Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal Helper method which parses the child element of a &lt;binding&gt; element into an <see cref="INode">INode</see>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Parser Context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private INode ParseValue(SparqlXmlParserContext context)
            if (context.Input.Name.Equals("uri"))
                return(ParserHelper.TryResolveUri(context, context.Input.ReadElementContentAsString()));
            else if (context.Input.Name.Equals("literal"))
                if (context.Input.AttributeCount == 0)
                    // Literal with no Data Type/Language Specifier
                else if (context.Input.AttributeCount >= 1)
                    String lang = null;
                    Uri    dt   = null;
                    while (context.Input.MoveToNextAttribute())
                        if (context.Input.Name.Equals("xml:lang"))
                            // Language is specified
                            lang = context.Input.Value;
                        else if (context.Input.Name.Equals("datatype"))
                            // Data Type is specified
                            dt = ((IUriNode)ParserHelper.TryResolveUri(context, context.Input.Value)).Uri;
                            RaiseWarning("SPARQL Result Set has a <literal> element with an unknown attribute '" + context.Input.Name + "'!");

                    if (lang != null && dt != null)
                        throw new RdfParseException("Cannot have both a 'xml:lang' and a 'datatype' attribute on a <literal> element");

                    if (lang != null)
                        return(context.Handler.CreateLiteralNode(context.Input.ReadElementContentAsString(), lang));
                    else if (dt != null)
                        return(context.Handler.CreateLiteralNode(context.Input.ReadElementContentAsString(), dt));
                        // Just a plain literal with lots of custom attributes
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since a <literal> element has too many Attributes, only 1 of 'xml:lang' or 'datatype' may be specified!");
            else if (context.Input.Name.Equals("bnode"))
                String bnodeID = context.Input.ReadElementContentAsString();
                if (bnodeID.StartsWith("_:"))
                else if (bnodeID.Contains("://"))
                    return(context.Handler.CreateBlankNode(bnodeID.Substring(bnodeID.IndexOf("://") + 3)));
                else if (bnodeID.Contains(":"))
                    return(context.Handler.CreateBlankNode(bnodeID.Substring(bnodeID.LastIndexOf(':') + 1)));
            else if (context.Input.Name.Equals("unbound"))
                // HACK: This is a really ancient feature of the SPARQL Results XML format (from Working Draft in 2005) which we support to ensure compatability with old pre-standardisation SPARQL endpoints (like 3store based ones)
                throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since a <binding> element contains an unexpected element <" + context.Input.Name + ">!");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the XML Result Set format into a set of SPARQLResult objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Parser Context</param>
        private void Parse(SparqlXmlParserContext context)

                // Get the Document Element and check it's a Sparql element
                if (!context.Input.Read())
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set as it was not possible to read a document element from the input");
                while (context.Input.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                    if (!context.Input.Read())
                        throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set as it was not possible to read a document element from the input");
                if (!context.Input.Name.Equals("sparql"))
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set from the provided XML since the Document Element is not a <sparql> element!");

                // Go through it's attributes and check the Namespace is specified
                bool nsfound = false;
                if (context.Input.HasAttributes)
                    for (int i = 0; i < context.Input.AttributeCount; i++)
                        if (context.Input.Name.Equals("xmlns"))
                            if (!context.Input.Value.Equals(SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlNamespace))
                                throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since the <sparql> element has an incorrect Namespace!");
                                nsfound = true;
                if (!nsfound)
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since the <sparql> element fails to specify the SPARQL Namespace!");

                // Get the Variables from the Header
                if (!context.Input.Read())
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set as could not read a <head> element from the input");
                if (!context.Input.Name.Equals("head"))
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since the first Child Node of the <sparql> element is not the required <head> element!");

                // Only parser <variable> and <link> elements if not an empty <head /> element
                if (!context.Input.IsEmptyElement)
                    while (context.Input.Read())
                        // Stop reading when we hit the </head>
                        if (context.Input.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && context.Input.Name.Equals("head"))

                        // Looking for <variable> elements
                        if (context.Input.Name.Equals("variable"))
                            // Should only have 1 attribute
                            if (context.Input.AttributeCount != 1)
                                throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since a <variable> element has too few/many attributes, only a 'name' attribute should be present!");
                                // Add the Variable to the list
                                if (!context.Handler.HandleVariable(context.Input.Value))
                        else if (context.Input.Name.Equals("link"))
                            // Not bothered about <link> elements
                            // Some unexpected element
                            throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since the <head> contains an unexpected element <" + context.Input.Name + ">!");

                if (!context.Input.Name.Equals("head"))
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set as reached the end of the input before the closing </head> element was found");

                // Look at the <results> or <boolean> element
                if (!context.Input.Read())
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set as could not read a <results> element from the input");
                if (context.Input.Name.Equals("results"))
                    // Only parser <result> elements if it's not an empty <results /> element
                    if (!context.Input.IsEmptyElement)
                        while (context.Input.Read())
                            // Stop reading when we hit the </results>
                            if (context.Input.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && context.Input.Name.Equals("results"))

                            // Must be a <result> element
                            if (!context.Input.Name.Equals("result"))
                                throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since the <results> element contains an unexpected element <" + context.Input.Name + ">!");

                            // Empty Elements generate an Empty Result
                            if (context.Input.IsEmptyElement)
                                if (!context.Handler.HandleResult(new SparqlResult()))

                            // Get the values of each Binding
                            String       var;
                            INode        value;
                            SparqlResult result = new SparqlResult();
                            while (context.Input.Read())
                                // Stop reading when we hit the </binding>
                                if (context.Input.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && context.Input.Name.Equals("result"))

                                // Must be a <binding> element
                                if (!context.Input.Name.Equals("binding"))
                                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since a <result> element contains an unexpected element <" + context.Input.Name + ">!");

                                // Must have only 1 attribute
                                if (context.Input.AttributeCount != 1)
                                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since a <binding> element has too few/many attributes, only a 'name' attribute should be present!");

                                // Get the Variable this is a binding for and its Value
                                var = context.Input.Value;
                                if (!context.Input.Read())
                                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set as reached the end of input when the contents of a <binding> element was expected");
                                value = ParseValue(context);

                                // Check that the Variable was defined in the Header
                                if (!context.Variables.Contains(var))
                                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since a <binding> element attempts to bind a value to the variable '" + var + "' which is not defined in the <head> by a <variable> element!");

                                // Set the Variable to the Value
                                result.SetValue(var, value);

                            // Check that all Variables are bound for a given result binding nulls where appropriate
                            foreach (String v in context.Variables)
                                if (!result.HasValue(v))
                                    result.SetValue(v, null);

                            if (!context.Input.Name.Equals("result"))
                                throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set as reached the end of the input before a closing </result> element was found");

                            // Add to results set
                            if (!context.Handler.HandleResult(result))

                    if (!context.Input.Name.Equals("results"))
                        throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set as reached the end of the input before the closing </results> element was found");
                else if (context.Input.Name.Equals("boolean"))
                    // Can't be any <variable> elements
                    if (context.Variables.Count > 0)
                        throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since the <boolean> element is specified but the <head> contained one/more <variable> elements which is not permitted!");

                        // Get the value of the <boolean> element as a Boolean
                        Boolean b = Boolean.Parse(context.Input.ReadInnerXml());
                    catch (Exception)
                        throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since the <boolean> element contained a value that could not be understood as a Boolean value!");
                    throw new RdfParseException("Unable to Parse a SPARQL Result Set since the second Child Node of the <sparql> element is not the required <results> or <boolean> element!");

            catch (RdfParsingTerminatedException)
                // Some other Error