Exemplo n.º 1
        private string BuildHostName(string account, string region)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(account))
                throw new ArgumentException("Account name cannot be empty.");

            var hostname = $"{ReplaceUnderscores(account)}.";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(region) && region.ToLower() != "us-west-2")
                hostname += $"{region}.";

            var cloudTag = SnowflakeUtils.GetCloudTagByRegion(region);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cloudTag))
                hostname += $"{cloudTag}.";

            hostname += "snowflakecomputing.com";

Exemplo n.º 2
 internal RestInteraction(BaseDiscordClient discord, ulong id)
     : base(discord, id)
     CreatedAt = discord.UseInteractionSnowflakeDate
         ? SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(Id)
         : DateTime.UtcNow;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute parameterized SQL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sql">The SQL to execute for this query.</param>
        /// <param name="sqlParams">The parameters to use for this query.</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows affected.</returns>
        public async Task <long> ExecuteAsync(string sql, object sqlParams = null)
            var response = await QueryInternalAsync(sql, sqlParams).ConfigureAwait(false);

            long affectedRows = SnowflakeUtils.GetAffectedRowsCount(response);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public Task <ActionResult> SnowflakeAsync(ulong id)
            var date = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(id);

            return(Ok(new StringBuilder()
                      .AppendLine($"**Date:** {date.FormatDate()}")
                      .AppendLine($"**Time**: {date.FormatFullTime()}")
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal SocketInteraction(DiscordSocketClient client, ulong id, ISocketMessageChannel channel)
            : base(client, id)
            Channel = channel;

            CreatedAt = client.UseInteractionSnowflakeDate
                ? SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(Id)
                : DateTime.UtcNow;
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void Trim()
        using var cmd   = _sql.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM log WHERE message_id < @message_id";
        var cutoff = SnowflakeUtils.ToSnowflake(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7));

        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("message_id", (long)cutoff);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static bool IsValidSnowflake(ulong snowflake)
            // Jan 1, 2015
            var discordEpoch = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(0);

            // The supposed timestamp
            var snowflakeDateTime = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(snowflake);

            return(snowflakeDateTime > discordEpoch &&
                   snowflakeDateTime < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async void RemovePingHell()
            var guild       = Program.Client.GetGuild(747752542741725244);
            var textChannel = guild.GetTextChannel(768600365602963496);

            // Get users that havent pinged the role in the last 72h
            var sqlQuery = @"
FROM PingHistory PH 
LEFT JOIN DiscordUsers DU ON PH.FromDiscordUserId = DU.DiscordUserId 
WHERE PH.DiscordRoleId = 895231323034222593 
GROUP BY PH.FromDiscordUserId
ORDER BY MAX(PH.DiscordMessageId)";

            var queryResult = await SQLHelper.GetQueryResults(null, sqlQuery, true, 50, true);

            var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            ulong pingHellRoleId = 895231323034222593;
            var   rolePingHell   = guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == pingHellRoleId);

            foreach (var row in queryResult.Data)
                    var dateTimeLastPing = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(Convert.ToUInt64(row[1]));

                    if ((utcNow - dateTimeLastPing).TotalHours >= 72)
                        ulong userId = Convert.ToUInt64(row[0]);
                        // last ping is over 72h

                        var guildUser = guild.GetUser(userId);

                        if (guildUser.Roles.Any(i => i.Id == pingHellRoleId))
                            // remove the role from user
                            await guildUser.RemoveRoleAsync(rolePingHell);

                            // send in spam that they are free
                            await textChannel.SendMessageAsync($"<@{userId}> finally escaped PingHell May you never ping it ever again.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await textChannel.SendMessageAsync($"Failed to remove pinghell: {ex.ToString()}");
Exemplo n.º 9
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            //IConfiguration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().Build();

            SnowflakeUtils.Initialization(1, 1);

            #region Add Dapper

            #region Enable Caching
            //services.AddDapperCachingInRedis(new RedisConfiguration
            //    AllMethodsEnableCache = false,
            //    ConnectionString = "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!"

            //services.AddDapperCachingInPartitionRedis(new PartitionRedisConfiguration
            //    AllMethodsEnableCache = false,
            //    Connections = new[] { "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!,defaultDatabase=1", "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!,defaultDatabase=2" }

            //services.AddDapperCachingInMemory(new MemoryConfiguration
            //    AllMethodsEnableCache = false,
            //    Expire = TimeSpan.FromHours(1)



            //Manage home url:/profiler/results-index
            //Enable MiniProfiler
            //services.AddMiniProfiler(options =>
            //    options.RouteBasePath = "/profiler";
            //    options.Storage = new RedisStorage("localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!")
            //    {
            //        CacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)
            //    };
            services.AddScoped <DITest>();
Exemplo n.º 10
        public Embed CreateLoggedMessageEmbed(PKSystem system, PKMember member, ulong messageId, ulong originalMsgId, IUser sender, string content, IGuildChannel channel)
            // TODO: pronouns in ?-reacted response using this card
            var timestamp = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(messageId);

            return(new EmbedBuilder()
                   .WithAuthor($"#{channel.Name}: {member.Name}", member.AvatarUrl)
                   .WithFooter($"System ID: {system.Hid} | Member ID: {member.Hid} | Sender: {sender.Username}#{sender.Discriminator} ({sender.Id}) | Message ID: {messageId} | Original Message ID: {originalMsgId}")
Exemplo n.º 11
        string formatSimple(IEnumerable <MsgModel> models, LogContext db)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var msg in models)
                var content = msg.ContentId.HasValue ? db.Contents.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == msg.ContentId.Value).Content : "<no content available>";
                content = (content ?? "<null>").Replace("\n", "\\n");
                sb.Append($"{SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(msg.Message):HH:mm} {msg.Author}: {content}\r\n");
Exemplo n.º 12
        private async void CleanUpOldMessages(SocketTextChannel channel, TimeSpan toDeleteOlderThan)
            DateTime oneWeekAgo          = DateTime.Now.Add(toDeleteOlderThan);
            ulong    oneWeekAgoSnowflake = SnowflakeUtils.ToSnowflake(oneWeekAgo);
            var      oldMessages         = await channel.GetMessagesAsync(oneWeekAgoSnowflake, Direction.Before, 100 /*100 should be enought for a while*/).FlattenAsync();

            await channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(oldMessages);

            //var messageDelete = await channel.SendMessageAsync($"Deleting {oldMessages.Count()} messages"); // enable when this message is correct
Exemplo n.º 13
        private IUserMessage GetPreviousMessage(IUser user)
            foreach (var message in Context.Channel.CachedMessages
                     .OrderByDescending(w => SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(w.Id)).Take(20))
                if (message.Author.Id == user.Id &&
                    message.Id != Context.Message.Id)
                    return(message as IUserMessage);

Exemplo n.º 14
        public async Task <Embed> CreateMessageInfoEmbed(FullMessage msg)
            var channel = await _client.GetChannelAsync(msg.Message.Channel) as ITextChannel;

            var serverMsg = channel != null ? await channel.GetMessageAsync(msg.Message.Mid) : null;

            var memberStr = $"{msg.Member.Name} (`{msg.Member.Hid}`)";

            var userStr = $"*(deleted user {msg.Message.Sender})*";
            ICollection <IRole> roles = null;

            if (channel != null)
                // Look up the user with the REST client
                // this ensures we'll still get the information even if the user's not cached,
                // even if this means an extra API request (meh, it'll be fine)
                var shard     = ((DiscordShardedClient)_client).GetShardFor(channel.Guild);
                var guildUser = await shard.Rest.GetGuildUserAsync(channel.Guild.Id, msg.Message.Sender);

                if (guildUser != null)
                    if (guildUser.RoleIds.Count > 0)
                        roles = guildUser.RoleIds
                                .Select(roleId => channel.Guild.GetRole(roleId))
                                .Where(role => role.Name != "@everyone")
                                .OrderByDescending(role => role.Position)

                    userStr = guildUser.Nickname != null ? $"**Username:** {guildUser?.NameAndMention()}\n**Nickname:** {guildUser.Nickname}" : guildUser?.NameAndMention();

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                     .WithAuthor(msg.Member.Name, msg.Member.AvatarUrl)
                     .WithDescription(serverMsg?.Content ?? "*(message contents deleted or inaccessible)*")
                               msg.System.Name != null ? $"{msg.System.Name} (`{msg.System.Hid}`)" : $"`{msg.System.Hid}`", true)
                     .AddField("Member", memberStr, true)
                     .AddField("Sent by", userStr, inline: true)

            if (roles != null && roles.Count > 0)
                eb.AddField($"Account roles ({roles.Count})", string.Join(", ", roles.Select(role => role.Name)));
Exemplo n.º 15
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            //IConfiguration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().Build();

            SnowflakeUtils.Initialization(1, 1);

            #region Add Dapper

            #region Enable Caching
            //services.AddDapperCachingInRedis(new RedisConfiguration
            //    AllMethodsEnableCache = false,
            //    ConnectionString = "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!"

            //services.AddDapperCachingInPartitionRedis(new PartitionRedisConfiguration
            //    AllMethodsEnableCache = false,
            //    Connections = new[] { "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!,defaultDatabase=1", "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!,defaultDatabase=2" }

            //services.AddDapperCachingInMemory(new MemoryConfiguration
            //    AllMethodsEnableCache = false,
            //    Expire = TimeSpan.FromHours(1)


            //Enable MiniProfiler
            services.AddMiniProfiler(options =>
                var storage = new RedisStorage("localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!")
                    CacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)
                options.RouteBasePath = "/profiler";
                options.SqlFormatter  = new StackExchange.Profiling.SqlFormatters.InlineFormatter();
                options.Storage       = storage;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static List <GraphEntryInfo> GetUserMessageInfos(ulong?fromSnowflakeId = null)
            List <GraphEntryInfo> messageTimes = new List <GraphEntryInfo>();

            using (ETHBotDBContext context = new ETHBotDBContext())
                messageTimes = context.DiscordMessages.AsQueryable()
                               .Where(i => fromSnowflakeId == null || (fromSnowflakeId != null && i.DiscordMessageId > fromSnowflakeId))
                               .Select(i => new GraphEntryInfo()
                    KeyId = i.DiscordUserId, DateTime = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(i.DiscordMessageId)

Exemplo n.º 17
        private bool GetAuditLogEntry(IGuild guild, out IAuditLogEntry auditLog, Discord.ActionType type)
            auditLog = guild.GetAuditLogsAsync(5).GetAwaiter().GetResult().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Action == type);
            if (auditLog == null)
            var timeStamp = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(auditLog.Id);

            if (timeStamp > DateTimeOffset.Now - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
            return(auditLog.User.Id != _client.CurrentUser.Id);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static async Task <string> GenerateMovieForUsers(ulong guildId, int hoursAmount = -1, int fps = 30, int groupByHours = 24, int groupByMinutes = -1, bool stacked = true, bool drawDots = true, string filePrefix = "", params ulong[] channelIds)
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            var messageInfos = GetUserMessageInfos(hoursAmount < 0 ? null : SnowflakeUtils.ToSnowflake(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(hoursAmount * (-1))));


            var userIdsOfTopPosters = messageInfos.GroupBy(i => i.KeyId).OrderByDescending(i => i.Count()).Take(50).Select(i => i.Key);

            //await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Retrieved data in {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

            var groups = GroupGraphEntryInfoBy(groupByHours, groupByMinutes, messageInfos);
            var keys   = groups.Select(x => x.Key);

            keys = FillMissingEntries(keys, new TimeSpan(Math.Max(groupByHours, 0), Math.Max(groupByMinutes, 0), 0));

            var users = DatabaseManager.Instance().GetDiscordUsers();

            users = users.Where(i => userIdsOfTopPosters.Contains(i.DiscordUserId)).ToList();

            //await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Total frames {groups.Count()}");

            var parsedMessageInfos = GetUserParsedMessageInfos(groups, users);

            (string basePath, string baseOutputPath) = CleanAndCreateMovieFolders();

            if (stacked)

                await GenerateFrames(keys, parsedMessageInfos, basePath, drawDots);

                string fileName = await RunFFMpeg(basePath, baseOutputPath, fps, filePrefix);

            catch (Exception ex)
                //_logger.LogError(ex, "Error while creating movie");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task ReportAsync(IUser user, [Remainder] string reportMessage = null)
            if (Context.Guild != null)
                await Context.Channel.DeleteMessageAsync(Context.Message);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportMessage))
                throw new Exception("Please enter in a description of the report!");

            var previous = Context.Guild != null?GetPreviousMessage(user) : null;

            var reportId = previous?.Id ?? SnowflakeUtils.ToSnowflake(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
            await QuickReportWatcher.FileReport(reportId, Context.User, user, Context.Channel, previous, reportMessage);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void OnTimerFired(object state)
            // Get all messages where the timestamp is older than the specified max message longevity, then convert it to a list. The result of where merely contains references to the original
            // collection, so iterating and removing will throw an exception. Converting it to a list first avoids this.
            var toPurge = _cache.Where(p =>
                TimeSpan difference = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(p.Key);

                return(difference.TotalHours >= _maxMessageTime);

            int removed = toPurge.Count(p => TryRemove(p.Key));


            _logger(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Verbose, "CmdCache", $"Cleaned {removed} item(s) from the cache."));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static EmbedBuilder GetEmbedForPingHistory(List <PingHistory> pingHistory, SocketGuildUser user)
            var dbManager = DatabaseManager.Instance();

            string messageText    = "";
            string currentBuilder = "";
            int    count          = 1;

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            builder.WithTitle($"{user.Nickname ?? user.Username} last 10 pings");

            foreach (var item in pingHistory)
                //if (item.DiscordMessageId == null)
                //    continue;

                var dbMessage = dbManager.GetDiscordMessageById(item.DiscordMessageId);
                var dbChannel = dbManager.GetDiscordChannel(dbMessage?.DiscordChannelId);

                var dateTime = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(item.DiscordMessageId ?? 0);         // TODO maybe track time in the ping history

                var dateTimeCET = dateTime.Add(Program.TimeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now)); // CEST CONVERSION

                string link = null;

                if (dbChannel != null)
                    link = $"https://discord.com/channels/{dbChannel.DiscordServerId}/{dbMessage.DiscordChannelId}/{dbMessage.DiscordMessageId}";

                var channel = "unknown";
                if (dbMessage?.DiscordChannelId != null)
                    channel = $"<#{dbMessage?.DiscordChannelId}>";

                string line = "";

                // RoleIds smaller than 100 cant exist due to the Id size, so they are reserved for internal code
                if (item.DiscordRoleId.HasValue && item.DiscordRoleId.Value >= 100)
                    line += $"<@{item.FromDiscordUserId}> {(link == null ? "pinged" : $"[pinged]({link})")} <@&{item.DiscordRoleId}> at {dateTimeCET.ToString("dd.MM HH:mm")} in {channel} {Environment.NewLine}"; // todo check for everyone or here
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static Embed GetEmbed(string title, Color color, IUser user, IMessageChannel channel, string diff,
                                      string attachment, ulong?messageId)
            var addId = messageId == null ? "" : " (" + messageId + ")";

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                          .WithAuthor(author => author
                                      .WithName(user?.Username.DiscordEscape() + "#" + (user?.Discriminator ?? "@" + user.Id) + " " +
                                                title + ":"))

            if (messageId.HasValue)

            if (channel != null)
                builder.WithFooter(footer => footer
                                   .WithText($"In #{channel}" + addId));

            if (attachment != null)
                var host = new Uri(attachment).Host;
                if (host == "images.discordapp.net")
                    builder.AddField(field => field

Exemplo n.º 23
        public async Task CountMessages(SocketGuildUser userAccount = null)
            var user = Context.User as SocketGuildUser;

            var weekFilter  = SnowflakeUtils.ToSnowflake(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(7));
            var monthFilter = SnowflakeUtils.ToSnowflake(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(31));
            var getWeek     = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(weekFilter, Direction.After, 1000, CacheMode.AllowDownload).FlattenAsync();

            var getMonth = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(monthFilter, Direction.After, 1000, CacheMode.AllowDownload).FlattenAsync();

            if (userAccount == null)
                var userWeekMessages  = getWeek.Where(x => x.Author.Id == Context.User.Id);
                var userMonthMessages = getMonth.Where(x => x.Author.Id == Context.User.Id);

                var weekCount  = userWeekMessages.Count();
                var monthCount = userMonthMessages.Count();

                var embed = new EmbedBuilder();
                embed.WithDescription($"**User Message Counts**\n7 Days: `{weekCount} messages`\n31 Days: `{monthCount} messages`");
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build());
                var userWeekMessages  = getWeek.Where(x => x.Author.Id == userAccount.Id);
                var userMonthMessages = getMonth.Where(x => x.Author.Id == userAccount.Id);

                var weekCount  = userWeekMessages.Count();
                var monthCount = userMonthMessages.Count();

                var embed = new EmbedBuilder();
                embed.WithDescription($"**User Message Counts**\n7 Days: `{weekCount} messages`\n31 Days: `{monthCount} messages`");
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build());
Exemplo n.º 24
        private string MoveEmoteToDisk(DiscordEmote emote, byte[] imageData)
            var emojiDate = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(emote.DiscordEmoteId);

            string additionalFolder = $"{emojiDate.Year}-{emojiDate.Month:00}";
            string path             = Path.Combine(Program.ApplicationSetting.BasePath, "Emotes", additionalFolder);

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            int    i          = emote.Url.LastIndexOf(".");
            string fileEnding = emote.Url.Substring(i, emote.Url.Length - i);

            string filePath = Path.Combine(path, $"{emote.DiscordEmoteId}{fileEnding}");

            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, imageData);

Exemplo n.º 25
        protected override void OnMessage(MessageEventArgs e)
            Program.LogMsg(e.Data, LogSeverity.Verbose, "AppealsMsg");
            var json = JObject.Parse(e.Data);
            var type = json["type"].ToString();

            if (type == "GetMessages")
                var before   = json["before"].ToObject <long>();
                var msgId    = SnowflakeUtils.ToSnowflake(DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(before));
                var messages = Appeal.AppealChannel.GetMessagesAsync(msgId, Direction.Before).FlattenAsync().Result;
                foreach (var x in messages)
                    if (x is IUserMessage u)
            else if (type == "SendMessage")
                if (Appeal.IsMuted)
                    var time = Program.FormatTimeSpan(Appeal.MutedUntil.Value - DateTime.Now, true);
                    SendInfo("Error: This ban appeal is muted.", time);
                    var content = json["content"].ToString();
                        Appeal.SendMessageAsync(content, User.Name, User.GetAvatarUrl()).Wait();
                    } catch (Exception ex)
                        Program.LogMsg(ex, "BanAppeal");
                        SendInfo($"Exception occured: {ex.Message}");
Exemplo n.º 26
        string formatCSV(IEnumerable <MsgModel> messages, LogContext db)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var msg in messages)
                if (msg.ContentId.HasValue)
                    var content = db.Contents.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == msg.ContentId.Value);
                    sb.Append($"\"{content.Content.Replace("\n", "\\n")}\"");
                    sb.Append("\"<no content available>\"");
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override async Task <TypeReaderResult> ReadAsync(ICommandContext context, string input, IServiceProvider services)
            // Try to get the result from the base user reader.
            // If that fails, try to solely parse the ID.

            TypeReaderResult result = await base.ReadAsync(context, input, services);

            if (result.IsSuccess)
                IGuildUser     user  = result.BestMatch as IGuildUser;
                GuildUserProxy proxy = new GuildUserProxy
                    GuildUser = user,
                    ID        = user.Id
                bool  validSnowFlake = false;
                ulong userId         = 0;

                if (ulong.TryParse(input, out userId))
                    validSnowFlake = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(userId).ToUnixTimeSeconds() > DISCORD_START_UNIX;

                if (validSnowFlake || MentionUtils.TryParseUser(input, out userId))
                    return(TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(new GuildUserProxy {
                        ID = userId

            return(TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ObjectNotFound, "User not found."));
Exemplo n.º 28
        internal void Update(Model model)
            Id        = model.Id;
            CreatedAt = SnowflakeUtils.FromSnowflake(Id);

            if (model.IsTextToSpeech.IsSpecified)
                IsTTS = model.IsTextToSpeech.Value;
            if (model.Pinned.IsSpecified)
                IsPinned = model.Pinned.Value;
            if (model.EditedTimestamp.IsSpecified)
                EditedTimestamp = model.EditedTimestamp.Value;
            if (model.MentionEveryone.IsSpecified)
                MentionedEveryone = model.MentionEveryone.Value;
            if (model.RoleMentions.IsSpecified)
                MentionedRoleIds = model.RoleMentions.Value.ToImmutableArray();

            MentionedUserIds    = new List <ulong>();
            MentionedChannelIds = new List <ulong>();

            if (model.Attachments.IsSpecified)
                var value = model.Attachments.Value;
                if (value.Length > 0)
                    var attachments = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Attachment>(value.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
                    Attachments = attachments.ToImmutable();
                    Attachments = ImmutableArray.Create <Attachment>();

            if (model.Embeds.IsSpecified)
                var value = model.Embeds.Value;
                if (value.Length > 0)
                    var embeds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Embed>(value.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
                    Embeds = embeds.ToImmutable();
                    Embeds = ImmutableArray.Create <Embed>();

            if (model.UserMentions.IsSpecified)
                var value = model.UserMentions.Value;

                if (value.Length > 0)
                    var newMentions = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <ulong>(value.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
                        var val = value[i];
                        if (val.Object != null)
                    MentionedUserIds = newMentions.ToReadOnlyCollection();

            if (model.Content.IsSpecified)
                var text = model.Content.Value;
                model.Content = text;
 public IActionResult GenerateId()
Exemplo n.º 30
        public async ValueTask HandleLoggerBotCleanup(SocketMessage msg, GuildConfig cachedGuild)
            // Bail if not enabled, or if we don't have permission here
            if (!cachedGuild.LogCleanupEnabled)
            if (!(msg.Channel is SocketTextChannel channel))
            if (!channel.Guild.GetUser(_client.CurrentUser.Id).GetPermissions(channel).ManageMessages)

            // If this message is from a *webhook*, check if the name matches one of the bots we know
            // TODO: do we need to do a deeper webhook origin check, or would that be too hard on the rate limit?
            // If it's from a *bot*, check the bot ID to see if we know it.
            LoggerBot bot = null;

            if (msg.Author.IsWebhook)
                _botsByWebhookName.TryGetValue(msg.Author.Username, out bot);
            else if (msg.Author.IsBot)
                _bots.TryGetValue(msg.Author.Id, out bot);

            // If we didn't find anything before, or what we found is an unsupported bot, bail
            if (bot == null)

            // We try two ways of extracting the actual message, depending on the bots
            if (bot.FuzzyExtractFunc != null)
                // Some bots (Carl, Circle, etc) only give us a user ID and a rough timestamp, so we try our best to
                // "cross-reference" those with the message DB. We know the deletion event happens *after* the message
                // was sent, so we're checking for any messages sent in the same guild within 3 seconds before the
                // delete event timestamp, which is... good enough, I think? Potential for false positives and negatives
                // either way but shouldn't be too much, given it's constrained by user ID and guild.
                var fuzzy = bot.FuzzyExtractFunc(msg);
                if (fuzzy == null)

                using var conn = await _db.Obtain();

                var mid = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync <ulong?>(
                    "select mid from messages where sender = @User and mid > @ApproxID and guild = @Guild",
                    Guild    = (msg.Channel as ITextChannel)?.GuildId ?? 0,
                    ApproxId = SnowflakeUtils.ToSnowflake(fuzzy.Value.ApproxTimestamp - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))

                if (mid == null)
                    return;              // If we didn't find a corresponding message, bail
                // Otherwise, we can *reasonably assume* that this is a logged deletion, so delete the log message.
                await msg.DeleteAsync();
            else if (bot.ExtractFunc != null)
                // Other bots give us the message ID itself, and we can just extract that from the database directly.
                var extractedId = bot.ExtractFunc(msg);
                if (extractedId == null)
                    return;                      // If we didn't find anything, bail.
                using var conn = await _db.Obtain();

                // We do this through an inline query instead of through DataStore since we don't need all the joins it does
                var mid = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync <ulong?>("select mid from messages where original_mid = @Mid", new { Mid = extractedId.Value });

                if (mid == null)

                // If we've gotten this far, we found a logged deletion of a trigger message. Just yeet it!
                await msg.DeleteAsync();
            } // else should not happen, but idk, it might