public ActionResult ModifySportPreferences(CreateSportPreferenceViewModel model)
            // Update database with any updated values from checkboxes
            foreach (var preference in model.SportPreferenceCheckboxes)
                // check for existing sport preference
                SportPreference existing = _context.SportPreferences.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ContactID == model.ContactId && s.SportID == preference.SportId);

                // Sport preference does not exist and user has selected it so add to database
                if (existing == null && preference.IsSelected)
                    _context.SportPreferences.Add(new SportPreference
                        ContactID = model.ContactId,
                        SportID   = preference.SportId

                // Sport preference exists but user no longer wants it to be set so remove
                if (existing != null && !preference.IsSelected)


            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Contact"));
        public ActionResult ModifySportPreferences()
            //Identify the person using email
            string newContactEmail = User.Identity.GetUserName();

            //find the contact
            Contact contact = _context.Contacts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == newContactEmail);

            // Create view model
            var model = new CreateSportPreferenceViewModel
                ContactId                 = contact.ContactId,
                ContactUsername           = contact.Username,
                SportPreferenceCheckboxes = new List <SelectSportPreferenceViewModel>()

            List <Sport> sports = _context.Sports.ToList();

            // For each sport in the database, add an object to the Sport Preferences list
            // in the view model which will translate to checkboxes on the view
            foreach (var sport in sports)
                // Initialize viewmodel that will be used for checkbox
                SelectSportPreferenceViewModel sportPrefCheckbox = new SelectSportPreferenceViewModel
                    SportId   = sport.SportID,
                    SportName = sport.SportName

                // Check if user has preference set for this specific sport
                SportPreference sportPref = _context.SportPreferences.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ContactID == contact.ContactId && s.SportID == sport.SportID);

                // If no preference for sport, set IsSelected to false because it's not a preference for this user
                if (sportPref == null)
                    sportPrefCheckbox.IsSelected = false;
                    sportPrefCheckbox.IsSelected = true;

                // Add to list of checkboxes
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Delete(SportPreference sportPreference)