Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets sorted list of all Business Locations in the dataset by filter 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SearchQuery">Query to filter on</param>
        /// <param name="PageNumber">Current page number</param>
        /// <param name="PageSize">Number of items per page</param>
        /// <param name="OrderBy">Column name to sequence the list by</param>
        /// <param name="OrderByAscDesc">Sort direction</param> 
        /// <returns>object PagedList</returns>
        public static PagedList<BusinessLocation> GetBusinessLocations(string SearchQuery, int PageNumber, int PageSize, string OrderBy, bool OrderByAscDesc)
            //Create client to talk to OpenDat API Endpoint
            var client = new SodaClient(_APIEndPointHost, _AppToken);

            //get a reference to the resource itself the result (a Resouce object) is a generic type
            //the type parameter represents the underlying rows of the resource
            var dataset = client.GetResource <PagedList<BusinessLocation>>(_APIEndPoint4x4);

            //Build the select list of columns for the SoQL call
            string[] columns = new[] { "legal_name", "doing_business_as_name", "date_issued", "city", "state", "zip_code", "latitude", "longitude"  };
            //Column alias must not collide with input column name, i.e. don't alias 'city' as 'city'
            string[] aliases = new[] { "LegalName", "DBA", "IssuedOn" };

            //using SoQL and a fluent query building syntax
            var soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns)
                .Order((OrderByAscDesc) ? SoqlOrderDirection.ASC: SoqlOrderDirection.DESC,  new[] { OrderBy });

                soql = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch(SearchQuery);

            var results = dataset.Query<BusinessLocation>(soql);

            //page'em cause there might be quite a few
            PagedList<BusinessLocation> pagedResults = new PagedList<BusinessLocation>(results.ToList(), PageNumber, PageSize);

            return pagedResults;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Default_Ctor_Orders_By_DefaultOrder_In_DefaultOrderDirection()
            string defaultOrderClause = String.Format("{0}={1} {2}", SoqlQuery.OrderKey, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, SoqlQuery.DefaultOrder), SoqlQuery.DefaultOrderDirection);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(defaultOrderClause, soql);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Select_Clause_Only_Gets_Valid_Columns(params string[] columns)
            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.SelectKey, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, columns.Where(c => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(c))));

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Default_Ctor_Selects_Default()
            string defaultSelectClause = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.SelectKey, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, SoqlQuery.DefaultSelect));

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(defaultSelectClause, soql);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Empty_FullTextSearch_Ignores_Search_Clause()
            string startOfSearchClause = String.Format("{0}=", SoqlQuery.SearchKey);

            string emptySearch = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch("").ToString();
            string nullSearch  = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfSearchClause, emptySearch);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfSearchClause, nullSearch);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Query_Ctor_Sets_RawQuery()
            var query = "SELECT something WHERE this > that ORDER BY another";

            var expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.QueryKey, query);

            var soql = new SoqlQuery(query).ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Having_Clause_Gets_Formatted_Input()
            string format = "something > {0}";

            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.HavingKey, String.Format(format, "nothing"));

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Having(format, "nothing").ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Having_Clause_Gets_Valid_Predicate()
            string predicate = "something > nothing";

            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.HavingKey, predicate);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Having(predicate).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Empty_Where_Ignores_Where_Clause()
            string startOfWhereClause = String.Format("{0}=", SoqlQuery.WhereKey);

            string emptyWhere = new SoqlQuery().Where("").ToString();
            string nullWhere  = new SoqlQuery().Where(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfWhereClause, emptyWhere);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfWhereClause, nullWhere);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Empty_Having_Ignores_Having_Clause()
            string startOfHavingClause = String.Format("{0}=", SoqlQuery.HavingKey);

            string emptyHaving = new SoqlQuery().Having("").ToString();
            string nullHaving  = new SoqlQuery().Having(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfHavingClause, emptyHaving);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfHavingClause, nullHaving);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Select_Clause_Gets_Aliases_As_Lowercase()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2", "column3" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "Column_A", "COLUMN_B", "CoLuMn_C" };

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                StringAssert.Contains(String.Format("{0} AS {1}", columns[i], aliases[i].ToLower()), soql);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Select_Clause_Gets_Valid_Aliases_When_Some_Columns_Are_Aliased()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2", "column3" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "column_a", "column_b", };

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; i++)
                StringAssert.Contains(String.Format("{0} AS {1}", columns[i], aliases[i]), soql);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Empty_Order_Orders_By_DefaultOrder_In_DefaultOrderDirection()
            string defaultOrderClause = String.Format("{0}={1} {2}", SoqlQuery.OrderKey, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, SoqlQuery.DefaultOrder), SoqlQuery.DefaultOrderDirection);

            string emptyGroup     = new SoqlQuery().Order("").ToString();
            string manyEmptyGroup = new SoqlQuery().Order("", "", "").ToString();
            string nullGroup      = new SoqlQuery().Order(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(defaultOrderClause, emptyGroup);
            StringAssert.Contains(defaultOrderClause, manyEmptyGroup);
            StringAssert.Contains(defaultOrderClause, nullGroup);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Empty_Select_Selects_Default()
            string defaultSelectClause = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.SelectKey, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, SoqlQuery.DefaultSelect));

            string emptySelect = new SoqlQuery().Select("").ToString();
            string manyEmptySelect = new SoqlQuery().Select("", "", "").ToString();
            string nullSelect = new SoqlQuery().Select(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(defaultSelectClause, emptySelect);
            StringAssert.Contains(defaultSelectClause, manyEmptySelect);
            StringAssert.Contains(defaultSelectClause, nullSelect);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Empty_Select_Selects_Default()
            string defaultSelectClause = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.SelectKey, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, SoqlQuery.DefaultSelect));

            string emptySelect     = new SoqlQuery().Select("").ToString();
            string manyEmptySelect = new SoqlQuery().Select("", "", "").ToString();
            string nullSelect      = new SoqlQuery().Select(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(defaultSelectClause, emptySelect);
            StringAssert.Contains(defaultSelectClause, manyEmptySelect);
            StringAssert.Contains(defaultSelectClause, nullSelect);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void Empty_Group_Ignores_Group_Clause()
            string startOfGroupClause = String.Format("{0}=", SoqlQuery.GroupKey);

            string emptyGroup     = new SoqlQuery().Group("").ToString();
            string manyEmptyGroup = new SoqlQuery().Group("", "", "").ToString();
            string nullGroup      = new SoqlQuery().Group(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfGroupClause, emptyGroup);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfGroupClause, manyEmptyGroup);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfGroupClause, nullGroup);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void get(Location locate, int radius, int limit)
            //initialize a new client
            //make sure you register for your own app token (http://dev.socrata.com/register)
            var client = new SodaClient("data.cityoftacoma.org", "faxxyxOUEBkwIxlgvMgFaEViQ");

            //read metadata of a dataset using the resource identifier (Socrata 4x4)
            //var metadata = client.GetMetadata("iww5-t4fx");
            //Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} views.", metadata.Name, metadata.ViewsCount);

            //get a reference to the resource itself
            //the result (a Resouce object) is a generic type
            //the type parameter represents the underlying rows of the resource
            var dataset = client.GetResource <Dictionary <string, object> >("iww5-t4fx");

            //collections of an arbitrary type can be returned
            //using SoQL and a fluent query building syntax
            string sql = "within_circle(location," +
                         locate.latitude.ToString() + "," +
                         locate.longitude.ToString() + "," + radius.ToString() + ")";
            var soql = new SoqlQuery().Where(sql).Limit(limit);

            var results = dataset.Query(soql);

            foreach (var row in results)
                var tmp = new Fire();
                if (0 != row.Count)
                    //foreach (var vv in row)
                        tmp.intersection_address = row["location_address"].ToString();
                        tmp.fire_generalcause    = row["fire_generalcause"].ToString();
                        tmp.firetype             = row["firetype"].ToString();
                        tmp.time1 = row["firstunitturnout"].ToString();
                        tmp.time2 = row["incidentclosed"].ToString();
                        tmp.date  = row["incidentdate"].ToString().Substring(0, 10);
                        tmp.estimatedtotalfireloss = row["estimatedtotalfireloss"].ToString();
                        tmp.loc.city      = row["city"].ToString();
                        tmp.loc.state     = row["state"].ToString();
                        tmp.loc.zipcode   = row["zipcode"].ToString();
                        tmp.loc.latitude  = float.Parse(row["latitude"].ToString());
                        tmp.loc.longitude = float.Parse(row["longitude"].ToString());
                    }catch (Exception e)
                    { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred in FireIncident entrance"); }
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void get(Location locate, int radius, int limit)
            var client = new SodaClient("data.cityoftacoma.org", "faxxyxOUEBkwIxlgvMgFaEViQ");

            var    dataset = client.GetResource <Dictionary <string, object> >("kjk6-j7c9");
            string sql     = "within_circle(collision_location," +
                             locate.latitude.ToString() + "," +
                             locate.longitude.ToString() + "," + radius.ToString() + ")";
            var soql    = new SoqlQuery().Where(sql).Limit(limit);
            var results = dataset.Query(soql);

            foreach (var row in results)
                if (0 != row.Count)
                        Collision collision = new Collision
                        try { collision.most_severe_injury_type = row["most_severe_injury_type"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception e) { }
                        try { collision.lighting_conditions = row["lighting_conditions"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception e) { }
                        try { collision.jurisdiction = row["jurisdiction"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception e) { }
                        try { collision.weather = row["weather"].ToString(); }
                        catch (Exception e) { }
                        try { collision.date = row["date"].ToString(); }catch (Exception e) {}

                        string collision_location = row["collision_location"].ToString();
                        string coordinates        = collision_location.Substring(collision_location.IndexOf("coordinates") + 13).Trim('[', ']', '}', '{', '\n', '\r', ' ', '\t');

                        collision.coordinate.latitude  = float.Parse(coordinates.Split(',')[1]);
                        collision.coordinate.longitude = float.Parse(coordinates.Split(',')[0]);
                        collision.place = collision.coordinate.reverseGeocoding();
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        //Console.WriteLine("Error traffic data entrance");

                        //$where=date between '2018-02-27T12:00:00' and '2018-03-04T14:00:00'
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Select_Clause_With_Aliases_Generates_Valid_SoQL()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "column_a", "column_b" };

            string expected = String.Format(@"{0} AS {1},{2} AS {3}",

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            StringAssert.IsMatch(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Last_Select_Overwrites_All_Previous()
            string[] first = { "first", "second", "last" };
            string[] second = { "first", "second" };
            string[] last =  { "last" };
            string format = String.Format("{0}={{0}}", SoqlQuery.SelectKey);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(first)

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, first)), soql);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, second)), soql);
            StringAssert.Contains(String.Format(format, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, last)), soql);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public Map(SoqlQuery <K> soqlQuery)
            // make sure that Map<T, K> is Map<ID, SObject>
            if (!typeof(SObject).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(K)) ||
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only Map<ID, SObject> can be initialized via SOQL query data.");

            foreach (object row in soqlQuery.QueryResult.Value)
                var    sobj = (SObject)row;
                object key  = sobj.Id;
                this[(T)key] = (K)row;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void Last_Select_Overwrites_All_Previous()
            string[] first  = { "first", "second", "last" };
            string[] second = { "first", "second" };
            string[] last   = { "last" };
            string   format = String.Format("{0}={{0}}", SoqlQuery.SelectKey);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(first)

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, first)), soql);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, second)), soql);
            StringAssert.Contains(String.Format(format, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, last)), soql);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Last_FullTextSearch_Overwrites_All_Previous()
            string first  = "first text";
            string second = "second text";
            string last   = "last text";
            string format = String.Format("{0}={{0}}", SoqlQuery.SearchKey);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch(first)

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, first), soql);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, second), soql);
            StringAssert.Contains(String.Format(format, last), soql);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void Last_Offset_Overwrites_All_Previous()
            int    first  = 1;
            int    second = 2;
            int    last   = 3;
            string format = String.Format("{0}={{0}}", SoqlQuery.OffsetKey);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Offset(first)

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, first), soql);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, second), soql);
            StringAssert.Contains(String.Format(format, last), soql);
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Assisted by code from https://dev.socrata.com/foundry/data.cityofnewyork.us/fhrw-4uyv
        /// queried DB - https://data.cityofnewyork.us
        /// API KEY - PVGjhHLj8Svy7Ryz0uJgW9IBh
        /// loadDB connects to the database, sends the query and then returns the data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns the dataset of the query to main</returns>
        public IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > LoadDB(DateTime date)
            SODA.SodaClient client = new SodaClient("https://data.cityofnewyork.us", "PVGjhHLj8Svy7Ryz0uJgW9IBh");

            /// <remarks>
            /// The documentation on the web is outdated.
            /// The .NET library has been updated to no longer allow generic typing.
            /// You must use either Dictionary(String,Object) - use <> but not allowed in XML comments
            /// OR a user-defined json serializable class - their documentation does not explain how to do this
            /// well enough, however so we are sticking with the Generic Collection specified
            /// </remarks>>
            SODA.Resource <Dictionary <string, object> > dataset = client.GetResource <Dictionary <string, object> >("fhrw-4uyv");
            SoqlQuery soql = this.GetQueryDate(date);
            IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > results = dataset.Query <Dictionary <string, object> >(soql);

Exemplo n.º 26
        public void MapCanBeInitializedWithSoqlQueryResults()
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                var lazyData = new LazyOfListOfSample(GetSampleObjects);
                var query    = new SoqlQuery <SampleSObject>(lazyData, string.Empty);
                var map      = new Map <ID, SampleSObject>(query);

                var item123 = map.get("123");
                Assert.AreEqual("OneTwoThree", item123.Name);

                var item321 = map.get("321");
                Assert.AreEqual("ThreeTwoOne", item321.Name);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void KeySetMethodIsImplemented()
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                var lazyData = new LazyOfListOfSample(GetSampleObjects);
                var query    = new SoqlQuery <SampleSObject>(lazyData, string.Empty);
                var map      = new Map <ID, SampleSObject>(query);

                var keySet = map.keySet();
                Assert.AreEqual(2, keySet.size());

Exemplo n.º 28
        public void Query_With_UndefinedLimit_UsesMaximum()
            var query        = new SoqlQuery();
            var initialValue = query.LimitValue;

                mockClient.Query <object>(query, StringMocks.ResourceId);
            catch (InvalidOperationException)

            Assert.Greater(query.LimitValue, initialValue);
            Assert.AreEqual(SoqlQuery.MaximumLimit, query.LimitValue);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void Empty_Aliases_Are_Ignored()
            string[] columns        = new[] { "column1", "column2" };
            string[] startOfAliases = columns.Select(c => String.Format("{0} AS ", c)).ToArray();

            string[] nullAliases  = new[] { (string)null, (string)null };
            string[] emptyAliases = new[] { "", "" };

            string nullSoql  = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(nullAliases).ToString();
            string emptySoql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(emptyAliases).ToString();

            foreach (string startOfAlias in startOfAliases)
                StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfAlias, nullSoql);
                StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfAlias, emptySoql);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void Query_Ctor_Takes_Precidence()
            var query = "SELECT something WHERE this > that ORDER BY another";

            var expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.QueryKey, query);

            var soql = new SoqlQuery(query);

            var select = soql.Select("column1", "column2").ToString();

            var where = soql.Where("that > this").ToString();
            var order = soql.Order("yetanother").ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, select);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, where);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, order);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void Last_Having_Overwrites_All_Previous()
            string first  = "first > 0";
            string second = "second > first";
            string last   = "last > anything";
            string format = String.Format("{0}={{0}}", SoqlQuery.HavingKey);

            string expected = String.Format(format, last);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Having(first)

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, first), soql);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, second), soql);
            StringAssert.Contains(String.Format(format, last), soql);
Exemplo n.º 32
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get set up data and get data.
            var client = new SodaClient("https://data.sfgov.org", "tOvbugsbjxkiUpNOfwfNmz4Sk");

            string[] columns = { "dayoftheweekstr",
                                 "latitude" };
            var      soql    = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns);
            var      dataset = client.GetResource <FoodTruck>("jjew-r69b");
            var      results = dataset.GetRows(limit: 5000);

            List <FoodTruck> openTrucks = (from FoodTruck item in results
                                           where item.IsOpen(DateTime.Now)
                                           select item).ToList();


            // Queue is for paging results.
            Queue <FoodTruck> queueTrucks = new Queue <FoodTruck>(openTrucks);

            Console.WriteLine(openTrucks.Count + " trucks open at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("NAME - LOCATION");
            while (queueTrucks.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    if (queueTrucks.Count == 0)

            Console.WriteLine("End of list.");
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void Select_Clause_Gets_Valid_Aliases_And_Ignores_Extra_Aliases()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "column_a", "column_b", "column_c", "column_d" };

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                StringAssert.Contains(String.Format("{0} AS {1}", columns[i], aliases[i]), soql);

            string[] extraAliases = aliases.Skip(columns.Length).ToArray();

            for (int j = 0; j < extraAliases.Length; j++)
                StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format("AS {0}", extraAliases[j]), soql);
Exemplo n.º 34
        public void get(Location locate, int radius, int limit)
            var client = new SodaClient("data.cityoftacoma.org", "faxxyxOUEBkwIxlgvMgFaEViQ");

            var dataset = client.GetResource <Dictionary <string, object> >("vzsr-722t");

            string sql = "within_circle(intersection," +
                         locate.latitude.ToString() + "," +
                         locate.longitude.ToString() + "," + radius.ToString() + ")";
            var soql = new SoqlQuery().Where(sql).Limit(limit);

            var results = dataset.Query(soql);

            foreach (var row in results)
                var tmp = new Crime();
                if (0 != row.Count)
                    //foreach (var vv in row)
                        tmp.intersection_address = row["intersection_address"].ToString();
                        tmp.date  = row["occurred_on"].ToString().Substring(0, 10);
                        tmp.time  = row["approximate_time"].ToString();
                        tmp.crime = row["crime"].ToString();

                        tmp.loc.city    = row["intersection_city"].ToString();
                        tmp.loc.state   = row["intersection_state"].ToString();
                        tmp.loc.zipcode = locate.zipcode;
                        string intersection = row["intersection"].ToString();
                        String coordinates  = intersection.Substring(intersection.IndexOf("coordinates") + 13).Trim('[', ']', '}', '{', '\n', '\r', ' ', '\t');
                        tmp.loc.latitude  = float.Parse(coordinates.Split(',')[1]);
                        tmp.loc.longitude = float.Parse(coordinates.Split(',')[0]);
                    }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred in Crime entrance"); }
Exemplo n.º 35
        public void All_Query_Methods_Return_The_Original_Instance()
            var original = new SoqlQuery();
            var select   = original.Select("something");

            var where = original.Where("something");
            var order  = original.Order(SoqlOrderDirection.DESC, "something");
            var group  = original.Group("something");
            var limit  = original.Limit(10);
            var offset = original.Offset(10);
            var search = original.FullTextSearch("something");

            Assert.AreSame(original, select);
            Assert.AreSame(original, where);
            Assert.AreSame(original, order);
            Assert.AreSame(original, group);
            Assert.AreSame(original, limit);
            Assert.AreSame(original, offset);
            Assert.AreSame(original, search);
Exemplo n.º 36
        public static PagedList <BusinessLocation> GetBusinessLocations(string SearchQuery, int PageNumber, int PageSize, string OrderBy, bool OrderByAscDesc)
            var client  = new SodaClient(_APIEndPointHost, _AppToken);
            var dataset = client.GetResource <PagedList <BusinessLocation> >(_APIEndPoint4x4);
            var columns = new[] { "company_name", "sub_subindustry", "phone", " location_1" };
            var aliases = new[] { "CompanyName", "SubIndustry", "fone", "Location" };
            var soql    = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns)
                          .Order((OrderByAscDesc) ? SoqlOrderDirection.ASC : SoqlOrderDirection.DESC, new[] { OrderBy });

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchQuery))
                soql = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch(SearchQuery);

            var results = dataset.Query <BusinessLocation>(soql);

            PagedList <BusinessLocation> pagedResults = new PagedList <BusinessLocation>(results.ToList(), PageNumber, PageSize);

Exemplo n.º 37
        public void Search_Clause_Gets_FormattedInput()
            string format = "search term is {0}";

            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.SearchKey, String.Format(format, "test"));

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch(format, "test").ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 38
        public void Search_Clause_Gets_FullTextSearch(string searchText)
            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.SearchKey, searchText);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch(searchText).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public void Empty_FullTextSearch_Ignores_Search_Clause()
            string startOfSearchClause = String.Format("{0}=", SoqlQuery.SearchKey);

            string emptySearch = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch("").ToString();
            string nullSearch = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfSearchClause, emptySearch);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfSearchClause, nullSearch);
Exemplo n.º 40
        public void Where_Clause_Gets_Valid_Predicate()
            string predicate = "something > nothing";

            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.WhereKey, predicate);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Where(predicate).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 41
        public void Empty_Aliases_Are_Ignored()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2" };
            string[] startOfAliases = columns.Select(c => String.Format("{0} AS ", c)).ToArray();

            string[] nullAliases = new[] { (string)null, (string)null };
            string[] emptyAliases = new[] { "", "" };

            string nullSoql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(nullAliases).ToString();
            string emptySoql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(emptyAliases).ToString();

            foreach (string startOfAlias in startOfAliases)
                StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfAlias, nullSoql);
                StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfAlias, emptySoql);
Exemplo n.º 42
        public void ForQuery_With_Valid_Arguments_Creates_Query_Uri()
            SoqlQuery soqlQuery = new SoqlQuery();

            var uri = SodaUri.ForQuery(StringMocks.Host, StringMocks.ResourceId, soqlQuery);

            StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase(String.Format("/resource/{0}", StringMocks.ResourceId), uri.LocalPath);
            StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase(String.Format("?{0}", Uri.EscapeUriString(soqlQuery.ToString())), uri.Query);
Exemplo n.º 43
        public void Empty_Group_Ignores_Group_Clause()
            string startOfGroupClause = String.Format("{0}=", SoqlQuery.GroupKey);

            string emptyGroup = new SoqlQuery().Group("").ToString();
            string manyEmptyGroup = new SoqlQuery().Group("", "", "").ToString();
            string nullGroup = new SoqlQuery().Group(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfGroupClause, emptyGroup);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfGroupClause, manyEmptyGroup);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfGroupClause, nullGroup);
Exemplo n.º 44
        public void Empty_Order_Orders_By_DefaultOrder_In_DefaultOrderDirection()
            string defaultOrderClause = String.Format("{0}={1} {2}", SoqlQuery.OrderKey, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, SoqlQuery.DefaultOrder), SoqlQuery.DefaultOrderDirection);

            string emptyGroup = new SoqlQuery().Order("").ToString();
            string manyEmptyGroup = new SoqlQuery().Order("", "", "").ToString();
            string nullGroup = new SoqlQuery().Order(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(defaultOrderClause, emptyGroup);
            StringAssert.Contains(defaultOrderClause, manyEmptyGroup);
            StringAssert.Contains(defaultOrderClause, nullGroup);
Exemplo n.º 45
        public void Order_Clause_Gets_Order_Direction_And_Valid_Columns(SoqlOrderDirection direction, params string[] columns)
            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1} {2}", SoqlQuery.OrderKey, String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, columns.Where(c => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(c))), direction);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Order(direction, columns).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 46
        public void Last_Where_Overwrites_All_Previous()
            string first = "first > 0";
            string second = "second > first";
            string last = "last > anything";
            string format = String.Format("{0}={{0}}", SoqlQuery.WhereKey);

            string expected = String.Format(format, last);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Where(first)

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, first), soql);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, second), soql);
            StringAssert.Contains(String.Format(format, last), soql);
Exemplo n.º 47
        public void Where_Clause_Gets_Formatted_Input()
            string format = "something > {0}";

            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.WhereKey, String.Format(format, "nothing"));

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Where(format, "nothing").ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 48
        public void Select_Clause_Gets_Valid_Aliases_And_Ignores_Extra_Aliases()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "column_a", "column_b", "column_c", "column_d" };

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                StringAssert.Contains(String.Format("{0} AS {1}", columns[i], aliases[i]), soql);

            string[] extraAliases = aliases.Skip(columns.Length).ToArray();

            for (int j = 0; j < extraAliases.Length; j++)
                StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format("AS {0}", extraAliases[j]), soql);
Exemplo n.º 49
        public void Last_FullTextSearch_Overwrites_All_Previous()
            string first = "first text";
            string second = "second text";
            string last = "last text";
            string format = String.Format("{0}={{0}}", SoqlQuery.SearchKey);
            string soql = new SoqlQuery().FullTextSearch(first)

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, first), soql);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, second), soql);
            StringAssert.Contains(String.Format(format, last), soql);
Exemplo n.º 50
 public void Limit_Less_Than_One_Throws_ArgumentOutOfRangeException(int limit)
     var soql = new SoqlQuery().Limit(limit);
Exemplo n.º 51
        public void All_Query_Methods_Return_The_Original_Instance()
            var original = new SoqlQuery();
            var select = original.Select("something");
            var where = original.Where("something");
            var order = original.Order(SoqlOrderDirection.DESC, "something");
            var group = original.Group("something");
            var limit = original.Limit(10);
            var offset = original.Offset(10);
            var search = original.FullTextSearch("something");

            Assert.AreSame(original, select);
            Assert.AreSame(original, where);
            Assert.AreSame(original, order);
            Assert.AreSame(original, group);
            Assert.AreSame(original, limit);
            Assert.AreSame(original, offset);
            Assert.AreSame(original, search);
Exemplo n.º 52
        public void Limit_Clause_Has_A_Ceiling_At_MaximumLimit(int limit)
            string expected = String.Format("{0}={1}", SoqlQuery.LimitKey, Math.Min(limit, SoqlQuery.MaximumLimit));

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Limit(limit).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 53
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Uri for querying the specified resource on the specified Socrata host, using the specified SoqlQuery object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socrataHost">The Socrata host to target.</param>
        /// <param name="resourceId">The identifier (4x4) for a resource on the Socrata host to target.</param>
        /// <param name="soqlQuery">A SoqlQuery object to use for querying.</param>
        /// <returns>A query Uri for the specified resource on the specified Socrata host.</returns>
        public static Uri ForQuery(string socrataHost, string resourceId, SoqlQuery soqlQuery)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(socrataHost))
                throw new ArgumentException("socrataHost", "Must provide a Socrata host to target.");

            if (FourByFour.IsNotValid(resourceId))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("resourceId", "The provided resourceId is not a valid Socrata (4x4) resource identifier.");

            if (soqlQuery == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("soqlQuery", "Must provide a valid SoqlQuery object");

            string url = metadataUrl(socrataHost, resourceId).Replace("views", "resource");

            string queryUrl = Uri.EscapeUriString(String.Format("{0}?{1}", url, soqlQuery.ToString()));

            return new Uri(queryUrl);
Exemplo n.º 54
 public void Offset_Less_Than_Zero_Throws_ArgumentOutOfRangeException(int offset)
     var soql = new SoqlQuery().Offset(offset);
Exemplo n.º 55
        public void Select_Clause_Gets_Valid_Aliases_When_All_Columns_Are_Aliased()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2", "column3" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "column_a", "column_b", "column_c" };

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                StringAssert.Contains(String.Format("{0} AS {1}", columns[i], aliases[i]), soql);
Exemplo n.º 56
        public void Last_Offset_Overwrites_All_Previous()
            int first = 1;
            int second = 2;
            int last = 3;
            string format = String.Format("{0}={{0}}", SoqlQuery.OffsetKey);

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Offset(first)

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, first), soql);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(String.Format(format, second), soql);
            StringAssert.Contains(String.Format(format, last), soql);
Exemplo n.º 57
        public void Select_Clause_With_Aliases_Generates_Valid_SoQL()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "column_a", "column_b" };

            string expected = String.Format(@"{0} AS {1},\s?{2} AS {3}[^,]",

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            StringAssert.IsMatch(expected, soql);
Exemplo n.º 58
        public void Select_Clause_Gets_Aliases_As_Lowercase()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2", "column3" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "Column_A", "COLUMN_B", "CoLuMn_C" };

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                StringAssert.Contains(String.Format("{0} AS {1}", columns[i], aliases[i].ToLower()), soql);
Exemplo n.º 59
        public void Select_Clause_Selects_Unaliased_Columns_When_Some_Columns_Are_Aliased()
            string[] columns = new[] { "column1", "column2", "column3", "column4", "column5" };
            string[] aliases = new[] { "column_a", "column_b" };

            string soql = new SoqlQuery().Select(columns).As(aliases).ToString();

            StringAssert.Contains(String.Join(SoqlQuery.Delimiter, columns.Skip(aliases.Length)), soql);
Exemplo n.º 60
        public void Empty_Where_Ignores_Where_Clause()
            string startOfWhereClause = String.Format("{0}=", SoqlQuery.WhereKey);

            string emptyWhere = new SoqlQuery().Where("").ToString();
            string nullWhere = new SoqlQuery().Where(null).ToString();

            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfWhereClause, emptyWhere);
            StringAssert.DoesNotContain(startOfWhereClause, nullWhere);