//Method to update user details
        //Is an instance method as user info is stored in session data
        //Returns an error message if username or email already registered
        public string update(string username, string email)
            int    count;
            string sql;

            if (!username.Equals(this.username))
                count = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("usernameCount @username='******'");
                if (count > 0)
                    return("Username already registered");
            if (!email.Equals(this.email))
                count = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("emailCount @email='" + email + "'");
                if (count > 0)
                    return("Email already registered");
            sql = "updateUser @userID=" + userID + ",@username='******',@email ='" + email + "'";
            this.email    = email;
            this.username = username;
            return("Update successful");
        //Returns info for 9 most recent exhibitions (for Carousel)
        public static List <CarouselItem> getCarouselItems()
            List <Exhibition> exhibitionList = Exhibition.getRecentExhibitions();
            string            coverImage;
            string            link;
            string            sql;
            int i = 0;
            List <CarouselItem> carouselItems = new List <CarouselItem>();

            while (i < exhibitionList.Count)
                sql = "getCoverImage @exhibition=" + exhibitionList [i].ExhibitionID;
                if (exhibitionList[i].Type.Equals("G"))
                    link = "http://averagenegative.azurewebsites.net/StreetViewExhibit/Gallery.aspx?GalleryId=" + exhibitionList[i].ExhibitionID;
                    link = "http://averagenegative.azurewebsites.net/Portraits-Exhibit/Portraits.aspx?GalleryId=" + exhibitionList[i].ExhibitionID;
                coverImage = (string)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);
                carouselItems.Add(new CarouselItem(exhibitionList [i].Name, exhibitionList [i].Description, coverImage, exhibitionList[i].ExhibitionID, link));
        //Checks the password is correct for given username and returns user object if correct
        //Returns null if login details incorrect
        public static User login(string username, string password)
            int    count;
            string salt;
            string email;
            int    userID, isArtist;

                //Check if username already registered
                count = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("usernameCount @username='******'");
                if (count > 0)
                    salt     = (string)SqlComm.SqlReturn("getSalt @username='******'");
                    password = SqlComm.Enc(password + salt);
                    count    = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("checkPassword @username='******', @password='******'");
                    if (count > 0)
                        userID   = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("getUserID @username='******'");
                        email    = (string)SqlComm.SqlReturn("getEmail @userID=" + userID);
                        isArtist = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("getIsArtist @userID=" + userID);
                        return(new User(username, userID, email, isArtist));
            }catch {
                return(new User());
Exemplo n.º 4
        //Inserts a new comment into the database with given details
        //Returns the commentID of the item
        public static int insert(int userID, int mediaID, string content)
            int    returnID;
            string sql = "insertNewComment @user="******",@media = " + mediaID + ",@content='" + content + "'";
            //Don't know why I had to cast this as a decimal first but it was throwing an error when I tried casting to int directly
            Decimal returnValue = (Decimal)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);

            returnID = (int)returnValue;
        //Updates the password of the given user
        private void updatePassword(int userID, string password)
            string salt;
            string sql;

            salt     = (string)SqlComm.SqlReturn("getSalt @username='******'");
            password = SqlComm.Enc(password + salt);
            sql      = "updatePassword @userID =" + userID + ",@password ='******'";
        //Inserts new artist into database with given details
        //Returns the ID of item inserted
        public void update()
            string sql;
            int    returnID;

            //Insert artist into the database
            sql = "updateArtist @artistId=" + ArtistID + ",@name='" + name + "', @location =";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, location);
            sql = sql + ",@bio=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, bio);
 //Constructor for user class
 private User(String userName, int userID, String email, int isArtist)
     this.username = userName;
     this.userID   = userID;
     this.email    = email;
     this.isArtist = isArtist;
     if (isArtist > 0)
         string sql = "getArtistIDs @user=" + userID;
         this.artistID = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);
        //Inserts a new exhibition into the database with given details
        //Returns the exhibitionID of the item
        public static int insert(string name, string description, int artistID, string type)
            int    returnID;
            string sql = "insertNewExhibition @name='" + name + "',@curatedBy = " + artistID + ",@description=";

            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, description);
            sql = sql + ",@type = '" + type + "'";
            //Don't know why I had to cast this as a decimal first but it was throwing an error when I tried casting to int directly
            Decimal returnValue = (Decimal)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);

            returnID = (int)returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int loop1, loop2;

            // Load NameValueCollection object.
            NameValueCollection coll = Request.QueryString;

            // Get names of all keys into a string array.
            String[] arr1 = coll.AllKeys;
            string   fname, lname;
            bool     isDebug = false;

            fname = "";
            lname = "";
            Response.Write("\nYour search result for\t" + Request.QueryString["fname"] + "\tand\t" + Request.QueryString["lname"]);
            for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < arr1.Length; loop1++)
                //Response.Write("Key: " + Server.HtmlEncode(arr1[loop1]) + "<br>");
                String[] arr2 = coll.GetValues(arr1[loop1]);
                for (loop2 = 0; loop2 < arr2.Length; loop2++)
                    //Response.Write("Value " + loop2 + ": " + Server.HtmlEncode(arr2[loop2]) + "<br>");
                    if (arr1[loop1] == "fname")
                        fname = arr2[loop2];
                    else if (arr1[loop1] == "lname")
                        lname = arr2[loop2];
                    else if (arr1[loop1] == "Debug")
                        isDebug = true;
            if ((arr1.Length > 0) && (isDebug == true))
                SqlComm s = new SqlComm();

                //select * from [Table] where fname = ''
                var query = "select * from [Table] where fname = '" + fname + "' and lname='" + lname + "'";
                var l     = SqlComm.SqlDataTable(query);
                var n     = SqlComm.SqlReturn("select @@version;EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig'");
                Response.Write("Query run: </br>" + query + "</br>");
                for (int i = 0; i < l.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Response.Write("</br> Vote Count" + l.Rows[i].ItemArray[3] + "&nbsp &nbsp First name:" + l.Rows[i].ItemArray[1] + "&nbsp &nbsp Last Name:" + l.Rows[i].ItemArray[2]);
        //Inserts media item into the database
        //Returns the id of item inserted
        public static int insert(int exhibitionID, int artistID, string youtubeURL, string filename, string name, string description)
            string sql;
            int    returnID;

            sql = "insertNewMedia @exhibition=" + exhibitionID + ",@artist=" + artistID + ",@youtubeURL=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, youtubeURL);
            sql = sql + ",	@filename='"+ filename + "',	@name='"+ name + "',@description=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, description);
            //Don't know why I had to cast this as a decimal first but it was throwing an error when I tried casting to int directly
            Decimal returnValue = (Decimal)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);

            returnID = (int)returnValue;
        //Inserts new artist into database with given details
        //Returns the ID of item inserted
        public static int insert(int userID, string name, string location, string bio)
            string sql;
            int    returnID;

            //Insert artist into the database
            sql = "insertNewArtist @userID=" + userID + ",@name='" + name + "', @location =";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, location);
            sql = sql + ",@bio=";
            sql = SqlComm.AddIfNotNull(sql, bio);
            //Don't know why I had to cast this as a decimal first but it was throwing an error when I tried casting to int directly
            Decimal returnValue = (Decimal)SqlComm.SqlReturn(sql);

            returnID = (int)returnValue;
        //Inserts the given details into the database if both email and username are not already registered
        //Returns a string with message indicated whether insert was succesful or reason why it wasn't
        public static string insert(string username, int isArtist, string email, string password)
            string sql, salt;
            int    count;
            int    userID;
            string dbMessage;

            //Get salt and hash password
            salt     = SqlComm.CreateSalt();
            password = SqlComm.Enc(password + salt);

            //Check if email already registered
            count = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("emailCount @email='" + email + "'");
            if (count < 1)
                //Check if username already registered
                count = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("usernameCount @username='******'");
                if (count < 1)
                    //If not already registered insert into database
                    sql = "insertNewUser @userName='******' , @email='" + email + "', @isArtist ='" + isArtist + "',@userPassword = '******',@salt='" + salt + "'";

                    //If is curator create default artist profile
                    if (isArtist == 1)
                        userID = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("getUserID @username='******'");
                        Artist.insert(userID, username, "", "");
                    dbMessage = "";
                    dbMessage = "Username already registered";
                dbMessage = "Email already registered";