void CreateEmptyIconSettings(SpellIconPack pack, string path)
     pack.icons = new SpellIconSettings[pack.iconCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < pack.iconCount; i++)
         pack.icons[i] = new SpellIconSettings()
             index = i,
     WriteMetadata(pack, path);
Exemplo n.º 2
        bool TryLoadPackIcons(SpellIconPack pack, Texture2D atlas, string path = null)
            // Check pack is valid
            if (pack == null || pack.rowCount == 0 || pack.iconCount == 0 || pack.icons == null)
                string debugInfo = pack != null ? pack.displayName : (path ?? "<unknown>");
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to import icon pack {0} because metadata is missing or invalid.", debugInfo);

            // Might need to generate empty icon settings for first time
            if (pack.icons == null)
                CreateEmptyIconSettings(pack, path);

            // Derive dimension of each icon from atlas width
            int dim = atlas.width / pack.rowCount;

            // Check icons size
            if (atlas.width % dim != 0 || atlas.height % dim != 0)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to extract icons from {0} because atlas size is not multiple of icons size.", pack.displayName);

            // Read icons to their own texture (remembering Unity textures are flipped vertically)
            int srcX = 0, srcY = atlas.height - dim;

            for (int i = 0; i < pack.iconCount; i++)
                // Extract texture
                Texture2D iconTexture = new Texture2D(dim, dim, atlas.format, false);
                Graphics.CopyTexture(atlas, 0, 0, srcX, srcY, dim, dim, iconTexture, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                iconTexture.filterMode = pack.filterMode;
                pack.icons[i].texture  = iconTexture;

                // Step to next source icon position and wrap to next row
                srcX += dim;
                if (srcX >= atlas.width)
                    srcX  = 0;
                    srcY -= dim;

            SpellIconPack CreateIconPackEmptyMetadata(Texture2D atlasTexture, string path)
                // Create an empty metadata file at path
                SpellIconPack pack = new SpellIconPack()
                    displayName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path),
                    rowCount    = 0,
                    iconCount   = 0,
                    filterMode  = FilterMode.Bilinear,

                WriteMetadata(pack, path);
                //Debug.LogFormat("Created empty spell icon metadata at '{0}'.", path);

            /// <summary>
            /// Populates a dictionary of *.png spell icons.
            /// If no metadata is present for icon atlas then an empty metadata file will be created.
            /// Modder must fill out basic metadata information like row count and icon count before icons will be loaded.
            /// </summary>
            void LoadSpellIconPacks()
                // Start with all the atlases in the spell icons streaming assets path
                string sourcePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, sourceFolderName);

                string[] atlasPaths = Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath, "*.png");
                if (atlasPaths == null || atlasPaths.Length == 0)

                // Read each atlas found and its metadata
                foreach (string path in atlasPaths)
                    // Get source atlas
                    Texture2D atlasTexture = LoadAtlasTextureFromPNG(path);
                    if (atlasTexture == null)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("LoadSpellIconPacks(): Could not load spell icons atlas texture '{0}'", path);

                    // Attempt to load metadata JSON file
                    SpellIconPack pack             = null;
                    string        packKey          = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
                    string        metadataFilename = packKey + ".txt";
                    string        metadataPath     = Path.Combine(sourcePath, metadataFilename);
                    if (File.Exists(metadataPath))
                        // Try to load existing metadata and icons
                        pack = ReadMetadata(metadataPath);
                        LoadPackIcons(pack, atlasTexture, metadataPath);
                        // Create empty metadata file if none found
                        pack = CreateIconPackEmptyMetadata(atlasTexture, metadataPath);

                    // If pack is populated then add to dictionary
                    if (pack != null && pack.rowCount > 0 && pack.iconCount > 0 && pack.icons != null)
                        spellIconPacks.Add(packKey, pack);
            public Texture2D GetSpellIcon(SpellIcon icon)
                // Fallback to classic icons
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(icon.key) || !HasPack(icon.key))

                // If pack and index seem valid then return texture from pack
                SpellIconPack pack = spellIconPacks[icon.key];

                if (pack.iconCount == 0 || pack.icons == null || icon.index < 0 || icon.index >= pack.iconCount)
            void LoadPackIcons(SpellIconPack pack, Texture2D atlas, string path)
                if (pack == null)

                // Might need to generate empty icon settings for first time
                if (pack.icons == null)
                    CreateEmptyIconSettings(pack, path);

                // Derive dimension of each icon from atlas width
                int dim = atlas.width / pack.rowCount;

                // Read icons to their own texture (remembering Unity textures are flipped vertically)
                int srcX = 0, srcY = atlas.height - dim;

                for (int i = 0; i < pack.iconCount; i++)
                    // Extract texture
                    Texture2D iconTexture = new Texture2D(dim, dim, atlas.format, false);
                    Graphics.CopyTexture(atlas, 0, 0, srcX, srcY, dim, dim, iconTexture, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                    iconTexture.filterMode = pack.filterMode;
                    pack.icons[i].texture  = iconTexture;

                    // Step to next source icon position and wrap to next row
                    srcX += dim;
                    if (srcX >= atlas.width)
                        srcX  = 0;
                        srcY -= dim;
            void WriteMetadata(SpellIconPack pack, string path)
                string json = SaveLoadManager.Serialize(pack.GetType(), pack);

                File.WriteAllText(path, json);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates a dictionary of *.png spell icons.
        /// If no metadata is present for icon atlas then an empty metadata file will be created.
        /// Modder must fill out basic metadata information like row count and icon count before icons will be loaded.
        /// </summary>
        void LoadSpellIconPacks()
            // Start with all the atlases in the spell icons streaming assets path
            string sourcePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, sourceFolderName);

            string[] atlasPaths = Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath, "*.png");
            if (atlasPaths != null && atlasPaths.Length != 0)
                // Read each atlas found and its metadata
                foreach (string path in atlasPaths)
                    // Get source atlas
                    Texture2D atlasTexture = LoadAtlasTextureFromPNG(path);
                    if (atlasTexture == null)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("LoadSpellIconPacks(): Could not load spell icons atlas texture '{0}'", path);

                    // Attempt to load metadata JSON file
                    SpellIconPack pack             = null;
                    string        packKey          = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
                    string        metadataFilename = packKey + ".txt";
                    string        metadataPath     = Path.Combine(sourcePath, metadataFilename);
                    if (File.Exists(metadataPath))
                        // Try to load existing metadata and icons
                        pack = ReadMetadata(metadataPath);
                        if (TryLoadPackIcons(pack, atlasTexture, metadataPath))
                            spellIconPacks.Add(packKey, pack);
                        // Create empty metadata file if none found
                        pack = CreateIconPackEmptyMetadata(atlasTexture, metadataPath);

            // Import icon packs from mods with load order
            if (ModManager.Instance)
                foreach (Mod mod in ModManager.Instance.GetAllModsWithContributes(x => x.SpellIcons != null))
                    foreach (string packName in mod.ModInfo.Contributes.SpellIcons.Where(x => !spellIconPacks.ContainsKey(x)))
                        // Both atlas and metadata must be provided
                        var atlas    = mod.GetAsset <Texture2D>(packName);
                        var metaData = mod.GetAsset <TextAsset>(packName + ".json");
                        if (!atlas || !metaData)
                            Debug.LogWarningFormat("Failed to retrieve assets for icon pack {0} from {1}.", packName, mod.Title);

                        // Add pack to dictionary
                        var pack = SaveLoadManager.Deserialize(typeof(SpellIconPack), metaData.ToString()) as SpellIconPack;
                        if (TryLoadPackIcons(pack, atlas))
                            spellIconPacks.Add(packName, pack);