Exemplo n.º 1
 void OnTriggerExit(Collider interactable_)
     if (interactable_.GetComponent <Interactable>() != null)
         interactable = null;
     snapState = SnapTriggerAreaState.INTERACTABLE_IS_OUT;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void Start()
     snapPos        = transform.parent.position;
     snapRot        = transform.parent.eulerAngles;
     snapState      = SnapTriggerAreaState.INTERACTABLE_IS_OUT;
     hud            = GameObject.Find("FirstPersonCharacter").GetComponent <FirstPersonUI>();
     dialogueRunner = FindObjectOfType <DialogueRunner>();
Exemplo n.º 3
 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider interactable_)
     if (interactable_.GetComponent <Interactable>() != null)
         //assign object that just got placed in trigger area to "interactable"
         interactable = interactable_.gameObject;
         snapState    = SnapTriggerAreaState.INTERACTABLE_IS_POSITIONED;
Exemplo n.º 4
 void SnapToTarget()
     if (!interactable.GetComponent <Interactable>().isHeld)
         Debug.Log("Snapping to target!");
         interactable.transform.position = snapPos + posOffset;
         // interactable.transform.eulerAngles = snapRot + rotOffset;
         // interactable.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
         snapState = SnapTriggerAreaState.INTERACTABLE_IS_POSITIONED;
Exemplo n.º 5
    void EvaluateDrink()
        if (Services.DayCycleManager.currentDay == 0) // day 1
            //2 is get glass of whiskey!
            //-1 is get NOT whiskey!
            //1 is full bottle
            if (interactable.GetComponent <Glass>() != null)
                Base     thisDrink    = interactable.GetComponent <Base>();
                Cocktail thisCocktail = interactable.GetComponent <Cocktail>();
                if (thisCocktail.whiskyVolume > 0)
                    evaluateDrink = 2;
                //NOT WHISKEY, but some other drink
                else if (thisCocktail.whiskyVolume <= 0 && thisCocktail.totalVolume > 0)
                    evaluateDrink = -1;
                else if (thisCocktail.totalVolume <= 0)
                    evaluateDrink = -2;
                // else if (thisCocktail)
                // if (thisDrink.baseType == Ingredients.BaseType.WHISKY &&
                //     thisDrink.GetComponent<Glass>() != null){
                //     evaluateDrink = 2;
                // }
                // else if(thisDrink.baseType == Ingredients.BaseType.WHISKY){
                //  evaluateDrink = 1;
                //  // Debug.Log("Whiskey dropped!");
                // }else{
                //  evaluateDrink = -1;
                //  // Debug.Log("THIS IS NOT WHISKEY!");
                // }
            //if it's a bottle of whiskey
            else if (interactable.GetComponent <Glass>() == null && interactable.GetComponent <Base>() != null &&
                     interactable.GetComponent <Base>().baseType == Ingredients.BaseType.WHISKY)
                evaluateDrink = 1;
            //if it's not a glass nor whiskey
                evaluateDrink = -1;
            snapState = SnapTriggerAreaState.INTERACTABLE_HASBEEN_POSITIONED;
        else if (Services.DayCycleManager.currentDay == 1)          //day 2
            if (Services.DayCycleManager.CustomerSahana.activeSelf) //if sahana is there.

            /* asks for something non-alcoholic.
             * -2 = empty glass
             * -1 = full bottle
             * 1 = alcoholic (if you added anything alcoholic)
             * 2 = nonalcoholic
             * */
                if (interactable.GetComponent <Glass>() != null)
                    Base     thisDrink    = interactable.GetComponent <Base>();
                    Cocktail thisCocktail = interactable.GetComponent <Cocktail>();

                    //empty glass
                    if (thisCocktail.totalVolume <= 0)
                        evaluateDrink = -2;
                    else if (thisCocktail.alcoholPercentage > 0)
                        evaluateDrink = 1;
                    else if (thisCocktail.totalVolume > 0 && thisCocktail.alcoholPercentage <= 0)
                        evaluateDrink = 2;
                else if (interactable.GetComponent <Glass>() == null && (interactable.GetComponent <Base>() != null || interactable.GetComponent <Mixer>() != null))
                    evaluateDrink = -1;
            else    //if ivory is there.

            /* asks for "gin and tonic."
             * -1 = doesn't contain gin and tonic; empty glass; full bottle (even of gin and tonic); etc.
             * 1 = more than 50% gin
             * 2 = less than 50% gin
             * */
                if (interactable.GetComponent <Glass>() != null)
                    Base     thisDrink    = interactable.GetComponent <Base>();
                    Cocktail thisCocktail = interactable.GetComponent <Cocktail>();

                    //empty glass
                    if ((thisCocktail.ginVolume <= 0 && thisCocktail.tonicVolume <= 0) || thisCocktail.totalVolume <= 0)
                        evaluateDrink = -1;
                    else if (thisCocktail.ginVolume >= 13)
                        evaluateDrink = 1;
                    else if (thisCocktail.ginVolume < 13 && thisCocktail.ginVolume > 0)
                        evaluateDrink = 2;
                else if (interactable.GetComponent <Glass>() == null && (interactable.GetComponent <Base>() != null || interactable.GetComponent <Mixer>() != null))
                    evaluateDrink = -1;
            snapState = SnapTriggerAreaState.INTERACTABLE_HASBEEN_POSITIONED;