Exemplo n.º 1
    void Start()
        trainMetronome = SoundM.CreateSoundInstance("TrainMetronome", transform, GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
        rhythm         = SoundM.CreateSoundInstance("Forest", transform, GetComponent <Rigidbody>());

        SoundM.SetSoundParameter("TrackVolume", 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
    void Update()
        transform.position = player.transform.position;

        SoundM.SetSoundParameter("Speed", audioSpeed);
        SoundM.SetSoundParameter("RhythmIndex", (float)rhythmIndex);

        int newTimelinePos;

        rhythm.getTimelinePosition(out newTimelinePos);

        /*fmodTimeDelta += (float)(newTimelinePos - timelinePosition) / 1000;
         * timeDelta += Time.deltaTime;
         * if (fmodTimeDelta < 0)
         * {
         *  timeDelta = 0;
         *  fmodTimeDelta = 0;
         * }
         * if (fmodTimeDelta > 2)
         * {
         *  //Debug.Log(timeDelta + " , " + fmodTimeDelta);
         *  realSpeed = (realSpeed + timeDelta / fmodTimeDelta) /2;
         *  timeDelta = 0;
         *  fmodTimeDelta = 0;
         *  Debug.Log(realSpeed);
         * }*/

        beatTimeout -= (int)(Time.deltaTime * 1000);
        beatTimeout  = Mathf.Max(beatTimeout, 0);

        float newTime       = Mathf.Repeat((float)newTimelinePos / 1000, 4);
        float newOffsetTime = Mathf.Repeat((float)newTimelinePos / 1000 + (noteDelay /** realSpeed*/), 4);

        if (leftHandRhythms[rhythmIndex] != "" && rightHandRhythms[rhythmIndex] != "")
            //parse list from string
            string[] lhArray = leftHandRhythms[rhythmIndex].Split(',');
            string[] rhArray = rightHandRhythms[rhythmIndex].Split(',');

            float lhNextBeat = Mathf.Repeat(float.Parse(lhArray[lhIndex % lhArray.Length]), 4);
            float rhNextBeat = Mathf.Repeat(float.Parse(rhArray[rhIndex % rhArray.Length]), 4);

            //releasing beat puffs
            if (beatTimeout == 0)
                if (newOffsetTime >= lhNextBeat && newOffsetTime <= lhNextBeat + 0.1)
                    beatTimeout = 100;

                    //play release steam puff

                if (newOffsetTime >= rhNextBeat && newOffsetTime <= rhNextBeat + 0.1)
                    beatTimeout = 100;

                    //play release steam puff

            /*if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
             * {
             *  if (checkBeatHit(0))
             *  {
             *      //Debug.Log("Hit Left Beat");
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      //Debug.Log("Missed Left Beat");
             *  }
             * }*/

            //check which beats are in range to be hit by left hand
            for (int i = 0; i < lhArray.Length; i++)
                float beat = Mathf.Repeat(float.Parse(lhArray[i]), 4);

                if (Mathf.Abs(newTime - beat) < beatTolerance ||
                    (newTime < beatTolerance && beat >= 4 - beatTolerance) ||
                    (newTime > 4 - beatTolerance && beat <= beatTolerance))
                    if (beat != currentLeftBeat)
                        //new beat
                        currentLeftBeat = beat;
                    //no beat
                    if (beat == currentLeftBeat)
                        //check if player has hit the current beat
                        if (leftBeatIgnore != currentLeftBeat)
                            //leftBeatIgnore = currentLeftBeat;
                            Debug.Log("Missed Beat, Time: " + newTime);

                        currentLeftBeat = -1;

            //check which beats are in range to be hit by right hand
            for (int i = 0; i < rhArray.Length; i++)
                float beat = Mathf.Repeat(float.Parse(rhArray[i]), 4);

                if (Mathf.Abs(newTime - beat) < beatTolerance ||
                    (newTime < beatTolerance && beat >= 4 - beatTolerance) ||
                    (newTime > 4 - beatTolerance && beat <= beatTolerance))
                    if (beat != currentRightBeat)
                        //new beat
                        currentRightBeat = beat;
                    //no beat
                    if (beat == currentRightBeat)
                        //check if player has hit the current beat
                        if (rightBeatIgnore != currentRightBeat)
                            //rightBeatIgnore = currentRightBeat;
                            Debug.Log("Missed Beat, Time: " + newTime);

                        currentRightBeat = -1;

        timelinePosition = newTimelinePos;

        //adjust focus parameter
        SoundM.SetSoundParameter("Focus", playerManager.focus);