqlConn.TestConnection())
                    var    sqlQuery    = string.Empty;
                    string batchPallet = string.Empty;

                    switch (barCode.Length)
                    case 14:
                        batchPallet    = barCode.Substring(2);
                        _batchOrPallet = SqlQueryBatchPallet.PalletBatchField.palletid;
                        sqlQuery       = SqlQueryBatchPallet.SelectPalletBatch(_batchOrPallet, batchPallet);

                    case 22:
                        batchPallet    = barCode.Substring(0, 12);
                        _batchOrPallet = SqlQueryBatchPallet.PalletBatchField.batchno;
                        sqlQuery       = SqlQueryBatchPallet.SelectPalletBatch(_batchOrPallet, batchPallet);

                        batchPallet    = barCode;
                        _batchOrPallet = SqlQueryBatchPallet.PalletBatchField.batchno;
                        sqlQuery       = SqlQueryBatchPallet.SelectPalletBatch(_batchOrPallet, batchPallet);

                    if (_butcherLabelsTable != null)
                        dt = SqlDataTable.GetDatatable(sqlConn.GetSqlConnection(), sqlQuery);
                        dt = SqlDataTable.GetDatatable(sqlConn.GetSqlConnection(), sqlQuery);
                        _butcherLabelsTable = dt;
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected error when tried to connect to SI database and download data.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                var message = string.Format(ex.Message);
                var title   = "SI database connection";
                XtraMessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void XmlDataForReport()
            string    sqlQuery = "SELECT ProductionDate, ProdDescription, RawMaterialDescription, Customer, Shift, LabelDescription as Color, Lot, PalletId, Udf2, Udf3, Udf4, KillDate, LabelBatchNumber AS Batch FROM tblButcherLabelsData WHERE ProductionDate = '09/05/2017' AND Customer='Lidl' AND Shift='Dayshift' AND ProdCode='LD5204354' AND FactoryId='1'";
            DataTable dt       = new DataTable();
            var       sqlConn  = new SqlConn(DbConnectionString());

            dt           = SqlDataTable.GetDatatable(sqlConn.GetSqlConnection(), sqlQuery);
            dt.TableName = "tblPalletBatch";
            dt.WriteXmlSchema(@"C:\Users\krzysztof.matyja\Dropbox\Employee365 Projects\Traceability\PalletBatch.xsd");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void GetDataForGridViewBatch()
                string    sqlQuery = string.Empty;
                DataTable dt       = new DataTable("Batch");
                var       sqlConn  = new SqlConn(DbConnectionString());

                sqlQuery = "SELECT RawMaterialCode AS Code, RawMaterialDescription AS Description, KillDate, Weight, LabelBatchNumber AS Batch " +
                           "FROM tblButcherLabelsData " +
                           "WHERE ProductionDate = '" + string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", dateEdit_ProdDate.EditValue) + "' AND " +
                           "Customer='" + lookUpEdit_Customer.Text + "' AND Shift='" + lookUpEdit_Shift.Text + "' AND " +
                           "ProdCode='" + lookUpEdit_Product.GetColumnValue("ProdCode").ToString() + "' AND " +
                           "FactoryId='" + Properties.Settings.Default.Factory + "'";
                dt = SqlDataTable.GetDatatable(sqlConn.GetSqlConnection(), sqlQuery);
                gridControl_Batch.DataSource = null;
                gridControl_Batch.DataSource = dt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Download data from database", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);