Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up TrickScore X & Y Positions to become available configurable as Memory addresses rather than hardcoded.
        /// </summary>
        private void Setup_TrickScore_XYPosition()
            // Get bytes for new location of X & Y Trick Score Positions
            ADDRESS_TRICKSCORE_HUD_XPOSITION = (int)Program.Sonic_Heroes_Process.AllocateMemory(4);
            ADDRESS_TRICKSCORE_HUD_YPOSITION = (int)Program.Sonic_Heroes_Process.AllocateMemory(4);

            // Write Default Values to Addresses
            float DefaultX = 0.06562499702F;
            float DefaultY = 0.7333300114F;

            // Write Defaults to memory.
            Program.Sonic_Heroes_Process.WriteMemory((IntPtr)ADDRESS_TRICKSCORE_HUD_XPOSITION, BitConverter.GetBytes(DefaultX));
            Program.Sonic_Heroes_Process.WriteMemory((IntPtr)ADDRESS_TRICKSCORE_HUD_YPOSITION, BitConverter.GetBytes(DefaultY));

            // Assemble code to Move X & Y Trick Source Location from Memory rather than hardcoding..
            string[] Get_From_New_XLocation = new string[]
                "push edi",
                "push esi",
                "mov esi, " + "[" + ADDRESS_TRICKSCORE_HUD_XPOSITION + "]",
                "mov edi, " + "[" + ADDRESS_TRICKSCORE_HUD_YPOSITION + "]",
                "mov dword [esp+0x20], esi",
                "mov dword [esp+0x24], edi",
                "pop esi",
                "pop edi",

            // Get Assembly Code for the Mnemonics
            byte[] Get_From_NewX = Program.Sonic_Heroes_Networking_Client.SendData_Alternate(Message_Type.Client_Call_Assemble_x86_Mnemonics, Serialize_x86_ASM_Mnemonics(Get_From_New_XLocation), true);

            // Overwrite old instructions
            scoreInjection = new SonicHeroes.Hooking.ASM_Hook((IntPtr)0x5B499C, Get_From_NewX, 20, Program.Sonic_Heroes_Networking_Client, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Feature_Force_Load_Level()
            // Retrieves all of the available possible levels that could be loaded, as well as their individual Stage IDs.

            /// <summary>
            /// x86 Mnemonics which dynamically load the appropriate blending address based on the currently controlling character.
            /// </summary>
            string[] Menu_Enter_Hook_ASM_Mnemonics = new string[]
                "mov eax,[edi+0x58]",
                "push dword 0x40578D",

            // Get Assembly Code for the Mnemonics
            byte[] Menu_Enter_Hook_ASM_Bytes = Program.Sonic_Heroes_Networking_Client.SendData_Alternate(Message_Type.Client_Call_Assemble_x86_Mnemonics, Serialize_x86_ASM_Mnemonics(Menu_Enter_Hook_ASM_Mnemonics), true);

            // Set Hook - Hooked at random address triggered post loading of main menu.
            Menu_Enter_Hook_ASM = new SonicHeroes.Hooking.ASM_Hook((IntPtr)0x405785, Menu_Enter_Hook_ASM_Bytes, 8, Program.Sonic_Heroes_Networking_Client, true);

            // Activate Hook Such that Menu_Enter_Hook Picks up the New Bytes.

            // Set Hook - Hooked at random address triggered post loading of main menu.
            Menu_Enter_Hook = new SonicHeroes.Hooking.Injection((IntPtr)0x405785, (Force_Level_Load_Hook)Force_Load_Level_Method, 8, Program.Sonic_Heroes_Networking_Client, false);

            // Deactivate Hook.

            // At startup set initial teams to be Team Sonic for P1 and disable others
            Program.Sonic_Heroes_Process.WriteMemory((IntPtr)0x8D6920, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF });