/// <summary>
        /// Generates thumbnail using vips of the source image, always downscales (no upscale), saves the generated
        /// file to thumbnails folder and returns new ThumbImage Model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">SourceImage</param>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the image</param>
        /// <param name="height">Optional Height of the image</param>
        /// <returns>Empty ThumbImage if no file exists or Created ThumbImage</returns>
        internal static ThumbImage CreateImage(SourceImage src, int width, int?height = null, int q = 100, Format format = Format.JPEG, bool strip = false)
            // Checks, if the source file exists
            if (src == null && File.Exists(src.AbsolutePath))
                return(new ThumbImage());

            // No uknown formats shall pass!
            if (src.Format == Format.Unknown || format == Format.Unknown)
                return(new ThumbImage());

            // Load Image to Vips
            Image image = Image.Thumbnail(src.AbsolutePath, width, height, "down", true);
            //image = image.Copy();
            int h = image.Height;
            int w = image.Width;

            // Create FileName and Path
            String fileName = CreateThumbFilename(src, w, h, q, format.ToString().ToLower());
            String filePath = FileService.CombineDirectoryAndFilename(GetThumbnailPath(), fileName);

            switch (format)
            case Format.JPEG:
                image.Jpegsave(filePath, null, q, null, true, true, false, true, null, true, null, strip, new[] { 255.0, 255.0, 255.0 });

            case Format.GIF:
                using (MagickImage imImage = new MagickImage(src.AbsolutePath))
                    imImage.Resize(w, h);
                    imImage.Quality = q;

                    if (strip)

            case Format.PNG:
                // Compression ratio is inverse of quality between 0 - 9
                int pngQ = (q / 10 - 10) * -1;

                image.Pngsave(filePath, pngQ, false, strip: strip);

            case Format.WebP:
                if (q == 100)
                    image.Webpsave(filePath, null, q, true, nearLossless: true, strip: strip);
                    image.Webpsave(filePath, null, q, false, smartSubsample: true, strip: strip);

            case Format.TIFF:
                image.Tiffsave(filePath, strip: strip);

            case Format.SVG:

            // Create new ThumbImage Model
            var thumb = new ThumbImage
                AbsolutePath = filePath,
                AltText      = src.AltText,
                FileName     = fileName,
                RelativePath = $"/thumbnails/{fileName}",
                Height       = h,
                Width        = w,
                SourceID     = src.ID,
                Format       = format,
                FileSize     = new FileInfo(filePath).Length,
                Quality      = q,
                Stripped     = strip
