private static readonly string _imageFolderPath = "path/to/imageFolder";        // TODO: Enter the path to your Image Folder

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            GameSettingsInfo result = Api.InitGame(_apiKey);
            string           gameId = result.GameId;
            int roundsLeft          = result.NumberOfRounds;

            Console.WriteLine($"Starting a new game with id: {gameId}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The game has {roundsLeft} rounds and {result.ImagesPerRound} images per round");
            while (roundsLeft > 0)
                Console.WriteLine($"Starting new round, {roundsLeft} rounds left");
                var           solution   = new Solution();
                var           zip        = Api.GetImages(_apiKey);
                List <string> imageNames = SolutionHelper.SaveImagesToDisk(zip, _imageFolderPath);
                foreach (string name in imageNames)
                    var imagePath     = _imageFolderPath + "/" + name;
                    var imageSolution = ImageAnalyzer(imagePath);
                    solution.Add(name, imageSolution);
                ScoreResponse response = Api.ScoreSolution(_apiKey, solution.GetRequest());
                roundsLeft = response.RoundsLeft;