public async Task MinusPic(string genusName, string speciesName, int pictureIndex)
            // Decrease the picture index by 1 (since users are expected to use the indices as shown by the "gallery" command, which begin at 1).

            if (await BotUtils.ReplyHasPrivilegeAsync(Context, PrivilegeLevel.ServerModerator))
                // Get the species.

                Species species = await BotUtils.ReplyFindSpeciesAsync(Context, genusName, speciesName);

                if (species is null)

                Picture[] pictures = await SpeciesUtils.GetPicturesAsync(species);

                Picture picture = (pictureIndex >= 0 && pictureIndex < pictures.Count()) ? pictures[pictureIndex] : null;

                // If the image was removed from anywhere (gallery or default species picture), this is set to "true".
                bool success = await SpeciesUtils.RemovePictureAsync(species, picture);

                if (success)
                    await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Success(Context, string.Format("Successfully removed [picture]({1}) from **{0}**.", species.ShortName, picture.url));
                    await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Warning(Context, string.Format("**{0}** has no picture at this index.", species.ShortName));