Exemplo n.º 1
            public static SpeakingEvent Prepare(CharacterData character, char letter, float duration)
                var e = new SpeakingEvent();

                e.Letter    = letter;
                e.Duration  = duration;
                e.Character = character;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(VoiceOpCode opCode, object payload)
            _lastMessageTime = Environment.TickCount;

                switch (opCode)
                case VoiceOpCode.Ready:
                    await _audioLogger.DebugAsync("Received Ready").ConfigureAwait(false);

                    ReadyEvent data = (payload as JToken).ToObject <ReadyEvent>(_serializer);

                    _ssrc = data.SSRC;

                    if (!data.Modes.Contains(DiscordVoiceAPIClient.Mode))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Discord does not support {DiscordVoiceAPIClient.Mode}");

                    ApiClient.SetUdpEndpoint(data.Ip, data.Port);
                    await ApiClient.SendDiscoveryAsync(_ssrc).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    _heartbeatTask = RunHeartbeatAsync(41250, _connection.CancelToken);

                case VoiceOpCode.SessionDescription:
                    await _audioLogger.DebugAsync("Received SessionDescription").ConfigureAwait(false);

                    SessionDescriptionEvent data = (payload as JToken).ToObject <SessionDescriptionEvent>(_serializer);

                    if (data.Mode != DiscordVoiceAPIClient.Mode)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Discord selected an unexpected mode: {data.Mode}");

                    SecretKey   = data.SecretKey;
                    _isSpeaking = false;
                    await ApiClient.SendSetSpeaking(false).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    _keepaliveTask = RunKeepaliveAsync(5000, _connection.CancelToken);

                    Task _ = _connection.CompleteAsync();

                case VoiceOpCode.HeartbeatAck:
                    await _audioLogger.DebugAsync("Received HeartbeatAck").ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (_heartbeatTimes.TryDequeue(out long time))
                        int latency = (int)(Environment.TickCount - time);
                        int before  = Latency;
                        Latency = latency;

                        await _latencyUpdatedEvent.InvokeAsync(before, latency).ConfigureAwait(false);

                case VoiceOpCode.Speaking:
                    await _audioLogger.DebugAsync("Received Speaking").ConfigureAwait(false);

                    SpeakingEvent data = (payload as JToken).ToObject <SpeakingEvent>(_serializer);
                    _ssrcMap[data.Ssrc] = data.UserId;         //TODO: Memory Leak: SSRCs are never cleaned up

                    await _speakingUpdatedEvent.InvokeAsync(data.UserId, data.Speaking);

                    await _audioLogger.WarningAsync($"Unknown OpCode ({opCode})").ConfigureAwait(false);

            catch (Exception ex)
                await _audioLogger.ErrorAsync($"Error handling {opCode}", ex).ConfigureAwait(false);

Exemplo n.º 3
    IEnumerator DisplayDialogue(DialogueNode d)
        // emit dialogue started event
        EventDispatcher.Dispatch(DialogueEvent.Prepare(d, true));

        // Find the speaking character
        speakingCharacter = DialogueManager.Instance.GetCharacter(d.Character);

        // Clear the text box
        DialogueText.text = "";

        NameText.text = d.Character.Name;

        var index = 0;

        // Get the text from the dialogue
        var rawText = d.Text;

        // Wait a frame to avoid accidentally skipping to next dialogue
        yield return(null);

        // While there's letters left to show
        while (index < rawText.Length)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                index = rawText.Length - 1;
            // get a version of the text we can modify
            var currentText = rawText;

            if (rawText[index] == '<')
                while (index < rawText.Length && rawText[index] != '>')

            // Insert the alpha tag to hide text after the index
            currentText  = currentText.Insert(index + 1, "<alpha=#00>");
            currentText += "<\\alpha>";

            // Display the text
            DialogueText.text = currentText;

            // Wait for a while depending on what character we just showed
            if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(rawText[index]))
                EventDispatcher.Dispatch(SpeakingEvent.Prepare(d.Character, rawText[index], LetterDelay));
                yield return(StartCoroutine(SkippableWaitForSeconds(LetterDelay)));
            else if (rawText[index] == '.')
                yield return(StartCoroutine(SkippableWaitForSeconds(SentanceDelay)));
            else if (rawText[index] == ' ')
                yield return(StartCoroutine(SkippableWaitForSeconds(SpaceDelay)));
                yield return(StartCoroutine(SkippableWaitForSeconds(LetterDelay)));

            // Go to the next character

        // Wait a frame to avoid accidentally skipping to next dialogue
        yield return(null);

        // If we're supposed to wait for input, wait for that here
        while (d.WaitForInput && !Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
            yield return(null);

        // Emit an event saying the dialogue is over
        EventDispatcher.Dispatch(DialogueEvent.Prepare(d, false));