Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var dbOptions      = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing().SetCreateMissingColumnFamilies();
            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies
                { "default", new ColumnFamilyOptions().OptimizeForPointLookup(256) },
                    "user", new ColumnFamilyOptions()
                    .SetMemtableHugePageSize(2 * 1024 * 1024)
                        new BlockBasedTableOptions().SetFilterPolicy(BloomFilterPolicy.Create(10, false))
            var db         = RocksDb.Open(dbOptions, "my.db", columnFamilies);
            var testFamily = db.GetColumnFamily("user");

            db.Put("hello:hi", "hi");
            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                db.Put($"user:{Guid.NewGuid()}", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), testFamily);
            using (var it = db.NewIterator(testFamily))
                it.Seek(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("user:"******"Done!" + db.Get("hello:hi"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static RocksDbSharp.RocksDb GetDatabase(string databasePath, SliceTransform prefixTransform)
            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();

            if (File.Exists(databasePath) || Directory.Exists(databasePath))
                var currentColumnFamilies = RocksDbSharp.RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(new DbOptions(), databasePath);

                foreach (var columnFamily in currentColumnFamilies.ToHashSet())
                                       new ColumnFamilyOptions()
                                       .SetBlockBasedTableFactory(new BlockBasedTableOptions()

            return(RocksDbSharp.RocksDb.Open(new DbOptions()
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void RocksDb3()
            string directory = @"C:\Users\Peska\source\repos\Esent.Tests\RocksDB";

            var bbto = new BlockBasedTableOptions()
                       .SetFilterPolicy(BloomFilterPolicy.Create(10, false))

            var options = new DbOptions()

            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies
                { "default", new ColumnFamilyOptions().OptimizeForPointLookup(256) },
                { "test", new ColumnFamilyOptions()
                  .SetMemtableHugePageSize(2 * 1024 * 1024)
                  .SetBlockBasedTableFactory(bbto) },

            using (var db = RocksDbSharp.RocksDb.Open(options, directory, columnFamilies))
                var cf = db.GetColumnFamily("test");

                db.Put("00000000Zero", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000001Red", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000000One", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000000Two", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000000Three", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000001Black", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000002Apple", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000002Cranberry", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000001Green", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000002Banana", "", cf: cf);

                var readOptions = new ReadOptions().SetIterateUpperBound("00000002");

                var iter = db.NewIterator(readOptions: readOptions, cf: cf);

                var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("00000001");

                iter = iter.Seek(b);

                while (iter.Valid())
                    iter = iter.Next();

Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string temp = Path.GetTempPath();
            string path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Path.Combine(temp, "rocksdb_prefix_example"));
            var    bbto = new BlockBasedTableOptions()
                          .SetFilterPolicy(BloomFilterPolicy.Create(10, false))
            var options = new DbOptions()
            var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies
                { "default", new ColumnFamilyOptions().OptimizeForPointLookup(256) },
                { "test", new ColumnFamilyOptions()
                  .SetMemtableHugePageSize(2 * 1024 * 1024)
                  .SetBlockBasedTableFactory(bbto) },

            using (var db = RocksDb.Open(options, path, columnFamilies))
                var cf = db.GetColumnFamily("test");

                db.Put("00000000Zero", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000000One", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000000Two", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000000Three", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000001Red", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000001Green", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000001Black", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000002Apple", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000002Cranberry", "", cf: cf);
                db.Put("00000002Banana", "", cf: cf);

                var readOptions = new ReadOptions();
                using (var iter = db.NewIterator(readOptions: readOptions, cf: cf))
                    var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("00000001");
                    while (iter.Valid())
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void RocksDb2()
            string directory = @"C:\Users\Peska\source\repos\Esent.Tests\RocksDB";

            DbOptions options = new DbOptions().SetCreateIfMissing();

            using (RocksDb rocksDb = RocksDbSharp.RocksDb.Open(options, directory))
                TestObject o1 = new TestObject {
                    EQNum = "3L1234", Mnemonic = "20013L1234011"
                TestObject o2 = new TestObject {
                    EQNum = "3L5678", Mnemonic = "20023L5678011"
                TestObject o3 = new TestObject {
                    EQNum = "3L9012", Mnemonic = "20033L9012011"
                TestObject o4 = new TestObject {
                    EQNum = "3L9012", Mnemonic = "20013L9012012"

                rocksDb.Put(o1.Mnemonic, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o1));
                rocksDb.Put(o2.Mnemonic, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o2));
                rocksDb.Put(o3.Mnemonic, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o3));
                rocksDb.Put(o4.Mnemonic, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o4));

                SliceTransform         sliceTransform         = SliceTransform.CreateFixedPrefix(4);
                BlockBasedTableOptions blockBasedTableOptions = new BlockBasedTableOptions().SetWholeKeyFiltering(false);

                ColumnFamilyOptions columnFamilyOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions()

                ColumnFamilies columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies(columnFamilyOptions);

                Iterator iterator = rocksDb.NewIterator();
                iterator = iterator.Seek("2001");

                while (iterator.Valid())
                    string key   = iterator.StringKey();
                    string value = iterator.StringValue();

Exemplo n.º 6
            /// <summary>
            /// Provides access to and/or creates a RocksDb persistent key-value store.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="storeDirectory">
            /// The directory containing the key-value store.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="defaultColumnKeyTracked">
            /// Whether the default column should be key-tracked.
            /// This will create two columns for the same data,
            /// one with just keys and the other with key and value.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="additionalColumns">
            /// The names of any additional column families in the key-value store.
            /// If no additional column families are provided, all entries will be stored
            /// in the default column.
            /// Column families are analogous to tables in relational databases.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="additionalKeyTrackedColumns">
            /// The names of any additional column families in the key-value store that
            /// should also be key-tracked. This will create two columns for the same data,
            /// one with just keys and the other with key and value.
            /// Column families are analogous to tables in relational databases.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="readOnly">
            /// Whether the database should be opened read-only. This prevents modifications and
            /// creating unnecessary metadata files related to write sessions.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="dropMismatchingColumns">
            /// If a store already exists at the given directory, whether any columns that mismatch the the columns that were passed into the constructor
            /// should be dropped. This will cause data loss and can only be applied in read-write mode.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="rotateLogs">
            /// Have RocksDb rotate logs, useful for debugging performance issues. It will rotate logs every 12 hours,
            /// up to a maximum of 60 logs (i.e. 30 days). When the maximum amount of logs is reached, the oldest logs
            /// are overwritten in a circular fashion.
            /// Every time the RocksDb instance is open, the current log file is truncated, which means that if you
            /// open the DB more than once in a 12 hour period, you will only have partial information.
            /// </param>
            public RocksDbStore(
                string storeDirectory,
                bool defaultColumnKeyTracked                     = false,
                IEnumerable <string> additionalColumns           = null,
                IEnumerable <string> additionalKeyTrackedColumns = null,
                bool readOnly = false,
                bool dropMismatchingColumns = false,
                bool rotateLogs             = false)
                m_storeDirectory = storeDirectory;

                m_defaults.DbOptions = new DbOptions()
                                       // The background compaction threads run in low priority, so they should not hamper the rest of
                                       // the system. The number of cores in the system is what we want here according to official docs,
                                       // and we are setting this to the number of logical processors, which may be higher.
                                       .IncreaseParallelism(Environment.ProcessorCount / 2)
                                       // Ensure we have performance statistics for profiling

                // A small comment on things tested that did not work:
                //  * SetAllowMmapReads(true) and SetAllowMmapWrites(true) produce a dramatic performance drop
                //  * SetUseDirectReads(true) disables the OS cache, and although that's good for random point lookups,
                //    it produces a dramatic performance drop otherwise.

                m_defaults.WriteOptions = new WriteOptions()
                                          // Disable the write ahead log to reduce disk IO. The write ahead log
                                          // is used to recover the store on crashes, so a crash will lose some writes.
                                          // Writes will be made in-memory only until the write buffer size
                                          // is reached and then they will be flushed to storage files.
                                          // This option is off by default, but just making sure that the C# wrapper
                                          // doesn't change anything. The idea is that the DB won't wait for fsync to
                                          // return before acknowledging the write as successful. This affects
                                          // correctness, because a write may be ACKd before it is actually on disk,
                                          // but it is much faster.

                var blockBasedTableOptions = new BlockBasedTableOptions()
                                             // Use a bloom filter to help reduce read amplification on point lookups. 10 bits per key yields a
                                             // ~1% false positive rate as per the RocksDB documentation. This builds one filter per SST, which
                                             // means its optimized for not having a key.
                                             .SetFilterPolicy(BloomFilterPolicy.Create(10, false))
                                             // Use a hash index in SST files to speed up point lookup.
                                             // Whether to use the whole key or a prefix of it (obtained through the prefix extractor below).
                                             // Since the prefix extractor is a no-op, better performance is achieved by turning this off (i.e.
                                             // setting it to true).

                m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions()

                if (rotateLogs)
                    // Maximum number of information log files

                    // Do not rotate information logs based on file size

                    // How long before we rotate the current information log file

                m_columns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnFamilyInfo>();

                additionalColumns           = additionalColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();
                additionalKeyTrackedColumns = additionalKeyTrackedColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();

                // The columns that exist in the store on disk may not be in sync with the columns being passed into the constructor
                HashSet <string> existingColumns;

                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>(RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory));
                catch (RocksDbException)
                    // If there is no existing store, an exception will be thrown, ignore it
                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>();

                // In read-only mode, open all existing columns in the store without attempting to validate it against the expected column families
                if (readOnly)
                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.OpenReadOnly(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies, errIfLogFileExists: false);
                    // For read-write mode, column families may be added, so set up column families schema
                    var columnsSchema = new HashSet <string>(additionalColumns);

                    // Default column

                    // For key-tracked column familiies, create two columns:
                    // 1: Normal column of { key : value }
                    // 2: Key-tracking column of { key : empty-value }
                    if (defaultColumnKeyTracked)
                        // To be robust to the RocksDB-selected default column name changing,
                        // just name the default column's key-tracking column KeyColumnSuffix

                    foreach (var name in additionalKeyTrackedColumns)
                        columnsSchema.Add(name + KeyColumnSuffix);

                    // Figure out which columns are not part of the schema
                    var outsideSchemaColumns = new List <string>(existingColumns.Except(columnsSchema));

                    // RocksDB requires all columns in the store to be opened in read-write mode, so merge existing columns
                    // with the columns schema that was passed into the constructor

                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.Open(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies);

                    // Provide an opportunity to update the store to the new column family schema
                    if (dropMismatchingColumns)
                        foreach (var name in outsideSchemaColumns)

                var userFacingColumns = existingColumns.Where(name => !name.EndsWith(KeyColumnSuffix));

                foreach (var name in userFacingColumns)
                    var isKeyTracked = existingColumns.Contains(name + KeyColumnSuffix);
                    m_columns.Add(name, new ColumnFamilyInfo()
                        Handle         = m_store.GetColumnFamily(name),
                        UseKeyTracking = isKeyTracked,
                        KeyHandle      = isKeyTracked ? m_store.GetColumnFamily(name + KeyColumnSuffix) : null,

                m_columns.TryGetValue(ColumnFamilies.DefaultName, out m_defaultColumnFamilyInfo);
Exemplo n.º 7
            /// <summary>
            /// Provides access to and/or creates a RocksDb persistent key-value store.
            /// </summary>
            public RocksDbStore(RocksDbStoreArguments arguments)
                m_storeDirectory = arguments.StoreDirectory;
                m_openBulkLoad   = arguments.OpenBulkLoad;

                m_defaults.DbOptions = new DbOptions()
                                       // The background compaction threads run in low priority, so they should not hamper the rest of
                                       // the system. The number of cores in the system is what we want here according to official docs,
                                       // and we are setting this to the number of logical processors, which may be higher.
                                       // See: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/RocksDB-Tuning-Guide#parallelism-options
                                       // The memtable uses significant chunks of available system memory on macOS, we increase the number
                                       // of background flushing threads (low priority) and set the DB write buffer size. This allows for
                                       // up to 128 MB in memtables across all column families before we flush to disk.
                                       .SetMaxBackgroundCompactions(Environment.ProcessorCount / 4)
                                       .SetMaxBackgroundFlushes(Environment.ProcessorCount / 4)
                                       .SetDbWriteBufferSize(128 << 20)
                                       .IncreaseParallelism(Environment.ProcessorCount / 2);

                if (arguments.EnableStatistics)

                if (arguments.OpenBulkLoad)

                // Maximum number of information log files
                if (arguments.RotateLogsNumFiles != null)

                // Do not rotate information logs based on file size
                if (arguments.RotateLogsMaxFileSizeBytes != null)

                // How long before we rotate the current information log file
                if (arguments.RotateLogsMaxAge != null)

                if (arguments.FastOpen)
                    // max_file_opening_threads is defaulted to 16, so no need to update here.
                    RocksDbSharp.Native.Instance.rocksdb_options_set_skip_stats_update_on_db_open(m_defaults.DbOptions.Handle, true);

                if (arguments.DisableAutomaticCompactions)

                // A small comment on things tested that did not work:
                //  * SetAllowMmapReads(true) and SetAllowMmapWrites(true) produce a dramatic performance drop
                //  * SetUseDirectReads(true) disables the OS cache, and although that's good for random point lookups,
                //    it produces a dramatic performance drop otherwise.

                m_defaults.WriteOptions = new WriteOptions()
                                          // Disable the write ahead log to reduce disk IO. The write ahead log
                                          // is used to recover the store on crashes, so a crash will lose some writes.
                                          // Writes will be made in-memory only until the write buffer size
                                          // is reached and then they will be flushed to storage files.
                                          // This option is off by default, but just making sure that the C# wrapper
                                          // doesn't change anything. The idea is that the DB won't wait for fsync to
                                          // return before acknowledging the write as successful. This affects
                                          // correctness, because a write may be ACKd before it is actually on disk,
                                          // but it is much faster.

                var blockBasedTableOptions = new BlockBasedTableOptions()
                                             // Use a bloom filter to help reduce read amplification on point lookups. 10 bits per key yields a
                                             // ~1% false positive rate as per the RocksDB documentation. This builds one filter per SST, which
                                             // means its optimized for not having a key.
                                             .SetFilterPolicy(BloomFilterPolicy.Create(10, false))
                                             // Use a hash index in SST files to speed up point lookup.
                                             // Whether to use the whole key or a prefix of it (obtained through the prefix extractor below).
                                             // Since the prefix extractor is a no-op, better performance is achieved by turning this off (i.e.
                                             // setting it to true).

                m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions = new ColumnFamilyOptions()
                                                 // As advised by the official documentation, LZ4 is the preferred compression algorithm, our RocksDB
                                                 // dynamic library has been compiled to support this on macOS. Fallback to Snappy on other systems (default).

                m_columns = new Dictionary <string, ColumnFamilyInfo>();

                // The columns that exist in the store on disk may not be in sync with the columns being passed into the constructor
                HashSet <string> existingColumns;
                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>(RocksDb.ListColumnFamilies(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory));
                catch (RocksDbException)
                    // If there is no existing store, an exception will be thrown, ignore it
                    existingColumns = new HashSet <string>();

                // In read-only mode, open all existing columns in the store without attempting to validate it against the expected column families
                if (arguments.ReadOnly)
                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.OpenReadOnly(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies, errIfLogFileExists: false);
                    // For read-write mode, column families may be added, so set up column families schema
                    var additionalColumns = arguments.AdditionalColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();
                    var columnsSchema     = new HashSet <string>(additionalColumns);

                    // Default column

                    // For key-tracked column familiies, create two columns:
                    // 1: Normal column of { key : value }
                    // 2: Key-tracking column of { key : empty-value }
                    if (arguments.DefaultColumnKeyTracked)
                        // To be robust to the RocksDB-selected default column name changing,
                        // just name the default column's key-tracking column KeyColumnSuffix

                    var additionalKeyTrackedColumns = arguments.AdditionalKeyTrackedColumns ?? CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <string>();
                    foreach (var name in additionalKeyTrackedColumns)
                        columnsSchema.Add(name + KeyColumnSuffix);

                    // Figure out which columns are not part of the schema
                    var outsideSchemaColumns = new List <string>(existingColumns.Except(columnsSchema));

                    // RocksDB requires all columns in the store to be opened in read-write mode, so merge existing columns
                    // with the columns schema that was passed into the constructor

                    var columnFamilies = new ColumnFamilies();
                    foreach (var name in existingColumns)
                        columnFamilies.Add(name, m_defaults.ColumnFamilyOptions);

                    m_store = RocksDb.Open(m_defaults.DbOptions, m_storeDirectory, columnFamilies);

                    // Provide an opportunity to update the store to the new column family schema
                    if (arguments.DropMismatchingColumns)
                        foreach (var name in outsideSchemaColumns)

                var userFacingColumns = existingColumns.Where(name => !name.EndsWith(KeyColumnSuffix));

                foreach (var name in userFacingColumns)
                    var isKeyTracked = existingColumns.Contains(name + KeyColumnSuffix);
                    m_columns.Add(name, new ColumnFamilyInfo()
                        Handle         = m_store.GetColumnFamily(name),
                        UseKeyTracking = isKeyTracked,
                        KeyHandle      = isKeyTracked ? m_store.GetColumnFamily(name + KeyColumnSuffix) : null,

                m_columns.TryGetValue(ColumnFamilies.DefaultName, out m_defaultColumnFamilyInfo);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public RocksDatabase(string path, ulong maxKeyLength = 100)
     Path         = path;
     RocksDb      = RocksDbFactory.GetDatabase(path, SliceTransform.CreateFixedPrefix(maxKeyLength));
     MaxKeyLength = maxKeyLength;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Begin()
            Random rd = new Random();

            config = new StreamConfig();
            config.ApplicationId = $"RocksDbOptionsTests";
            config.RocksDbConfigHandler = (name, options) =>
                // .SetCompactionFilter(IntPtr.Zero)
                // .SetCompactionFilterFactory(IntPtr.Zero)
                .SetCompressionOptions(1, 2, 3, 4)
                .SetCompressionPerLevel(new[] { RocksDbSharp.Compression.Lz4 }, 1)
                .SetHashSkipListRep(56, 4, 2)
                .SetMaxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional(new[] { 1 }, 1)
                .SetPlainTableFactory(1, 23, 4, 2)

            id = new TaskId {
                Id = 0, Partition = 0
            partition    = new TopicPartition("source", 0);
            stateManager = new ProcessorStateManager(
                new List <TopicPartition> {
                new MockChangelogRegister(),
                new MockOffsetCheckpointManager());

            task = new Mock <AbstractTask>();
            task.Setup(k => k.Id).Returns(id);

            context = new ProcessorContext(task.Object, config, stateManager, new StreamMetricsRegistry());

            store = new RocksDbKeyValueStore("test-store");
            store.Init(context, store);
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
            // new strategy to let transform author define shorthand
            RegisterTransform(builder, (context) => new AbsTransform(context), AbsTransform.GetSignature());
            RegisterTransform(builder, (context) => new SliceTransform(context), SliceTransform.GetSignature());
            RegisterTransform(builder, (context) => new FormatTransform(context), FormatTransform.GetSignature());

            builder.Register((c, p) => new AddTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("add");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new EqualsTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("all");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new AddTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("sum");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new CeilingTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("ceiling");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new CoalesceTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("coalesce");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ConcatTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("concat");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ConnectionTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("connection");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ConvertTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("convert");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new CopyTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("copy");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DateDiffTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("datediff");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DatePartTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("datepart");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DecompressTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("decompress");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new CompressTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("compress");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FileExtTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("fileext");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FileNameTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("filename");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FilePathTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("filepath");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FloorTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("floor");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FormatXmlTransfrom(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("formatxml");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FormatPhoneTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("formatphone");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new HashcodeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("hashcode");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DecodeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("htmldecode");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new HtmlEncodeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("htmlencode");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new InsertTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("insert");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new InvertTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("invert");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new JoinTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("join");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new LastTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("last");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new LeftTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("left");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToLowerTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("lower");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToLowerTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("tolower");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new MapTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("map");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RegexMatchTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("match");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new MultiplyTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("multiply");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new NextTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("next");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new UtcNowTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("now");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new PadLeftTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("padleft");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new PadRightTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("padright");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RazorTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("razor");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new TimeZoneTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("timezone");

            builder.Register((c, p) => new RegexReplaceTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("regexreplace");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RemoveTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("remove");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ReplaceTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("replace");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RightTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("right");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RoundTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("round");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RoundToTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), RoundTo.Nearest)).Named <ITransform>("roundto");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RoundToTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), RoundTo.Up)).Named <ITransform>("roundupto");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RoundToTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), RoundTo.Down)).Named <ITransform>("rounddownto");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new SplitLengthTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("splitlength");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new SubStringTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("substring");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new TagTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("tag");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RelativeTimeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), true)).Named <ITransform>("timeago");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RelativeTimeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), false)).Named <ITransform>("timeahead");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToStringTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("tostring");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToTimeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("totime");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToYesNoTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("toyesno");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new TrimTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("trim");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new TrimEndTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("trimend");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new TrimStartTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("trimstart");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new VelocityTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), c.Resolve <IReader>())).Named <ITransform>("velocity");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToUpperTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("upper");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToUpperTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("toupper");

            builder.Register((c, p) => new DecodeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("xmldecode");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new XPathTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("xpath");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new IIfTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("iif");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new GeohashEncodeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("geohashencode");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new GeohashNeighborTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("geohashneighbor");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new CommonPrefixTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("commonprefix");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new CommonPrefixesTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("commonprefixes");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DistanceTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("distance");

            builder.Register((c, p) => new FilterTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), FilterType.Include)).Named <ITransform>("include");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FilterTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), FilterType.Exclude)).Named <ITransform>("exclude");

            // Humanizer
            builder.Register((c, p) => new CamelizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("camelize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FromMetricTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("frommetric");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FromRomanTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("fromroman");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new HumanizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("humanize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DehumanizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("dehumanize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new HyphenateTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("hyphenate");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new HyphenateTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("dasherize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new OrdinalizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("ordinalize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new PascalizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("pascalize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new PluralizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("pluralize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new SingularizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("singularize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new TitleizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("titleize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToMetricTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("tometric");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToOrdinalWordsTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("toordinalwords");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToRomanTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("toroman");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ToWordsTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("towords");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new UnderscoreTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("underscore");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new BytesTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("bytes");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ByteSizeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("bytesize");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DateAddTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("dateadd");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FromSplitTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("fromsplit");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FromLengthsTranform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("fromlengths");

            // return true or false, validators
            builder.Register((c, p) => new AnyTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("any");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new StartsWithTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("startswith");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new EndsWithTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("endswith");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new InTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("in");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new ContainsTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("contains");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new IsTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("is");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new EqualsTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("equal");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new EqualsTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("equals");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new IsEmptyTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("isempty");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new IsDefaultTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("isdefault");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new IsNumericTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("isnumeric");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RegexIsMatchTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("ismatch");

            builder.Register((c, p) => new GeocodeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("fromaddress");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DateMathTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("datemath");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new IsDaylightSavingsTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("isdaylightsavings");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new SlugifyTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("slugify");

            /* VIN, Vehicle Identification Number, note: you get red intellisense here because vin library is portable */
            builder.Register((c, p) => new VinValidateTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("isvin");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new VinValidateTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("vinisvalid");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new VinGetWorldManufacturerTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("vingetworldmanufacturer");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new VinGetModelYearTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("vingetmodelyear");

            // wip
            builder.Register((c, p) => new WebTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("web");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new UrlEncodeTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("urlencode");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new FromJsonTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0), o => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o, Formatting.None))).Named <ITransform>("fromjson");

            builder.Register((c, p) => new LamdaParserEvalTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("eval");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new DistinctTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("distinct");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new RegexMatchCountTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("matchcount");

            builder.Register((c, p) => new AppendTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("append");
            builder.Register((c, p) => new PrependTransform(p.Positional <IContext>(0))).Named <ITransform>("prepend");

            builder.Register((c, p) => {
                var context = p.Positional <IContext>(0);
                return(context.Operation.XmlMode == "all" || context.Field.Engine != "auto" ?
                       new Transforms.Xml.FromXmlTransform(context, c.ResolveNamed <IRowFactory>(context.Entity.Key, new NamedParameter("capacity", context.GetAllEntityFields().Count()))) :
                       new Transforms.FromXmlTransform(context) as ITransform);
            }).Named <ITransform>("fromxml");

            builder.Register <ITransform>((c, p) => {
                var context = p.Positional <IContext>(0);
                if (c.ResolveNamed <IHost>("cs").Start())
                    return(new CsharpTransform(context));
                context.Error("Unable to register csharp transform");
                return(new NullTransform(context));
            }).Named <ITransform>("cs");
            builder.Register((c, p) => c.ResolveNamed <ITransform>("cs", p)).Named <ITransform>("csharp");

            builder.Register((c, p) => {
                var context = p.Positional <IContext>(0);
                var strict  = new HashSet <string>(new[] { "int", "int32", "string", "bool", "boolean", "double" });
                switch (context.Field.Engine)
                case "auto":
                    var fields = context.Entity.GetFieldMatches(context.Operation.Script);
                    return(fields.All(f => strict.Contains(f.Type)) ?
                           (ITransform) new JavascriptTransform(new ChakraCoreJsEngineFactory(), context, c.Resolve <IReader>()) :
                           new JintTransform(context, c.Resolve <IReader>()));

                case "jint":
                    return(new JintTransform(context, c.Resolve <IReader>()));

                    return(new JavascriptTransform(new ChakraCoreJsEngineFactory(), context, c.Resolve <IReader>()));
            }).Named <ITransform>("js");
            builder.Register((c, p) => c.ResolveNamed <ITransform>("js", p)).Named <ITransform>("javascript");