public void Add(SpaceFillingCurve sFC)
     for (int i = 0; i < sFC.NumberOfSteps - 1; i++)
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void StartSeekForRange(Org.Neo4j.Storageengine.Api.schema.IndexProgressor_NodeValueClient client, IndexQuery.GeometryRangePredicate rangePredicate, IndexQuery[] query)
         BridgingIndexProgressor multiProgressor = new BridgingIndexProgressor(client, descriptor.schema().PropertyIds);
         client.Initialize(descriptor, multiProgressor, query, IndexOrder.NONE, false);
         SpaceFillingCurve curve = _spatial.SpaceFillingCurve;
         double[]          from  = rangePredicate.From() == null ? null : rangePredicate.From().coordinate();
         double[]          to    = rangePredicate.To() == null ? null : rangePredicate.To().coordinate();
         IList <SpaceFillingCurve.LongRange> ranges = curve.GetTilesIntersectingEnvelope(from, to, _configuration);
         foreach (SpaceFillingCurve.LongRange range in ranges)
             SpatialIndexKey treeKeyFrom = layout.newKey();
             SpatialIndexKey treeKeyTo   = layout.newKey();
             InitializeKeys(treeKeyFrom, treeKeyTo);
             treeKeyFrom.FromDerivedValue(long.MinValue, range.Min);
             treeKeyTo.FromDerivedValue(long.MaxValue, range.Max + 1);
             RawCursor <Hit <SpatialIndexKey, VALUE>, IOException> seeker = makeIndexSeeker(treeKeyFrom, treeKeyTo, IndexOrder.NONE);
             IndexProgressor hitProgressor = new NativeHitIndexProgressor <>(seeker, client, openSeekers);
             multiProgressor.Initialize(descriptor, hitProgressor, query, IndexOrder.NONE, false);
     catch (System.ArgumentException)
         // Invalid query ranges will cause this state (eg. min>max)
         client.Initialize(descriptor, IndexProgressor.EMPTY, query, IndexOrder.NONE, false);
     catch (IOException e)
         throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
Exemplo n.º 3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void comparePointsMustOnlyReturnZeroForEqualPoints()
        internal virtual void ComparePointsMustOnlyReturnZeroForEqualPoints()
            PointValue firstPoint             = _random.randomValues().nextPointValue();
            PointValue equalPoint             = Values.point(firstPoint);
            CoordinateReferenceSystem crs     = firstPoint.CoordinateReferenceSystem;
            SpaceFillingCurve         curve   = _noSpecificIndexSettings.forCrs(crs, false);
            long?      spaceFillingCurveValue = curve.DerivedValueFor(firstPoint.Coordinate());
            PointValue centerPoint            = Values.pointValue(crs, curve.CenterPointFor(spaceFillingCurveValue.Value));

            GenericKey firstKey = NewKeyState();

            firstKey.WriteValue(firstPoint, NEUTRAL);
            GenericKey equalKey = NewKeyState();

            equalKey.WriteValue(equalPoint, NEUTRAL);
            GenericKey centerKey = NewKeyState();

            centerKey.WriteValue(centerPoint, NEUTRAL);
            GenericKey noCoordsKey = NewKeyState();

            noCoordsKey.WriteValue(equalPoint, NEUTRAL);
            GeometryType.NoCoordinates = noCoordsKey;

            assertEquals(0, firstKey.CompareValueTo(equalKey), "expected keys to be equal");
            assertEquals(firstPoint.CompareTo(centerPoint) != 0, firstKey.CompareValueTo(centerKey) != 0, "expected keys to be equal if and only if source points are equal");
            assertEquals(0, firstKey.CompareValueTo(noCoordsKey), "expected keys to be equal");
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void UpdateCurve(int tableId, int code)
     if (this.Long1 != tableId || this.Long2 != code)
         Long1             = tableId;
         Long2             = code;
         SpaceFillingCurve = _settings.forCrs(tableId, code, true);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /* <initializers> */
 internal virtual void Clear()
     if (TypeConflict == Types.Text && booleanOf(Long1))
         // Clear byteArray if it has been dereferenced
         ByteArray = null;
     TypeConflict       = null;
     Long0              = 0;
     Long1              = 0;
     Long2              = 0;
     Long3              = 0;
     Inclusion          = NEUTRAL;
     IsArray            = false;
     ArrayLength        = 0;
     IsHighestArray     = false;
     CurrentArrayOffset = 0;
     SpaceFillingCurve  = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
    private IEnumerable <Vector2> EvaluateHilbert(int order, bool normalized = true)
        var   points = new List <Vector2>();
        uint  x = 0, y = 1;
        ulong i   = 1;
        uint  max = 0;

        while (x != 0 || y != 0)
            SpaceFillingCurve.ReverseHilbert(order, i, out x, out y);
            points.Add(new Vector2(x, y));
            if (x > max)
                max = x;
        return(normalized ? points.Select(p => p / (max + 1)) : points);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public override void Query(Org.Neo4j.Storageengine.Api.schema.IndexProgressor_NodeValueClient client, IndexOrder indexOrder, bool needsValues, params IndexQuery[] query)
     IndexQuery.GeometryRangePredicate geometryRangePredicate = GetGeometryRangePredicateIfAny(query);
     if (geometryRangePredicate != null)
         ValidateQuery(indexOrder, query);
             // If there's a GeometryRangeQuery among the predicates then this query changes from a straight-forward: build from/to and seek...
             // into a query that is split into multiple sub-queries. Predicates both before and after will have to be accompanied each sub-query.
             BridgingIndexProgressor multiProgressor = new BridgingIndexProgressor(client, Descriptor.schema().PropertyIds);
             client.Initialize(Descriptor, multiProgressor, query, indexOrder, needsValues);
             double[] from = geometryRangePredicate.From() == null ? null : geometryRangePredicate.From().coordinate();
             double[] to   = geometryRangePredicate.To() == null ? null : geometryRangePredicate.To().coordinate();
             CoordinateReferenceSystem           crs    = geometryRangePredicate.Crs();
             SpaceFillingCurve                   curve  = _spaceFillingCurveSettings.forCrs(crs, false);
             IList <SpaceFillingCurve.LongRange> ranges = curve.GetTilesIntersectingEnvelope(from, to, _configuration);
             foreach (SpaceFillingCurve.LongRange range in ranges)
                 // Here's a sub-query that we'll have to do for this geometry range. Build this query from all predicates
                 // and when getting to the geometry range predicate that sparked these sub-query chenanigans, swap in this sub-query in its place.
                 GenericKey treeKeyFrom = Layout.newKey();
                 GenericKey treeKeyTo   = Layout.newKey();
                 InitializeFromToKeys(treeKeyFrom, treeKeyTo);
                 bool needFiltering = InitializeRangeForGeometrySubQuery(treeKeyFrom, treeKeyTo, query, crs, range);
                 StartSeekForInitializedRange(multiProgressor, treeKeyFrom, treeKeyTo, query, indexOrder, needFiltering, needsValues);
         catch (System.ArgumentException)
             // Invalid query ranges will cause this state (eg. min>max)
             client.Initialize(Descriptor, IndexProgressor.EMPTY, query, indexOrder, needsValues);
         base.Query(client, indexOrder, needsValues, query);
        public static RegionMoves Measure(SpaceFillingCurve sFC, int level, firstToOtherSubregionTransforms firstToOtherSubregions)
            RegionMoves totalRegionMoves = new RegionMoves();

            RegionMoves regionMoves = new RegionMoves();

            if (level == 0)

                regionMoves = Measure(sFC.CalculateSubregionBMFs(0), level - 1, firstToOtherSubregions);

                totalRegionMoves = RegionMoves.Combine(regionMoves, totalRegionMoves);

                List <Transform> transforms = firstToOtherSubregions(sFC.CalculateSubregionBMFs(0).GetMoves());

                int subRegionSize = (int)Math.Pow(sFC.BaseSize, level);

                for (int i = 0; i < sFC.NumberOfSteps - 1; i++)
                    RegionMoves otherRegionMoves = regionMoves.Transform(transforms[i]);

                    totalRegionMoves = RegionMoves.Combine(otherRegionMoves, totalRegionMoves);

                    Point tempPoint01 = sFC.CalculateSubregionBMFs(i).TraverseTheBasePath(new Point(0, 0), subRegionSize - 1).Last();

                    Point tempPoint02 = sFC.MoveToNextRegion(i, new Point(0, 0), subRegionSize);

                    totalRegionMoves.Add(new Move((p, s) => new Point(p.X + tempPoint02.X - tempPoint01.X, p.Y + tempPoint02.Y - tempPoint01.Y)));

Exemplo n.º 9
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void comparePointArraysMustOnlyReturnZeroForEqualArrays()
        internal virtual void ComparePointArraysMustOnlyReturnZeroForEqualArrays()
            PointArray firstArray = _random.randomValues().nextPointArray();

            PointValue[] sourcePointValues = firstArray.AsObjectCopy();
            PointArray   equalArray        = Values.pointArray(sourcePointValues);

            PointValue[] centerPointValues = new PointValue[sourcePointValues.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < sourcePointValues.Length; i++)
                PointValue sourcePointValue     = sourcePointValues[i];
                CoordinateReferenceSystem crs   = sourcePointValue.CoordinateReferenceSystem;
                SpaceFillingCurve         curve = _noSpecificIndexSettings.forCrs(crs, false);
                long?spaceFillingCurveValue     = curve.DerivedValueFor(sourcePointValue.Coordinate());
                centerPointValues[i] = Values.pointValue(crs, curve.CenterPointFor(spaceFillingCurveValue.Value));
            PointArray centerArray = Values.pointArray(centerPointValues);

            GenericKey firstKey = NewKeyState();

            firstKey.WriteValue(firstArray, NEUTRAL);
            GenericKey equalKey = NewKeyState();

            equalKey.WriteValue(equalArray, NEUTRAL);
            GenericKey centerKey = NewKeyState();

            centerKey.WriteValue(centerArray, NEUTRAL);
            GenericKey noCoordsKey = NewKeyState();

            noCoordsKey.WriteValue(equalArray, NEUTRAL);
            GeometryType.NoCoordinates = noCoordsKey;

            assertEquals(0, firstKey.CompareValueTo(equalKey), "expected keys to be equal");
            assertEquals(firstArray.compareToSequence(centerArray, AnyValues.COMPARATOR) != 0, firstKey.CompareValueTo(centerKey) != 0, "expected keys to be equal if and only if source points are equal");
            assertEquals(0, firstKey.CompareValueTo(noCoordsKey), "expected keys to be equal");