Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, IPixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int    colorcntOutSide   = OutSideColor.Count;
            int    colorcntInside    = InnerColor.Count;
            int    minDirection      = 1;
            int    maxDirection      = 360;
            var    intervalPosFactor = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100;
            double level             = LevelCurve.GetValue(intervalPosFactor) / 100;

            // create new SnowFlakes and maintain maximum number as per users selection.
            int flakeCount = (int)(SnowflakeEffect == SnowflakeEffect.Explode && frame < CalculateCount(intervalPosFactor) ? 1 : CalculateCount(intervalPosFactor));

            int initialBuildUp = !SnowBuildUp
                                ? 0
                                : (int)(CalculateInitialBuildUp() + (CalculateBuildUpSpeed(intervalPosFactor) * (frame / (double)100)));

            var centerSpeed = CalculateCenterSpeed(intervalPosFactor);
            var spreadSpeed = CalculateSpeedVariation(intervalPosFactor);
            var minSpeed    = centerSpeed - (spreadSpeed / 2);
            var maxSpeed    = centerSpeed + (spreadSpeed / 2);

            if (minSpeed < 1)
                minSpeed = 1;
            if (maxSpeed > 60)
                maxSpeed = 60;

            for (int i = 0; i < flakeCount; i++)
                if (_snowFlakes.Count >= CalculateCount(intervalPosFactor) + _increaseFlakeCount - _snowfalakeCountAdjust)
                double         position = (RandDouble() * ((maxSpeed + 1) - minSpeed) + minSpeed) / 5;
                SnowFlakeClass m        = new SnowFlakeClass();
                if (SnowflakeEffect == SnowflakeEffect.RandomDirection)
                    minDirection = MinDirection;
                    maxDirection = MaxDirection;

                int direction;
                if (SnowflakeEffect == SnowflakeEffect.None)
                    direction = Rand(145, 215);                     //Set Range for standard Snowflakes as we don't want to just have them going straight down or two dirctions like the original Snowflake effect.
                    //This is to generate random directions between the Min and Max values
                    //However if Someone makes the MaxDirection lower then the Min Direction then
                    //the new direction will be the inverserve of the Min and Max effectively changing
                    //the range from a downward motion to an upward motion, increasing the feature capability.
                    direction = maxDirection <= minDirection
                                                ? (Rand(1, 3) == 1 ? Rand(1, maxDirection) : Rand(minDirection, 360))
                                                : Rand(minDirection, maxDirection);

                //Moving (direction)
                if (direction > 0 && direction <= 90)
                    m.DeltaX = ((double)direction / 90) * position;
                    m.DeltaY = ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 90) / 90) * position;
                else if (direction > 90 && direction <= 180)
                    m.DeltaX = ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 180) / 90) * position;
                    m.DeltaY = (-1 * ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 90) / 90)) * position;
                else if (direction > 180 && direction <= 270)
                    m.DeltaX = (-1 * ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 180) / 90)) * position;
                    m.DeltaY = (-1 * ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 270) / 90)) * position;
                else if (direction > 270 && direction <= 360)
                    m.DeltaX = (-1 * ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 360) / 90)) * position;
                    m.DeltaY = ((double)Math.Abs(270 - direction) / 90) * position;

                //Start position for Snowflake
                if (SnowflakeEffect == SnowflakeEffect.Explode)                 //Will start in the centre of the grid
                    m.X = BufferWi / 2;
                    m.Y = BufferHt / 2;
                    m.X = Rand() % BufferWi;
                    if (frame == 0)
                        m.Y = Rand() % BufferHt;                         //This is used so for the first lot of Snowflakes they will start in a random position and then fall from the edge.
                        m.Y = BufferHt;
                m.DeltaXOrig = m.DeltaX;
                m.DeltaYOrig = m.DeltaY;

                m.Type = SnowflakeType == SnowflakeType.Random ? RandomFlakeType <SnowflakeType>() : SnowflakeType;

                //Set the SnowFlake colors during the creation of the snowflake.
                switch (ColorType)
                case SnowflakeColorType.Range:                         //Random two colors are selected from the list for each SnowFlake and then the color range between them are used.
                    m.OuterHsv = SetRangeColor(HSV.FromRGB(OutSideColor[Rand() % colorcntOutSide].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100)),
                                               HSV.FromRGB(OutSideColor[Rand() % colorcntOutSide].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100)));
                    m.InnerHsv = SetRangeColor(HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[Rand() % colorcntInside].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100)),
                                               HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[Rand() % colorcntInside].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100)));

                case SnowflakeColorType.Palette:                         //All user colors are used
                    m.OuterHsv = HSV.FromRGB(OutSideColor[Rand() % colorcntOutSide].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100));
                    m.InnerHsv = HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[Rand() % colorcntInside].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100));

                    m.InnerHsv = HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[Rand() % colorcntInside].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100));
                m.HsvBrightness = RandomBrightness ? RandDouble() * (1.0 - .20) + .20 : 1;                 //Adds a random brightness to each Snowflake making it look more realistic
                m.BuildUp       = false;

            if (SnowBuildUp)
                //Renders the Snow on the ground based off the cuurrent height.
                Color col = OutSideColor[0].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100);
                if (level < 1)
                    HSV hsv = HSV.FromRGB(col);
                    hsv.V *= level;
                    col    = hsv.ToRGB();
                for (int x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < initialBuildUp; y++)
                        //The ground color will be use the first outside color of the snowflakes.
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, col);

            int snowflakeWidth;

            // render all SnowFlakes
            foreach (SnowFlakeClass snowFlakes in _snowFlakes)
                snowFlakes.DeltaX += snowFlakes.DeltaXOrig;
                snowFlakes.DeltaY += snowFlakes.DeltaYOrig;

                switch (snowFlakes.Type)
                case SnowflakeType.Five:
                case SnowflakeType.Nine:
                    snowflakeWidth = 2;

                case SnowflakeType.Thirteen:
                case SnowflakeType.FortyFive:
                    snowflakeWidth = 3;

                    snowflakeWidth = 1;

                int snowflakeOverShoot = snowflakeWidth * 2;

                for (int c = 0; c < 1; c++)
                    int colorX;
                    int colorY;
                    if (!snowFlakes.BuildUp)
                    //Skips the location processing part to not waste time as the Snowflake is no longer moving and sitting on the bottom.
                        //Sets the new position the SnowFlake is moving to
                        colorX = snowFlakes.X + (int)snowFlakes.DeltaX - BufferWi / 100;
                        colorY = snowFlakes.Y + (int)snowFlakes.DeltaY + BufferHt / 100;

                        if (SnowflakeEffect != SnowflakeEffect.Explode)
                            //Modifies the colorX and colorY when the Explode effect is not used.
                            colorX = colorX % BufferWi;
                            colorY = colorY % BufferHt;

                            if (SnowBuildUp)                             //Will detect snowflake hits up to 3 pixels wide
                                //If BuildUp is checked then check to see if a flake lands on another flake that's already at the bottom.
                                foreach (
                                    SnowFlakeClass snowFlake in
                                        snowFlake => snowFlake.BuildUp && (colorX >= snowFlake.BuildUpX - 1 && colorX <= snowFlake.BuildUpX + 1) &&
                                        colorY <= snowFlake.BuildUpY))
                                    snowFlakes.BuildUp  = true;
                                    snowFlakes.BuildUpX = colorX;
                                    snowFlakes.InnerHsv = HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[0].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100));
                                    snowFlakes.OuterHsv = HSV.FromRGB(OutSideColor[0].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100));
                                    snowFlakes.BuildUpY = snowflakeWidth < 3 ? snowFlake.BuildUpY + 1 : snowFlake.BuildUpY + 2;

                                    _increaseFlakeCount++;                                     //Ensures a new Snowflake is added on the next frame to replace this one as its now resting on the bottom of the grid.

                        if (ColorType == SnowflakeColorType.RainBow && !snowFlakes.BuildUp)
                        //No user colors are used for Rainbow effect. Color selection for user will be hidden.
                            snowFlakes.OuterHsv.H = (float)(Rand() % 1000) / 1000.0f;
                            snowFlakes.OuterHsv.S = 1.0f;
                            snowFlakes.OuterHsv.V = 1.0f;

                        if (colorX >= BufferWi + snowflakeOverShoot || colorY >= BufferHt + snowflakeOverShoot || colorX <= -snowflakeOverShoot || colorY <= initialBuildUp - snowflakeOverShoot)
                            //Flags SnowFlakes that have reached the end of the grid as expiried unless Buildup is checked and then record the Snowflake
                            //position to be used in future frames. Allows new Snowflakes to be created.
                            if (SnowBuildUp && colorY <= initialBuildUp && !snowFlakes.BuildUp && SnowflakeEffect != SnowflakeEffect.Explode)
                                snowFlakes.BuildUp  = true;
                                snowFlakes.BuildUpX = colorX;
                                snowFlakes.BuildUpY = initialBuildUp + 1;
                                snowFlakes.InnerHsv = HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[0].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100));
                                snowFlakes.OuterHsv = HSV.FromRGB(OutSideColor[0].GetColorAt((intervalPosFactor) / 100));

                                _increaseFlakeCount++;                                 //Ensures a new Snowflake is added on the next frame to replace this one as its now resting on the bottom of the grid.
                                if (!snowFlakes.BuildUp)
                                    snowFlakes.Expired = true;
                        //Sets the color location of the snowflake if building up at the bottom.
                        colorX = snowFlakes.BuildUpX;
                        colorY = snowFlakes.BuildUpY;

                    //Added the color and then adjusts brightness based on effect time position, randon Brightness and over all brightness level.
                    HSV hsvInner = snowFlakes.OuterHsv;
                    HSV hsvOuter = snowFlakes.InnerHsv;
                    hsvInner.V *= snowFlakes.HsvBrightness * level;
                    Color innerColor = hsvInner.ToRGB();
                    hsvOuter.V *= snowFlakes.HsvBrightness * level;
                    Color outerColor = hsvOuter.ToRGB();

                    if (initialBuildUp < BufferHt && colorY >= initialBuildUp - snowflakeOverShoot)
                        if (snowFlakes.BuildUp)
                            //Renders a flat Snowflake on the ground with a width based of size of the flake.
                            for (int y = 0; y <= colorY - initialBuildUp; y++)
                                for (int x = -y - snowflakeWidth; x <= y + snowflakeWidth; x++)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + x, colorY - y, innerColor);
                            //Renders the falling Snowflake
                            switch (snowFlakes.Type)
                            case SnowflakeType.Single:
                                // single node
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, innerColor);

                            case SnowflakeType.Five:
                                // 5 nodes
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, outerColor);                                         //Inner point of the Flake
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY - 1, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + 1, innerColor);

                            case SnowflakeType.Three:
                                // 3 nodes
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, outerColor);                                         //Inner point of the Flake
                                if (Rand() % 100 > 50)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY, innerColor);
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY, innerColor);
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY - 1, innerColor);
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + 1, innerColor);

                            case SnowflakeType.Nine:
                                // 9 nodes
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, outerColor);                                         //Inner point of the Flake
                                int i;
                                for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - i, colorY, innerColor);
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + i, colorY, innerColor);
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY - i, innerColor);
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + i, innerColor);

                            case SnowflakeType.Thirteen:
                                // 13 nodes
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, outerColor);                                         //Inner point of the Flake
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY - 1, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + 1, innerColor);

                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY + 2, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY + 2, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY - 2, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY - 2, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 2, colorY - 1, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 2, colorY + 1, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 2, colorY - 1, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 2, colorY + 1, innerColor);

                            case SnowflakeType.FortyFive:
                                // 45 nodes
                                int ii = 4;
                                for (int j = -4; j < 5; j++)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + j, colorY + ii, innerColor);
                                for (int j = -4; j < 5; j++)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + j, colorY + j, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 2, colorY + 3, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 3, colorY + 2, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 3, colorY - 2, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 2, colorY - 3, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 2, colorY + 3, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 2, colorY - 3, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 3, colorY + 2, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 3, colorY - 2, innerColor);
                                for (int j = -5; j < 6; j++)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + j, innerColor);
                                for (int j = -5; j < 6; j++)
                                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + j, colorY, innerColor);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, outerColor);                                         //Inner point of the Flake

            // Deletes SnowFlakes that have expired when reaching the edge of the grid, allowing new Snowflakes to be created.
            int snowFlakeNum = 0;

            while (snowFlakeNum < _snowFlakes.Count)
                if (_snowFlakes[snowFlakeNum].Expired)
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, IPixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int colorcntOutSide = OutSideColor.Count;
            int colorcntInside  = InnerColor.Count;
            int minDirection    = 1;
            int maxDirection    = 360;

            // create new SnowFlakes and maintain maximum number as per users selection.

            int flakeCount = SnowflakeEffect == SnowflakeEffect.Explode && frame < FlakeCount ? 1 : FlakeCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < flakeCount; i++)
                double position = RandomSpeed ? (double)_random.Next(MinSpeed, MaxSpeed) / 5 : (double)Speed / 5;
                if (_snowFlakes.Count >= FlakeCount)
                SnowFlakeClass m = new SnowFlakeClass();
                if (SnowflakeEffect == SnowflakeEffect.RandomDirection)
                    minDirection = MinDirection;
                    maxDirection = MaxDirection;

                int direction;
                if (SnowflakeEffect == SnowflakeEffect.None)
                    direction = _random.Next(145, 215);                     //Set Range for standard Snowflakes as we don't want to just have them going straight down or two dirctions like the original Snowflake effect.
                    //This is to generate random directions between the Min and Max values
                    //However if Someone makes the MaxDirection lower then the Min Direction then
                    //the new direction will be the inverserve of the Min and Max effectively changing
                    //the range from a downward motion to an upward motion, increasing the feature capability.
                    direction = maxDirection <= minDirection
                                                ? (_random.Next(1, 3) == 1 ? _random.Next(1, maxDirection) : _random.Next(minDirection, 360))
                                                : _random.Next(minDirection, maxDirection);

                //Moving (direction)
                if (direction > 0 && direction <= 90)
                    m.DeltaX = ((double)direction / 90) * position;
                    m.DeltaY = ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 90) / 90) * position;
                else if (direction > 90 && direction <= 180)
                    m.DeltaX = ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 180) / 90) * position;
                    m.DeltaY = (-1 * ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 90) / 90)) * position;
                else if (direction > 180 && direction <= 270)
                    m.DeltaX = (-1 * ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 180) / 90)) * position;
                    m.DeltaY = (-1 * ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 270) / 90)) * position;
                else if (direction > 270 && direction <= 360)
                    m.DeltaX = (-1 * ((double)Math.Abs(direction - 360) / 90)) * position;
                    m.DeltaY = ((double)Math.Abs(270 - direction) / 90) * position;

                //Start position for Snowflake
                if (SnowflakeEffect == SnowflakeEffect.Explode)                 //Will start in the centre of the grid
                    m.X = BufferWi / 2;
                    m.Y = BufferHt / 2;
                    m.X = _random.Next() % BufferWi;
                    if (frame == 0)
                        m.Y = _random.Next() % BufferHt;                         //This is used so for the first lot of Snowflakes they will start in a random position and then fall from the edge.
                        m.Y = BufferHt;
                m.DeltaXOrig = m.DeltaX;
                m.DeltaYOrig = m.DeltaY;

                m.Type = SnowflakeType == SnowflakeType.Random ? RandomFlakeType <SnowflakeType>() : SnowflakeType;

                //Set the SnowFlake colors during the creation of the snowflake.
                switch (ColorType)
                case SnowflakeColorType.Range:                         //Random two colors are selected from the list for each SnowFlake and then the color range between them are used.
                    m.OuterHsv = SetRangeColor(HSV.FromRGB(OutSideColor[rand() % colorcntOutSide].GetColorAt((GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100)),
                                               HSV.FromRGB(OutSideColor[rand() % colorcntOutSide].GetColorAt((GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100)));
                    m.InnerHsv = SetRangeColor(HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[rand() % colorcntInside].GetColorAt((GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100)),
                                               HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[rand() % colorcntInside].GetColorAt((GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100)));

                case SnowflakeColorType.Palette:                         //All user colors are used
                    m.OuterHsv = HSV.FromRGB(OutSideColor[rand() % colorcntOutSide].GetColorAt((GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100));
                    m.InnerHsv = HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[rand() % colorcntInside].GetColorAt((GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100));

                    m.InnerHsv = HSV.FromRGB(InnerColor[rand() % colorcntInside].GetColorAt((GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100));
                m.HsvBrightness = RandomBrightness ? _random.NextDouble() * (1.0 - .25) + .25 : 1;                 //Adds a random brightness to each Snowflake making it look more realistic

            // render all SnowFlakes
            foreach (SnowFlakeClass snowFlakes in _snowFlakes)
                snowFlakes.DeltaX += snowFlakes.DeltaXOrig;
                snowFlakes.DeltaY += snowFlakes.DeltaYOrig;
                for (int c = 0; c < 1; c++)
                    //Sets the new position the SnowFlake is moving to
                    int colorX = (snowFlakes.X + Convert.ToInt32(snowFlakes.DeltaX) - (BufferWi / 100));
                    int colorY = (snowFlakes.Y + Convert.ToInt32(snowFlakes.DeltaY) + (BufferHt / 100));

                    if (SnowflakeEffect != SnowflakeEffect.Explode)                    //Modifies the colorX and colorY when the Explode effect is not used.
                        colorX = colorX % BufferWi;
                        colorY = colorY % BufferHt;

                    if (ColorType == SnowflakeColorType.RainBow)                     //No user colors are used for Rainbow effect. Color selection for user will be hidden.
                        snowFlakes.OuterHsv.H = (float)(rand() % 1000) / 1000.0f;
                        snowFlakes.OuterHsv.S = 1.0f;
                        snowFlakes.OuterHsv.V = 1.0f;
                    //Added the color and then adjusts brightness based on effect time position, randon Brightness and over all brightness level.
                    HSV hsvInner = snowFlakes.OuterHsv;
                    HSV hsvOuter = snowFlakes.InnerHsv;
                    hsvInner.V *= snowFlakes.HsvBrightness * LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;
                    hsvOuter.V *= snowFlakes.HsvBrightness * LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;

                    if (colorX >= BufferWi || colorY >= BufferHt || colorX <= 0 || colorY <= 0)
                        snowFlakes.Expired = true;                         //flags SnowFlakes that have reached the end of the grid as expiried. Allows new Snowflakes to be created.

                    //Render SnowFlakes
                    switch (snowFlakes.Type)
                    case SnowflakeType.Single:
                        // single node
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, hsvInner);

                    case SnowflakeType.Five:
                        // 5 nodes
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, hsvOuter);                                 //Inner point of the Flake
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY - 1, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + 1, hsvInner);

                    case SnowflakeType.Three:
                        // 3 nodes
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, hsvOuter);                                 //Inner point of the Flake
                        if (rand() % 100 > 50)
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY - 1, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + 1, hsvInner);

                    case SnowflakeType.Nine:
                        // 9 nodes
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, hsvOuter);                                 //Inner point of the Flake
                        int i;
                        for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - i, colorY, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + i, colorY, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY - i, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + i, hsvInner);

                    case SnowflakeType.Thirteen:
                        // 13 nodes
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, hsvOuter);                                 //Inner point of the Flake
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY - 1, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + 1, hsvInner);

                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY + 2, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY + 2, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 1, colorY - 2, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 1, colorY - 2, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 2, colorY - 1, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 2, colorY + 1, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 2, colorY - 1, hsvInner);
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 2, colorY + 1, hsvInner);

                    case SnowflakeType.FortyFive:
                        // 45 nodes
                        int ii = 4;
                        for (int j = -4; j < 5; j++)
                            if (colorX <= BufferWi && colorY <= BufferHt)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + j, colorY + ii, hsvInner);
                        for (int j = -4; j < 5; j++)
                            if (colorX <= BufferWi && colorY <= BufferHt)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + j, colorY + j, hsvInner);
                        if (colorX <= BufferWi && colorY <= BufferHt)
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 2, colorY + 3, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 3, colorY + 2, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 3, colorY - 2, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX - 2, colorY - 3, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 2, colorY + 3, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 2, colorY - 3, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 3, colorY + 2, hsvInner);
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + 3, colorY - 2, hsvInner);
                        for (int j = -5; j < 6; j++)
                            if (colorX <= BufferWi && colorY <= BufferHt)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY + j, hsvInner);
                        for (int j = -5; j < 6; j++)
                            if (colorX <= BufferWi && colorY <= BufferHt)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX + j, colorY, hsvInner);
                        if (colorX <= BufferWi && colorY <= BufferHt)
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(colorX, colorY, hsvOuter);                                     //Inner point of the Flake

            // deletes SnowFlakes that have expired when reaching the edge of the grid, allowing new Snowflakes to be created.
            int snowFlakeNum = 0;

            while (snowFlakeNum < _snowFlakes.Count)
                if (_snowFlakes[snowFlakeNum].Expired)