Exemplo n.º 1
    public void SpawnSpark(Vector3 position, Color color, int uvType = -1)
        if (_deadParticles.Count > 0)
            if (uvType == -1)
                uvType = Random.Range(0, _textureCount);

            SparkParticle particle = _deadParticles.Dequeue();
            particle.Position     = position;
            particle.LastPosition = position;
            particle.PositionBack = position;

            particle.Velocity = new Vector3(Random.Range(-18, 18), Random.Range(-18, 18), 0);
            particle.Up       = particle.Velocity.normalized;
            float size = 0.05f;
            particle.Left = new Vector3(-particle.Up.y, particle.Up.x) * size;
            particle.Life = 0.7f;

            particle.PositionCheck = 0.05f;

            // Set UV: only set the uv if the new particle has changed the previous uv.
            if (particle.UVType != uvType)
                Vector4 uv = _sparkTextures[(int)uvType];

                _texUVs[particle.Indices[0]] = new Vector2(uv.x, uv.w);
                _texUVs[particle.Indices[1]] = new Vector2(uv.x, uv.z);
                _texUVs[particle.Indices[2]] = new Vector2(uv.y, uv.z);
                _texUVs[particle.Indices[3]] = new Vector2(uv.y, uv.w);

                _needUVUpdate   = true;
                particle.UVType = uvType;
            // Set Color
            _colors[particle.Indices[0]] = color;
            _colors[particle.Indices[1]] = color;
            _colors[particle.Indices[2]] = color;
            _colors[particle.Indices[3]] = color;
            _needColorUpdate             = true;

            Debug.LogWarning("Spark Controller Pushing The Limit! Needed more than " + _particleCount + " particles");
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Function to generate all the initial data of the particles.
    public void GenerateInitialCellParticleMesh()
        for (int a = 0; a < _particles.Length; ++a)
            SparkParticle particle = _particles[a];

            _texUVs[a * 4 + 0] = new Vector2(0, 1);
            _texUVs[a * 4 + 1] = new Vector2(0, 0);
            _texUVs[a * 4 + 2] = new Vector2(1, 0);
            _texUVs[a * 4 + 3] = new Vector2(1, 1);

            // For each particle we store what vertices use to update them later.
            particle.Indices    = new int[4];
            particle.Indices[0] = a * 4 + 0;
            particle.Indices[1] = a * 4 + 1;
            particle.Indices[2] = a * 4 + 2;
            particle.Indices[3] = a * 4 + 3;

            // All vertices are set to zero. If you form a quad or triangle in the same point is called a "degenerated" triagle.
            // Will not be rendered
            _vertices[a * 4 + 0] = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            _vertices[a * 4 + 1] = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            _vertices[a * 4 + 2] = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            _vertices[a * 4 + 3] = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            // All color are set to white to not affect the final color by default.
            _colors[a * 4 + 0] = Color.white;
            _colors[a * 4 + 1] = Color.white;
            _colors[a * 4 + 2] = Color.white;
            _colors[a * 4 + 3] = Color.white;

            // The indices dont change in the lifetime of this object so are defined just one time.
            // 6 indices are needed to create 2 triangles. In the case of unity the triangle is clockwise.
            _triIndices[a * 6 + 0] = a * 4 + 1;
            _triIndices[a * 6 + 1] = a * 4 + 0;
            _triIndices[a * 6 + 2] = a * 4 + 3;

            _triIndices[a * 6 + 3] = a * 4 + 1;
            _triIndices[a * 6 + 4] = a * 4 + 3;
            _triIndices[a * 6 + 5] = a * 4 + 2;

        // set the arrays to the final mesh.
        _mesh.vertices  = _vertices;
        _mesh.uv        = _texUVs;
        _mesh.colors    = _colors;
        _mesh.triangles = _triIndices;
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected override void OnStart()
        // How many types of texture the particle will have
        _textureCount = _textureRow * _textureCol;

        _sparkTextures = new Vector4[_textureCount];

        // The UV factor to generate the uv of each particle type.
        float factorX = 1 / (float)_textureCol;
        float factorY = 1 / (float)_textureRow;

        for (int a = 0; a < _textureCount; a++)
            int cellX = a % _textureCol;
            int cellY = a / _textureCol;
            // Store the uv information of each particle type
            _sparkTextures[a] = new Vector4(cellX * factorX, cellX * factorX + factorX, cellY * factorY, cellY * factorY + factorY);

        _meshFilter   = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
        _meshRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        // Generate the vertex data objects.
        _vertices   = new Vector3[4 * _particleCount];     // We need 4 vertex per particles as will be rendered as quads.
        _texUVs     = new Vector2[4 * _particleCount];     // We also need 4 uv coords per particle to match the quantity of vertices.
        _colors     = new Color[4 * _particleCount];       // Also each particle can have unique color so all vertex need to have a color.
        _triIndices = new int[6 * _particleCount];         // We need 6 indices per quad to generate the 2 triangles.

        _particles = new SparkParticle[_particleCount];

        for (int a = 0; a < _particles.Length; ++a)
            _particles[a]        = new SparkParticle();
            _particles[a].UVType = -1;

        _mesh = new Mesh();
        _meshFilter.sharedMesh = _mesh;

Exemplo n.º 4
    public void Update()
        for (int a = 0; a < _liveParticles.Count; ++a)
            SparkParticle particle = _liveParticles[a];

            particle.Position += particle.Velocity * Time.deltaTime;

            particle.Velocity += -particle.Velocity * 5.0f * Time.deltaTime;

            // update the 4 vertex of each particle.
            _vertices[particle.Indices[0]] = new Vector3(particle.Position.x + particle.Left.x, particle.Position.y + particle.Left.y, particle.Position.z);
            _vertices[particle.Indices[1]] = new Vector3(particle.LastPosition.x + particle.Left.x, particle.LastPosition.y + particle.Left.y, particle.Position.z);
            _vertices[particle.Indices[2]] = new Vector3(particle.LastPosition.x - particle.Left.x, particle.LastPosition.y - particle.Left.y, particle.Position.z);
            _vertices[particle.Indices[3]] = new Vector3(particle.Position.x - particle.Left.x, particle.Position.y - particle.Left.y, particle.Position.z);

            particle.Life -= Time.deltaTime;

            // if the particle is already dead transform it into a degenerated quad.
            if (particle.Life < 0)
                _vertices[particle.Indices[0]] = Vector3.zero;
                _vertices[particle.Indices[1]] = Vector3.zero;
                _vertices[particle.Indices[2]] = Vector3.zero;
                _vertices[particle.Indices[3]] = Vector3.zero;


            particle.PositionCheck -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (particle.PositionCheck < 0)
                particle.PositionBack  = particle.Position;
                particle.PositionCheck = 0.05f;

            particle.LastPosition = Vector3.Lerp(particle.LastPosition, particle.PositionBack, Time.deltaTime * 10.0f);

            _needVertexUpdate = true;

        // Update mesh arrays if something change and is needed.
        if (_needColorUpdate)
            _mesh.colors     = _colors;
            _needColorUpdate = false;

        if (_needUVUpdate)
            _mesh.uv      = _texUVs;
            _needUVUpdate = false;

        if (_needVertexUpdate)
            _mesh.vertices = _vertices;
            // recalculate bounds to avoid culling in some cases.
            // this function is expensive. The bound can be set as a big box to avoid culling at all.
            _needVertexUpdate = false;