Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void GameLogic()
            // This runs every frame and handles game logic
            Player          player           = (Player)GetObjectByName("Player");
            SpriteComponent playerSpriteComp = (SpriteComponent)player.GetComponent("SpriteComponent");

            GameObject    GameResTextObj     = GetUIObjectByName("GameRenderTextObj");
            TextComponent GameResTextObjComp = (TextComponent)GameResTextObj.GetComponent("TextComponent");

            GameResTextObjComp.SetText("Render Width: " + GameResolutionWidth.ToString() + ", Render Height: " + GameResolutionHeight.ToString());

            GameObject    WindowSizeTextObj     = GetUIObjectByName("WindowSizeTextObj");
            TextComponent WindowSizeTextObjComp = (TextComponent)WindowSizeTextObj.GetComponent("TextComponent");

            WindowSizeTextObjComp.SetText("Window Width: " + WindowWidth.ToString() + ", Render Height: " + WindowHeight.ToString());

            // Handle Key Presses

            if (PressedKeys.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < PressedKeys.Count; i++)
                    //Keys currentKeyCode = PressedKeys[i];

                    //printText(EngineClass.debugType.Debug, PressedKeys[i].ToString());

                    if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.W)

                    // REMOVED S to go down because gravity pulls the player down
                    //else if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.S || PressedKeys[i] == Keys.Down)
                    //    player.moveDown(playerSpeed);
                    //    //playerSpriteComp.SetImageRotation(Rotation.Down);

                    if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.A)
                        playerSpriteComp.SetImageRotation(HRotation.Left, VRotation.Up);
                    else if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.D)
                        playerSpriteComp.SetImageRotation(HRotation.Right, VRotation.Up);

                    if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.Up)
                        GlobalCoords[1] += 10;
                    if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.Down)
                        GlobalCoords[1] -= 10;

                    if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.Left)
                        GlobalCoords[0] += 10;
                    if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.Right)
                        GlobalCoords[0] -= 10;

                    if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.O)
                        GlobalScale[0] += (float)0.25;
                        GlobalScale[1] += (float)0.25;
                        //PrintText(debugType.Error, "GlobalScale X = " + GlobalScale[0].ToString() + ", Y = " + GlobalScale[1].ToString());
                    else if (PressedKeys[i] == Keys.P)
                        GlobalScale[0] -= (float)0.25;
                        GlobalScale[1] -= (float)0.25;
                        //PrintText(debugType.Error, "GlobalScale X = " + GlobalScale[0].ToString() + ", Y = " + GlobalScale[1].ToString());

                    //printText(debugType.Debug, player.x.ToString());
                    //printText(debugType.Debug, player.y.ToString());

                // Handle Collision
                //if (player.GetX() + player.GetWidth() > GetCanvasWidth())
                //    player.x = GetCanvasWidth() - player.width;

                //else if (player.x < 0)
                //    player.x = 0;

                //if (player.y + player.height > GetCanvasHeight())
                //    player.y = GetCanvasHeight() - player.height;

                //else if (player.y < 0)
                //    player.y = 0;