Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ShouldBuildAMapOfAllViewsInTheSolution()
            Console.WriteLine("This test fails if run without an instance of VS running. It passes if it can attach to the DTE. Need to find a better way of testing this");
            var projectEnvironment = (DTE)Marshal.GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE.10.0");

            var projectExplorer = new SparkSense.Parsing.ProjectExplorer(projectEnvironment);
            var viewMap = projectExplorer.ViewMap;

            Assert.Contains("Shared\\_SharedPartial.spark", viewMap);
            Assert.Contains("Shared\\Application.spark", viewMap);
Exemplo n.º 2
        [Test] //, Ignore("This test fails if run without an instance of VS running. It passes if it can attach to the DTE. Need to find a better way of testing this")]
        public void ShouldBuildAMapOfAllViewsInTheSolution()
            Console.WriteLine("This test fails if run without an instance of VS running. It passes if it can attach to the DTE. Need to find a better way of testing this");
            var projectEnvironment = (DTE)Marshal.GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE.10.0");

            var projectExplorer = new SparkSense.Parsing.ProjectExplorer(projectEnvironment);
            var viewMap         = projectExplorer.ViewMap;

            Assert.Contains("Shared\\_SharedPartial.spark", viewMap);
            Assert.Contains("Shared\\Application.spark", viewMap);