Exemplo n.º 1
    public static SpellReticule Create(GameObject reticule, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, ISpell spell, SpellRegistry registry, Parent parent)
        GameObject newObject = Instantiate(reticule, pos, rot) as GameObject;
        SpellReticule ret = newObject.GetComponent<SpellReticule>();

        ret._spell = spell;
        ret._registry = registry;
        ret._registryId = registry.Register(ret);
        ret._parent = parent;

        return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.

            var spell = SpellRegistry.Create(SpellEntry, from, this);

            if (spell != null)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502345); // This spell has been temporarily disabled.
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void EventSink_CastSpellRequest(CastSpellRequestEventArgs e)
            Mobile from = e.Mobile;

            if (!Multis.DesignContext.Check(from))
                return;                 // They are customizing
            Spellbook book    = e.Spellbook as Spellbook;
            int       spellID = e.SpellID;

            if (book == null || !book.HasSpell(spellID))
                book = Find(from, spellID);

            if (book != null && book.HasSpell(spellID))
                SpecialMove move = SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(spellID);

                if (move != null)
                    SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(from, move);
                    Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(spellID, from, null);

                    if (spell != null)
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502345);                           // This spell has been temporarily disabled.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500015);                   // You do not have that spell!
Exemplo n.º 4
        public virtual SpecialMove GetSpecialMove()
            var skill = (int)m_Mobile.Skills[SkillName.Bushido].Value;

            if (skill <= 50)

            if (m_Mobile.Combatant != null && m_Mobile.Combatant.Hits <= 10 && skill >= 25)
                return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(400));                //new HonerableExecution();
            if (skill >= 70 && CheckForMomentumStrike() && 0.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(405));        //new MomentumStrike();
            return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(404));            // new LightningStrike();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void Cast_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.Length == 1)
                Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(e.GetString(0), e.Mobile, null);

                if (spell != null)
                    e.Mobile.SendMessage("That spell was not found.");
                e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: Cast <name>");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = state.Mobile;

            if (from is PlayerMobile)
                PlayerMobile m = (PlayerMobile)from;

                if (info.ButtonID >= 1 && info.ButtonID < 1000)
                    Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(info.ButtonID, m, null);

                    if (spell != null)

                    m.SendGump(new NewSpellbookGump(m, m_Book));
                else if (info.ButtonID >= 1000 && info.ButtonID < 2000)
                    if (m.QuickSpells == null)

                    if (m.QuickSpells.Contains((int)(info.ButtonID - 1000)))
                        m.SendMessage("Le sort a été retiré de votre liste de lancement rapide.");
                        m.QuickSpells.Remove((int)(info.ButtonID - 1000));
                        m.SendMessage("Le sort a été ajouté à votre liste de lancement rapide.");
                        m.QuickSpells.Add((int)(info.ButtonID - 1000));

                    m.SendGump(new NewSpellbookGump(m, m_Book));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void Initialize()
            Spell     s;
            SpellInfo o;
            Type      t;

            for (int i = 0, j = 8320; i < SpellRegistry.Types.Length; i++, j++)
                s = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(i, null, null);

                if (s == null)

                o = s.Info;

                if (o == null)

                t = SpellRegistry.Types[i] ?? s.GetType();

                SpellsInfo[t] = new SpellInfo(

                if (SpellIcons.IsItemIcon(j))
                    ItemSpellIcons[t] = j;

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void UseAttackAbility()
            ArrayList t = BaseAttackHelperSE.GetAllAttackers(m_Mobile, 2);

            if (t.Count > 1)
                if (Utility.Random(3) != 1)
                    if (CanUseAbility(70.0, 10, 1.0))
                        SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(m_Mobile, SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(405));                             // Momentum Strike

            if (CanUseAbility(50.0, 5, 1.0))
                SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(m_Mobile, SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(404));                     // Lightning Strike
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void EventSink_CastSpellRequest(CastSpellRequestEventArgs e)
            Mobile from = e.Mobile;

            if (!DesignContext.Check(from))
                return;                 // They are customizing

            var book    = e.Spellbook as Spellbook;
            int spellID = e.SpellID;

            if (book == null || !book.HasSpell(spellID))
                book = Find(from, spellID);

            // add check for pseudoseer controlled mob
            var bc = from as BaseCreature;

            if ((from is PlayerMobile || bc == null || bc.Deleted || bc.NetState == null || bc.Pseu_SpellBookRequired) &&
                (book == null || !book.HasSpell(spellID)))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(500015);                 // You do not have that spell!

            Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(spellID, from, null);

            if (spell != null)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502345);                 // This spell has been temporarily disabled.
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (!Multis.DesignContext.Check(from))
                return;                 // They are customizing
            if (!IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001);                   // That must be in your pack for you to use it.

            Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(m_SpellID, from, this);

            if (spell != null)
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(502345);                   // This spell has been temporarily disabled.
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void Sort_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.Length == 1)
                if (Book[e.Mobile] == null)
                    e.Mobile.SendMessage("Veuillez choisir le livre de sort en faisant .qsl");

                Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(e.GetString(0), e.Mobile, null);

                if (spell == null)
                    e.Mobile.SendMessage("Le nom du sort n'existe pas");
                e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: Sort <Nom>");
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void Targeted_Spell(TargetedSpellEventArgs e)
            Mobile from = e.NetState.Mobile;

            if (!Multis.DesignContext.Check(from))
                return; // They are customizing
            int spellID = e.SpellID;

            SpecialMove move = SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(spellID);

            if (move != null)
                SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(from, move);
                Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(spellID, from, null);
                if (spell != null)
                        from.TargetLocked = true;
                        Mobile targeted = World.FindMobile(e.Target.Serial);
                    catch { Console.WriteLine("Erro target Spell."); }
                    finally { from.TargetLocked = false; }
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502345); // This spell has been temporarily disabled.
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static void Cast_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.Length == 1)
                if (!Multis.DesignContext.Check(e.Mobile))
                    return;                     // They are customizing
                Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(e.GetString(0), e.Mobile, null);

                if (spell != null)
                    e.Mobile.SendMessage("That spell was not found.");
                e.Mobile.SendMessage("Format: Cast <name>");
Exemplo n.º 14
        public virtual void OnCastSuccessful(Mobile caster)
            if (Evasion.IsEvading(caster))

            if (Confidence.IsConfident(caster))

            if (CounterAttack.IsCountering(caster))

            int spellID = SpellRegistry.GetRegistryNumber(this);

            if (spellID > 0)
                caster.Send(new ToggleSpecialAbility(spellID + 1, true));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void OnThink()

            if (Combatant == null)

            if (_NextMastery < DateTime.UtcNow)
                if (SkillMasterySpell.HasSpell(this, typeof(RampageSpell)) || Utility.RandomDouble() > 0.5)
                    SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(this, SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(740));
                    SkillMasterySpell spell = new RampageSpell(this, null);

                _NextMastery = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Utility.RandomMinMax(45, 70));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static void Initialize()
            CommandSystem.Register("F**k", AccessLevel.Player, e =>
                //Console.WriteLine("[+] " + e.ArgString);

                if (!int.TryParse(e.ArgString, out int spellID))
                    e.Mobile.SendMessage("[-] wrong magic spell id.");

                Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(spellID, e.Mobile, null);

                if (spell != null)
                    if (!spell.Cast())
                        e.Mobile.SendMessage("[-] 启动法术{0}失败.", spell.Name);
Exemplo n.º 17
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _registry = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(SpellRegistry)).Cast <SpellRegistry>().First();
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void RunicCastingBagCast(Mobile m, RunicCastingBag bag)
            // descs from U6. For reference.
            // I've left in my notes for rareness, this is custom to my shard.

            bool foundAn    = false; // Negate/Dispel	- common
            bool foundBal   = false;
            bool foundBet   = false; // Small		- semi-common
            bool foundChar  = false;
            bool foundCorp  = false; // Death		- rare
            bool foundDes   = false; // Lower/Down		- semi-common
            bool foundEx    = false; // Freedom		- semi-common
            bool foundFlam  = false; // Flame		- semi-common
            bool foundGrav  = false; // Energy/Field	- rare
            bool foundHur   = false; // Wind		- semi-common
            bool foundIn    = false; // Make/Create/Cause	- common
            bool foundJux   = false; // Danger/Trap/Harm	- semi-common
            bool foundKal   = false; // Summon/Invoke	- common
            bool foundLor   = false; // Light		- common
            bool foundMani  = false; // Life/Healing	- common
            bool foundNox   = false; // Poison		- semi-common
            bool foundAgle  = false;
            bool foundOrt   = false; // Magic		- semi-common
            bool foundPas   = false;
            bool foundPor   = false; // Move/Movement	- semi-common
            bool foundQuas  = false; // Illusion		- semi-common
            bool foundRel   = false; // Change		- common
            bool foundSanct = false; // Protect/Protection	- semi-common
            bool foundSar   = false;
            bool foundTym   = false; // Time		- rare
            bool foundUm    = false;
            bool foundUus   = false; // Raise/Up		- semi-common
            bool foundVas   = false; // Great		- rare
            bool foundWis   = false; // Know/Knowledge	- semi-common
            bool foundXen   = false; // Creature		- semi-common
            bool foundYlem  = false; // Matter		- semi-common
            bool foundZu    = false; // Sleep		- semi-common

            foreach (Item I in bag.Items)
                if (I is An)
                    foundAn = true;
                if (I is Bal)
                    foundBal = true;
                if (I is Bet)
                    foundBet = true;
                if (I is CharRune)
                    foundChar = true;
                if (I is Corp)
                    foundCorp = true;
                if (I is Des)
                    foundDes = true;
                if (I is Ex)
                    foundEx = true;
                if (I is Flam)
                    foundFlam = true;
                if (I is Grav)
                    foundGrav = true;
                if (I is Hur)
                    foundHur = true;
                if (I is In)
                    foundIn = true;
                if (I is Jux)
                    foundJux = true;
                if (I is Kal)
                    foundKal = true;
                if (I is Lor)
                    foundLor = true;
                if (I is Mani)
                    foundMani = true;
                if (I is Nox)
                    foundNox = true;
                if (I is Agle)
                    foundAgle = true;
                if (I is Ort)
                    foundOrt = true;
                if (I is Pas)
                    foundPas = true;
                if (I is Por)
                    foundPor = true;
                if (I is Quas)
                    foundQuas = true;
                if (I is Rel)
                    foundRel = true;
                if (I is Sanct)
                    foundSanct = true;
                if (I is Sar)
                    foundSar = true;
                if (I is Tym)
                    foundTym = true;
                if (I is Um)
                    foundUm = true;
                if (I is Uus)
                    foundUus = true;
                if (I is Vas)
                    foundVas = true;
                if (I is Wis)
                    foundWis = true;
                if (I is Xen)
                    foundXen = true;
                if (I is Ylem)
                    foundYlem = true;
                if (I is Zu)
                    foundZu = true;

            int m_SpellID = -1;  // no match

            /// spells go here.  ////////////////////////////////////////////
            //if ( ( found ) ) && bag.Items.Count ==  )
            //    m_SpellID = ;

            ///  first circle   /////////////////////////////////////////////

            // clumsy: Uus Jux
            if ((foundUus && foundJux) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 0;

            // Create food: In Mani Ylem
            if ((foundIn && foundMani && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 1;

            // Feeblemind: Rel Wis
            if ((foundRel && foundWis) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 2;

            // Heal: In Mani
            if ((foundIn && foundMani) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 3;

            // Magic arrow: In Por Ylem
            if ((foundIn && foundPor && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 4;

            // Night sight: In Lor
            if ((foundIn && foundLor) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 5;

            // Reactive armor: Flam Sanct
            if ((foundFlam && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 6;

            // Weaken: Des Mani
            if ((foundDes && foundMani) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 7;

            ///  second circle   ///////////////////////////////////////////////

            // Agility: Ex Uus
            if ((foundUus && foundEx) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 8;

            // Cunning: Uus Wis
            if ((foundUus && foundWis) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 9;

            // Cure: An Nox
            if ((foundAn && foundNox) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 10;

            // Harm: An Mani
            if ((foundAn && foundMani) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 11;

            // Magic Trap: In Jux
            if ((foundIn && foundJux) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 12;

            // Magic Untrap: An Jux
            if ((foundAn && foundJux) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 13;

            // Protection: Uus Sanct
            if ((foundUus && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 14;

            // Strength: Uus Mani
            if ((foundUus && foundMani) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 15;

            ///  Third circle   ////////////////////////////////////////////

            // Bless: Rel Sanct
            if ((foundRel && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 16;

            // Fireball: Vas Flam
            if ((foundVas && foundFlam) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 17;

            // Magic Lock: An Por
            if ((foundAn && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 18;

            // Poison: In Nox
            if ((foundIn && foundNox) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 19;

            // Telekinesis: Ort Por Ylem
            if ((foundOrt && foundPor && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 20;

            // Teleport: Rel Por
            if ((foundRel && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 21;

            // Unlock: Ex Por
            if ((foundEx && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 22;

            // Wall of Stone: In Sanct Ylem
            if ((foundIn && foundSanct && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 23;

            ///  Fourth circle   ////////////////////////////////////////////

            // Arch Cure: Vas An Nox
            if ((foundVas && foundAn && foundNox) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 24;

            // Arch Protection: Vas Uus Sanct
            if ((foundVas && foundUus && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 25;

            // Curse: Des Sanct
            if ((foundDes && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 26;

            // Fire Field: In Flam Grav
            if ((foundIn && foundFlam && foundGrav) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 27;

            // Greater Heal: In Vas Mani
            if ((foundIn && foundVas && foundMani) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 28;

            // Lightning: Por Ort Grav
            if ((foundPor && foundOrt && foundGrav) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 29;

            // Mana Drain: Ort Rel
            if ((foundOrt && foundRel) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 30;

            // Recall: Kal Ort Por
            if ((foundKal && foundOrt && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 31;

            /// Fifth  circle   ////////////////////////////////////////////

            // Blade Spirits: In Jux Hur Ylem
            if ((foundIn && foundJux && foundHur && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 32;

            // Dispel Field: An Grav
            if ((foundAn && foundGrav) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 33;

            // Incognito: Kal In Ex
            if ((foundKal && foundIn && foundEx) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 34;

            // Magic Reflection: In Jux Sanct
            if ((foundIn && foundJux && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 35;

            // Mind Blast: Por Corp Wis
            if ((foundPor && foundCorp && foundWis) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 36;

            // Paralyze: An Ex Por
            if ((foundAn && foundEx && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 37;

            // PoisonField: In Nox Grav
            if ((foundIn && foundNox && foundGrav) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 38;

            // Summon Creature: Kal Xen
            if ((foundKal && foundXen) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 39;

            /// Sixth  circle   ////////////////////////////////////////////

            // Dispel: An Ort
            if ((foundAn && foundOrt) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 40;

            // Eenrgy Bolt: Corp Por
            if ((foundCorp && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 41;

            // Explosion: Vas Ort Flam
            if ((foundVas && foundOrt && foundFlam) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 42;

            // Invisibility: An Lor Xen
            if ((foundAn && foundLor && foundXen) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 43;

            // Mark: Kal Por Ylem
            if ((foundKal && foundPor && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 44;

            // Mass Curse: Vas Des Sanct
            if ((foundVas && foundDes && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 45;

            // Paralyze Field: In Ex Grav
            if ((foundIn && foundEx && foundGrav) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 46;

            // Reveal: Wis Quas
            if ((foundWis && foundQuas) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 47;

            /// Seventh  circle   ////////////////////////////////////////////

            // Chain Lightning: Vas Ort Grav
            if ((foundVas && foundOrt && foundGrav) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 48;

            // Energy Field: In Sanct Grav
            if ((foundIn && foundSanct && foundGrav) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 49;

            // Flame Strike: Kal Vas Flam
            if ((foundKal && foundVas && foundFlam) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 50;

            // Gate Travel: Vas Rel Por
            if ((foundVas && foundRel && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 51;

            // Mana Vampire: Ort Sanct
            if ((foundOrt && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 52;

            // Mass Dispel: Vas An Ort
            if ((foundVas && foundAn && foundOrt) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 53;

            // Meteor Swarm: Flam Kal Des Ylem
            if ((foundFlam && foundKal && foundDes && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 54;

            // Polymorph: Vas Ylem Rel
            if ((foundVas && foundYlem && foundRel) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 55;

            // Captain the First was the First one to code the 8th circle spells and publish them!
            /// Eighth  circle   ////////////////////////////////////////////

            // "Earthquake", "In Vas Por"
            if ((foundIn && foundVas && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 56;

            // "Energy Vortex", "Vas Corp Por"
            if ((foundVas && foundCorp && foundPor) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 57;

            // "Resurrection", "An Corp"
            if ((foundAn && foundCorp) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 58;

            // "Air Elemental", "Kal Vas Xen Hur"
            if ((foundKal && foundVas && foundXen && foundHur) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 59;

            // "Summon Daemon", "Kal Vas Xen Corp"
            if ((foundKal && foundVas && foundXen && foundCorp) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 60;

            // "Earth Elemental", "Kal Vas Xen Ylem"
            if ((foundKal && foundVas && foundXen && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 61;

            // "Fire Elemental", "Kal Vas Xen Flam"
            if ((foundKal && foundVas && foundXen && foundFlam) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 62;

            // "Water Elemental", "Kal Vas Xen An Flam"
            if ((foundKal && foundVas && foundXen && foundAn && foundFlam) && bag.Items.Count == 5)
                m_SpellID = 63;

            // Necromancy Spells ///////////////////////////////

            // Animate Dead, "Uus Corp"
            if ((foundUus && foundCorp) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 100;

            // Blood Oath, "In Jux Mani Xen"
            if ((foundIn && foundJux && foundMani && foundXen) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 101;

            // Corpse Skin, "In Agle Corp Ylem"
            if ((foundIn && foundAgle && foundCorp && foundYlem) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 102;

            // Curse Weapon, "An Sanct Grav Char"
            if ((foundAn && foundSanct && foundGrav && foundChar) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 103;

            // Evil Omen, "Pas Tym An Sanct"
            if ((foundPas && foundTym && foundAn && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 104;

            // Exorcism, "Ort Corp Grav"
            if ((foundOrt && foundCorp && foundGrav) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 116;

            // Horrific Beast, "Rel Xen Vas Bal"
            if ((foundRel && foundXen && foundVas && foundBal) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 105;

            // Lich Form, "Rel Xen Corp Ort"
            if ((foundRel && foundXen && foundCorp && foundOrt) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 106;

            // Mind Rot, "Wis An Bet"
            if ((foundWis && foundAn && foundBet) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 107;

            // Pain Spike, "In Sar"
            if ((foundIn && foundSar) && bag.Items.Count == 2)
                m_SpellID = 108;

            // Poison Spike, "In Vas Nox"
            if ((foundIn && foundVas && foundNox) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 109;

            // Strangle, "In Bal Nox"
            if ((foundIn && foundBal && foundNox) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 110;

            // Summon Familiar, "Kal Xen Bal"
            if ((foundKal && foundXen && foundBal) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 111;

            // Vampiric Embrace, "Rel Xen An Sanct"
            if ((foundRel && foundXen && foundAn && foundSanct) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 112;

            // Vengeful Spirit, "Kal Xen Bal Bet"
            if ((foundKal && foundXen && foundBal && foundBet) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 113;

            // Wither, "Kal Vas An Flam"
            if ((foundKal && foundVas && foundAn && foundFlam) && bag.Items.Count == 4)
                m_SpellID = 114;

            // Wraith Form, "Rel Xen Um"
            if ((foundRel && foundXen && foundUm) && bag.Items.Count == 3)
                m_SpellID = 115;

            /// end spells /////////////////////////////////////

            if (foundZu)                         // currently unused.
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1008128); //	*shudders from extreme cold!*
            //m.SendMessage("One of the runestones feels cold.");

            /// end spells /////////////////////////////////////

            /// begin spellcasting /////////////////////////////

            if (!Multis.DesignContext.Check(m))
                return; // They are customizing
            if (!IsChildOf(m.Backpack))
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.

            if (m_SpellID == -1)
                //1042648	Error: Invalid Special Effect Number
                //500202	Spell failed
                //500208	It appears to be blank.
                //501631	You have failed to create the rune book.
                //501999	hrmph, I failed.
                //1010548	I failed at isGoodObject.
                //1042148	Creation failed.  Please try again.
                //1044043	You failed to create the item, and some of your materials are lost.
                //3000027	Bind Failed
                //1044043	You failed to create the item, and some of your materials are lost.
                //1044157	You fail to create the item, but no materials were lost.
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1044043); //	You failed to create the item, and some of your materials are lost.
                //m.SendMessage("Not a valid spell");

            Spell spell = SpellRegistry.NewSpell(m_SpellID, m, this);

            if (spell != null)

                //If you would want to drop 50% of the time, you would write:
                //if ( 0.5 > Utility.RandomDouble() )
                if (0.25 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                    //this should delete the runes after casting, if you want to do that.
                    //code snippet 'borrowed' from baseboard =D
                    //1010474	The etching on the rune has been changed.
                    //1046115	I have the rune right here. No?  Maybe in this pocket? No. Well - this is most embarrassing.
                    //1072896	runed switch
                    //1049060	That item is too broken to increase its durability.
                    //1038290	It looks to have suffered some wear and tear.
                    m.SendLocalizedMessage(1008114); //You have lost some resources

                    for (int i = bag.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        if (i < bag.Items.Count)
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(502345); // This spell has been temporarily disabled.
Exemplo n.º 19
        public virtual SpecialMove GetHiddenSpecialMove()
            int skill = (int)m_Mobile.Skills[SkillName.Ninjitsu].Value;

            if (skill < 40)

            if (skill >= 60)
                //return .5 > Utility.RandomDouble() ? new SupriseAttack() : new Backstab();
                return(.5 > Utility.RandomDouble() ? SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(504) : SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(505));

            return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(505)); //new Backstab();
Exemplo n.º 20
    public static SpellReticule Create(GameObject reticule, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, ISpell spell, SpellRegistry registry, Parent parent)
        GameObject    newObject = Instantiate(reticule, pos, rot) as GameObject;
        SpellReticule ret       = newObject.GetComponent <SpellReticule>();

        ret._spell      = spell;
        ret._registry   = registry;
        ret._registryId = registry.Register(ret);
        ret._parent     = parent;

Exemplo n.º 21
        protected override void CompileOptions(ToolbarGump toolbar, GumpButton clicked, Point loc, MenuGumpOptions opts)
            if (toolbar == null)

            base.CompileOptions(toolbar, clicked, loc, opts);

            var user = toolbar.State.User;

            if (CanEdit || user.AccessLevel >= Toolbars.Access)
                    "Set Value",
                    new ListGumpEntry(
                        "Set Spell",
                        b =>
                    MenuGump menu1 = null;
                    var menuOpts1  = new MenuGumpOptions();

                    foreach (var kvp1 in SpellUtility.TreeStructure)
                        var circle = kvp1.Key;
                        var types  = kvp1.Value;

                            new ListGumpEntry(
                                b2 =>
                            var menuOpts2 = new MenuGumpOptions();

                            foreach (var kvp2 in types)
                                var id   = SpellRegistry.GetRegistryNumber(kvp2.Key);
                                var si   = kvp2.Value;
                                var book = Spellbook.Find(user, id);

                                if (book != null && book.HasSpell(id))
                                        new ListGumpEntry(
                                            menu2Button =>
                                        SpellID = id;
                                        Value   = si.Name;
                                        Label   = String.Empty;
                                            (SpellID == id) ? toolbar.HighlightHue : toolbar.TextHue));

                            if (menu1 != null)
                                SuperGump.Send(new MenuGump(user, clicked.Parent, menuOpts2, clicked));

                    menu1 = new MenuGump(user, clicked.Parent, menuOpts1, clicked);
Exemplo n.º 22
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _registry = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(SpellRegistry)).Cast<SpellRegistry>().First();
Exemplo n.º 23
        public override object GetMasterySpell()
            if (TribeType != EodonTribe.Urali)
                BaseWeapon wep = Weapon as BaseWeapon;

                if (wep == null)

                switch (wep.DefSkill)
                case SkillName.Swords:
                    if (.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        return(new FocusedEyeSpell(this, null));

                case SkillName.Fencing:
                    if (.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        return(new ThrustSpell(this, null));

                case SkillName.Macing:
                    if (.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        return(new ToughnessSpell(this, null));

                case SkillName.Wrestling:
                    if (.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        return(new RampageSpell(this, null));

                case SkillName.Archery:
                    if (.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        return(new FlamingShotSpell(this, null));
                        return(new PlayingTheOddsSpell(this, null));

                case SkillName.Throwing:
                    if (.5 > Utility.RandomDouble())
                        return(new ElementalFurySpell(this, null));
                        return(new CalledShotSpell(this, null));

Exemplo n.º 24
        public override bool DoActionCombat()
            if (m_Mobile.BodyMod != 0)

            Mobile combatant = m_Mobile.Combatant;

            if (combatant == null || combatant.Deleted || combatant.Map != m_Mobile.Map || !combatant.Alive || combatant.IsDeadBondedPet)
                m_Mobile.DebugSay("My combatant is gone, so my guard is up");

                Action = ActionType.Guard;


            /*if ( !m_Mobile.InLOS( combatant ) )
             * {
             *      if ( AcquireFocusMob( m_Mobile.RangePerception, m_Mobile.FightMode, false, false, true ) )
             *      {
             *              m_Mobile.Combatant = combatant = m_Mobile.FocusMob;
             *              m_Mobile.FocusMob = null;
             *      }
             * }*/

            if (MoveTo(combatant, true, m_Mobile.RangeFight))
                m_Mobile.Direction = m_Mobile.GetDirectionTo(combatant);
            else if (AcquireFocusMob(m_Mobile.RangePerception, m_Mobile.FightMode, false, false, true))
                if (m_Mobile.Debug)
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay("My move is blocked, so I am going to attack {0}", m_Mobile.FocusMob.Name);

                m_Mobile.Combatant = m_Mobile.FocusMob;
                Action             = ActionType.Combat;

            else if (m_Mobile.GetDistanceToSqrt(combatant) > m_Mobile.RangePerception + 1)
                if (m_Mobile.Debug)
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay("I cannot find {0}, so my guard is up", combatant.Name);

                Action = ActionType.Guard;

                if (m_Mobile.Debug)
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay("I should be closer to {0}", combatant.Name);

            if (!m_Mobile.Controlled && !m_Mobile.Summoned && m_Mobile.CanFlee)
                if (m_Mobile.Hits < m_Mobile.HitsMax * 20 / 100)
                    // We are low on health, should we flee?

                    bool flee = false;

                    if (m_Mobile.Hits < combatant.Hits)
                        // We are more hurt than them

                        int diff = combatant.Hits - m_Mobile.Hits;

                        flee = (Utility.Random(0, 100) < (10 + diff));                               // (10 + diff)% chance to flee
                        flee = Utility.Random(0, 100) < 10;                           // 10% chance to flee

                    if (flee)
                        if (m_Mobile.Debug)
                            m_Mobile.DebugSay("I am going to flee from {0}", combatant.Name);

                        Action = ActionType.Flee;

                        if (CanUseAbility(50.0, 15, shadowJumpChance))


                            if (m_Mobile.AllowedStealthSteps != 0)
                                if (PerformShadowjump(combatant))
                                    m_Mobile.Mana -= 15;

            if (combatant.Hits < (Utility.Random(10) + 10))
                if (CanUseAbility(85.0, 30, 1.0))
                    SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(m_Mobile, SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(501));                         // Death Strike

            double dstToTarget = m_Mobile.GetDistanceToSqrt(combatant);

            if (dstToTarget > 2.0 && dstToTarget <= (m_Mobile.Skills[SkillName.Ninjitsu].Value / 10.0) && m_Mobile.Mana > 45 && comboChance > (Utility.RandomDouble() + MagnitudeBySkill()))


                if (m_Mobile.AllowedStealthSteps != 0)
                    if (CanUseAbility(20.0, 30, 1.0))
                        SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(m_Mobile, SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(505));                             // Backstab
                    if (CanUseAbility(30.0, 20, 1.0))
                        SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(m_Mobile, SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(504));                             // Surprise Attack

                    if (PerformShadowjump(combatant))
                        m_Mobile.Mana -= 15;


            if (PerformMirror())

            if (CanUseAbility(80.0, 25, kiChance) && m_Mobile.GetDistanceToSqrt(combatant) < 2.0)
                SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(m_Mobile, SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(503));                     // Ki Attack


Exemplo n.º 25
        public virtual SpecialMove GetHiddenSpecialMove()
            double skill = m_Mobile.Skills[SkillName.Ninjitsu].Value;

            SpecialMove special = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove(m_Mobile);

            if (special != null)

            if (skill < 20 || m_Mobile.Mana < 30)

            int avail = 1;

            if (m_Mobile.AllowedStealthSteps != 0)
                if (skill >= 30)
                    avail = 2;
                Mobile combatant = m_Mobile.Combatant;
                if (skill >= 85)
                    avail = 3;
                    //Mobile combatant = m_Mobile.Combatant;
                    if (combatant != null && (combatant.Hits < (Utility.Random(10) + 10) || !combatant.Warmode))

                switch (Utility.Random(avail))
                case 0: combatant.Say("Getting BackStab"); return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(505));                       //new Backstab(); skill = 20;

                case 1: combatant.Say("Getting SurpriseAttack"); return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(504));                 //new SurpriseAttack(); skill = 30;

                case 2: combatant.Say("Getting DeathStrike"); return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(501));                    //new DeathStrike(); skill = 85;
                if (skill < 30)

                if (skill < 80)
                    avail = 2;

                if (skill >= 85)
                    avail = 3;
                    Mobile combatant = m_Mobile.Combatant;

                    if (combatant != null && (int)combatant.Hits < (Utility.Random(10) + 10))

                switch (Utility.Random(avail))
                case 0: return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(500));                        //new FocusAttack();

                case 1: return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(503));                        //new KiAttack();

                case 2: return(SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(501));                        //new DeathStrike();
Exemplo n.º 26
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     LabelTo(from, $"{SpellRegistry.GetInfo(SpellEntry).Name} scroll");
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override bool DoActionCombat()
            Mobile combatant = m_Mobile.Combatant;

            if (combatant == null || combatant.Deleted || combatant.Map != m_Mobile.Map || !combatant.Alive || combatant.IsDeadBondedPet)
                m_Mobile.DebugSay("My combatant is gone, so my guard is up");

                Action = ActionType.Guard;


            if (MoveTo(combatant, true, m_Mobile.RangeFight))
                m_Mobile.Direction = m_Mobile.GetDirectionTo(combatant);
            else if (AcquireFocusMob(m_Mobile.RangePerception, m_Mobile.FightMode, false, false, true))
                if (m_Mobile.Debug)
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay("My move is blocked, so I am going to attack {0}", m_Mobile.FocusMob.Name);

                m_Mobile.Combatant = m_Mobile.FocusMob;
                Action             = ActionType.Combat;

            else if (m_Mobile.GetDistanceToSqrt(combatant) > m_Mobile.RangePerception + 1)
                if (m_Mobile.Debug)
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay("I cannot find {0}, so my guard is up", combatant.Name);

                Action = ActionType.Guard;

                if (m_Mobile.Debug)
                    m_Mobile.DebugSay("I should be closer to {0}", combatant.Name);

            if (!m_Mobile.Controlled && !m_Mobile.Summoned && m_Mobile.CanFlee)
                if (m_Mobile.Hits < m_Mobile.HitsMax * 20 / 100)
                    // We are low on health, should we flee?

                    bool flee = false;

                    if (m_Mobile.Hits < combatant.Hits)
                        // We are more hurt than them

                        int diff = combatant.Hits - m_Mobile.Hits;

                        flee = (Utility.Random(0, 100) < (10 + diff));                               // (10 + diff)% chance to flee
                        flee = Utility.Random(0, 100) < 10;                           // 10% chance to flee

                    if (flee)
                        if (m_Mobile.Debug)
                            m_Mobile.DebugSay("I am going to flee from {0}", combatant.Name);

                        Action = ActionType.Flee;

            if (combatant.Hits < (Utility.Random(10) + 10))
                if (CanUseAbility(25.0, 0, heChance))
                    SpecialMove.SetCurrentMove(m_Mobile, SpellRegistry.GetSpecialMove(400));                         // Honorable Execution

