Exemplo n.º 1
        public HttpResponseMessage postSearchDate(SpringDateSearchView model)
                var result = springSvc.SearchSpringDataDate(model);

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public SpringView SearchSpringDataDate(SpringDateSearchView model)
            using (var ctx = new ConXContext())
                //define model view
                SpringView view = new ModelViews.SpringView()
                    pageIndex   = model.pageIndex - 1,
                    itemPerPage = model.itemPerPage,
                    totalItem   = 0,

                    datas = new List <ModelViews.SpringReqView>()

                string ventity   = model.entity;
                string vwc_code  = model.wc_code;
                string vmc_code  = model.mc_code;
                string vreq_date = model.req_date;

                //query data
                sql += " (select  a.REQ_DATE , a.MC_CODE , a.SPRINGTYPE_CODE , a.PDSIZE_CODE , a.PDSIZE_DESC , count(*) PLAN_QTY , 0 ACTUAL_QTY from MPS_DET_IN_PROCESS a , MPS_DET_WC c";
                sql += " where a.entity = c.entity";
                sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                sql += " and a.wc_code = c.wc_code";
                sql += " and a.pcs_barcode = c.pcs_barcode";
                sql += " and a.entity = :p_entity";
                sql += " and a.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and a.wc_code = :p_wc_code";
                sql += " and c.mps_st <> 'OCL'";
                sql += " and a.mc_code = :p_mc_code";
                sql += " group by a.req_date , a.mc_code , a.springtype_code , a.pdsize_code , a.pdsize_desc)";
                sql += " UNION ALL ";
                sql += " (select  a.REQ_DATE , a.MC_CODE , a.SPRINGTYPE_CODE  , a.PDSIZE_CODE , a.PDSIZE_DESC , 0 PLAN_QTY , count(*) ACTUAL_QTY from MPS_DET_IN_PROCESS a , MPS_DET_WC c";
                sql += " where a.entity = c.entity";
                sql += " and a.req_date = c.req_date";
                sql += " and a.wc_code = c.wc_code";
                sql += " and a.pcs_barcode = c.pcs_barcode";
                sql += " and a.entity = :p_entity";
                sql += " and a.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and a.wc_code = :p_wc_code";
                sql += " and c.mps_st <> 'OCL'";
                sql += " and a.mc_code = :p_mc_code";
                sql += " and a.mps_st = 'Y'";
                sql += " group by a.req_date , a.mc_code , a.springtype_code , a.pdsize_code , a.pdsize_desc )";
                sql += " ) Group by REQ_DATE,  MC_CODE ,SPRINGTYPE_CODE , PDSIZE_CODE ,PDSIZE_DESC";
                sql += " Order  by req_date , mc_code , SPRINGTYPE_CODE , PDSIZE_CODE ,PDSIZE_DESC  ";

                List <SpringReqView> spring = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <SpringReqView>(sql, new OracleParameter("p_entity", ventity), new OracleParameter("p_req_date", vreq_date), new OracleParameter("p_wc_code", vwc_code), new OracleParameter("p_mc_code", vmc_code)).ToList();

                if (spring == null)
                    throw new Exception("ไม่มีข้อมูล");

                view.totalItem = spring.Count;
                spring         = spring.Skip(view.pageIndex * view.itemPerPage)

                int tot_plan_qty   = 0;
                int tot_actual_qty = 0;
                int tot_diff_qty   = 0;

                ////prepare model to modelView
                foreach (var i in spring)
                    tot_plan_qty   += i.plan_qty;
                    tot_actual_qty += i.actual_qty;
                    tot_diff_qty   += (i.plan_qty - i.actual_qty);

                    view.datas.Add(new ModelViews.SpringReqView()
                        req_date        = i.req_date,
                        pdsize_code     = i.pdsize_code,
                        pdsize_desc     = i.pdsize_desc,
                        springtype_code = i.springtype_code,
                        plan_qty        = i.plan_qty,
                        actual_qty      = i.actual_qty,
                        diff_qty        = i.plan_qty - i.actual_qty,
                        //pcs_barcode = i.pcs_barcode

                view.total_plan_qty   = tot_plan_qty;
                view.total_actual_qty = tot_actual_qty;
                view.total_diff_qty   = tot_diff_qty;
                view.req_date         = Convert.ToDateTime(vreq_date);

                //return data to contoller