Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            this.IsMouseVisible = true;

            // Initialize the GoblinXNA framework
            State.InitGoblin(graphics, Content, "");

            // Initialize the scene graph
            scene = new Scene();

            State.EnableNetworking = true;
            State.IsServer         = isServer;

            State.ShowNotifications = true;
            State.ShowFPS           = true;
            Notifier.FadeOutTime    = 2000;

            // Set up the lights used in the scene

            // Set up the camera, which defines the eye location and viewing frustum

            // Create 3D objects

            // Create a network object that contains mouse press information to be
            // transmitted over network
            mouseNetworkObj = new MouseNetworkObject();

            // When a mouse press event is sent from the other side, then call "ShootBox"
            // function
            mouseNetworkObj.CallbackFunc = ShootBox;

            // Create a network handler for handling the network transfers
            INetworkHandler networkHandler = null;

            networkHandler = new SocketNetworkHandler();
            networkHandler = new NetworkHandler();

            if (State.IsServer)
                IServer server = null;
                server = new SocketServer(14242);
                server = new LidgrenServer("Tutorial10", 14242);
                State.NumberOfClientsToWait = 1;
                scene.PhysicsEngine         = new NewtonPhysics();
                scene.PhysicsEngine = new MataliPhysics();
                ((MataliPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).SimulationTimeStep = 1 / 30f;
                scene.PhysicsEngine.Gravity  = 30;
                server.ClientConnected      += new HandleClientConnection(ClientConnected);
                server.ClientDisconnected   += new HandleClientDisconnection(ClientDisconnected);
                networkHandler.NetworkServer = server;
                IClient client = null;
                // Create a client that connects to the local machine assuming that both
                // the server and client will be running on the same machine. In order to
                // connect to a remote machine, you need to either pass the host name or
                // the IP address of the remote machine in the 3rd parameter.
                client = new LidgrenClient("Tutorial10", 14242, "Localhost");
                client = new SocketClient("", 14242);

                // If the server is not running when client is started, then wait for the
                // server to start up.
                client.WaitForServer          = true;
                client.ConnectionTrialTimeOut = 60 * 1000; // 1 minute timeout

                client.ServerConnected    += new HandleServerConnection(ServerConnected);
                client.ServerDisconnected += new HandleServerDisconnection(ServerDisconnected);

                networkHandler.NetworkClient = client;

            // Assign the network handler used for this scene
            scene.NetworkHandler = networkHandler;

            // Add the mouse network object to the scene graph, so it'll be sent over network
            // whenever ReadyToSend is set to true.

            MouseInput.Instance.MousePressEvent += new HandleMousePress(MouseInput_MousePressEvent);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            this.IsMouseVisible = true;

            // Initialize the GoblinXNA framework
            State.InitGoblin(graphics, Content, "");

            // Initialize the scene graph
            scene = new Scene();

            State.EnableNetworking = true;
            State.IsServer         = isServer;

            State.ShowNotifications = true;
            State.ShowFPS           = true;
            Notifier.FadeOutTime    = 2000;

            // Set up the lights used in the scene

            // Set up the camera, which defines the eye location and viewing frustum

            // Create 3D objects

            // Create a network object that contains mouse press information to be
            // transmitted over network
            // mouseNetworkObj = new MouseNetworkObject();
            networkExchange = new NetworkExchangeWrapper();

            // When a mouse press event is sent from the other side, then call "ShootBox"
            // function
            //mouseNetworkObj.CallbackFunc = ShootBox;
            networkExchange.CallbackFunc = ShootBox;

            // Create a network handler for handling the network transfers
            INetworkHandler networkHandler = null;

            networkHandler = new SocketNetworkHandler();
            networkHandler = new NetworkHandler();

            if (true)//(State.IsServer)
                IServer server = null;
                server = new SocketServer(14242);
                server = new LidgrenServer("Tutorial8_Phone", 14242);
                State.NumberOfClientsToWait = 1;
                scene.PhysicsEngine         = new NewtonPhysics();
                scene.PhysicsEngine = new MataliPhysics();
                ((MataliPhysics)scene.PhysicsEngine).SimulationTimeStep = 1 / 30f;

                scene.PhysicsEngine.Gravity  = 0;
                server.ClientConnected      += new HandleClientConnection(ClientConnected);
                server.ClientDisconnected   += new HandleClientDisconnection(ClientDisconnected);
                networkHandler.NetworkServer = server;

            // Assign the network handler used for this scene
            scene.NetworkHandler = networkHandler;

            // Add the mouse network object to the scene graph, so it'll be sent over network
            // whenever ReadyToSend is set to true.
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Initialize(IGraphicsDeviceService service, ContentManager content, VideoBrush videoBrush)
            viewport          = new Viewport(80, 0, 640, 480);
            viewport.MaxDepth = service.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.MaxDepth;
            viewport.MinDepth = service.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.MinDepth;
            service.GraphicsDevice.Viewport = viewport;

            // Initialize the GoblinXNA framework
            State.InitGoblin(service, content, "");


            //State.ThreadOption = (ushort)ThreadOptions.MarkerTracking;

            // Initialize the scene graph
            scene = new Scene();
            scene.BackgroundColor = Color.Black;

            State.EnableNetworking = true;
            State.IsServer         = false;

            // Set up the lights used in the scene




            State.ShowNotifications = true;
            Notifier.Font           = sampleFont;
            Notifier.FadeOutTime    = 2000;
            State.ShowFPS           = true;


            networkExchange = new NetworkExchangeWrapper();

            networkExchange.CallbackFunc = ShootBox;

            // Create a network handler for handling the network transfers
            INetworkHandler networkHandler = null;

            IClient client = new SocketClient(IP_ADDRESS, 14242);

            // If the server is not running when client is started, then wait for the
            // server to start up.
            client.WaitForServer          = true;
            client.ConnectionTrialTimeOut = 60 * 1000;     // 1 minute timeout

            client.ServerConnected    += new HandleServerConnection(ServerConnected);
            client.ServerDisconnected += new HandleServerDisconnection(ServerDisconnected);

            networkHandler = new SocketNetworkHandler();
            networkHandler.NetworkClient = client;

            // Assign the network handler used for this scene
            scene.NetworkHandler = networkHandler;
